Kingdom Hearts: Heartless Rebirth


New member
Rea-out ws running out of ideas to get the subject off her, she doesn't need the others to find out about her. If her boss found out she spilled, she'll be in even deeper truble. Ideas of how to get out popped up in her head.

She could fight her way, she's not strongh enough to take them all.
She could beg for her, she didn't feel like it.

But just then when she was running out of idea, she sinced some one at the door step of Merlen's home. So she did the only thing she thought that wold save her.
"Oh, some one's at the door, it might be your friend, you sould go check." Siad Rea-Out thinking luck was back on her side.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((you may understand this scene better if you see the cutscene from KH2 FM))

Riku wiped the sweat from his forehead and dodged another attack from Roxas. They had been fighting for sometime. Riku then noticed someone behind Roxas. Reiku had been standing there, watching them. Roxas caught Riku off guard and sent him flying to the ground.

"Why! Why do you have the keyblade!" Riku said.

'Shut up!' said Roxas as he lifted his keyblade up and sent it down on Riku. Riku quickly shot up and blocked it sending Roxas flying back. He got up and walked to Roxas.

He looked down at him and lifted his keyblade up. He hesitated, but then brought Oblivion down hard on Roxas' cloak, nailing him to the ground. Riku was satisfied. He began to leave when he noticed Roxas moving. Roxas grabbed Oblivion and swung at Riku. Riku jumped back and shot dark aura at Roxas, who easily blocked it with his keyblades.

'You can't beat me!'

"I guess not. Looks like i have to do it."

'Do what?'

"The power resting in my heart---" Riku pulled off his blindfold "---if i were to be someone else." Riku looked at Reiku. He then threw his head back and screamed. An aura surrounded him as purple flames surrounded him. Riku thought it would turn out the same as before when he fought Roxas and chaned to Ansem. But when the flames wore away, Riku was the same, and Roxas was gone. Instead, Ansem and his Gate Guardian were standing before Riku. He shot dark aura out at them, but they just disappeared. Riku looked around for them. Then Ansem appeared right in front of him as Gate Guardian grabbed Riku, raising him up.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Roxas watched as Riku struggled in his mind. For a moment he moved his blade from the girl and went down to Before she could move Leon had the gunblade on her shoulder though. Roxas looked from him to Mickey in confusion. The mouse was just as lost as him, but had an idea. He whisper it to Roxas and he nodded. With a deep breath, he placed his hand to Riku's chest and closed his eyes. His body shined for a moment before vanishing.

'Riku's heart is now fighting in the past. Because you are a Nobody, you can enter hearts without being rejected.'

Roxas thought these words from the King as he traveled into the depths of Riku's heart. A Bright light shined and then faded, and after a moment he finally opened his eyes. He was at Twilight's Skyscraper. He looks around at the past, as it was just like when he had left. He looked forward finally and saw what was like seeing the past. The man that had been Riku, the heartless that had grabbed him, except Riku was the one in the Heartless' hand, and he was quickly losing consciousness.

"Riku! Hold on I'm coming!" Roxas draws Oathkeeper and Oblivion and dashes towards the Gaurdian. He leaps into the air and four organization symbols appear around him, they jump from him to around the Gaurdian and four beams of light shoot out, smashing throguh him and causing both him and Ansem to fall. Ansem simply looked to Roxas and then Riku. " won't beat me this time." Roxas gets in Ansem's face and slashes, only to have swipe through air.

'"'re almost there Roxas...never thought I'd get the chance to meet you.'" Reiku appeared before them both, and Roxas already was in hi battle stance. Reiku held up a hand, to halt Roxas upcoming assult. '"I come not to fight...but to help Riku, and maybe you as well.'" He steps closer, but Roxas spins his keyblades again and glares into the man's eyes. "Not another step closer...what is it you want?" Reiku stopped and removed his hood, which revealed silver hair and equally silver eyes. He lifts his hand and Roxas stops in his tracks, struggling to move. "Damn..."

'"Now...I think it's time to change your fates...allow me to explain...'"


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku was slowly losing conciousness. He dropped his keyblade. Suddenly, he saw the Nobody symbols appear as light beams shot out of them. The Guardian dropped Riku. Once Riku looked up, he saw Roxas standing there. His first instinct was to attack Roxas, but something told him not to. He saw Roxas was about to attack Reiku, but Reiku had stopped him.

"You can trust him, Roxas."

Riku looked at Reiku intensely as he explained what was going on.

'Riku is being called back to past memories to fight the darkness that still exists deep within his heart. Now as i'm sure you know, as Riku goes through this, at the same time, Sora is being consumed by darkness in his heart. I can help you get Sora back.'

Roxas seemed to soften up a bit as he put away his keyblades. Reiku smiled at this and kept going.

'I can also help Riku with his darkness problem.'

Reiku moved his hand as dark chains came out of the ground and restrained Riku's arm's and legs. Reiku stepped forward and smiled. Roxas still was struggling to move. 'It's done' said Reiku as he stepped towards Riku again. The chains began to fill Riku's heart with darkness. Riku cried out as he felt the light in his heart fail. 'To fight the darkness, you must face the darkness.' "Face the darkness?" Riku was lost. He didn't know what to do as the chains poured darkness into his heart. 'Defeat the darkness with a stronger darkness. I will give you mine now, the power of darkness with absolute control'

"I can control my darkness without any help!" said Riku as the chains continued to put the darkness in his heart. 'It is your task to handle, if you cannot face the darkness, it will consume you again.' Riku looked down, and then looked back up at Reiku. "No matter what happens, there will always be a light." Reiku scowled and said, 'We shall see.'

Reiku's had erupted with dark light and he fired a beam of darkness into Riku's heart. Riku looked from Roxas, to the ground, to the chains, and then finally back at Reiku. Just before the beam hit, the light deep within Riku's heart shielded him, and fired a beam of light at the darkness, fending it off. The chains restraining Riku fell, and Roxas was able to move again.

Reiku frowned and looked at the boy who had just resisted the darkness. 'You're not ready for the darkness' he said, shaking his head. He turned and walked away, leaving the two teenagers in awe and confusion. Riku once again got a migrane and closed his eyes while clutching his head.

Riku opened his eyes and found himself on the floor of Merlin's house, Mickey and Leon staring down at him. Roxas was lying on the floor also, but he didn't open his eyes until a few seconds later. Riku looked around at the room full of his old friends. He smiled and looked for Sora. He realized what must have happened and stood up, then helped Roxas up. He sat down on a chair and thought a bit about what just happened. "You're not ready for the darkness....what did he mean?"

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
OOC: in this post Axel doesn't know what was going on inside the house.

Axel noticed that the others were taking their apparently extra long time getting to the door, so he decided to just let himself in. Too lazy to try to open the door himself first, Axel made a dark portal, stepped in, motioned for Zexion to do so also, and aimed the end of it for about 12 feet infront of them. When they opened stepped through the other side of the portal, they appeared right in the middle of the room. He took a seat on the couch next to Tifa and Zexion took a seat next to him.

"Well, nice to see you guys've remembered you manners. I bring a guest over that may be able to help us find Sora, and you people just ignore the dorbell. But, whatever, as you can see I have my own ways of getting inside something." Axel stated as he sat down not knowing that anything had happened in the ammount of time he'd been gone. Zexion just sat in his spot, not saying anything at all, just staring off into space, as if he were asleep with his eyes open. Axel noticed that the other were waiting for some kind of introduction, so he decided to do it himself.

"This here's my buddy Zexion, well I guess you could call him my buddy, we never did get alon that well... But anyway, he apparently knows where Sora may be going, if you guys still want to find him. Oh, and also, Zex does this sometimes," Axel then motioned toward Zexion so everyone would see what he was talking about. "so when he does don't go thinking he's like fallen alseep on you. He just seems to daydream, alot." Axel then finished his introduction with a short glance around the romm and leaned back in his seat. "God, they must think he's like crazy or something now. Oh well, he'll come out of lala land sooner or later."


Outside of the house a shadowy figure crouched upon the roof, creepin into Zexions mind. The man had been working on putting the controll curse in place for quite some time now, maybe even a few years, working slowly so that others wouldn't notice the sudden change in behavior. And over the past few years, Zexion's modd had dropped a little every single day, so that everyone would just think he'd finally gone crazy once he took full controll over him. The curse was almost finished now, the man would only have to do this a couple more times, and then his plans would come into place.

This man wanted Sora, and he wanted him very, very soon.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Zexion? So he's still alive?" Roxas stood up, having been conscious for the entire discussion. He let his keyblade dissipate before walking over, sitting the girl down whom mickey was still keeping there. He walked up to Zexion and waved a hand over his face. "Wake up man, if you have an idea, then share it with us. Not sure how you're still alive after Replica Riku was done with you but whatever." Roxas said with a sigh. He had heard of when it happened from Axel before, but had thought Zexion was dead. He shrugged it off and looked to Cid.

"Hey...we need a way to get to the next world, to see if Sora went there. She's coming with us." He indicated the girl who made Sora go crazy. Cid nodded and turned to his computer.

'Well, I may have the old Excalibur on me, but you'll have to reopen those doorways Sora made. No way of getting there without...' Before Cid could finish, a heartless came bursting out of his computer, sparks flying everywhere. They all shielded they eyes form the sparks, Mickey releasing the girl from his grasp. "Dammit, it's too bright...can't see." Roxas thought as he attempted to open an eye and look around.


New member
Rae-Out smiled at the Heartless arrivel, 'Great, this can be my chance to escape... or to gain there trust' Thought Rae-Out as her hands became envolpled in a icy cool arua.
"Freeza!"Called out Rae-Out as waved her hands to the side.

A bule bolt shot out to the heartless freezing it soild and then shaddering into pices distroying the heartless. "Whew, that was close," Siad Rae-Out "Those tings was after me, so I teleported to Merlens to see if he can upgrade my powers." Siad Rae-Out flawlessly.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku put a hand above his face to protect his eyes from the sparks and brightness of the room that quickly died out after the girl killed the heartless. Riku stood up and looked at her. "Thanks." He turned to Cid and the smoking computer. He sighed. "Get us whatever you can. There's six of us, and if we find Sora that's seven." Cid pushed a button on the keyboard and the wall split open, revealing stairs. 'Follow me to the Gummi Hanger and i'll hook you up with a ship.' The group followed Cid down the stairs to the Gummi Hanger and looked around at the place. It was old and looked like it hadn't been used for a while. There were blueprints of ships tacked to the wall and spare gummi parts scattered all over the place. On a platform in the center of the room stood a giant ship, large enough to hold up to 12 people, but many gummis were missing from the design, making it unflyable at the moment. 'That's the Excalibur Lvl 10. I never got around to finishing it. I need some rare gummis to complete it. If you come across any, send them my way.'

Cid walked to the very back of the room where to pods were waiting, each with an old, Lvl 1 model of Excalibur inside them. 'Each only seats 3 so you will have to split up into two groups.' "Right. Mickey, Roxas, and I will take one ship, you three got the other one." Axel was standing next to Riku so Riku made sure to whisper something to him "Keep an eye on that girl. There's something about her that screams darkness."

Cid typed a code into a keypad and the pods opened, releasing steam and lowering the ship to the floor. 'The roads between the worlds have once again become disconnected. Right now all you can get to is the Disney Castle and Twilight Town.' "'We'll take Twilight Town., Zexion, and that girl stick around here for a bit incase Sora comes back. After that head to Disney Castle.'" said Mickey. Riku leaned in close and whispered to him. "Are you sure its a good idea to send them to the Disney Castle?" "'Don't worry. Donald and Goofy are there along with the other guards and knights.'"

Riku stood up and nodded to Cid. "Alright! Lets go save Sora!" he said as they walked into their Gummi Ship and the other three walked into their's. They each took a seat with Mickey in the front seat. Mickey pushed a button and Chip and Dale appeared n the screen. "'Ready for take off!'" they said in union as the ship blasted off.


New member
Rae-Out breath a sigh of releaf as she enter the ship, before she knew it the ship took off. She looked out side at the passing stars as she thought to her self, 'Well teaming up with these people they should help me find Sora, so I don't have to do all the hard work. Once they find him I'll just teleport him and me back to the master... good thing I've been looking over Mother's old notes so I could build me a teleportaion device.'

Rae-Out sighed again as her bright eys turn to sadden ones, 'Too bad her notes doesn't explain why my Keyblade disappered on me..... maybe its the blance of my heart... well whatever, I got more important things to do...getting Sora back to the Master, sooner I do that the more I can learn and maybe know why my Key disapper.' Rea-Out thought More to herself.

Rae-Out looked around at the People she was teamed up with, 'Intresting how none of them asked my name yet...' Thought Rea-Out with an Innocent face.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku looked around in the small gummi. The captain's seat, which Mickey was sitting in, was larger than the other two and Riku found it ironic that such a little mouse neded such a large chair. Roxas was sitting in the right seat and Riku on the left. Riku was thinking about what Reiku had meant by "You're not ready for the darkness." Riku decided to dismiss it from his head and looked up as Mickey turned his chair around. 'Ok fellas. It looks like Ansem forgot to delete the data Twilight Town so it might be hard to tell the two appart. If things begin to feel wierd, head to the sandlot. If you are in the real Twilight Town, there should be a poster of Sora saying "Struggle Champion". If we are in the data Twilight Town, Roxas will be on that poster. Before we leave, there are a few things we need to do. We need to find the keyhole and lock it. We also need to drop by the wise Yen Sid to see if he knows anything of what's going on. Oh! And i almost forgot. Look who will be joining us yet again!' Little Jiminy Cricket hopped out of Mickey's pocket holding his little journal. Mickey turned his chair around again as Chip and Dale appeared on screen. "'Hey there its your Gummi engineers here, Chip,'" ""and Dale!"" "'Twilight Town is a while off and---'"

Chip was cut off as the ship was hit. "'INCOMING! Heartless are using this path too! Stay on your toes!'" The screen went blank as the giant Heartless ship came into view. "Your Majesty! Stay on the wheel! I'll handle the guns. Roxas, you man the lazers" said Riku. Everyone did as they were told. Jiminy took out his pen and began to draw what the heartless ship looked like. Riku aimed the gun at the ship and began to shoot, having all his shots deflected. Roxas shot the lazer but that too did no damage. Mickey put on the rocket boost and tried to fly past it but it was no use. The ship was on them, tight. Riku looked around for any spot that looked weak that they could shoot. Roxas then noticed something and spoke up. 'The ****pit!' He said as he aimed the lazer there and began shooting. Mickey moved the ship to make it easier for him and Riku. Riku took the guns and began shooting once more. Jiminy wrote like the wind. Roxas shot the lazer one last time and stopped as he saw smoke rising up from the ship as it hurtled down and exploded. A small glowing gummi piece shot out of it and was quickly taken by the ship plyers. Mickey jumped out of his seat and put the ship on autopilot to see what the piece was. 'Gosh, i've never seen this piece before.' "You think it's one of those rare ones Cid was talking about?" 'Welp, i'm sure it might be.'

Soon, Twilight Town came into view. The ship landed in the sandlot and everyone piled out. They looked up to the north wall and saw the poster of Sora. They then heard screaming and all took out their keyblades. Vivi then came running from Tram Common. He tripped and fell in front of Riku, Mickey, and Roxas. He pointed behind them and said,
'Th-they're back!' A fireball shot out from Tram Common as a 5 Black Mages who looked a lot like older Vivis came running after it screaming, "KILL!"

((these are the black mages from FFIX which i'm sure you've all seen before but if not, they look like this: The three in the middle are the Black Waltzes and the four on the outside are the mages.))

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Roxas jumped back, materializing Oblivion and Oathkeeper. He moved them out tot he side and dragged both keyblades on the ground, running forward towards mages. They fired a shot and he jumped into the air, spinning and landing with a downward slash, sending the mage flying back. he did several spinning backsteps , knocking down fireballs as he moved back to Riku and Mickey, then outstretched each arm. Four Organization symbols appeared in front of them and beams of light shot from the bottom tps spinning aroudn them to block the fire ball attacks.

"This s bad, we've got to find Hayner and the others." Roxas said. He remembered them well, though they were just data when he met them, the real ones were here, and still friends in his mind.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Riku watched as Roxas did away with the mages. When the time came, Riku jumped in with some combos of his own. Riku cast Dark Shield around Vivi to protect him and started with Dark Cannon. Hundreds of balls of Dark aura short out at the mages. One fell to the ground and disappeared while another started casting Blizzard. Riku cast Dark shield and reflected the bolt of ice back to the mage, injuring it. Three more mages walked to the Sandlot from the Back Alley. Riku knew they'd keep coming so they only had one chance. He looked back at Mickey and saw that he was thinking the same thing. Mickey threw his keyblade up in the air and Riku did the same. The Keyblades pointedto each other and exploded into light, enveloping the mages. The keyblades reappeared in their hands as the light faded and they saw that that did the trick. All the mages had died.

Riku bent down to make sure Vivi was ok.
"Vivi, what were those things?" asked Riku. Vivi stood p and adjusted his hat. 'Those were black mages. A few years ago, a man named Kuja began creating them as weapons of murder for an evil queen named queen Brahne. I was one of these mages, but i malfunctioned. I'm good, along with many other malfunctioning mages who live in the Black Mage village. Me and my friend Zidane defeated Kuja and the production of these mages stopped. Someone must have figured out how to create them and is creating them again!' Riku stood up and looked at Mickey, and then Roxas. "A new enemy?" he asked with a sigh. "As if heartless and nobodies aren't enough" 'Whoever is making them again must be sending them into the worlds for some reason. Who is it and what's his goal?' said Vivi in wonder. Riku shrugged and Vivi turned to leave. "'Wait, Vivi!'" Vivi turned to the sound of Roxas. "'How are Hayner and the others doing?'" Vivi shrugged. 'I dunno, but you should check at the Usual Place for them.'

Riku had never met Hayner or any of them, but he heard about them from Sora's stories and saw pictures of them in Jiminy's Journal. They seemed nice, but Riku would just have to meet them for himself. After all, it looked like Roxas was eager to see them again too. "Well, what are we waiting for? To the Usual Place!"
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Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"SO..." Axel said pointing at Rae-Out "I don't think I caught your name. Or what word you're from, or which Keyblade you use if you do have one, or why you suddenly showed up at Merlin's while I was gone." Axel was in the pilots seat, having flow many gummies before, and was making a course for Disney Castle while talking. He had it finished before the girl could answer, and had taken off before too.

The voyage was going perfectly, Axel had found out the info he wanted to know by the halfway point, and Zexion had been off in his own-little-world the whole time. BUt all was not as all had started, when they had finally acme into view of Disney Castle, a few hours after take off, a loud cracking sound came from one of the engines. Axel looked on radar but saw nothing. Cloaked ships, dammit. He though, swithing the radar scren to camera mode (a nifty little tool he had discovered while flying).

A squadron of 7 heartless ships were following them, followed by two more squads of the same ammount. "Damn, we've been followed. Engagind in combat." Axel announced to the ships log, switching on the radar screen again and going into combat mode. Axel pulled on the sticks, making the ship do a loop, and coming level again behind the first squad. Taking out five of them quickly with the lock on lasers, Axel handed a set of the cannon controls over to Rae-Out, hoping she knew what she was doing.

Maneuvering the ship in an out of the ambushers, he was able to eliminate five more of the targets, leaving eleven left, which he dispatched 3 more of with lock-ons. Out of cannon and lock-on ammo, the rest was let up to Rae-Out. They had lost another of their 3 engines, and their right wing was beginning to take damage. The control pit had taken a few hits, but nothing too serious. "Rae-Out, take down the reamaining ships quick, I'm gonna try and land this thing before we take too much more damage!"
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New member
Rea-Out looked at Axel and sighed,"My name is Rea-out, yes that is my real name. I need not tell you where I'm from and meand my Keyblade is none of your bissness." Siad Rea-Out with her arms floded.

Whil out in space the team came across some heartless, she wassupprise that she was to handle the contorls. She took out the heartless while they where flying with the Atuo-lock it was easy.