Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis's eyes narrowed at the sight. Two of his prey were escaping. He had no time to let them get away. The two here had an insignificant power level. He could kill them or he could let them stay here in this grotto. He shook his head and then advanced at a great speed. The two that had fled through the portal appealed to him. There was a lure of darkness about them. One's heart was full of it and the other's was being tainted.

He ran up to the two men that were still remaining. As he approached, the gem on Joxis's chest let out a ferocious beam of energy that contacted the two and threw them back with the force of a charging rhino. Little did Joxis realize that the beam would actually increase their powers for Joxis knew extremely little about the vibrant gem emplanted onto his chest. Even the bald one did not realize that the gem was the long lost Twilight Town, consumed and stored inside of the gem.

Still, the gem recognized Takeshi and his father and decided to help them. To Joxis, though, it appeared that the gem had incapacitated them, possibly even killing them. He smirked and lunged through the portal, erupting onto the other side with a leap into the unknown.


New member
As Bon-Bon fell through the darkness, Memories of being with her friends went through her head. "Why are these thoughts keep hunting me...they mean nothing to me.....nothing." Thought Bon-Bon as she fell deeper and deeper into the darkness. "But why does it hurt so?" said Bon-Bon as she grip her chest.

Bon-Bon was about to reach the core until a portal opened up throwing her out into another world. Bon-Bon stood up dusting her self off, "I still can't control that Dark Portal travel" said Bon-Bon as she looked around.

Bon-Bon was in a lush forest, the smell of Honey was fully in the air. A Teddy bear looking Bear walked past Bon-Bon. "Hm?" said Bon-Bon as she followed the Bear. She wasn't aware that some one might have followed her.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Joxis rolled out into the forest and looked around in slight revulsion. He had never seen anything so happy in his memory. He despised it. Everything was peaceful here too. He didn't like that either. Nothing fit with him. Ever since his rebirth, it had been darkness and vile lands. He wasn't used to the calmness. He needed the badlands... Just being here he could feel his power being sapped. He wouldn't be able to rely on darkness as easily here. He'd have to use other powers...

Coming to himself, he noticed the female prey walking off with some freak of a playroom. Shuddering slightly as though to shake the light off of him, Joxis followed her and the bear. Things were only going to get stranger for him.


New member
Bon-Bon followed the bear silently through the woods, the bear looked back a couple of times, but Bon-Bon hid away from his eye sight. The bear seem to be mumbling to himself about a rabbit and Honey.
For some odd reason Bon-Bon seem to follow even though it was none of her business.

The Bear arrived in front of an odd home in a tree, in front of the tree was a garden filled with carrots and veggies. "Oh, Rabbit are you in my friend?" said the Bear as he walked into the Gariden with a friendly smile. Bon-Bon was hidden behind a bush as she watched the event fold out.

"Ah, Pooh bear...Here for some honey I see?" Siad a Rabbit that was fixing up a Scare crow. "Oh Rabbit how kind of you, Yes, I would love a Small Drop of honey maybe a Pot if you will." said Pooh as he wonder over to Rabbit. "Well, No. I have enough going on right now. I need to keep these pesky Crows away from my Carrots." Snapped the Rabbit back at Pooh with his paws in his hips.

Bon-Bon let out a little giggle at the sight, Rabbit ears twiches as he quickly turn to the bushes, "W-who's there?" said Rabbit as he hide behind Pooh. Bon-Bon shyly stepped out of the bushes. "Um, sorry to ease drop. But What if Pooh helps you with your Crow problem...would you give him Honey then?" said Bon-Bon as she walked up to Rabbit and Pooh.
Rabbit looked at Pooh and then at Bon-Bon, and laughed. "Okay fine, if he can get these Crows away, he can have a pot." said Rabbit, thinking Pooh couldn't do it. Rabbit left Pooh and Bon-Bon to tent to the Crows as he Entered his house to clean.

Pooh looked up at Bon-Bon and smile, "Well, thank you New friend. But I must now think of a good way to get these Crows away from Rabbit's Carrots." Said Pooh as he sit down and think. Bon-Bon looked up at the crows and then a thought popped into her head, "I know why dun we try to Scare them away." said Bon-Bon as she summoned out her Keyblade, Frozen Heart.

Pooh looked at the keyblade, "Hmmm, what is your name New Friend?" Asked the Bear. "I'm Bon-Bon, nice to meet ya." said Bon-Bon as she smiled. Pooh Seem to cheer Bon-Bon up a little the dark aura around her seem to have disappeared a little and her Keyblade seem to have melted a little, some type of metal can be seen under the ice.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
While Jas was standing in her spot, thinking about what she should do, before she herd foot steps coming towards her. She turned to se a boy looking around the corner of the ally wall. "Is somthing wrong?" asked the boy, steping away from the wall and standing at the end of the ally. "No.. well.. yes. I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about this singer.. uhh.. whats her name again? Oh yeah, Kalaj Shintax. Do you know anything about her?" Jas asked the boy. The boy walked up to her. "Yes, I know about her. Come into the house I live in, and I'll tell you about her." said the boy.
At first, Jas didn't know if it was a good idea to go in with him, but she made her desison. She was gonna lern as much as posible about this Kalaj. "Okay." said Jas.

The boy was taking Jas to his house wich was just a little bit down the street. "Wow, its buttiful here!" said Jas, looking at all the trees and plants around all the lovley built houses. "Thanks, I'll tell my father that when he gets home." said the boy. "Your father owns this street?" asked Jas. "No, he owns the whole town! He made this place from a frorest he found while going for a drive to work one day. My father is very welthy, and so am I. Oh, sorry, I must of got carried away. My name is Raphael." said the boy. Nice to meet you, Raphael. I'm Jas Sphintax. I'm not from around here, I'm from.. a far away place." said Jas. "Okay Jas, were here!" Said Raphael. Jas looked around at the house--well, she didn't think she could call it a house.. cause it was more like a manshon! " WHOA! thats one big house!" said Jas. "Would you like to come inside? Have a drink or somthing?" asked Raphael with a short laugh at Jas's reaction to the manshon. "Okay, that would be cool." Jas said to Raphael.

When Jas got inside, the place looked bigger inside than outside. "Wow, your dad must of been really sucsesfull in life." said Jas, smiling at Raphael. "It isn't.. all good.. my mother.. she was murderd by a man-- or should I say young adult.. he didn't look very old and he was wering a coat, he also summond.. creaturs.. though I don't think you need to know about them." said Raphael. "No! I think I know what creatures your talking about! Umm.. do you know there name's?" asked Jas. Raphael sighed. "They were called.. heartless.. they-they were all dark.." said Rapheal, Jas then seeing a tear forming in his eye. "Heartles... I know them.. there evil things. But they will leave all worlds forever soon." said Jas, putting her hand on Raphaels shoulder. "How do you know?" asked Rapheal, wiping the tear from his eye. "Raphael, don't be scared to cry, theres nothing bad about crying.. and the reason I know, is because I'm going to stop them, with help from my friends-- as soon as I find them..." said Jas, Smiling at him once more.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi tried to look alright on the outside, but he wasn't sure it was working. Inside his heart he was crying, all his friends ad been seperated from him and the only person he thought he could call "friend" righ now was his supposed "father". Takeshi still wasn't sure about Styx, but he had a feeling that he wasn't lieing.

"Yeah, dad. That and the fact that Bon-bon, the girl that we just saw, seems to not remember a thing about me." Takeshi said as he felt a lump for in his throat. He was beginning to cry, but he swiftly held them back. I've gotta go find Jas before this kills me. He thought to himself, flopping down on the couch in the man's living room.

"Hey dad, could you wait here? I'm going to go look for Jas, unless you absolutely want to come, please?" Takeshi asked his dad, preparing to open a portal and making sure that it was Jas's life energy he focused on this time. He found it, on a world that he didn't know. She was in some big structure, and he aimed for 4 feet away from the door, on the outside.

"If you have to come, wait 10 minutes, then focus on my life energy, I'll try to make it as easy as i can for you to find it but i can't garuntee anything. Cya, dad" Taksehi said as he opened a darkness portal behind him and stepped backwards into it. The darkness closed in around him, and he closed the portal as sonn as he was all the way in.

About 2 minutes later, he was standing infront of a mansion that towered above him. About 5 feet infront of him was a door with a doorbell button off to the side of it. Geez, am I getting better at this... Takeshi stepped up to the door and rang the doorbell, then waited for someone to answer the door.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx was a bit upset his son had just ran off like that. After so many years of not seeing his son, then he found him, got separated from him, found him again, and then he left. He couldn't blame him though. He had just met his father and so clearly liked his girlfriend more. He had to smile on the outside. His son had a lot of courage an was very independent. But Styx wasn't going to sit around as his son may get killed. Styx waited about 7 minutes before he decided that 10 minutes was too long of a time. He walked into the kitchen where Satu was. "You can forget about the drinks. Me and my son are off to find someone very special" He then walked back into the living room and started to focus on his son's life energy. It was hard. Very hard. But he thought he knew where his son may have been. He was in a city. One that Styx had been to many times. He was scared now, because this was a very very very dangerous city. Styx nearly died here. He stuck his hand up to make a portal. He walked through it.

On the other side, he found himself in an allyway. He walked outside it and looked around. It was a beautiful city. But what caught his attention was the boy standing at the front door of a mansion. Takeshi. He didn't want Takeshi to see him, so he decided on a change of plans. He focused on Jas's life energy. She was inside the mansion. He made a portal and found himself in the dining room. He went and took a look out the window. He was on the second floor. By the look of the place, he would get lost looking for Takeshi. He looked around the room. The mansion seemed to give off some dark aura about the place. Styx wasn't exactly sure why, but he had a bad feeling about the mansion. He stepped out of the dining room into the hall. To his surprise, a heartless jumped out in front of him. He didn't want to make so much noise, so with a simple fire spell, he disposed of it quickly and quietly. He ran down the hall and into the master bedroom. It was huge, but something caught Styx's attention. Accross the room was a woman. She was looking out the window with her back to Styx. She was glowing with this yellow aura. She had long brown hair. Styx knew instantly who she was. It was his wife. "T-Tessa? Tessa....your alive!" She didn't answer. Then, the glowing aura changed to a dark black aura. Tessa grew and changed into a heartless. Styx was outraged.

Styx took out fenrir. "You can kill me, but you may never EVER bring my son or my wife into anything!!!" The heartless was huge, but Styx's anger was larger. He leapt up and with one swift motion, destroyed the heartless that posed as his wife. For seconds after it disappeared, he still slashed in the area it once was in. He panted and put fenrir away. He walked to where his wife had been standing. He stepped on something. A keyblade was in the area his wife was in. He picked it up. Oathkeeper. A promise. He ran down the hall and down the stairs. He turned into a room and saw Jas so he quickly got out. He didn't think she saw him, but she might have. He walked down the hall into the foyer. His son was outside the door. He turned and ran down the hall. Jas was in the other room. He ran back up the stairs. He bumped into a heartless. The upstairs was crawling with them. Almost like something was making them there. He killed the one that stood before him and ran down to the son's bedroom. A sign on the door read "Raphael's Room. DO NOT ENTER!" Styx looked down and saw that a dark aura was coming out from the bottom of the door. He opened the door and looked inside. It was big but he saw where all the darkness was coming from. The closet. He moved to it and stood looking at it.

Finally he got the courage to open it. Inside was a man. He wasn't looking at Styx so that was good. He was bald and wore a jacket. Styx knew who he was. He quietly closed the door and ran downstairs. He ran into the room he saw Jas in. "JAS! We have to get out of here right away!" He motioned for her to follow and quickly ran to the foyer where the butler was now letting Takeshi in. Takeshi would kill him for this but oh well. "TAKESHI! No time to explain! Jas is coming! We have to get out of here right away!" He looked upstairs and saw the dark aura spreading to all of the upstairs. Styx, Takeshi, and Jas were no match for the bald man upstairs. He looked behind him and saw Jas and a boy coming. He grabbed Takeshi and ran out with the other two close behind. He turned into the ally and let go of Takeshi. He caught his breath as Jas and the boy caught up to them.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Raphael and Jas were alarmed, and as Jas looked around she saw Takeshi's father. "Uhh.. umm.. whats his name.. oh wow, this is bad" said Jas, looking at Raphael. "We might have to go!" said Jas. Raphael didn't look to worried when a heartless came out of the ground. "I have to kill it or it will destroy this house and my dad will kill ME!" said Raphael, shaking his head to say that he wasn't going with Jas. "You HAVE to come! Do you wanna die?!" asked Jas. "No, but I don't think I trust that man!" said Raphael. "I don't think I do either, but will you trust me?" asked Jas. Raphael stood there, thinking. "No! Not even you!" he said. He then summond a wepon to his hand. It was a staff. The staff was long and had sharp edge's. "Your a mage?" asked Jas. "Yes" Raphael replyed. "You need to go!" he said. Jas looked at him. "No, im staying with you!" she said. Raphael looked at her, wondering why. But then he shrugged and turned back to the heartsless that had now grown large. Both of them were ready to fight.

Jas summond her keyblade and got into fighting position. Little did she know at this moment Takeshi was waiting outside.
Jas and Raphael were going to attack, but it seems it was a trap. While heading for the heartless, they had no idea that a dark portal would be summond. The both ran straight into it.

When ariving at an location, they lowerd there wepons. They looked around in shock. "What the heck?" said Jas, confussed. A man steped out, he was wering a coat. "Your Jas?" asked the man. "Why would you want to know?" Jas replyed. "Who are you?!" asked Raphael. The man just looked away. "No one you should know of" said the man. "I am none of YOUR buissnes." said the man. "Why are you here?" asked Jas. "I need to see you.. your important to me, Jas.." said the man. Jas just looked at him strangly. She looked around at Raphael to see what his reaction was. But Raphael wasn't blinking, nor breathing. "Raphael? Hey Raphael!" asked Jas. "Wait.. your the one in the coat. You froze time before so Takeshi wouldn't see you that time in the ship.. then you say hello to Sajine like your a good friend.. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" asked Jas. "For your infomation, I helped your sister from dieing." Jas looked at him like he was crazy. "You were also in the Yen sid's castle, wernt you!" said Jas. "Yes, I had been away for so long I thought you might of needed help.. so I came. Your mother and father never told you about me, right?" asked the man. "No, they never did.. who are you?!" asked Jas. "You won't know for a while...But wait.. fate will let you know some time" he said. He then un-froze time and left. Jas was let standing there with a confussed Raphael asking her what happend.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi felt the time distortion after it was dispelled. "What the hell was that? Nevermind, no time. Jas and someone else are still in there!" Takeshi said, than backed up and charged at the door. About five feet away he raised his laeg and jumped at the door, knocking it down. He spotted Jas and the other dude up on the second floor and raced up the stairs three at a time. At the very top step he jumped the remaining 10 feet and flew right into Jas with a flying hug.

Takeshi landed on his feet and looked straight at Jas. "I'm so sorry... How've you been?" Takeshi asked, pulling her into a tight embrace.


New member
Bon-Bon took the last swing with her Keyblade, scaring off the Crows. "There, Gone and not missed." Siad Bon-Bon a her Keyblade disappered from her grasp.
"My my, that was good work." Siad Pooh as she waddled over to Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon just gave him a big grin, but then her grin faded when she sinced someone dark near. She quickly looked around, "What is wrong Bon-Bon?" Siad Pooh as he looked at her.
"Oh...uh, Nothing. It must have been something esle." Siad Bon-Bon as she turned her attention back to Pooh. Still unknow that she was being watched.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was shocked when she saw Takeshi"I'm great! Never better!." Jas sarcastickly said. She smiled at Takeshi and hugged him. "Been a while, hasn't it?" she said, letting go of him and stepping back. Raphael was still wondering what happend. "And you, Mabey I don't trust you enough to tell you..." Jas replyed to Raphael. Raphael looked away from Jas, but then he looked back at her. "Sorry?" he said to Jas. Jas just sighed and looked back at Takeshi. "What have you been up to?" she asked Takeshi..


Sajine had opend the darkness door and went through it. "Why did I KNOW that something like this would happen?" Sajine asked herself, not knowing that she would actully get an answer. "Because, your like that" Sajine herd someone say. She looked around to see a lady. "You arn't one of the testing people, are you? If you are, then.." said Sajine, going to pull her sword from its holder, but of corse, it wasn't there. "Damn.." she said. "No, i'm not" said the lady. "You can trust me" she said. "No, I can't trust you! How can I trust someone who hasn't told me there name?" asked Sajine with a fustrated voice. "I know, you can't.. but don't worry, my name is Fumiko. I'm not going to hurt you" said 'Fumiko' as Sajine now knows what to call her by. "I can't even trust you now! How do I know your not telling me lies?" asked Sajine. "Once more, you don't know if I'm telling the truth.." said Fumiko. "Heres a test.. Do you know were my brother is?" Sajine asked Fumiko. "Yes, he's off stalking your sister" said Fumiko. "Ha ha!" Sajine laughed. "Whats so funny?" asked Fumiko with a confused face. "I don't have a brother!" said Sajine. "Reeeaaallyyyy?" said Fumiko. "'Corse not" said Sajine. "Think what you want" said Fumiko, opening a door and simply leaving.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx watched as Takeshi left the area. He didn't blame him. He just met Styx and Styx wasn't the nicest looking guy out there. He actually looked quite scary. Takeshi didn't trust him. Maybe things would be better off if Styx left Takeshi to go on with his life. He apparently had all he needed. Styx smiled and created a portal. He walked through and as his final words rang through the air. "Takeshi, i love you. I'm sorry" And although Styx knew Takeshi couldn't hear them, he thought he heard Takeshi reply back to him.

Styx looked around at the new world he found himself in. A very familiar place. He looked up at the skyscraper that stood in the middle of the city. He then looked up at the white castle that floated farther north. Styx stepped forward, smiling. Although he was smiling on the outside, he was very upset. He had just found his son after so long, and then he let him slip through his fingers. He was happy that he knew Takeshi's life would be great with or without a father. He lived so long without knowing him and turned out fine. He was a keyblader. He would make it out ok. He walked to the castle and stuck his keyblade forward. A beam shot from it. A bridge formed leading to the castle. He ran across the bridge and into the castle. He looked around and saw someone. A girl was standing there. She was all in armor and held her helmet in her arm. "Aqua..." said Styx. She spun around quickly, looked at him, and smiled. "Styx. How have you been?" "Not bad. How are Terra and Ven?" "They're doing fine. Ven is upstairs i think." "I found him..." "Ven?" "No.....i found.....him..." Aqua's eyes opened wide. Styx continued, "He's in some city. A mansion. Creating heartless in the closet of a boy's room." Aqua stepped forward. "I'm so happy you're ok!" She ran over to him and hugged him. Styx hugged her back and said, "He didn't see me. I got lucky." He let go and continued, "And i saw Kae." He looked away. Kae was his wife. Aqua put her soft hands on his face. "I'm sorry. I wish i could do something." She looked into Sytx's eyes. They hugged each other tightly. "I know about Takeshi too. I'm happy you found him. Is he with you?" Styx replied in a low tone. "No. He's fine without me."


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Sajine walked to were this girl Fumiko was. "Were are you? Fumiko!" said Sajine. She put her hand in frount of her.. and even if she couldn't see it, there was a wall there. After feeling around the wall, Sajine came to find a door in the wall. She then found the handle and placed her hand on it. She was going to open it.. but somthing had told her not to. she thought... what if.. what if Fumiko was saying the truth.. and Sajine, Jas and Agrona had a brother... what if he was through this door.. waiting for Sajine to open it.. mabey he wanted to meet her to see who she was... or to hurt her.. after all.. he may be helping THEM, the heartless... letting them know were the Keybladers were.. but Sajine was going to open it.. to see what was through there.

After her thoughts had all past through her mind, she had decided.. she was going to open this door to see what was in there. She opend it, it swong open.. Sajine saw through the door. "Whoh... Look at this place!" she said, steping out, the door dissapering behind her. "Its so.. butiful!" Sajine then said. "Yeah it is.." said a voise, a voise light male voise she had herd before. She turned her head to see.. it was the man in the coat again! Sajine wasn't really surprised.. and she was wrong thinking she would see her 'brother' on the other side of the door... after all.. he aparently would be stalking Jas.. not herself. "Who ARE you? Why are you always in my face?!" she asked the man in the coat. "I.. I don't know why I'm following you.. It's not my misson.." he had said to Sajine. "Then WHY are you following me? What's your mission?" Sajine asked again. "I don't know why.. I just.. I'm following my heart and not there orders.. I have to stop soon.. but if I stop.. you'll get hurt.. and if I don't stop.. you will still end up geting hurt.. along with Jas and Agrona.." said the man. "What?.." Sajine had said.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Well, other than trying to find you, let's see... nothi..." Takeshi began to say, interupted by a searing pain in his back. He turned around to see around five soldier heartless beginning to surround him, one of them had already jumped onto him, and was swiping feircely at his back. He could feel his life heart being taken, but refused to let it go. Takeshi turned around and easily disposed of the other heartless, but right after he realized that htey were only a distraction, his heart was leaving, and all he could manage to say was "Jas, I love you... Save me, please."


Takeshi was falling, falling into his own darkness. He knew that this would have happened someday, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon. He fell for what seemed to be hours, but then he saw another man with a long white cape and long dark hair. Takeshi reached out for him, but the man only disappeared.

Saekti could feel his power growing, he had arrived in the town a few minutes ago and was searching for Takeshi when it happened. S***, they've turned him into a heartless, god am I gonna get it from Xemnas... unless... he never finds out. Yeah, I'll just wait it out, hope he comes back. Not a bad spot to wait either. Maybe I'll go meet some of the locals, catch a girl, maybe, He thought, sitting down on a bench in the park that had been the last spot he searched. Then he felt a very strong source of darkness coming from the outskirts of town. Damn, the heartless Takeshi's already formed, and it seems like he pretty strong.

Saekti then jumped up from the bench, and sprinted off toward that house on the outskirts of town.


Emoril stood up behind the heartless body of Takeshi, his most current home. Noticing the other two humans standing next to him, he froze time, so that he may have some privacy until he gathered his troops and went to war with the galaxy. "Good, I am free again, and now I will fufill my destiny, ruling the universe. You have done a good job of freeing me from this one, my creation. You shall be rewarded as soon as we arrive back at our planet. I knew it was a good idea to create you heartless, even if it meant giving my own heart up. Now we shall rule once again, as we did thousands of years ago."

He opened a portal to his home planet, the resting place of the now tainted Fountain of the Souls, Encaria (pronounced On-sorry-u), and sent out a message to all in his army to gather before him, so that they may rule once again.

OOC: From here on I'll take control of Emoril and Saekti.
Here is a pic of what Emoril looks like
Last edited:


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
ooc: I'm taking over my character, Kalaj, now also.

As the consert had finished Kalaj walked off the stage, down to behind the stage were the people that were controling the sound coming from the speakers were sitting. "How was I?" Kalaj asked the people. "You did fantastic! Seriously! Look at your fans! There screaming for more.. to bad theres no more songs that you can sing... But you should see the cash you raked in!" said one of the men. Another person that was working there, also a friend of Kalaj, had come out with a piece of paper with how much money was going to go into all there bank accounts. Kalaj raised her eyebrows. "Thats alot.. but it could of been more.. mabey I could whip up another song for the next consurt.. or something like that." said Kalaj. "Umm.. Kalaj.. I uhh.. saw this really good impersonator in the crowed.. she wasn't wearing the type of clothes you where.. but.. diferent. Her hair was darker though." said Kalaj friend. "I wanna see her!" said Kalaj, getting exited.. after all.. she had been searching for somone that may be related to herself, because when she was adopted, she had no memorys of before she was found lying on the ground in a park. "You can't see her.. she left looking angry just a while ago.


"Takeshi!" Jas called. He's gone again. "No.. Takeshi.." Jas said again. Don't get hurt.. oh please take care of yourself...i don't want you to get hurt!
Jas had thought, before she herd a scream from Raphael. "Jas! Watch out!" he had said. Jas looked around and saw some heartless coming towards her. She summond her keyblade and swong it around, only stunning the heartless, but the attack was good enough for Jas to go and help out Raphael. "Jas, go and get the other ones! I got these here coverd!" said Raphael, summoning a long staff and shooting fire at all the heartless. "Good Idea! Magic will get 'em good!" said Jas, blasting water at the other heartless.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Saekti didn't even stop to lool when he reached the mansion on the outskirts of town. The door had already been kicked down, which saved him the trouble, and he skirried up the stairs to the second floor in a mad-dash, hoping to catch the source of the darkness eminating from it. AS soon as he got to the step five steps before the top step he saw the heartless, and jumped the rest of the way up, landing in the middle of a large group. He did a quick whip around to see if there was anyone who could besummoning them but couldn't find him, however he could feel the effects of a time stop spell and teh remains of a dark portal. He would deal with the portal after dealing with the heartless, though, and quickly put his mind back to what was going on around him.

Saek caught one of the shadows in midair with one blade, whil finishing off another with his other. A few others fell like this, but most of the shadows fell with a simple two to three slashes. Taking them down two at a time, Saek quickly finished off the group. He then rushed over to where a girl was fighting, one that seemed very familiar to him. He began helping her out and soon almost all the heartless were gone from the area.

((Saek is Sakti's new nckname, it sounds cooler and it's shorter))


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx and Aqua walked through the castle until they reached the top where Kingdom Hearts was waiting. Styx looked up at it, smiling. For some reason, he had been reminded of Takeshi. Aqua must have read his mind because she spoke up. "Y'know, i can show him to you, one last time, if you really want." Styx looked at Aqua and smiled. He nodded his head and she ook out her keyblade. She pointed it forward and a light beam shot out from it. The light beam created almost a puddle in midair. In the puddle was darkness. Aqua tilted her head. "Hmm, thats odd" she said. Styx stayed staring at the puddle for a while. He didn't understand, but then it hit him. He fell on his knees, holding back many many tears. "Takeshi......he's a heartless now...." he said. Aqua frowned, but then understood as well, and hugged Styx to confort him. Styx stood up, his eyes glowing a firey red. He steped forward and created a portal. "Where are you going?" asked Aqua. Styx looked back a her through his burning red eyes and said, "To get my son back..." He walked through the portal without another word.

A portal formed between Raphael and Jas. "Mind if i jump in?" asked Styx as he slashed awway at some heartless. "Me and you have the same goal now Jas. I know you don't trust me, but you have to. We can get Takeshi back. I promise." He looked at her, his eyes still burning with fury. He slashed away at another few heartless and looked back at her. "Whatdya say?"


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was supprised that Takeshi's father had come, but she nodded in agreement. "Okay" she said, she took some more swipes from her keyblade to the evil little heartless. I'm gonna get Takeshi back, even if it means teaming up with someone I don't trust! Jas had thought. Still killing heartless and still being hit by them, Jas still wasn't gonna give in. She was going to go as far as her heart would take her to get her Takeshi back. With the help of these dudes that were helping her, she was pretty sure she would be okay. But she still thought of her other friends.. were had they gone? Were they heartless.. had they.. died.. Bon-Bon had saved Jas's life from when Twilight Town exploded by taking her ship to Twilight Town.. and even though Soji had destroyed Jas's home town.. he was still sorta a friend.. it was weird how they could just dissaper without a trace..


"Sorry.. I can't stay here.. I've really gotta go check on someone important" said the man, opening a portal and slowly walked through it. When he was all the way through, Sajine jumped through also. She wasn't gonna let him leave easly. When Sajine got through, she saw the guy who she was talking to. She then saw him run up to two guys and a girl. And from where Sajine was hiding, the girl looked like Jas. She also saw when the man reached the girl, he said somthing to her. Jas had had a weird reaction, but Jas had smiled and said somthing back to him. The man then summond a long sword and started atakking the heartless suronding the four people. "It's Jas.. Jas! Jas, over here!" Sajine yelled, waving and pulling her sword wich was now in its holder into her hand and running towards Jas to help. Jas didn't react to Sajines call though.. instead.. she kept fighting the heartless, and the heartless kept fighting Jas, before one of the heartless had stapped Jas right through her heart. "JAS!!" Sajine screamed. Sajine saw as the people around Jas's body just kept fighting as Jas was bleeding to death. Sajine ran further to Jas. going to pick up her body.. but Sajines Hand went right through Jas. "Jas?! Jas!" said Sajine. "This is all not real.. Sajine.." said a voice. Sajine looked around to see the man. "It was a test to see if you would follow me.. lucky I didn't really go to your sister.. because you would have been were Jas is in this ilusion.. dead.." said the man. "What?" asked Sajine. "You would be dead.. you don't really have your sword.. and Jas is fine. Don't follow me though.. you don't what things to be really bad.." said the man.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx bashed away at more heartless, as even more showed up. "We can't just keep killing them off forever!" A shadow flew up and slashed at Styx, but Styx smashed him out of the way. Styx let out a sigh as about 50 more heartless appeared. "Jas.....we have to run. We don't stand a chance" The ground started to shake and Styx looked up to see what it was. 5 Darksides were marching towards them with about 500 soldiers and shadows at their feet. "AGH!" yelled Styx. He swung his keyblae down and formed 3 balls around his body. The balls spun around and exploded, causing the death of many heartless. "We can split up to kill them all off, or we can run. You choose" A Darkside punched the ground creating a sonic boom near Jas and Styx. Styx quickly pushed Jas out of the way, keeping her safe, though he did get hit by the attack. "You ok?" he asked her. He didn't have time to wait for an answer, because the darkside shot out a few dark orbs from the whole in his chest. Styx scowled and hit one of the orbs down at a group of heartless. He stuck up Fenrir to block an orb that was heading fro Raphael. A few shadows jumped up on top of Styx. They held him down as Darkside's fist came crashing down at him. Styx struggled but was able to throw the shadows off of him and barely stick his keyblade up in time to block the fist. Darkside pushed down upon the keyblade as Styx pushed back as hard as he could. Darkside was too strong for him. Soldiers snuck up behind him. "GAH!" cried Styx under the weight of Darkside's fist. "Grrrrr....SOMEBODy HELP ME!" he called out. The soldiers stepped closer. All the soldiers behind Styx were slain and their hearts rose up to the heavens. "Looks like you could use some help" Styx heard the voice in his head. He looked beside him as a boy faded into view. The boy wore a black cloak. "Who are you?" The boy jumped up on the arm. "A friend..." He ran up the arm and slashed at Darkside's head, killing him. Darkside fell to the ground and disappeared as a heart flew up from him. The boy was no where to be found. "Was that.....was that Takeshi?" Styx asked himself. "From my heart?"

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Saek was still fighting close to where the other two were, and they had seemed to ot take any notice of him. It seemed that there was a never ending flow of heartless tied to the house, but when he saw the five darksides approach he knew the bulk of the force had been destroyed. The regular heartless were easy to dispatch of, the soldiers on taking a little bit more effort. He was surrounded, and outnumbered, but he was managing. The he saw one of the Darksides fall, lifeless to the ground, then disappear.

Casting aero on himself, Saek found a way to make it to the others. Once the spell was complete he cast graviga over himself and held his breath. Aero obsorbed most of the damage that would have been done to him, though when it broke he felt excruciating pain. But it was worth it, all the heartless witin a ten meter radius of himself had been destroyed, and there was a clear path to where Jas was standing alone, fending for herself. He jumped, and made it into the circle just before more heartless blocked off the exit.

"Hey, need some help?" Saek asked, landing next to Jas and then getting behind her. He swatted away a few heartless before a Darkside had approached him. IT raised a fist ready to punch, and had it not been for Saek's fast reflexes, Jas would have been flattened like a pancake right then and there.

While the darkside's hand was still rooted to the ground, Saek to advantage of the fact and attacked, hacking away at the creatures head, which was close to the ground, and then, after it had pulled it back out of the ground, at his hand, which came off quickly, and then dissappeared. The darkside then let out a howl of pain, and dissappeared itself.

The heartlerss were almost all gone, with only a few more rows behind the one Seak had returned to fending off.