Kingdom Hearts: Heartless Rebirth


New member
Jul 5, 2006
((Still gonna be evil then))

Ghis looked at his apprentice. "follow me." Ghis led her to his office. "Rea, the reason you are here is because of an important job. As judges apprentice, it is up to you to uphold the law, as well as work with the Judge Magisters. Now this mission is one the other judges, even Gabaranth, do not know of. I want you to find any way possible to bring out the heartless in Sora, and make it stay. If it means the capture, or murder, of a friend, so be it. With Sora under our control, I can be the ruler. On your search, also look for something. We came across the knowledge of something called Kingdom Hearts. Find it." Ghis turned in his chair. "That is all."

About half an hour later, Ghis started talking to the other Judge Magisters."So, Gabaranth, what brings us here?" 'There has been reports of illegal experiments going on. As well as that, Larsa is being threatened.' Ghis looked at Gabaranth. "Are you sure? So his safety is at risk?" 'Precisley.' Ghis frowned, however, he was laughing on the inside."Ha! This could make it even easier for me to take over." Drace was appaled by this.'HOW COULD SOMEONE THREATEN OUR LORD?!?!' Gabaranth looked at her.'Calm down. I know it's your duty to protect her, but she isn't in immediate danger. Now, Drace, you will look after Larsa. Bergan, take some soldiers and arrest anyone who is conducting illegal experiments. Zabbaranth, your to go out and find the one who threatened Larsa. Ghis, you shall remain on normal duties.' Bergan and Zabbaranth looked at him. Yes sir. Ghis was glad to hear of no important tasks. Now he could concentrate on Sora. "May we leave?" 'yes.' Ghis hurried back to his room, arriving to see a messanger. "What is it?" 'Sora has become a heartless again.'

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Roxas looked to the same island, and sighed, taking off his hood (can't remember if I did that already). His blonde/brown hair, which was like sora's yet styled differently, straightened out as he did. Riku could now see his blue eyes clearly, many people being reminded of the keyblader when they looked into them. He pointed to the island to make sure Riku was looking as well, as the heartless disappeared again, sensing no heart and the power of darkness in these two vessals.

"Sora was walking along the beach of the island, trying to stay calm. He was atttacked by the heartless, and tried to fight back but they used a strange power as he activated his drive form. He was using final, so it was more intergrated with my powers, and as they attacked, the darkness covered him and he turned into his heartless form. It was during this transformation that I was flung from his body. I tried to return, but I was stopped, and the heartless fled, with Sora along for the ride..."

Roxas chuckled a bit at this point, though it was out of a humor only being able to be found in such a situation. "To think, Drizzt, you, and even Sora, did everything to get me back into his body. When you got me, i'm thrown out again. Becoming a nobody again, it's strange, like being reborn a second time, or is it third now?"

Roxas opened a portal at that point, it's end point to the knowldge of both keybladers. He walked forward and looked back at Riku. "Come on, we've got to get to Leon and the others. The door to this world is safe while Kairi's here. We've got to find a way to get him back."

(this time til end of flashback " " will be Sora's voice, and Roxas ' '

"When will I stop this power form controling me? Can I do it? WHat do you think Roxas?"

'I think you can, hey, you stopped Ansem, and Xemnas from taking Kingdom Hearts, you can do a lot with that heart.' Sora had been talking with Roxas a lot more as he learned to communicate with him. They were one in the same after all, and it was nice to have someone who could be on the same page as him. Sora kicked a rock and looked out into the ocean.

"i don't know, this time, I'm the one that's the problem. My heart's been giving in to the darkness a lot, now that we're not fighting anyone anymore." Suddenly, several heartless appeared, surrounding Sora indefinately. Sora in reaction, used the power of his heart to use his drive form. Right at that moment, one threw a strange dark orb at him, unlike those of Riku. It hit the sphere he was transforming in and the sphere turned dark. He gasped as it covered him, converting his body to a heartless form. 'Sora!' That was all that was said before the hooded figure of Roxas was flung from the orb. He rolled and was knocked out when he hit the side of a boulder. The dark shadow of heartless Sora loomed over him now, one hand on the ground as his instincts kicked in. Then he looked Roxas over, seeing he had know heart and back off. The heartless then showed him a heart and he followed, disappearing into the darkness.

~~Current time, Ghis manor~~

Sora thrashed around, angry at how easily he was caught. They lead him all the way here with that heart, and Just as they got him to the cage, he turned back to normal. All he had time to do was turn around before he was thrown in and shackled quickly. His hand was in a strange position, so he couldn't summon the keyblade. There was a barrier around the cage, so his drive forms weren't working. He felt his heart dip, and then it started happening, his mind was ripping in half as his body was covered in darkness. His clothes, turned all black, his eyes yellow. His mind was now set on one thing, hearts.


New member
Rae-Out gave Ghis a nod, and headed to the Main Lab. As she hadded to Sora's Chamber she kept wondering why was she there, why can't see rember her name and Why is it that she had this Empty feeling. Rae-Out shook her head and sighed.

She reached out for the Door with a little fear, she had heard alot about Sora and him being a Keyblader, she was alittle Star Struck by him nad a Little Shy. But she was given an ordered by her teacher so she had to Face him.

Rae-Out entered the chamber and saw Sora change into a Heartless. Rae-Out's Eyes widen with suprise but then went back to normal, all she could say at that monmet was, "I have to report this to Sensei." Siad Rae-Out in a cold voice.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Ghis heard his headset beep.'Sir, Sora has awakened in dark form.' Ghis jumped up."Great to hear. I'll be there in a second." He ran to the lab holding Sora. "Get him ready to be set out." He turned to Rea."Ok, we're setting him loose to find hearts. We found a good place to try, Radient Garden. I want you to go with Sora, keep him from doing anything wrong. We don't know how long this'll last, so any sign of him changing back, take him here."
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku looked at Roxas. He turned and looked at all the houses and the island far out in the distance. He thought about how his whole life of being a keyblader had been spent mostly off the island and out in other worlds. THis made him sad but he then thought of motivation to leave the island: What good is it without his best friend? He looked up at Roxas and smiled. "Alright. Lets go. Leon and the gang definately will want to heard about this. I'm sure Merlin could help by teaching us magic as well." Riku walked towards the portal and followed Roxas in. He knew that they were getting themselves into another adventure. And without Sora, this one will be their hardest. But Riku also knew that he had matured over the years and was now a better keyblader than ever before. He also had a little piece of Sora with him. Roxas.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
They got into Radiant Garden just in time to see two heartless and a Nobody vanish. Roxas sighed, thinking that this was just getting started. As Riku came in behind him they looked to see that they were now in front of the castle. Roxas Sighed again and then turned to the walkway back to the town.

"Guess I'm out of practice, looks like we're walking there." Roxas walked down the pathway. He felt something happening to Sora, and it didn't go well with him.

((so burnzzz))


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku followed Roxas down the pathway. He could tell something was wrong with him. He was about to ask Roxas something when a few Morning Stars appeared in front of them. Riku shot Dark Aura out at them. He killed two and left the other two for Roxas. Before Roxas could spring into action, though, a shuriken flew out from somewhere in front of them and killed the two Morning Stars. 'Hey Guys!' a voice said. Both Riku and Roxas recognized it to be Yuffie's. She steped out from behind the rock formation and ran up to greet them. "Hey Yuffie. Me and Roxas were coming to see you guys. How are the rest of them doing?" asked Riku. 'The rest are fine but what are you guys doing here?' she asked.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Hey...Yuffie." Roxas said slowly. Though he knew her form Sora's memories, he was not familiar with Yuffie as a friend, or the other' sfor that matter. He knew Riku well enough from the time being around him, Sora and Kairi. Roxas looked down at his etire, he was in his organization uniform at the time. He didn't know why, maybe it was from being seperated from Sora again. He waved it off and responded to her question. "We're here because Sora is needs to be saved, from the heartless...and from himself."

Before he could say anymore, thre samurai appeared in front of them. Roxas was about to draw his blade, when he noticed they weren't attacking. They were in a bowing position, right in front of him. Roxas thought for a moment and then liffted his hand in motion for them to stand. They did as he ordered and then two heartless soldiers appeared. Roxas thought for a moment and then ordered the samurai nobodies to attack and in one swift motion they had dispatched the heartless in seconds. Roxas then waved them away and they disappeared on command. He looked back at Riku and Yuffie, who'd both were probably in awe at this.

"Uh...guess I'm still an organization member for some, heh." Roxas laughed a bit nervously then moved past them down the path. He didn't need anymore akwardness then just being there in the first place, so he made it clear he'd explain it when they got to Merlin's house. It would be a long talk.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku looked in awe as Roxas commanded the Nobodies. He tried to say something but nothing escaped his lips. He got over it and followed Roxas with Yuffie right behind them 'Why might Sora need saving?' she asked. "I've been having strange dreams about him becoming evil, and Roxas has left his body because Sora is changing back into a heartless." Yuffie frowned. 'I'm not sure how we can help you but...' "Well acctually, it seems Roxas isn't that great with his teleporting at the moment---no offense. Do you think Cid could help get us a Gummi Ship?" 'I'm sure he very well might be able to.' Riku decided that for the rest of the time, they will remain silent with some occasional 'How are things?' and stuff. They would explain more at Merlin's House.


New member
The Ship ship landed in Ranent Garden Square. The Cargo hach open, Rae-Out Push out the Holding Cell for the Sora Heartless. She looked around at the sceen. Rae-Out like to look at a place before she let the Chaos Flow.

Rae-Out waved her hand and Sroa holding cell disappered. "Go and get your fill, Sora-san." Siad Rae-Out and she disapper and reapper in a safer place.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku, Roxas, and Yuffie soon reached the Borough and fought there way through some heartless to Merlin's house. 'My word! Look who we have here!' said Merlin as they entered. Cid and Leon were also there. They all exchanged greetings and shook hands then sat down. "Ok, here's what's happening. Sora is changing, i think, back into a heartless. That's why Roxas is here. He was separated from Sora as Sora was changing. Now i fear Sora is lost in darkness like i once was. I've also bee having dreams. Dreams that help me to control the darkness within me, even though it is gone." Riku waited because he knew Roxas wanted to jump into the conversation right now.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Axel fell to the ground, cluching his head in a meaningless effort to stop the pain that was coursing through his brain. Every secong felt like an hour, and in a matter of minutes he could remember everything of his previous life. His initiation into the elite of the Organization, Roxas, Sora, everything.

Axel thought that he was probably the last of the XIII, but something in the back of his head told him that there had to be a few left, atleast 2, no more than 4. He rushed to his room, in the same hallway as all the other members rooms, and found it just as he had left it. His extra cloak, gloves and rings on his bed and the bed unmade. He cast off his street clothes, which for some reason he had on, and put on his original outfit. The gloves still fit perfectly, the cloack still had that loose grip on him, everything was perfect.

He ran out of his room and opened all the other doors in the hallway. Every one was empty, excpet the last, in which Zexion was sitting on his bed, reading a book.

"Axel, you're finally back. I knew you would be." Zexion said before Axel could even make a sound.

"What happened to the others?" Axel asked quickly, wanting an answer, now.

"Well, Xaldin, Xibar, Saix, Luxord, and Xemnas all fell at the hands of Sora. Larxene and Marluxia were already gone, and the others, well they just disappeared. Oh, and Roxas is back, he un-merged with Sora a little bit ago. You and me and him are the only ones left." Zexion replied, not looking up from his book.

"Do you know where Roxas is now? And what do you mean by 'disappeared'?" Axel asked even quicker than the last question, longing to see his best friend.

"I meant exactly as I said, they just disappeared without a trace one night. ANd as for Roxas I'm not sure, but I'm sure you'll be able to find him if you just look around on some of the nearby planets." Zexion said as he closed his book and got under the covers of his bed. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to get some rest. See ya later, Number 2."

Axel then left the room and began walking to the Gummi Ship port located in the very back of the castle.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Roxas had been listening for a moment then a feeling went through him. A fiery image of a man he called a friend went through his mind as he liifted his face, just noticeable since he had put his hood back on.

"Axel...he's back..." Roxas looked up at all of them to find it was his turn to speak. He pulled his hood back slightly so that they could see more of his face, his eyes shining off the light a little. He cleared his voice and waited til everyone had eyes on him.

"Well, if you've been told by Sora before, or read Ansem the Wise's document, then my arrival means that Sora's become a heartless again, well, not completely of course. This time though, it's different. He's ben seen with the dark keyblade in his hand sometimes. He's gotten so consumed by the darkness, that i was throw form his body at the last occurrence." He paused to let them take it all in, when a rumbling hit the ground. Cid wen t to his computer automatically.

'There's a large mass of heartless trying to get through the new wall. We just got done putting on the damn paint!" Cid's voice going back to them, using a less colorful word the he wished. Roxas turned just to see a group of heartless rushing toward the open door. He summoned two samurai to attack them and keep them busy.

"Come on, Riku, Leon, we'd better get going!"

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Axel arrived at the gummi room and jumped in his ship. Named the "Mummy II" it was purple with an arsenal of weapons under its wings. 4 regular blasters, 2 tri-blasters, and 4 lasers. He punched in the co-ordinates for Twilight town, thinking that to be the first place to start looking. "I've gotta get there before Roxas leaves, if he hasn't already. That's most likely the place he appeared at, so that's where i'm going." He told Zexion when he popped up on the screen to clear him for launch.

'Ok, you do that.' Zexion replied, giving Axel the all clear signal. Axel launched the ship and hoped for a quiet journey to find his firend.

He arrived on Twilight Town a few minutes later, remembering as soon as he landed that the two world were tied together. He ran to The Usual Spot to talk to Hayner, Pence, and Olette about Roxas and if they'd seen him. THey said they hadn't, and that they didn't even know who Roxas was. "I didn't remeber that either, Roxas's Twilight Town was a virtual world." Axel thought. He ran back to his gummi ship, jumped back in, put the contorls on manual and blasted off in the direction of the closest world, Radiant Garden.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku left the house quickly followed by Leon and Roxas. They made their way to the baily taking down heartless here and there. When they arrived at the baily, there were many heartless attacking the wall. 'The damage doesn't seem that bad, just the heartless. Roxas, you summon more nobodies, me and Riku will do it the old fashion way' Leon and Riku bashed away at the heartless as Roxas summoned nobodies. Roxas then took out his keyblades and joined Riku and Leon. With every heartless that was destroyed, it seemed at least 3 more appeared. "We'll never beat them all at this rate!" said Riku in annoyance. Then, Riku once again heard a very familiar voice. Then he saw the ears and then he joined them in battle. Mickey. 'Hold on guys!' He said as he came in and bashed away himself at some heartless. Riku's face lit up at seing his second very best friend.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Roxas cut through legions of Heartless, the nobodies helping him as they stabed a neo shadow in several different places before it vanished. Then Roxas hesitated for a moment, feeling two things, which almost got him killed if a samurai hadn't used it's body as a shield in his stead. Roxas thanks his ally as it disappeared and cut down the soldier.What he had felt were two things actually, it's what made him stop for so long. The first, was in this world, further in towards the dark depths. That was who they were looking for. The second, was that blazing image again, this time, clearer, and with more of a purpose in it. It was Axel, he was close, and Roxas knew that if he could gt to Sora, then he'd probably get to Axel. Roxas cut through a bunch of heartless, walking pass the king and Riku. He slide to a stop when a behemoth appeared in front of him, about to stop on him flat. Roxas covered his face, as the foot came towards him.

(Himura, there's your entrance)

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Axel had heard the noises of the battle as soon as he had landed in the valley between Radient Garden and Hollow Bastion. He ran to the entrance of Hollow Bastion in search of any heartless he could get his hands on. There were only a few, and after he had dispatched of them he doubled back and took the path to the bailey. Coming in from the back he could see hundreds of heartless packed into that tiny little space. Also, on the other side of the area, he could see 3 to 4 others fighting their way through. He also noticed something else, something that made him feel a little bit more cheerful on the inside. There were nobodies fighting the heartless, and where there were nobodies there was an officer. "Lets see, everyone except Roxas and Zexion are dead, or gone, and I know Zexion didn't come, or it would have been his ship in the Gummi Port when I tried to land. THat only leaves one possibility, it's either Roxas or one of the ones that disappeared, most likely the first." Axel thought as he jumped down from the wall onto the path below.

Axel summoned some nobodies of his own when he hit the ground. They were just the regular dusks, but he figured he didn't really need all that much help, there were already samurais all over the battly, and they were doing well against the heartless. The first leigon Axel encoutered was all soldies, then the next, and the next, and the next. I seemed to him the leader sent all the shadows up in the front lines, and kept the soldiers in the back. "I've gotta get up front, I'll tire myself out if I keep fightin nothing but soldiers." He thought as he wiped out another leigon of soldiers. Right then he was in the clear, no soldiers were attacking him, so he opened a portal of darkness and sent himself to the front of the battle, where the other warriors, and hopefully Roxas, were fighting.

When Axel appeared he was right beside some guy with a hood, and right under a Behemoth's foot. "Whoa, I didn't expect that." he thought as the foot came down at them. Axel sliced the foot with both his rings, then quickly rolled out of the way, grabbing the guy next to him and pulling him with him. He put the guy on the groud, jumped up ontop of the behemoth, and began hacking and slashing with his rings, pausing for a few time to cast a fire spell, until he finally took it down.

Axel jumped off the creatures back as it fell to the ground and landed right next to the guy from before. his hood was still over his face, but Axel could see a blonde bang hanging out from the end of the hood. He pulled it back, hoping that it was who he wanted it to be. It was. Axel found himself looking right into the face of his best friend.

"ROXAS!" Axel yelled as he jumped up off the ground and lent a hand out to Roxas who was still on the ground for some reason.
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