Kingdom Hearts: Heartless Rebirth

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
(oh, sorry, didn't remember seeing that. Axel: SORRY ROXAS *thoughts: I always did wonder what roxas would taste like as a pancake**takes a bite out of roxas* Axel: YUMMY! but seriously i'll save him *edits post*)

(Edit: there we go, i just saved Roxas, happy now?)
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New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku attacked the heartless alongside Mickey and Leon. All of a sudden, Riku saw it. A Behemoth. Roxas stood in awe as the foot came crashing down. Riku ran in to help, but he then saw a portal open and a man in a black cloak with red hair came out killing the behemoth. Riku looked in amazement as it seemed that Axel was on their side. Mickey seemed just as amazed. They quickly snapped out of it though and finished off the last few heartless. "Mickey! What are you doing here?" asked Riku to the beloved king. Mickey smiled as he answered. 'I've been having dreams Riku, about you being in touble and you needing me. Last night i had a dream that ansem was about to kill you. I knew that this meant something so i set off to find you and Sora who i later found out was becoming a heartless again.' Mickey, Riku, and Leon walked over to Roxas and Axel. Riku thought it a little weird that he had the same exact dream as Mickey, but decided to say nothing. He looked at Axel. "I thought you killed yourself helping Sora out. How are you here? And Roxas, are you ok?" Riku helped Roxas up to his feet and waited for an answer from both of them.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
(Yes, Roxas is very grateful not to be pancake boy)

Roxas blinked as he watched the Behemoth getting hacked and slashed. He didn't even make a move to keep his hood on when his face was revealed. He just looked up at the flaming red hair. Roxas took the offered hand and almost went into a hug with his old friend. "Axel, it's good to see you again, tough I'm not sure how." Roxas was just glad to see him so When two heartless came up onto them. It was no lie that the darkness stood no chance. Roxas and Axel were a great team, but the darkness coming form deep drk depths was telling them to go their. Roxas looked back at Riku with a sullen look.

"No time for that now, looks like Sora's up ahead." Roxas ran toward the darkness that seemed to be fueling the pathway, causing more heartless at each turn. They'd just begun this war and it was lookign bad already.
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"I'll explain later," Axel said to Riku after Roxas started running off towards Sora. Axel then sprinted off after him, catching up after a few seconds, then kept the pace with him. "Nice to see you again, pal. How ya been doin'?" Axel asked as they were running side-by-side, cutting down what few heartless got in their way.

OOC: sorry for the shortness, having a little bit of writers block right now.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
((Dunno what happened, guess Riku got writer's block too))

Roxas ran through parths of Heartless, Riku and Axel following. Leon and the king had been held up by a group of heartless, but they'd be ok. Roxas was cutting through oneafter another, his thoughts on what was ahead. He remembered viewing in Sora's thoughts the man who'd been seen here last, Sephiroth. Roxas was glad they weren't gonna see him, but the one who was there as they turned the corner wasn't much better. Roxas stopped in his tracks, to see Sora, standing there, an aura of darkness radiating off his body.

He was standing upright for the moment, but his head was down a bit. His clothes and skin a different shade of black form the darkness, and that fanged smile that they all had. Most apparent to him were the eyes, yellow, empty, wanting nothing more then to attack and fill the hearts in the area with darkness, claiming them. Roxas was ready for an attack, but then he relized something. Both him and Axel had no hearts. The first person he'd go after was...

"Riku,watch out!" That was all Roxas could get form his mouth before Sora flew, literially flew, through the air, sttraight towards his friend and former rival. Sora outstretched a hand, which he would use like a claw and swiped at Riku. It was a quick swipe but with Roxas warning, Riku would be able to see it coming.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Quickly, without thinking who this was, Riku shot out Dark Aura at Sora. Sora fell to the ground but then quickly got back up on all fours. He once again flew through the air at Riku. He pushed Riku down and raised a claw up in the air. Riku hit Sora with the back of his keyblade for time, then swung the keyblade, sending him into Leon. Sora gazed up at Leon with his yellow eyes and pounced up to snatch his heart. Leon swung his gunblade at Sora, knocking him down to the ground. Sora's eyes began to glow fiercely and he shot dark energy from his hand at Leon. Leon quickly jumped back avoiding it. Mickey jumped in and casted pearl. The pearl flew through the air at Sora. Sora jumped and hing onto a wall to get it awya from him, but it followed him. He ran accross the wall as the pearl picked up speed. He jumped to the ground and ran past Mickey and Leon. His clothes began to return to their normal colors. He jumped up and slashed at Riku. Riku tried dodging it but Sora got some of his arm. Sora's clothes changed back to normal just as Mickey's Pearl hit him. His eyes returned to their normal shade of blue and he lied down on the floor, unconcious.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Roxas, though at the time wanted to see if Riku was alright, also wanted to get mad at them for attack Sora so ruthlessly. He ran over and shook Sora, trying to wake him. He was waved off by the now sleeping Keyblader at first, then a second time was greeted by a swiping hand. Roxas, vien popping, quickly remedied the situation with a jab to the head. Sora jumped up, holding the lump now on his forehead.

'Roxas! What was that fo...Roxas? Riku? What are yo...Where am I?'

"It's a long story, and I bet you know at least half of it, but let's get out of here."

Roxas spoke to him quickly, because he had a bad feeling, a feeling that this reunion wouldn't last very long at all. He wanted tomake sure that feeling didn't come to pass.

"Riku, how's your arm?" Roxas remembered Riku got cut, and hoped it didn't do him too much harm.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku looked at the now awake Sora and smiled. He turned to Roxas. "My arm is fine. Just a little cut." Riku then turned to Sora. His friend was ok. " are you feeling?" Sora just looked at him.

'I'm...I'm feeling fine.'

"Can you remember anything? About whats been happening to you?"

Sora just stared blankly at Riku. Riku stared back. His condition was teribble. All that fighting had ripped his clothes and given him cuts and bruises. Riku felt so angry at himself. How could he d that to his friend? Riku looked at Roxas and by his expression, Riku knew that Roxas was scared for the same reason he was, this reunion would soon end.

"Come on," said Riku as he began to run back to Merlin's house followed by Roxas, Leon, and Mickey. Sora stayed back and clenched his head. He had gotten a teribble headache. He fell on his hands and knees and started fading between black and normal. The short migrane ended right after and Sora stood up and followed the rest of the group.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Axel just stood behing Roxas, not saying anything. He had decided to leave the talking to Riku and Roxas. On the way back to Merlin's house, however, Axel decided tht he would suprise Sora, since he apparently hadn't seen him yet. "I'll just poof up to the door right now and hide around the side of the house until they get back. Then right when they get up to the house i pop up right infront of the door."

And so that's what he did. He lingered behind, then opened a portal to the house. Hiding around the side, he waited for everyone. A few minutes later, they came down the street, approaching the house. "Sora still hasn't changed back yet, good." Axel said, seein that Sora was still right behind Riku.

As soon as riku put a foot on the porch, Axel popped out of hiding.

"SUPRISE SORA! How ya doin man? Well, i already know the answer to that, but whatever. Welcome back from the otherside."

'Axel? What are you ding here, I thought you died!'

"Well, for whatever reason, I'm back! Now let's go inside and get down to buisness."

Axel was pleased with himself. He only hoped that he had just lightened the mood alittle, not just for Sora, but for everyone.
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Axel's sudden appearance inside th house made Riku slide to almost a stop, but Roxas hd known he'd move to the house. Sora had almost keybladed him to death for it but it was alright. They all went in and sat down, where Roxas began to relate the story back to sora, as Merlin was repairing his clothes and Aeris healed him. Sora was better now, and he could stand with ease. As he listened he scar the group with dizzy spells and his cloths switch slightly darker every no and then, then when the story finished, he sighed. Roxas knew it was hard to swallow, but it was the truth. Sora looked around to them and only asked one thing.

'What happens next?'


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku listened intently at the story and jumped in every now and then when something was left out. He was just as puzzled as Sora and he knew most of it. He had the same question as Sora at the moment. What would they do next? Riku was about to speak up, when he got a migrane. He held his head as the migrane slowly disappeared. The room seemed to be getting darker, but it soon lit up again. Mickey must have noticed Riku felt something weird, because he spoke up.

'You alright, Riku?'

"Yeah...yeah i'm fine, Mickey. Thanks. Anyway, this has to be caused by a surge of emotions or something. Also, Sora hasn't been at the island. He also doesn't seem to remember where he is or whats going on. And look! His clothes keep changing from....from normal" Suddenly, Riku fell to the ground.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Ghis waited for any word on Sora.Several minutes passed since he left, which soon became a couple hours. Eventually, a call came."Yes?" "We have word on Sora. He seems to have been....captured.' Ghis was outraged. "WHAT?!?! Without him, my plan fails." He called up Rea-out. "Rea-Out, go get Sora back."


New member
Rea-Out was in her own world reading her Mother Notes. She completely lost track of time and Sora. She came back to realty when she heard Ghis yell. Rea-Out quickly looked up at the sky and noticed she lost connection with Dark Sora.
"Oh Crap, He must have changed back. I better go get him. Ghis is gonna be so pissed." said Rea-Out as she quickly stoded up

Rea-out thought to her self for a second. 'Gosh Blargit where'd Sroa go?!.... Hmmm, I know Merlen can help me. He owes one to my Mother and Father maybe he can help me find Sroa.' Thought Rea-Out as she snapped her fingers

Rea-Out Used a Spell to teleport to Merlen, she appeared in his chamber in front of Sroa and his friends, "Hi, Merlen its me Rea-Out I need your Help Wi-" Siad Rea-Out before she Noticed that she wasn't alone with Merlen.

"Uh-oh."Squeaked Rea-Out as smiled inocently.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Both Roxas and Sora both jumped up as Riku fell to the ground, worried about him. Leon and the others all were there too, seeing if he was alright. Roxas looked toward sora and they nodded in silent agreement. Riku was getting in bad shape, either from the fights, or the exposure to darkness.

'Oh no, Riku, he's a been around th darkness too much.' They all paused as a new comer came to view. She seemed to not notice them for a minute, speaking to Merlin before looking toward the rest of them and attempting to recover. Sora seemed to look with a hard gaze, like he knew her, but he couldn't put his mind to it.

" know her?"

'I feel like i do...but I..can't..Ah!' Sora's head began to throb, a dark aura surrounding him again. Before Roxas could stop him, he ran out the door, turning from heartless to normal as he did. If he escaped, it'd be bad, but that seemed to happen as the heartless side leaped in the air and disappeared within a mini dark portal. Roxas had no time to think about it as he also had Riku and this new girl to deal with. He drew his keyblade and it flashed near her, pointed at her heart.

"If you don't want to lose that..then tell me what just happened, and who are you?"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku was falling. Falling into darkness. As he fell, he kept remembering his past. When he first chose darkness, back on Destiny Islands. When Ansem lured him into darkness. When he closed the door with Sora and was locked into darkness. When he fought Roxas and had to unleash the darkness within his heart to win the battle. All his memories, all his life revolved around one thing. Darkness. He remembered when he had met Reiku. Kairi kept telling him to get out of darkness and return to the light. He denied it and said he was already in light. Apparantly, he was wrong. For now he would ust keep falling. "Whats happening to me?" he asked himself oer and over again.

After falling for a while, Riku saw something. A light. It was small, VERY small, but nonetheless, it was a light. The little glimmer of light that rested deep deep within his heart. Soon, Riku remembered the moments he spent on the island. Kairi, Wakka, Tidus, Selphie, all the fun he had growing up. He remembered the secret place and the first time him and Sora had ever ventured to go in there. He remembered when Kairi first came to the island. He remembered having a tiny crush on her when thy were growning up. He remembered his friends. He remembered Roxas and Leon. And soon, the light got bigger. He then thought of Mickey and the time they spent together in Castle Oblivion. Then, he thought of his very best friend. Sora. The light instantly enveloped him.

When the light faded, Riku found himself in the Bourough at Radiant Garden. The streets were deserted. Riku quckly ran back to Merlin's house. He knocked and no one answered, so he just opened the door. He rushed in and looked around. Nobody was there. It was completely empty. Riku turned to leave when something caught his eye. There was a dark aura towards the back of th house. Soon, a portal opened in that area and out came Reiku.

'Hello Riku. Are you ready for round two?'

Before Riku could answer, the whole house was shrouded in darkness. Reiku created a portal and pointed to it. Without waiting for instruction, Riku rushed through the portal.

Riku stood high on the Memory Skyscraper looking down at the Neoshadows attacking the dual-weilding keyblader. Roxas slashed at them all as they attacked him. He then looked up at Riku. He ran up the skyscraper and did Strike Raid. Riku saw with his heart considering his eyes were blindfolded. He jumped off the skyscraper and grabbed Oblivion. He flew past Roxas and landed on his feet at the base of the massive skyscraper. Roxas landed a few feet from him. They looked at each other and jumped back, ready to attack.


New member
Rea-Out stepped back a little as the Keyblade was ponited to her heart,"Hey hey hey, I-I just got here. I-I dun know whats going on!"Siad Rea-Out as she looked to the side alittle.

Rea-Out was lying but she thought its better if they did not find out that she and her Master are working togather to catch Sora from his friends. "Hey shouldn't we be going after your friend, H-he looked like he could use some help!"Said Rea-Out quickly changing the subject from her and to Sora.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"Everyone except Roxas and that girl, stay with Riku. Me and the other two will try and get Sora back." Axel said just before sprinitng off through the door, leaving no time for anyone to argue. He really didn't care who came with him, but he thought that three people would be enough to get Sora without scaring provoking him to attack a the same time. Builindgs blurred past him as he focused his attention on the Heartless Sora on the horizon.

Eventually, Sora began to slow down, but Axel only seemed to be getting faster. He just hope that the others did what he said, and that Roxas and the girl were the only ones following him.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Axel wait! Sora's...."

Roxas was too late, Axel ran out before he had a chance to tell him that Sora had already vanished through a portal (that's what happens when you skim) Roxas keep the Keyblade pointed towards her and stepped forward.

"You came here, and then Sora lost his control, what do you have to do with it?" Roxas couldn't fulled focus on her, because Riku was still passed out on the ground. Mickey was helping him up, but he wasn't responding to his calls. Roxas could sense th fight in Riku's mind, a fight he had to do alone.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: I did skim, Axel didn't.

Axel stopped for a rest just before he caught up with Sora. Sora had stopped also, so Axel thought it would be a good idea while he could. He would go sneak up on him in a few minutes, then bring him back to Merlins. "This woulda been easier if Roxas and that chick had followed me. Now I gotta drag him back all by myself. Whatever, atleast I'll get all the thanks." Axel thought just before getting up. Sora hadn't moved, that was good.

Axel made his way across the landscape hiding himself behind object until he was close enough to Sora to jump on him. But when he got within a good sight range he noticed something, it wasn't Sora he'd been following. Axel jumped out from behind the rock he was behind and landed just infront of the man. He had a hood and a whisp of bluish purple hair that hung out just below it.

"Zexion, what the.... hell are you doing... here?"

'Nothing much, just looking out for the other two members of Org. III.'

"Organization III? What's up with that?"

'It's our new name for our current ammount of people. Thought it up myself.'

"You've finally lost it, man."

'I know, say, where's Roxas?'

"He's back at Merlin's house with Riku and King Mickey and Roxas and some other people."

'Oh, shall we go then?'

"Go where?"

'To Merlin's, ya blockhead!'

"Oh, yeah I guess so"

'Well then let's go, I'll let you open the portal since I have no clue whatsoever where it is.'

So Axel opened a portal to Merlin's house, even though he wasn't exactly sure he could trust Zexion around the others. Him and Zexion stepped through the portal, and arrived on the doorstep of Merlins house.