Avatar: The Coming of Half Breeds


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Rover tryed to read the writing but could not under stand it. "When I read it is sounds like directions." Siad Rover as she was reaching out to touch the Callor.

"Wait, do not touch!" Said an old man standing behind the counter of the store. "Holy Blarg, where'd you came from!?" Siad Rover due to the shock of the Shop keeper just appering there. "I was out for lunch and just came in." Siad the Shopkeeper.

Voxxy looked at Rover and Rover looked at Voxxy. "That callor came from the Fe-9 clan." Siad the Shop Keeper as he looked at Rover. "You sorta look like one of them, but you don't have there tail." Siad the Shopkeeper, "The callor you have around your neck is like theres too." Siad the Shopkeeper.

Rover eyes widen, Am I a Fe-9?
"That callor there is marked with directions to get to there clan, but its hard to understand." Siad the ShopKeeper as he walked over to the callor.
"H-how much is the Callor?" Siad Rover with a little neverovseness. "The callor is very rear so.... 500 glod." Siad the ShopKeeper.
Oh I don't have that much money.... Maybe Rion does... "I'll be right back old man." Siad Rover as she ran out the shop along with Voxxy. "Okay I need to find Rion." Siad Rover as she looked around.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion walked Konashi over and couldn't find an authentic waterbending scroll. "Man when they say this place is on the rocks, i didnt think they meant rocks on the brain. Not one shot had anything on the water nation. I should stop whining and pick it up from scratch with what i already know." Rion said letting out a sigh. He stood in front of a fountain and the water was flowing down it. People tossed coins in and one kid made a wish on one, "I wish the water would fly up into the air and soak my mom." Rion's eye brow rose hearing his wish, "Ok, push and pull for control, and swift strikes for motion." Rion whispered reminding himself.

He got into stance, but the feeling wasn't the same as what he's used too. He made a swift motion and the water glided from the fountain and dangled in his hand. For once, it didn't hit the floor on the spot. He kept it motioning for a little more before releasing it back into the fountain. I should really ask Rover to train me, the basics are shakey enough as it is. Still firebending was usually all he needed, even when fighting half and half (two benders of different nations at the same time).


New member
Rover was following Voxxy who was tracking down Rion, Voxxy lead Rover to a water foutain, "Wow, its nice but I can make it pretty." Siad Rover as she took an Waterbending stance.

Rover began to move her hands in a graceful movement, the water in the water foutian began to slowly float above the foutain crating a huge orb of water with coins floating in it. Rover was still waving her hands around as if she was playing a harp. The orb of water soon formed into the shape of the Planet, then it burts into tiny dropplets of water that fell like snow back into the foutain. The Coins was carried back into the water geantely by the drops of water.

Rover let her hands flopped to her sided and took adeep breath, The group of poeple who was watching this happen gave a round of appluse. They didn't see Rover doing the water bending trick, but she smiled anyway.

Voxxy pointed to Rion out of the crowd, "Good girl Voxxy!" Siad Rover as she ran over to Rion. "Rion-kun, I need a favor." Siad Rover as she ran up to Rion.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion could only sigh as his ambition was something to wonder. He had the eagerness, but his patience was of that of a firebender...short and fiery. His optomism is what usually kept him going. He hadn't seen another waterbender here, and they were a good while away from the North Pole. "Man, when i get the chance, im learning what i can." Rion said to himself. The performers packed up their stuff and they left the stage to go on a quick break so it appeared.

Looking around he noticed Rover come over (lol ya i went there XD) to him. "Rion-kun, I need a favor." were the first things she said to Rion. He actually noticed her ears for the first time, not ever recalling being this close to Rover. "Sure, what is it that you need?" he asked sincerely. In the back of his head, he was truely bored and could only think of doing battle with two people for their actions towards him. He soon snapped out of his daze and looked down at Rover who was a little shorter than he was.

Ooc: xD height jokes.


New member
Rover eared twiched, "I need 500 gold, please." Siad Rover with cute eyes. Voxxy mubbled a growl, "I'm not begging Voxxy." Siad Rover as she looked over at Voxxy.

Rover looked back over at Rion, then she noicted that Rion was looking at her more oddly than any other time. "What's the matter, why are you looking at me that way?" Siad Rover as she looked at Rion with a dull look.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"Huh, sorry its that i never noticed you had ears before." Rion said with a chuckle. He then reached back into hi bag and bulled out his wallet. He then handed Rover 500 gold pieces, "Here you go and don't worry about it. When you live were i do, you can image how wealthy my family is." He stared up at the sky and the clouds no longer covered the moon. He gazed up at it for a brief moment and felt a strange lapse from the moonlight hitting him.

"That was weird...well im heading out to find an inn we can stay in. I'll check back with you then." Rion said before walking off into the crowd. He stared at his hands for a moment and back ip at the moon.


New member
Rover ears twiched with a slight anger, I can't believe he didn't noticed... oh well. Rover took the gold and ran back over to the old shop. The Old shop owner was about to close the store until Rover ran up to him.

"Hey, I told you I would be back!" Siad Rover as she looked at the old man.
"Relax, I had the collar in my hand." Siad The shop owner as he handed the collar to Rover.

Rover reached out for the Collar, "No no, the gold first." Siad The shop owner as he pulled back the collar. "Here." Siad Rover as she gave the money to the Owner. The Owner gave Rover the collar and locked up the store. "It was nice doiong bussines with you." Siad the owner as he walked off and disappered in the crowd.

Rover looked at the item she broght. Voxxy looked at Rover and sighed. "No, this thing can be the key to tell us where you and me came from." Siad Rover as she looked at the writtening on the collar. Voxxy pulled Rover along with her tail as they both headed back to the fouitan.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion took a walk in the opposite direction as Rover and her unusual pet Voxxy left behind her. "Cat ears....who'd of thought it? Man i swear, im definitely not used to being outside the borders of the nation." Rion sighed. The light were illuminating, but his passed at the moon above. Approaching the outside, he could hear a somewhat loud snore coming from his companion Makyu, who was much larger than Voxxy at that. "At least one of us can sleep." Rion whispered stroking his head in the manner that the scales wouldn't slice up his hand.

He stood back up and walked out to the water, "Remember the basics, you push and pull the water in an even and balanced motion. Like mom used to say, Ta and La were the ocean and moon spirits at the north pole. Regular coyfish so it seemed, but held the balance tightly in effect." Rion loosed up, he was was normally so up tight having to follow all the rules of ettiquete. He motioned his arms in a grab in pull motion and the water followed after it. It was about a decent size, but a kid younger than him could do better. "Man, its really tough trying to do your polar opposite...the feeling is so...unnatural." his gesture made him thinking of the martial arts used by the fire nation, free, fierce, and wild. Whereas the water is cool, calm, collective, and balanced.


New member
Rover was sitting on the back of Voxxy who was just strolling though the streets. "Okay, I think I got it!" Siad Rover as she looked at the Callor. Voxxy looked back at Rover with hope. "Its a..a.. Shopping list!" Siad Rover as she looked at Voxxy.

Voxxy sighed and gentaily roared, "Oh, I got it upside down." Siad Rover and she filpped over the collar. "Thatks Voxxy." Siad Rover with a smile. Voxxy just smiled and shook her head. Rover read the writtening, on the collar, "Hmm, its sounds like a song, but I'll read it so you can hear it too." Siad Rover as she laied back on Voxxy back.

"Head North Head North.
to the sister of the south.
There you must find my brother the tag
The tag the tag
It should have a name
With tag find one who owns its name." Read Rover.

Voxxy hissed, "Yeah, I don't get it eather, but we should keep it with us just in case." Siad Rover as she slipped the Collar in her pokect. "Welp, lets find Rion-kun and mess with him." Siad Rover as she sit up with a smile.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion had been practicing for a decent amount of time, he knew only a little but never got the opportunity to use it. He motioned and brought a decent sized orb of water into his hand. It hovered for a decent amount of time, the stability which was what he found confusing. He couldn't fully grasp the set style, me motioned and sent the water over to the right side. It spun rapidly and began to glow a faint moonlite radiation. "Thats new?" Rion said staring at it, he sent it back into the water. "Ok water parting...like the bathtub...no wait thats different." He motioned his hands to the side like a dancing mantis.

The water bit by bit severed in half and a path was being created. Moving from side to side (like Ed when standing outside of central in that episode of FMA xD) the water spread even further apart. He soon spread them even further apart and the distance spread ten fold. "This isn't so bad...alot easier with bigger portions of water to work with." Rion said replacing his befuddled thoughts with positive ones. It put his ill thoughts of desolation to rest. Finally he released his control and the water flooded back in. He sat down and stared up at the sky and then at the moon, being away from home wasn't his style...especially being a vigilante now. This sucks....well not everything..


New member
Rover watched Rion pratcied his water bending, "Wow, he really wants to water bend." Siad Rover as her ears twiched. Voxxy growled and then sighed, "Yeah, I guess I should teach him some things, before Granny gets her hands on him." Siad Rover with a smile.

Rover and Voxxy walked over to Rion, "Yo, Rion-kun. You want to learn some water bending moves?" Siad Rover as she looked at Rion.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion turned to see Rover walk over, (again XD) his mind was in a daze. He knew only a little, but he caught on quick. "Why not i suppose, im used to making flames shout out of my finers to tell the truth. This is only something i just discovered. We don't really talk about the other nations unless it involved power structuring." Rion said facing the water. The reflection of the full moon cast down on it and left a shimmer of light.

"There is something about the moon that has a weird feeling to it. Like, it makes you stronger or somthing, i noticed this alot when i was growing up in new Ozai. Anyways, im willing to learn what you have to teach Rover Seafu." Rion said placing his hands together and bowing gracefully as a sign of respect.


New member
Rover looked at Rion and then at Voxxy. Voxxy just wagged her tail, "Okay first off, I'm your friend, no need for formalties, just call me Rover. Plus you need to leran how to Chilax dude." Siad Rover with a smile.

"And Sceond, the moon is suppose to make you feel that way when its full. I feel the same wahy now. That is why I'm so hyper, the Moon is sorta like our garduan of our water Bending." Siad Rover as she looked at the refelction of the moon and smiled. Voxxy just nodded in areement.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion felt himself slipping into sentimentality. Though he was half water bender, he tried not to be such a softie. He soon backed up and fired a shot of fire into the water. "Sorry...its just i was taught not to succumb to such thoughts. My breath of fire is supposed to be my reminder of that." Rion said shaking his head. Their was still a sense of tension looming in the back of this mind that he couldn't get rid of. The fact of the matter is, the fire nation was planning war in the shadows and using the Avatar as an exuse to start another.

"Im a rogue now...i don't even know why im here. Its like a feeling of being isolated...who knows what will happen now. Sorry im thinking out loud, go ahead and prgress. I'll try to keep my thoughts to myself. Ready whenver you are." Rion said to Rover. Man she is short...i probably shouldn't say it when she here because its mean.


New member
Rovers ears twiched, "Look, if you want to talk we can, I don't mind." Siad Rover as she looked up at Rion. "But if you want to kee on pushinf forward, I guess so." Siad Rover as she streached.

He's mind is full of stressful thoughts, I wonder if he CAN water bend right now..... Is he thinking about how short I am!?

"Ahem, Okay. Show me what ya got. What can you do with your water bending skills?" Siad Rover as she tilted her head and looked at Rion.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion sighed, he soon gather his chi circulating through his fingers and motioned it into a stance. It was irregular for a water bender, but worked for him and his background. His hand motioned and the water glided from the ocean shore and into his manipulative control. It was mildly strong, but good enough to motion around him. "So far it seems i can only do this..." Rion stopped and grabbed the water's loose ends and whirled into a whip that he used to crack the sand with.

It sifted and he whirled it around his head, It dispersed and then soaked him with water. "Yeah....i guess i have control issues....not exactly my thing." Rion said putting his hands together. His body began to emit a large amount of heat and he began to dry his own clothes within seconds. "Anyway, thats about all i got for right now, any ideas?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rion's eyes turned to the water and began to visualize the waves pushing and pulling back and forth. "Ta and La, push and pull...the endless cycle of the ocean and moon spirits." Rion muttered incoherantly. He began to push and pull the water in the same cycle metioned by the two in unison. It was moving back and forth forming a small wave that was beginning to expand. He held it motioning back in forth gradually expanding.

"This is about as far as i can get. The wave is the size of a otter bear."


New member
Rovers ears twiched as she was thinking, "Hmmm, yeah, I think your bigest issue is control." Siad Rover as she looked at the water. "Whitch is to be understand since you have Fire and water, that are always fighting agaist one another." Siad Rover as she sighed.

"I know, try not to think of water as controling it... think of it as weilding apart of your self." Siad Rover as she smiled.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"I'll take that into consideration, and i thank you for the devode of confidence."

Rion smiled onto his unusual friend Rover, he no longer thought of her cat ears as uncanny. Staring out at the water and the night sky, the moon was covered by the clouds and the area grew dark. You couldn't really tell what was in front of you just by looking alone. Rion felt blinded by the sight in the perpetual darkness, he clasped his palms and began to rub them back and forth. Taking in a breath for combustion he sparked a flamed in one hand. He held it in front of him and Rover for light.

"Lets get back, i get the feeling if we stay here any longer we'll get lost walking around in the dark." Rion said heading back for the hill.