Rover tryed to read the writing but could not under stand it. "When I read it is sounds like directions." Siad Rover as she was reaching out to touch the Callor.
"Wait, do not touch!" Said an old man standing behind the counter of the store. "Holy Blarg, where'd you came from!?" Siad Rover due to the shock of the Shop keeper just appering there. "I was out for lunch and just came in." Siad the Shopkeeper.
Voxxy looked at Rover and Rover looked at Voxxy. "That callor came from the Fe-9 clan." Siad the Shop Keeper as he looked at Rover. "You sorta look like one of them, but you don't have there tail." Siad the Shopkeeper, "The callor you have around your neck is like theres too." Siad the Shopkeeper.
Rover eyes widen, Am I a Fe-9?
"That callor there is marked with directions to get to there clan, but its hard to understand." Siad the ShopKeeper as he walked over to the callor.
"H-how much is the Callor?" Siad Rover with a little neverovseness. "The callor is very rear so.... 500 glod." Siad the ShopKeeper.
Oh I don't have that much money.... Maybe Rion does... "I'll be right back old man." Siad Rover as she ran out the shop along with Voxxy. "Okay I need to find Rion." Siad Rover as she looked around.
"Wait, do not touch!" Said an old man standing behind the counter of the store. "Holy Blarg, where'd you came from!?" Siad Rover due to the shock of the Shop keeper just appering there. "I was out for lunch and just came in." Siad the Shopkeeper.
Voxxy looked at Rover and Rover looked at Voxxy. "That callor came from the Fe-9 clan." Siad the Shop Keeper as he looked at Rover. "You sorta look like one of them, but you don't have there tail." Siad the Shopkeeper, "The callor you have around your neck is like theres too." Siad the Shopkeeper.
Rover eyes widen, Am I a Fe-9?
"That callor there is marked with directions to get to there clan, but its hard to understand." Siad the ShopKeeper as he walked over to the callor.
"H-how much is the Callor?" Siad Rover with a little neverovseness. "The callor is very rear so.... 500 glod." Siad the ShopKeeper.
Oh I don't have that much money.... Maybe Rion does... "I'll be right back old man." Siad Rover as she ran out the shop along with Voxxy. "Okay I need to find Rion." Siad Rover as she looked around.