I love this new hair color:D
G GrayFox New member Feb 2, 2006 4,044 0 0 Zenny 25 Points 0 Jul 1, 2007 #2 Nice picture! it's weird how hair color can make someone look so different when it's really nothing but a different color. :weird:
Nice picture! it's weird how hair color can make someone look so different when it's really nothing but a different color. :weird:
Q Queue New member Feb 7, 2006 673 0 0 Zenny 1 Points 0 Jul 1, 2007 #3 which is better the blonde or the black?
G GrayFox New member Feb 2, 2006 4,044 0 0 Zenny 25 Points 0 Jul 1, 2007 #4 Both are fine, but since I have to pick, I'll pick black.