Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
This is a Naruto RP...Will Finish This Later...I am at SCHOOL...

You can be anyone from the show except Gaara, or you can make your own character...
I am

Basically there is a hidden village that the -kage find out about and the individually tell their villages about it...of course, being very curious about this new village, they all send out an expedition team to find this village...this is that tale


NO Godmoding
NO Player Killing ((Atleast not to begin with))



I also need you to put down who you would liked to be teamed with....


Name: Gaara
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Village: Village In The Sand
Abilities: All Abilities From The Show Plus A Few Extra ((???))
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The King Of Bandits
Thats ok i changed my mind about that Pirate. I felt like making a character. So naruto is up for grabs, and i guess i dont care who you team me with. I can manage with just about anyone.

Name: Luca Sarasu

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Village: Hidden leaf, Konoha


Polesca Ninjutsu - A technique which sends out a shockwave of chakra, creating a crater in the ground and cuasing everything within the crater, with the exception of the user, to freeze. This move is for disabling enemies.

Naru loes - forms a small film of chakra on the outer layer of the users weapon, cuasing the enemy that the user strikes to be burned severly by the film and softening the skin so the user's blade may cut deeper into the enemy.

Concetrate necros - The user forms all his chakra to his feet, cuasing any damage done by them to be amplified by 10 times, in some cases even a slight tap to someone or something is enough to kill them. The power of this ability varies depending on the user.

Razgragren - A blood line technique. This ability is only useable by a descendant of the Sarasu family. forms an almost invisible ball of chakra in the users hand, which when making contact with the opponent is quickly inserted inside of them. From there it proceeds to in trance itself, going insane and cutting any inner organs in the chest area, mainly the valves to the heart. This technique is near impossible to master.

And a few others that will come into play during the rp.

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New member
Name- Tripod Trigater

Age- 17,000 (but looks 17)

Gender- female

Race- Trigater

Rank- Will be told deeper into the story

Village- not from any village, just got courise about the newly discover village and want to join along

Personalites- She has mutiple personalies three if you count them (white, black and gray), she only swich personalties when she sneezes, the only way to figure out who she is, is to look at her eyes.

White Tripod (eyes blue)- when shes White Tripod she very shy, soft spoken and very nonviolent. She is also easily scared and runs at the first sight of trubble, but she loves to help out people and cheer them up when they're sad, also she hates to drink.

Black Tripod (eyes red)- When she's Black Tripod, she acts more like a boy, she gets very agresive and loves to start a fight. But she also helps out if she feels that some one is being bullied, also she loves to drink when she's like this.

Gray Tripod (eyes pink)- when she's Gray Tripod, she more withdrawn from every one, she only talkunless spoken to and she does what ever pops into her mind. But she is easy to be sadden and cry.


Tri guarden fist: Blood Line Technque. When the three gardens of the heart join to combin one attack, light, darkness and twilight.

Cosmic Hit: Uses Poe Hammer to hit enemies so hard that they see stars.

Drunk-Fu: Attacks enemies in a drunken rage (can only do unless drunk)

Ryruu of Ice: Draws enemy fire furry into center and then blast them with the cold upper cut.

Is it okay if she joins?
I don't mind teaming up with Daraku.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Name: Kaguya Soji
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Rank: Lost Sannin
Village: No real village affiliation. His clan was destroyed, leaving his mother to find a Uchiha/Hyuuga from Konoha to take on as his father. Both his parents were killed by his brother, leaving him and his sister on their own. He abandoned his sister, who still harbors hate for him about this.
Abilities: (Same techniques as Kimimaro) Specializes in techniques involving blood, flesh, and bone. Can weild his flesh and bone very similar to Gaara's sand. Examples:
Doruko Sphere no Jutsu - Creates a bone sphere used to protect him from attacks.
Also, Soji possesses a blood-line trait known as a "Henji". The Henji makes him blind when his eyes are normal, leaving him with only the sight of hearts, minds, and souls. When the Henji is in its "Tainted" (most common) it turns his eyes red. While Tainted, he can see as an average person does along with the special sight of hearts, minds and souls. The other side of the Henji is the "Pure" Henji. His eyes will turn pure white and it will amplify the supernatural powers of the Henji along with allowing him to see virtually everything, including the inside of his opponent's mind.

OOC: Can Soji travel with Tripod?
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Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Name: Hyuuga Hinata
Sex: female
Abilities: Byakugan/ juuken/basics with some other jutsus i made up for her ^^

i dun care who i get paired up with,


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Soji and Tripod aren't aligned with any village really. They're fighting partners much like Itachi and Kisame, except they don't really have any affiliation with anyone. Tripod and Soji have been travelling together for quite a while and are close knit when it comes to fighting. As for a partner for you, you can maybe partner up with the Konoha nin since Konoha and Sunagakure are allies.


The King Of Bandits
" yep " Luca said releasing a deep sigh" Figures they send me on some side mission like this. something that doesnt have anything to do with anything important." his footsteps were quiet, like they always were when he was walking. his direction was the front gate of konoha, where he would meet hinata, his only partner for this journey. He figured since he had accomplished so much at his age, becoming a jounin by the age of 16, they would have had to give him a high ranking assignment. But in the end it had turned out to be something that meant nothing at all to the village of konoha probably. This mission, to him would have to go perfectly. Everything was in place. all his kunai, shurikens, his scrolls. They were all in place. The only thing left for him to do was to meet up with hinata at the front gate, knowing him it would take him and hour to get there the way he walked. a smile broke his face and he spotted the front gate." better be ready.." he whispered to himself.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara prepared his shuriken, kunai knifes, and scrolls, plus food for the journey..."If anyone gets in my way I will kill them on the spot" he vowed. Gaara was ranked Jounin...and was the best of the to say. He left the village and headed konoha, thinking he might be able topick up some clues there as to the whereabouts of the hidden village...."I have a feeling this journey is going to suck"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Gaming Pirate said:
Gaara, being a loner, decided that he alone would find the hidden village and master the secret jutsus that are bound to be hidden there....only problem was he had no idea where to look
OOC: Ew. That doesn't really fit on Gaara. xD
Gaara is too uber to not know something. =o
I'm waiting on RPGirl since she had an idea of how her and I should start this so all I can do is comment right now.


New member
It was one of those nice sunny day were nothing can go wrong in the village of Konoha, Tripod Trigater amear girl of 17,000 was jummping from roof to roof. Her crystile blue eyes dizzleing in the sun's ray and her long flowing white hair that is tied up in a long brade daced with her and her movments.
Tripod suddenly stop on one roof top and looked down at the busle down below, "Goodness there sure are alot f people in this village, well it makes it easier for me to hide." Said Tripod with a smile.

Tripod jump form the roof and landed safely on the street below, "I know, I can hide at that Ramen Shop." Said Tripod as she rushed down the street.
Tripod arraved at the Ramen Shop and sat down at one of the stooles, "He'll never find me here." Giggled Tripod as she looked back.
The Shop owner walked up to her, "Ah, young lady we're having a specail on our new Diet Ramen." Siad the Ramen Owner.
"Well, okay I'll have one of those, thank you." Siad Tripod in a soft voice.

OOC: A girl can have a little snack before being found.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca suddenly found himself growing hungry, and tired of waiting on hinata." i'll just go have a little snack before we go..besides i cant fight on an empty stomach." he smiled, walking back down the main street and watching the people rushing in and out of the many buldings. All the food places were packed. out of the corner of his eye he spotted a ramen stall. there seemed to be almost no one in it. Stepping in he noticed a girl sitting on one of the stools, but no one else around. He sat down and ordered some food, starving after a full nights rest. He clenched his stomach. hearing it growl and then watching the bowl of ramen slid in front of him. He folded up his hands and smiled, preparing to eat. He tossed his napsack down beside him, the name tag glaring in the light before it hit the ground,Luca Sarasu - Jounin, It read.

Luca smiled picking up the chopsticks and eating slowly, savoring the taste as he ate it. It would probably be a while before he was able to eat it again so he decided he might as well enjoy his last meal in konoha for a while. he finished a bowl and smiled, handing a card over to the owner and then getting another bowl. He sighed and closed his eyes." where is hinata" he whispered, not noticeing if she had already passed or not. on her way to the front gate.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
A skin chilling moan filled the air as Gaara's enemies fell to the ground never to see the light of the sun shing through the poplars down to the ground again. Gaara had been attacked by a pair of chuunin water village ninjas. They were an easy takedown though. TO EASY. Before he realized it he had killed them.

"And I was looking forward to your torturing. I needed some information to. Darn."

He took supplies from the bodies and continued on his Journey. In 2 days the village of Konoha peared over the horizon.

"Almost there," Gaara sneered. "Hidden Village...You will be mine!"


New member
The Ramen arraived right in front of Tripod, "Thank you." Said Tripod softly as she reached out and grabed a pair of chop sticks. Tripod noticed the boy sitting next to her and saw his name tag, Luca Sarasu - Jounin?...wonder what that is?.
It was Tripod's first time eating Ramen, but just one taste of it made Tripod smileed warmly. "Funny, he still hasn't found me." Said Tripod to herself as she munched on her Ramen.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was standing on top of a giant building with a red roof. Behind him where the huge faces of past leaders of this village. Kages they called them in villages. This particular village named its leaders Hokages. He snorted. What a large village it was though. This would be a very amusing and fun place. He scanned the area with his blind eyes, but it was impossible. There were people everywhere and it messed with his sixth sense. Everything was a massive blur of glowing hearts, minds, and souls. So, she was trying to trick him was it? She of all people must have known about his Henji.

A long slender hand emerged from the folds of his cloak and brushed the hood on his head. It retracted elogantly revealing his long, white-blonde hair and fairly pale skin. For a moment, his eyes were a deep blue but a second later they were completely red. Suddenly, the landscape and even his vision danced into view as his blindness was washed away. Suddenly the whole village appeared before him in startling reality. He had almost forgotten about what real sight was like. The beautiful colors appealed to him, but what appealed even more was seeing a girl dance into a local ramen shop.

With a smirk, Soji lept down much to the surprise of locals who believed him not to survive the fall. He straightened his back and walked towards the ramen shop with a swagger in his step.