Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((IBS...if you are stll confused, you can check out the video on

Sora nearly jumped up at Styx's remark. "Huh? What?" he said. Styx calmed down and told Sora about the prophesy the chasers had told him of the boy named Sora. He would restore the worlds and destroy Xehanort. Sora was in shock. People knew of him before he was even born! "I guess that comes with being a keyblade master" said Sora. Styx and Sora stood up and faced the Fountain. "And this is the fountain you told me about? The one that creates a new creature from Heartlesses and Nobodies?" asked Sora. "Yes. You already know that when a person becomes a heartless, their empty shell becomes a Nobody. Well, their soul becomes a another creature as well. But this fountain also unleashes your soul and makes it more powerful. If he were ever to get ahold of it, we'd be goners." said Styx. "He? Who's he?" asked Sora. So then, Styx told Sora another story, this one about a teribble bald man.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
ooc: I'v seen pics but no vid yet

Sajine was proud of herself. "Okay.. Time to choose one of the doors.." she said, walking over to the door that had light flowing out. "This is obviesly a door to light, of corse i'm gonna go through it.." she said, reaching for the handle, before somthing slowly flowed through into her body, taking over her and making her turn and wale over to the door with darkness flowing out of the bottom. "Wh-whats happing?" she said, as her legs started to move her over to the dark door. "No! No, not that way!" she said to herself, hitting her legs with her hands. "Oh, no.." she then said as her hand reached for the handle. Damn... this is what the testing room means.. this sucks..

Jas was just staring at the ground. "No.. Takeshis gone.." she said, a tear coming from her eye. Then a portal came next to her, and a wispering voice came through it. "You want to find Takeshi and Sajine, you come through here.." said the voice. Jas looked around to look down at Rio and Agrona, she then looked back at the portal. I'm going.. Jas thought to herself; before walking straight into the portal, it quickly closed up behind her after.

Jas found herself in a place. It was dark, cave like and she could hear slowly dripping water. "Hello?" said Jas, the words she spoke eachoing through the location.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi started off flying to his left to get back to Jas, but then suddenly he changed directions and flew right through the abyss, doubled back, and stopped just a little bit away from where he started. He fell through a door and onto someone. He was in a cave with paintings all around the walls. He then noticed that he was ontop of someone and got off of them.

"Sorry," Takeshi said as he brushed himself off. He looked up to see a familiar face looking back. He stared for a few moments, he didn't know why, but then he realized what he was doing and cried out her name.

"Bon-Bon! What's happening?! And, where are we?!" He asked wondering in his mind why his portal had brought him to Bon-Bon and not Jas.


"UUUUURRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHH!! We let him get away! How could we let him get away?!!!!" Xemnas screamed, angry that they had lost one of the few people that could open the door to kingdom hearts for them. "Saekti, Go after Takeshi. Bring him back here at all costs, and whatever you do, do not, I reapeat, DO NOT let yourself merge back into him!.

"Yes sir!" Saekti replied, opening up a portal of his own and focusing on Takeshi's life force. He focused for a few minutes, then, unfortunately for him, couldn't find the exact location of it. I can't tell them, they'll kill me. He thought, teleporting himself to some random planet in the direction of the source.

He landed on some planet with alot of buildings surrounding him. He looked up a sign that read "The Borough", then walked through the streets looking for any signs of Takeshi. He was stopped by a voice behind him...
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas looked around, waiting for a answer, but she herd nothing but her deap, scared breaths and the dripping water. "I guess I'm alone in here.. I'd better try to look for a way out.. if there is one." she said, taking a step foward. She then took a few more steps, her keyblade out in-frount of her so she wouldn't hit anything with her body. After a while of searching, her keyblade came to somthing hard and slipery. Is this a wall? she thought to herself. Jas then ran her keyblade across the wall and it eventully taped somthing glass. "A lantern.. I guess?" she said quietly to herself. She took a chance and casted fire at the object, the object turning out to be a squere, glass lantern. Now that she had lit it, Jas took the lantern of the chiped piece of cave wall it had been hanging on. She turned with the lentern in frount of her to see were she was going. "Wow.. this is one big cave.." she said, dismissing her keyblade from her hand. The cave happend to be a giant area with path ways leading from the room to obviesly differnt rooms. She choosed her path to go down and started walking..

Looking out for more lantern's to light while on her mini-journy. It hadn't taken her long before Jas had arived at a room. To her luck it had a stair case leading upwards. "Theres no way i'm staying in this creepy place.. " Jas had said, walking towards the stair case, before a giant heartless morphed out of the ground. "I thought this would be to easy!" she said, summoning her keylade into the opeset hand of the one she was still holding the lantern in. The heartless quickly noticed the lantern and went to fling it out of Jas's hand; But Jas's reflexes were to good for the heartless, so she quickly doged and went in for an attack. But the heartless atacked again and blocked Jas's attack. "Damn this.." she said, attacking over and over at it, and of all the atacks, she only got in one hit. She then herd two voices, a male and a female voice. The sounded young. She made out what they had said, and lissend for more advise. They were saying: "Hey, the girl in the armor with the big key! Start attacking it's head, not its feet!" and "If you time your attacks well enough you can kill it.. or at least get in a hit!". Jas looked down at them, they were young, in fact, proberbly as old as her. "Uhh.. okay?.." she said. The boy then pulled out two daggers and the girl puller out a machine gun. They were helping Jas.

They were all attacking, and Jas saw how good there fighting skills were. In no time, the giant heartless was on the ground, dissapering into air, a heart floting out. Jas was happy, and she jumped down from a ledge in the cave wall. Luckly the people had known were the lanters were and helped light them or Jas wouldn't of been able to see. She them walked up to them. "Uhh.. thanks for helping me defeat that heartless.." said Jas. "No, Thank YOU for helping us find a way out of here! Weve been stuck down here for weeks and-" The girl was saying, before the boy butted in. "Ooooo... way out..." he had said. The girl shook her head. "Don't mind him, he's just and iretating brother. Anyway, I'm Chika, and this is Zalkej. We were just here one day and we don't remember how we got here..." said the girl now claming to be named Chika. "I'm Jas, and I just got traped here today. Turns out looking always gets you somwere.." Said Jas; looking up at the stairs. "I think we should go now.." said Jas, starting to walk to the stairs. Chika and Zalkej nodded and they followed Jas up the stairs to a place.

They eventully reached the top of the stair case, and the place they were at was and emty field, nothing but grass and cross roads about 50 meters in frount of them. "This is were I leave you guys, it was nice to meet you, and hope to see you soon; but I'm a keyblader, and I have to continue my journey." said Jas, looking back at Chika and Zalkej whilst walking over to the path. "Oh, I guess so.." Said Zalkej and Chika at the same time.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
"Wow...and i thought that Anem and Xemnas were something..." said Sora. "Who?" asked Styx. "Nevermind. Well i guess we should find a way to get me back to the present and you to your son." Said Sora. They got up and began walking. They walked past the fountain and down the road. They had been walking for a while when all of a sudden, the field of keyblades stopped. They kept walking nontheless. Soon, they reached another big portal. "Hmmm...i'm not sure where this leads to but we don't really have another choice..." said Styx as him and Sora walked through the portal. Surprisingly, the portal took them to a cave. One with drawings on it. No one was in the cave. Sora looked around. "This has to be in the present. Me and Kairi drew some of these pictures." Styx looked down. "So then i'll never find my son." he said. Sora walked over to him and showed his sympathy. "I'm sure there is a way to get you back to the past." Styx looked up. He saw a strange door. No knob. No keyhole. Nothing. But he knew that if he opened it, he would see Takeshi. He tried everything. He bashed it, kicked it, punched it, even casted magic on it. It wouldn't open. He leaned on it and for the second time in his life, he cried. "I want my son" he said. All of a sudden, the door flew open and a great amount of light spilled out. He looked up and saw nothing but light. He got up and stepped in. The door closed behind him. It was completely dark inside, which surprised Styx. He then heard a voice in his head. The voice was quiet. Didn't even make a peep. But it made words. Somehow. It said: "A sealed tale of truth. The fate of all occurs not by chance. The fate of all is inevitable. Each of their fates passes through and gather together." Styx then saw a light. The door to light. He walked through it.

Styx fell and landed in water. He looked around and saw the island. A smile came to his face as he swam as fast as he could. He knew in his heart that Takeshi was there. He reached the sand and ran even faster to the cave. He ran in and saw a girl. But that wasn't what attracted his attention. There was also a boy. His back was turned but Styx knew who it was. He ran over to him and hugged him. "TAKESHI! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" He held his son in his arms as he quietly whispered, "Thank You".


New member
Bon-Bon snapped out of her daze enough to see the others, CRAP, how did they find me...I can't let myself be seen now.... I still have to try and control this darkness. Bon-Bon quickly looked around, Black Clok was no where to be seen.

"Blargit, He always do this." Siad Bon-Bon as she ran off. Bon-Bon made her was off the beach. And entered an old shack, there she found her self in a Grotto. "Okay I should be okay here... they didn't see me right...I better hide." Siad Bon-Bon as she ran off towords the shore.

In the darkness Black clok watched as Bon-Bon ran away from her firends. He gave a Chuckled as she smiled, he soon faded away into the darkness.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC: Great, my uber long post got delited!! Damn this! Now i have to write it again.. :mad: Bloody hell... I can hardly remember it and I'v got these loud mouth, in-mature kids around me!

An hour or so later, Jas had been walking for a while and was thinking about nothing, being as bored as ever. "Ehh.. this is so boring, walking a path with noone to talk to but myself..." she said with a sigh, kicking the dirt as she walked along the dirt road. "If only there was somthing to do, somting that would make me not bored.." she said, looking up at the sky, the next thing she new, it started raining heavily. "Aww.. COME ON!" she yelled, clentching her fists.

Jas was angry a little later, the rain had turned into hail, Jas was soaked and she had mud up the bottem of her pants after she had started to step in puddles of mud. She let out a deep sigh, and started making her steps more heavy. She had been refusing to speak because whats the use of talking anyway? After all, she had no-one to talk TO. The only thing she had said in a couple of meters was: "This sucks, I wish I was with someone.. someone like Takeshi". Then she steped in another mud puddle, the mud flying up onto her face. She let out an angry groan and wiped her face.

After another while later, Jas had found cross roads. She was now standing in the middle of the roads. She was soaking wet and just wanted to find somewere dry.. and hoped they would have a shower.. But she didn't know which road to take to find an area like that. Then she noticed something down one of the roads; the road to the left. It had a portal forming down a little bit from were she was. "I wish this was easier.."She said, her heart telling her to go through the portal, but her head was disagreeing..

Even with her head disagreeing to her heart, she turned down the left road, walking up to the portal. "This is it... time to see whats through todays lucky portal.." she said, slowly putting her foot through and feeling no rain, then to see if there was really no rain, she slowly stuck her hands in. Then, she walked through to see what it was like through into this world.

As Jas entered, she saw all these people walking around fast, looking like they were all in a hurry to go somewhere. Then this man fitted through everyone to get to Jas. He was holding out a little peice of paper. "If you ain't got none ticket, ya can 'ut get tu' th' show!" said the man with a very fast voice. "Uhh.. what is the ticket for?" asked Jas, with a confused look. "Oh, I guess your new around here?" asked the man. "Yeah! Of course! Didn't you see me come- Uhh.. sorry, bit carried away.. I'll take one ticket..?" said Jas. "2 dollars!" said the man, holding out his hand. "Okay" said Jas, pulling out two coins that she had been keeping in her skirt pocket, handing it over to the man. As soon as he took them, she gave Jas the ticket and ran of again. "Wow, weird.." she said, looking at the ticket and reading it.
Ticket for one person, Show: Kalaj Shintax. Town Square 6:00pm Jas read of the ticket. She then walked up to someone and said: "Umm, could you please tell me the time..?" asked Jas. "Its 6:59" said the lady. "Umm.. could you please tell me were Town Square is too?" asked Jas. "Yes, its straight up and take a left, then go straight up and follow the signs." said the lady. "Thank you" said Jas, running off.

Jas was running, well, trying to anyway; after all, she was sandwiched between two people and going through a giant crowed area. The people were telling her to move, but she would just ignore them and keep moving, and she also wanted to see what all the noise was about around her from the two people, so she lisened carefully, hearing everyword the said. They were talking about Keybladers, and abilites that Keybladers could use. The one Jas really liked the sound of was the teleport one. So, Jas then closed her eyes and said the word to get going faster and more happier.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Hey, Bon-bon, wait up! Where're you going?" takeshi yelled as Bon-Bon ran out of the cave. He followed her, motiong for his dad to follow him. Bon-bon ran across the beach, through an old shack, and into the grotto. Takeshi followed her every step of the way, and stopped when he reached the grotto. He looked around and say Bon-Bon runiing for the shore, so he ran after her, making a path that would intercept her. He caught up to her, blocking her path.

"Bon-Bon, why are you running away? We're friends, right?" Takeshi said as he approached her. But when he got about 2 feet away from her he saw why. A dark aura began to radiate around Bon-Bon, and he backed away a little.

"Bon-Bon, what happened to you?" was all he could ask.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((wow.....what a family reunion -_-U...isn't takeshi even a little bit happy that his dad came back to him?!?))

Styx followed Takeshi out the door. He chased him all the way down to the beach. He looked at Bon-Bon and then stood in between her and Takeshi. "Who are you?!?" asked Styx. He had saved her life in the Toy Planet. Now she was radiating a teribble dark aura. "Takeshi, stand back. I don't think this will be pretty." Styx pushed his son back gently and pulled out Fenrir. "I don't know who you are. But you're not going to lay a hand on my boy! I lost him once, i'm not about to lose him again!" Styx concentrated hard on the girls hands. The first moement he saw, he'd attack. Nothing was going to separate him from his son. Especially not a girl. And when Styx looked at her forehead, he realized why she was radiating so. Nothing was going to separate him from his son. Especially not a demon.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas found herself in a new area. She looked around, her eyes eventually coming to a stage, and soon to a sign; the sign that said 'town square'. "Okay, I guess I'm here.." said Jas, seeing a drum kit and a gutare stand on the stage, there was also a microphone. "So.. its a band.. right-o" she said, walking over to the front of the stage, waiting.

After waiting about five minutes, there was a huge amount of fans around Jas. They were growing impatont after waiting four minutes. People were bumping into Jas and also pushing her up against each other. "I swear.. if they don't hurry up I think I'll end up taking a swing at just about everyone thats in this crowed.." Jas muttered. Just after that, three people walked out onto the stage. Jas was shocked to see the girl that seemed to be the main singer.

She looks just like me!
Those were the words going through Jas' mind at the moment she saw the girl. The only three things that were different were: This 'Kalaj Shintax' had different clothing, She also has lighter brown hair then Jas and that she was famouse.. aparentley..
Jas had also realised that this girls last name wasn't very different from Jas'.
When this girl started to sing.. well.. Jas pretty much went def from the noise-not the noise from the singing, but from the crowed. She then started to make her way through the crowd and out of the area. She couldn't stand the noise.

Wile going as fast as she could through the crowed, she got grabed on her back. She then turned to see who grabed her.. and when she saw who it was, she screamed.. not that anyone would notice or hear.. anyway.. she saw who it was, and the words 'why is he still alive?!' shot through her brain. The guy who grabed her.. was the Rio who kissed her.

"What-Why--Why are you still alive?" asked Jas, getting reading to punch him straight in the nose. "Jas... I'm not going to hurt you.. but you have to come with me! Theres something you need to know.." said Rio, teleporting himself and Jas into an ally way in the town somewere.

"Were is this?!" screamed Jas, summoning her keyblade now that no-one was around. "This is and ally way, and I won't let you leave until I speak with you, is that okay?" said Rio. "No! Its not damn okay!" screamed Jas. "And I am leaving whether you like it or not!" she then said, walking off to leave the ally way. "You don't wanna try that!" Rio warned Jas. "Yes, I d- Ahh!" said Jas, as a barrier shot her back, Rio catching her. "Are you o-"Rio was saying before Jas inturubted him by saying: "Yes, now let go of me.." she said, standing back up and walking away from him.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Dad, I can handle this." Takeshi said, pushing his father out of the way. He looked straight at Bon-bon and stood there for a few moments.

Then he spoke. "Alright Bon-bon, just picture the darkness, can you see it?" Takeshi said, then he started up again, not waiting for a reply. "Now, imagine it in a litlle tiny ball in the tiniest corner of your heart. Then put it there, just think yourself doing it, and it will happen."

Cmon, just do it. Please let it happen, I still haven't perfected it, but cmon, happen. I don't wanna lose a friend to the darkness that's already almost taken me.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx was about to jump in between his son and Bon-Bon, until he heard what his son was saying.

Styx kept fenrir in his hands just incase something happened. He pointed it at Bon-bon waiting. Any attack on his boy, and he'd kill her.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I'm back folks. I think I'll rejoin this where I can. I think I've got a good cover story for Soji's reappearance or I could just use one of my other characters. I'll have to figure out where you all are of course and is this the RP which I had Soji absorb Twilight Town into a small gem?


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Everything was black. Everything was white. In fact, it seemed that everything was everything at the exact same time. And yet, there was nothing. A simple, lowly subconcious was swimming through the vast abyss which nothing to direct its purpose. There was something it was supposed to do. Something it was meant to do. Something it hadn't accomplished before its time way up. The subconsious gave a sudden lurch. It had recieved an image of a brillant gem that seemed to house the grace of an entire world. Suddenly, this lowly subconcious had pulsed its lurch, causing a massive wave over the abyss. It was chaos. Then, just as quick, the abyss stopped the wave and obliterated the rebel subconcious, forcing it into the only realm left for it to go.

Joxis felt his eyes fly open, but he saw nothing. He didn't appear to have the ability to see. He could remember seeing. Or could he? And what about other glimpses of memories? Hearing? Tasting? Were these all figments of an overactive imagination? No. He could distinctly remember them and yet he could not. Something else was happening. He was being forced to discover his ability to feel by a sharp pain in his chest. Something was tugging at the back of his mind. There was something he was forgetting to do in the midst of all this thinking and remembering and such. He knew it was something quite important because that unbearable pain in his chest was growing significantly larger with each passing moment. Then, without truely thinking, he let his mouth open and pulled in his first rasping breath. The pain in his chest instantly disolved to be replaced by a series of violent shivers. He was very cold and now there was the equivalent of a charging bull rearing in his stomach. He turned his head in an effort to sit up and retched to little effect, having never had food in his stomach. Or had he? He distinctly remembered eating something very good once, but perhaps that had been a dream to. He retched again and this time his sight came back. It was as though a giant pillow had been pulled off his face. He could see, he could hear. A feeble chuckle told him that he could even make sounds though he knew very little about how to arrange the noises.

He was naked except for a brilliant gem embedded into his chest. It refracted the light from a dying sun. His mind was sluggish. Then, suddenly, his head felt like it was being split open. He flipped backwards, his back arching as though he was attempting to buck off the pain. His brilliant blue eyes flew upwards, sensing someone else near. He could only seem the top of a shiny, bald head since his long white-blonde hair was obscuring his vision not to mention the pain was making his eyes roll.

The man walked slowly closer to Joxis, smirking in a very smug way as though he had caught a particularly rare specimen that he was hoping to add to his collection. Joxis attempted a feeble growl but the effect left his head reeling. Then, quite suddenly, the pain was gone and he was being lifted to his feet quite against his will and as though several invisible hands were supporting him. Out of nowhere, a thick set of white robes and cloak materialized around him, clothing him. He felt the fabric and it, too, aroused long lost memories in him. It was so familiar. The bald one stared disdainfully at his clothes. He said nothing but his meaning was clear. You are not of the light, so why do you dress as they do? Don't you realize that people like us can never be accepted by them?

Joxis met his gaze wearily and then retaliated with his own mind quite against his expectations and with no idea where the arguments came from. We can to be accepted by them. I have before! Or... At least I think I have... The bald man smiled cruely. It was a smile that said quite clearly, Yes, I can see how you would think this with the way they were so worried about your death.

Joxis took a step back, faltering and the bald man looked triumphant, advancing on him. That's right. came the bald man's expression. You died, Soji. Or should I call you "Joxis" now? It seems as though that is the identity that the abyss allowed you to have. Now listen to me, Joxis, you are mine. Together we can make a place for our kind. Those who just wish to be accepted even though we were born by sleep and were awakened by death. You can help me.

Joxis's eyes slid out of focus momentarily and when he set them upon the bald man again, they were no long their proper blue, but a vile, blood red. I will help you...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------vv Timeskip. Continue Below vv

Some time had passed since Joxis's rebirth. He felt that the powers of his former self had returned even greater than before, but he couldn't really be positive of this. He was sure his master knew a great deal about his former self, but whenever Joxis inquired he recieved a harsh punishment. Still, he almost felt like it was worth it to ask his master. Afterall, it gave him a chance to try to break the bald one's mind by presenting him a clear target of the eyes. His master had taught him this ability even though Joxis was already very proficient in the dark magicks of the eyes.

But Joxis was no longer with his master. He had been sent out on his own. He was to do his master's bidding. He had been trained well but now would be a sure test of this. His now steely blue eyes slid up and down a small piece of paper clutched in his hands. Joxis frowned slightly and let the paper fall away from him where it evaporated at once. His task would not be an easy one. He had known this from the start, but he couldn't help but sense a familiarization with some of the people he was setting out to scout. Shaking his head slightly to regain his focus, he took in his now pure black clothes. They looked just as familiar as his white ones and in fact they were one and the same. His master had simply changed them in a flick of his hand. Marvelous... Joxis thought absentmindedly before stepping through the realms.

His black portal came out in a strange grotto and he frowned yet again using the face that had once belonged to Soji. Certainly this couldn't be the place, but sure enough, there were three of the people he was supposed to be looking for. He smiled a private, vampiric smile and stalked after them, moving somewhere between reality and the darkness that encompassed his heart.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Nah. I just killed him off cuz I couldn't find where I left him. All the other characters will recognize him as Soji, but in his mind he is now Joxis.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
ooc: WB Daraku! :p

"What are you doing here?" Jas said, turning her head slightly around to look at Rio. "I'm here to help... this girl you saw, you know how she looked like you?" asked Rio, waiting for Jas' reply. "Yes, Of corse I saw her. Whats her name again?" Asked Jas. "Her name is Kalaj Shintax, she looks like you for a reson, the same reson that boy looked like Takeshi in the castle. She's your nobody" said Rio. "A NOBODY?! HOW DID I GET A NOBODY?!" asked Jas. Rio sighed. "She is the empty shell from when you put that thing on your chest from your aparent 'father', you see?" He said. "But you better be carfull about what you do. After all, shes know very well around these places. You don't wanna get chased by angry towns people, seriously.." he said. "Why am I suposed to beleve you?" asked Jas. "You don't have to belive me, but if you don't.. well, lets not go there." Said Rio, summoning a portal and leaving the world, removing the barriers from the ally walls.

A nobody.. what am I suposed to do now?


New member
Bon-Bon had her head down so they could not see her eyes. Her eyes was filled up with confusion and lost. "Look, For what I am doing, I do not need this...this Foolish Illusion called Friendship." said Bon-Bon as she began to back away from Takeshi and his Father.

The aura around Bon-Bon seem to be in a Struggle with in her. "Look, I dun want any of you to get in my way..... just stay away from me." said Bon-Bon as the Demon seed on her head Sparked a dark aura and a Dark Portal appeared behind her.

Bon-Bon turned her back to them, but before she walked through the portal she looked back at them. A tear rolled down her cheek, "See you people around." said Bon-Bon as she fell forward into the Darkness. The Portal quickly closed after her.

There was a silent pause for a second as a Evil laugh slowly grew and echo through the grotto. "Heh, Foolish Voice, how easy she is to head for the darkness like all her other kind. Soon she will capture them for me and slowly turn to the darkness." Echoes a Dark and fermilar voice. Dark Clock was standing on a ledge as he looked down on Takeshi and his father, Dark cloak quickly removed his cloak to revile that he was Gyki.

Gyki jumped off the ledge and disappeared into a Dark Portal.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx looked at the girl disappear in the portal. He put fenrir down and hugged his son, happy he was safe. He looked up in time to see a man disappear in a portal. He let go of Takeshi and smiled at him. "Takeshi. I'm so happy you're ok. For so many long years i've missed you. Now you're a keyblader. Your mother would have been so proud." Styx put a hand on his boy's shoulders and walked about the island with him until they rounded the tip to where Stx had left the row boat. He helped Takeshi in and grabbed the oars, rowing to the island that the people actually lived on. He wanted to talk to him, but he had no idea what to talk to him about. He had just met him and didn't know anything about him. They reached the island after a silent trip. Styx carried the boat and took it back to Satu's home keeping Takeshi close to him at all times. He put the boat bak in his garage and knocked on his door. He was quick to answer and let Styx and Takeshi in. "Thank you Satu. This is my son, Takeshi. Takeshi, this man saved my life and help me meet back up with you." Satu smiled and shook Takeshi's hand. He let them in and they all sat in his living room. Styx lookd over at Takeshi. He didn't know what to do. He never really had to be a father before. His son looked a little distressed. He wanted to help him but he couldn't. He just smiled at him whenever their eyes met. Satu left the room and went to go make them drinks and get them some food. Styx had to talk with his boy. About anything. He said the first thing that came to his mind. "You miss Jas, don't you?"