OOC: Great, my uber long post got delited!! Damn this! Now i have to write it again..

Bloody hell... I can hardly remember it and I'v got these loud mouth, in-mature kids around me!
An hour or so later, Jas had been walking for a while and was thinking about nothing, being as bored as ever. "Ehh.. this is so boring, walking a path with noone to talk to but myself..." she said with a sigh, kicking the dirt as she walked along the dirt road. "If only there was somthing to do, somting that would make me not bored.." she said, looking up at the sky, the next thing she new, it started raining heavily. "Aww.. COME ON!" she yelled, clentching her fists.
Jas was angry a little later, the rain had turned into hail, Jas was soaked and she had mud up the bottem of her pants after she had started to step in puddles of mud. She let out a deep sigh, and started making her steps more heavy. She had been refusing to speak because whats the use of talking anyway? After all, she had no-one to talk TO. The only thing she had said in a couple of meters was: "This sucks, I wish I was with someone.. someone like Takeshi". Then she steped in another mud puddle, the mud flying up onto her face. She let out an angry groan and wiped her face.
After another while later, Jas had found cross roads. She was now standing in the middle of the roads. She was soaking wet and just wanted to find somewere dry.. and hoped they would have a shower.. But she didn't know which road to take to find an area like that. Then she noticed something down one of the roads; the road to the left. It had a portal forming down a little bit from were she was. "I wish this was easier.."She said, her heart telling her to go through the portal, but her head was disagreeing..
Even with her head disagreeing to her heart, she turned down the left road, walking up to the portal. "This is it... time to see whats through todays lucky portal.." she said, slowly putting her foot through and feeling no rain, then to see if there was really no rain, she slowly stuck her hands in. Then, she walked through to see what it was like through into this world.
As Jas entered, she saw all these people walking around fast, looking like they were all in a hurry to go somewhere. Then this man fitted through everyone to get to Jas. He was holding out a little peice of paper. "If you ain't got none ticket, ya can 'ut get tu' th' show!" said the man with a very fast voice. "Uhh.. what is the ticket for?" asked Jas, with a confused look. "Oh, I guess your new around here?" asked the man. "Yeah! Of course! Didn't you see me come- Uhh.. sorry, bit carried away.. I'll take one ticket..?" said Jas. "2 dollars!" said the man, holding out his hand. "Okay" said Jas, pulling out two coins that she had been keeping in her skirt pocket, handing it over to the man. As soon as he took them, she gave Jas the ticket and ran of again. "Wow, weird.." she said, looking at the ticket and reading it.
Ticket for one person, Show: Kalaj Shintax. Town Square 6:00pm Jas read of the ticket. She then walked up to someone and said: "Umm, could you please tell me the time..?" asked Jas. "Its 6:59" said the lady. "Umm.. could you please tell me were Town Square is too?" asked Jas. "Yes, its straight up and take a left, then go straight up and follow the signs." said the lady. "Thank you" said Jas, running off.
Jas was running, well, trying to anyway; after all, she was sandwiched between two people and going through a giant crowed area. The people were telling her to move, but she would just ignore them and keep moving, and she also wanted to see what all the noise was about around her from the two people, so she lisened carefully, hearing everyword the said. They were talking about Keybladers, and abilites that Keybladers could use. The one Jas really liked the sound of was the teleport one. So, Jas then closed her eyes and said the word to get going faster and more happier.