My grandma accidentally called the wrong number and tried to order pizza from McDonalds! :haha: Apparently, other people do this too because the phone number isn't much different.
it was those really small ass pizza's and they were pretty good... I know they had them here in Canada for sure, when I was younger.. but then they died off... cuz I liked them.. honestly... good stuff for a quick snack!
Yes, Mcdonalds used to have pizza. This topic drove me crazy. Apparently, there are still some restaurants that still sell the McPizza, too, it simply depends on where you live. And Gimpy; there's a petition at petitionspot to bring back pizza to every McDonalds restaurant in Canada. >_>
thanks man.. yeah I know I liked the pizza.. good stuff man, I hope they bring it back!.. i mean.. how cna it hurt them... they will just have extra food to offer = more $$$
McDonalds has frozen premade pizzas which they take out of the freezer and put in the deep fryer. This is how skippers makes their grilled cheese sandwiches.