Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was gratefull for her compain and this boy who had saved her to be helping her survive.. but she also felt a bit weak having them both have to push her out of the way of heartless. "Thanks" Jas moned. "I'll be more carefull with myself next time." Jas then actully looked at the boy. He looks like Takeshi.. Jas had thought. She then drew her attenchon from him and to the swarming heartless that were pounding towards her. She braced herself as the had come fastly towards her.

Jas was trying her best to fend the heartless off with her keyblade, but the struggle was hard, and the heartless kept coming in hundreds. This can not go on any longer.. Jas thought.

Jas had then realised that the only possible way to get out of the mess she was in was to fight back. Her swift doging was working as she jumped out of the way of heartless that swung at her over and over. She, though, had been using her keyblade abilitys to fight them, and she was also using her side abilitys or you could say water abilitys to help as well. She had been fighting and doging for a while now, and was geting tied.. and she didn't know how much longer she could hold this up for..


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx slashed at a few more soldiers until his area was clear. A few hundred heartless were heading his way, but he had time to retreat. He had to find Jas, they had to get out of here and find Takeshi. After that "Takeshi" that his heart summoned, Styx knew he had to find his boy. He fought through the heartless army to Jas and looked at her. He was all bruised up and scratched but Jas had almost no scrapes on her. "You're an amazing fighter, but we can't continue going on like this. We have to retreat." A shadow flew up and slashed at Styx, but he batted it down with his keyblade. A soldier did his Cyclone attack at Jas, and Styx stuck up his keyblade to protect her. "Jas! Do as I say! I have an idea. An old---" he was cut off by another shadow's attempt at attacking. "---an old keyblader move....All's End. Throw up your keyblade with mine, it'll destroy all Heartless for miles!" Styx jumped back from a group of heartless and then turned to Jas. He nodded and threw his keyblade up in the air.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas did as she was told and trew her keyblade high into the air so it was in rang to react with Styx's keyblade. While she watched it fly high into the air, she was still swiftly doging the rampaging heartless that were constently heading for her. Then she looked back at the heartless. One of them had raised there wepon at had it aimed for Jas. When she went to land on the ground, the heartless with its wepon raised stuck its sword through her foot. She let out a scream of agony and fell to the ground, heartless swarming over her. Then she felt them all dissapear. The attack she done with Styx must have worked.

Jas let out a shuddering sigh as she tryed to heave herself onto her feet, but fell back almost instantly from the pain in her foot. Then when she tryed again she acheaved it. She started limping over to Styx as more heartless were heading for her. She couldn't fight or doge the heartless any longer from the wound in her foot. As she got to Styx she summond her keyblade into her hand from the ground in frount of her. As a heartless ran towards her she tryed to swing the blade she held to attack but she fell insted. While on the ground she still swung the keyblade at the heartless from the ground were she lied. She killed it, and she wached as the heart floted from its body to the sky.


Sajine wached the man walk away, then the sean around her seemed to vanish. The walls were quivering and the floor seemed to brake and fall appart from out to in. Sajine watched in horror as the ground was falling in towards her. "Oh, crap!" she screamed as she stood up and ran, but as she ran from the ground falling behind her, the ground in frount of her wasn't doing to well either. Sajine would eventully fall into the blackness under her. The hole were the floor caved in behind Sajine was just near her feet. Then she triped and the hole in the floor was rushing towards her. She was gonna fall.
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx watched as All's end filled the area with light. Most heartless died, but more kept coming. Styx frowned as he summoned his keyblade. He then heard a scream behind him. He looked back and saw Jas' foot bleeding. "JAS!" he said. A heartless was charging from behind her, so Styx jumped in to protect her. But Styx was unaware of the heartless charing at him. The shadow jumped up and slashed at Styx's back, ripping his shirt. Styx began to bleed as he fell to the ground. The heartless held him down as more an dmore do piled on top of him. There was a pile of heartless and under them all was Styx. Styx opened his eyes, but all he saw was darkness. STyx felt himself slipping, further and further into darkness. Deeper and deeper, until there wasn't the slightest bit of light left.

Styx's eyes closed shut as memories of his life flashed before him. His wife, his first keyblade, Terra, Aqua, Ven, the fountain of the souls.................Takeshi. At that, Styx felt the light. A small glimmer but it was there. And its name was Takeshi. The light grew slowly until it shrouded all the heartless in light, destroying them. Styx opened his eyes, he was still on the ground. He stood up and looked around. He was going to return to Takeshi, no matter what. He promised himself and Takeshi. "Takeshi, i'm coming!" he said out loud. A keyblade began to form in Styx's other hand. He spun them around in his hands. Fenrir in one, oathkeeper in another. He smiled as he bashed away at the heartless, protecting Jas and himself. He charged at them and bashed at them and destroyed them. He smiled as each of their hearts flew up and weaved together, he looked up at the sky as the clouds began clearing, revealing the nighttime sky, and the heart shaped moon, Kingdom Hearts. Styx continued to destroy the heartless. He casted curaga on Jas, healing her foot, and cura on himself curing his back. He then cast Aeroga on Jas. Styx was having fun. He casted firaga, destroying many heartless. He smiled for he knew, the battle would be over quick.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
After Styx had started to deal with the remaining heartless, Saek walked up to Jas to tell her that he was leaving. "Well, you two seem to be able to manage on your own." he said, "So I'm gonna get going. You just work on your sword skills, and you'll do allright." Saek turnrd to leave, but theturned back, pulling a necklace out of his pocket. "This is his, I stole it from him when we took him on our ship. You'll need it more now, though." He looked at the necklace one last time, it was made of silver and had a star shaped pendant hanging off of it. "Oh, and tell the old man he owes me one, for saving his life!"

Seak then turned and finally walked away, heading back into the bulk of Twilight Town and into the market square. Kalaj was back on stage, singing again, though there were very few people there this time. Saek sat down on a bench, fatigued from the batlle, and let the lyrics and music sweep over him, until he finally fell asleep.

He awoke backstage, with a pillow underneath his head and hiself underneath a warm, comfy blanket.

**********************Meanwhile, on a distant planet...*************************

"What???!!! They destroyed the army? What are you things useful for anyway?" Emoril yelled, enraged by the turn of events. "Alright, calm down, this just means I'll have to send more powerful heartless next time. Or I'll just have to dispose of them myself..." He opened a portal, and then stepped through, and walked out the other side in Traverse Town. "Now, to take some hearts..."

**********************Meanwhile, in the realm of darkness...*********************

Takeshi sat on a beach, his body cloaked, his eyes blindfolded by a black cloth. He had not turned into a heartless, he had simply arrived in a realm that had nothing, not towns, no villages, no light, no people. Just him, and the water, and he could not find a way out. He had searched that beach a million times, with no luck.

He longed to see Jas, just to look at ther face one more time, to go back to Twilight town and have everything back to the way it was before the journey started. But it was too late to turn back. If he didn't do something the heartless would continue to sweep the worlds, driving them into darkness.

Just then a figure appeared next to him. His face was wrapped in a red cloth, and he had a black cape that flowed over his red shirt and pants. "Who are you?" Takeshi asked, drawing his keyblade incase of an attack.

"I am Diz," the man replied, "and I am here to get you back to where you belong."
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Is this thread dead?

Jas took the pendant from the boy. She stared at it, it was butiful. she held it up from it's silver chain. She quickley put the neckalace and charm around her neck, and Jas was to busy to notice it, but as soon as her original charm and the charm Saek gave to her taped eachother they each glowed softly, then the shine faded and went back to normal.

Throughout the time the charms were glowing, Jas was running to Styx.. but as soon as the charms stoped glowing Jas fell through a portal. It took seconds for her to be in an all different place. She looked around, it was dark, the floor was stone and the walls were the same, there was also a small window, but it was to high for her to reach. It was cold.. she turned around to see bars. She walked up to them and pulled. She didn't like this place. She sat down againsted one of the four walls and sighed before tucking up into a ball to warm herself. Not long after, she fell asleep

About a half hour later, Jas had been woken by what sounded like bombs going off. There were also people yelling.. and screaming.. she looked around the area, there was a hole blown in the wall and people were escaping from-- Jail cells? Of all places Jas could teloport. Then, all of a sudden, a cannon ball broke her jail cell wall. She was lucky enough to stand up right and walk away from her sleeping spot before the extreamly hot ball hit her. She climed out the hole before having a what looked like a pirate grab her and put a dagger to her neck. She reacted quickley and kicked him in the nuts. The pirate lost his grip on Jas. She ran away from him as quickly as possible and summoned her keyblade. She didn't know who to fight though.. everone looked like an enemy in this world...
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