Well, I am going to tell you about my Mass Chaotic Wedding Experience or MCWE.
Day 1.
Uneventful, moving on.
Day 2.
Oh this was oh so fun!
All the bridesmaids including some of the other women who were a special part of the wedding went out from mani-pedis (Manicures and Pedicures.) Yes, I got a mani-pedi (A shocker riight?). I got to meet all of the bridesmaids and everyone this day and boy was it confusing, well in the end I got to know everyones name and everything. They were all realli nice and knew my cousin (Teh Bride.) by either growing up with her and what-not, believe me I found out a lot about my cousin from them, interesting stuff I'd say. Well, one of the bridesmaids, her name was Zu-Zu (She is Egyption! Cool I know! Very prettiful. *nods*) She brought all kinds of food for us to eat while we were getting our mani-pedis, which include Champange (I couldn't get any) but I did get my own kinda drink and they put some Champange in it, totally cool. ^^ Tasted REALLi GOOD. o.o Anyways, there was fruit stick things with strawberrys, grapes, etc, cheese, sasuage, cookies, donuts, and lotsaother stuff too. The color that I got from my nails......the dreaded color.... PiNK!!!!!!!!! The end to that day, then we went to the wedding rehersal, and to a steak house place, which was pretty good, I was stuffed.
Day 3.
Dun Dun Dun the WEDDiNG DAY!
It started off with all the women of the bridal party going to get their hair fixed realli early in the mornin'. My cousin's hair was GORGEOUS! especially with the vail. I got my hair up in like a pony tail and it was all curly n stuff. >.> <.< (I hate getting all dolled up.) Everyone's hair looked AMAZING, as my cousin would say, "Damn, I have hot bridesmaids!" xD Eventually everyone's hair was done and we were headed to the church that was when Mass Chaos started. My cousin was crazy, she felt sick, like see was going to puke, faint, ect, she got realli hot, n everything, she was moody, *****y, etc. Her blood presure was high, yada yada. This last for like 2 hours. Eventually she settled down slightly so we could get her makeup on and her dress, OMG was it BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looked like a Queen and or Princess, either way she look EXTRAVAGANT!!!!!!! (I wore a PiNK dress... STFU.) Anyways.... the ceremony started and everyone was in tears when she was walking down the asile and her husband was smiling at her with his ravashing smile and his face lit up when he saw her. She calmed down during the ceremony and was fine, she was worried over nothing, well ya know what I mean. What to say about their kiss..... lets just say everyones jaw dropped, it was beautiful to say the least, everyone clapped and now they were officially MARRiED!!!
Ok, ok, now the reception wasnt for a few hours, so the bridal party (I was allowed to go and either was my guy cousin) went to a friends house to relax and have drinks. Soon, it was time for the reception. The place was brand new and only one wedding was ever held there before them, which was realli cool. Everything was gorgeous, some stuff was gold and marble. Just an awe-inspiring sight. Scedual for reception ****tails/ talking ----> dinner -----> dancin and open bar. Well, I got to see a lot of the family, especially my '4th' cousin, 4th k? Who if I may say so myself, who is 15, looked HOT! Ya, lets just say we danced, talked, n stuff together the whole niight. Anyways it was a riot there, people everywhere, pictures, loud, n everything. Before everyone ate, the bridal party was introduced and everyone was cheering and wooping, clapping, etc. The bride and groom cut the cake and shared it with eachother, oh so CUTE! Then the best men and matrines of honr said their speeches, my cousin was crying happy tears and smiling the whole time so was her husband. After we ate....oh my god SO MUCH FOOD!!!! Soup---> salad---> 2 entrees chicken and filet minion----> tons of desert!!! OH IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! though i was stuffed. Finally after we ate, it was time to DANCE the night away. I danced with my hot '4th' cousin lol the whole time. BTW by the end of the night.... everyone was DRUNK. Believe me DRUNK PEOPLE are oh so entertaining when they dance lol xD. Oh of the groom's friends started to break dance to ICE ICE BABY
it was hilarious, he just so happened to be Gay, yes Gay, he was realli cool though and niice. ^^ It was so fun dancing with everyone, even though they were a little drunk. The end, well you know everyone leaves yada yada, but a lot of people went to the groom's bar/restaurant to celebrate and there the couple got a huge appualse and cheers.
Day 4.
The new married couple opened up gifts, then we went to eat lunch at the bar/restuarant, said our good-byes and left the very eventful time.
Now, yes it was a very good time, even though a lot of things happened and my mind was spinning. Feel free to comment or whatever, I just felt like saying what happened.
Day 1.
Uneventful, moving on.
Day 2.
Oh this was oh so fun!
All the bridesmaids including some of the other women who were a special part of the wedding went out from mani-pedis (Manicures and Pedicures.) Yes, I got a mani-pedi (A shocker riight?). I got to meet all of the bridesmaids and everyone this day and boy was it confusing, well in the end I got to know everyones name and everything. They were all realli nice and knew my cousin (Teh Bride.) by either growing up with her and what-not, believe me I found out a lot about my cousin from them, interesting stuff I'd say. Well, one of the bridesmaids, her name was Zu-Zu (She is Egyption! Cool I know! Very prettiful. *nods*) She brought all kinds of food for us to eat while we were getting our mani-pedis, which include Champange (I couldn't get any) but I did get my own kinda drink and they put some Champange in it, totally cool. ^^ Tasted REALLi GOOD. o.o Anyways, there was fruit stick things with strawberrys, grapes, etc, cheese, sasuage, cookies, donuts, and lotsaother stuff too. The color that I got from my nails......the dreaded color.... PiNK!!!!!!!!! The end to that day, then we went to the wedding rehersal, and to a steak house place, which was pretty good, I was stuffed.
Day 3.
Dun Dun Dun the WEDDiNG DAY!
It started off with all the women of the bridal party going to get their hair fixed realli early in the mornin'. My cousin's hair was GORGEOUS! especially with the vail. I got my hair up in like a pony tail and it was all curly n stuff. >.> <.< (I hate getting all dolled up.) Everyone's hair looked AMAZING, as my cousin would say, "Damn, I have hot bridesmaids!" xD Eventually everyone's hair was done and we were headed to the church that was when Mass Chaos started. My cousin was crazy, she felt sick, like see was going to puke, faint, ect, she got realli hot, n everything, she was moody, *****y, etc. Her blood presure was high, yada yada. This last for like 2 hours. Eventually she settled down slightly so we could get her makeup on and her dress, OMG was it BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looked like a Queen and or Princess, either way she look EXTRAVAGANT!!!!!!! (I wore a PiNK dress... STFU.) Anyways.... the ceremony started and everyone was in tears when she was walking down the asile and her husband was smiling at her with his ravashing smile and his face lit up when he saw her. She calmed down during the ceremony and was fine, she was worried over nothing, well ya know what I mean. What to say about their kiss..... lets just say everyones jaw dropped, it was beautiful to say the least, everyone clapped and now they were officially MARRiED!!!
Ok, ok, now the reception wasnt for a few hours, so the bridal party (I was allowed to go and either was my guy cousin) went to a friends house to relax and have drinks. Soon, it was time for the reception. The place was brand new and only one wedding was ever held there before them, which was realli cool. Everything was gorgeous, some stuff was gold and marble. Just an awe-inspiring sight. Scedual for reception ****tails/ talking ----> dinner -----> dancin and open bar. Well, I got to see a lot of the family, especially my '4th' cousin, 4th k? Who if I may say so myself, who is 15, looked HOT! Ya, lets just say we danced, talked, n stuff together the whole niight. Anyways it was a riot there, people everywhere, pictures, loud, n everything. Before everyone ate, the bridal party was introduced and everyone was cheering and wooping, clapping, etc. The bride and groom cut the cake and shared it with eachother, oh so CUTE! Then the best men and matrines of honr said their speeches, my cousin was crying happy tears and smiling the whole time so was her husband. After we ate....oh my god SO MUCH FOOD!!!! Soup---> salad---> 2 entrees chicken and filet minion----> tons of desert!!! OH IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! though i was stuffed. Finally after we ate, it was time to DANCE the night away. I danced with my hot '4th' cousin lol the whole time. BTW by the end of the night.... everyone was DRUNK. Believe me DRUNK PEOPLE are oh so entertaining when they dance lol xD. Oh of the groom's friends started to break dance to ICE ICE BABY
Day 4.
The new married couple opened up gifts, then we went to eat lunch at the bar/restuarant, said our good-byes and left the very eventful time.
Now, yes it was a very good time, even though a lot of things happened and my mind was spinning. Feel free to comment or whatever, I just felt like saying what happened.