Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


New member
Tripod was enjoying her Ramen until she head acouple of people talking about a young man in a clok coming to the Ramen Shop. Hearing this almost made Tripod choke on her food, "Um, here and thanks again." Said Tripod placing money on the counter. Tripod quiclky turn to she the young man apporching her.
"Alright, alright you found me, Soji." Said Tripod with a giggle.

"I thought I caould confuse you by hiding in this crowd, but that was a fun game of hide 'n' seek, we should do it again sometime." Said Tripod as she walked up to Soji.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled and walked up to her, ignoring the stares from the crowd. His eyes always did that to people. He had already been asked almost seventy-two times if he was part of some "Uchiha" cult. He puts his hand on her shoulder and answered her, "Sure. You did a good job, Tri. Almost had me there." Soji looked around at the surroundings. When he came to the village, Tripod he hadn't been able to see the features. "Uh... Tri? What are we doing here? Is there something here you wanted to find?"


New member
"Well, I heard that this village had found out about a new village, so I thought maybe they have some info. about this new village.... I 'm thinking that this new village might have away to get me home." Siad Tripod as she looked up at Soji.
"Which reminds me to ask, Soji, why are you following me?" Said Tripod with a smile.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was startled by her question. His hood flew over her face to hide his embarrassment as he muttered, "I'm not really sure. I just always have, haven't I?" He looked away from her, at a bird flying overhead. It was a strong omen. This one was a blue jay. It meant there might be some good fortune for them. The bird flew over and landed on the gate of the village. Soji stared at it for a moment and his embarrassment faded. He looked back at Tripod and said as his hood lowered again, "I think we should go to the village gate. Our fortunes might improve there. I'm willing to bet there's information about this village there."


New member
"Okay, you first." Said Tripod as she smiled, but the bird that flew over head dropped a fether. The feather floated down towards Tripod, "Oh dear..." Said Tripod as the fether landed on her nose. "I...I think...I...I...ah, ah,ah." Said Tripod before she sneezed. The fether blew away and got picked up by a gust of wind. Tripod eyes changed to a red color. "Hell if you go first, lets race!" Said Tripod in a rowdy voice.
Before anyone could say go, Tripod ran towards the Village Gate, knocking anyone who was in her way down.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's eyes widened, recognizing hers. He held his face in his hand as he muttered, "Oh dear... It's her. I better make sure she doesn't get arrested or anything." Soji turned and ran quickly. He was a good deal faster than he looked. He weaved in and out of people so carefully, he hadn't touched a single person even though he was keeping up fairly well with Black Tripod. They turned a corner and Soji yelled, "Miss Tripod! Please watch out! Don't be causing trouble!"


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji watched her jump off and sighed. "As you wish..." He made two hand signs and muttered, "Houtai Da no Jutsu (Bandage Capture Technique)" From his arms split away several long strands of flesh that morphed into "bandages". In an instant they had caught up to Tripod with quick speed and wrapped around her. Soji pulled her back and pulls a small bottle of some black powder out. He reached in and took a pinch and threw it on her nose. "Just a little pepper..."

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006

That was the echoing voice heard around the training area as a certain girl with pale lavender eyes was beating up a training log.

*sigh* Training logs dont do, I need a real sparring parter. Mabe Naruto kun?

She blushed at the thought and shook her head as to wipe away the thought.

Nno...Naruto-kun would never be a partner with a lowly Chunin..."

Its not that she was incapable of becoming Chunin. Its just that the 2 times she tried, she went up against Shino, and the next Kiba.

"All that training only to stay a Chunin...*sign*"

Not being a Jounnin always made life at the Hyuuga manor high static, her sister was already a Chunin and rising up the ranks quickly, the council has been talking about making her the heir to the Hyuuga. All the missions she has been doing are only C and B rank, which was utterly boring. The only A rank she got so far was the one to look for the hidden village.

"I probably only got pick because of my bloodlimit not my skills." She said depressly.

It took her a couple minutes but....

"THE MISSION, OH MY IM GOING TO BE LATE!" and with that she rushed to her house to pack randomly and rush out to the gates with a blush on her face.

OOC: I hope that was good. I haven't rped in a while like this, ^^;

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sauke looked up as two ninja ran across the rooftops. One seemed to be chasing the oher who was being very destructive. 'What losers, I can't believe they're in the same village as me.' He thought with a sigh. He walked over past the ramen shop to a familier house. He gave one last look at the two before he knocked on the door. "Hey Naruto, you in there fox boy. ome on out, we've got a mission.


The King Of Bandits
Luca finished his bowl of ramen, ignoring everything around him abd focusing on the fact that he had a mission to do and he had to get to the front gate to meet with Hinata. Sasuke had also been assigned to their team, along with naruto, but he had no doubt that they were probably ready for this mission 2 days ago. He smiled, leaving the payment by his bowl and smiling, walking briskly out the door and turning back towards the gate. He rushed back inside suddenly, realizing he had forgotten his bag. Walking back in he noticed a note sticking out of his bag near the name tag. He tucked it in further, thinking he would read it later, and walked back outside,noticing the two who had jumped up on to the rooftops and ignoring them. The day was almost perfect with the exception of the rain clouds forming overhead. The gentle thump of his feet tapping the ground as he walked was almost constant. He felt a drop of water on his face and glanced up at the sky, cursing it almost for raining on a day like today. He didn't like to travel in the rain. He stopped walking as he reached the gate, looking over at hinata as he stood under a small overhang near the exit.

" when naruto and Sasuke get here we will be leaving, so be ready. Until then try to stay dry." He spoke softly and flawlessly, not missing a single word.

Luca had thought that hinata would have been the last one here, but it was obvious that naruto and sasuke would be the last ones to arrive. He pulled out his map started looking at it, charting a course to a few areas where the hidden village was thought to be located at. The hokage had pointed out several locations in particualar where they had been assigned to look for the village at, and Luca had already had a few ideas in mind from information he had gathered from previous missions. A smile broke across his face, thinking about the team that had been assigned to his team. Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, and himself. Sasuke and naruto would probably be the most troublesome of the group, and Hinata had not been known for cuasing trouble in the past. However all 3 were favored students. They had performed more missions with higher ranks on them then any other people in their g raduating class. " Looks like this might be an intresting mission yet" He muttered to himself looking down at his map through the rain and glancing up at Hinata, waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to arrive.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((This takes me back to my Naruto RP on another Forum, heh i want in on it :D!))

Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Village: Konoha, Village Hidden in The Leaves

Sexy Jutsu: Simple transformation jutsu but altered to suit Naruto's er...wild imagination when it comes to females. Mainly used to throw off his opponents of the male variety with an obvious distraction i'd rather not go to in depth with.

Herub Jutsu: Very similar to the Sexy jutsu only altered with a combination of a shadow clones making them real.

Kage Bushin no Jutsu: (shadow clones true name) Naruto replicates himself with solid clones into a nearly boundless number as affected with his nearly limitless chakra reserves. His hard headed actions reflect the attitude of his replications and this is most commonly used jutsu yet, its come to backfire on him now and again.

Kairo Rasengan: Taught by the legendary Sanin, Jiraiya, Naruto builds up chakra in his hands with intense force. When slammed into an opponent it can knock the wind out of them with no worries.

Transformation jutsu: As the name implys, the user can become what his opponent least expects.

Uzumaki Barrage: Special taijutsu Naruto picked up from watching Sasuke in the Chunin exams. His clones knock an opponent airborn similar to rock lee's manner of the starting blow for his primary lotus, the original is launched airborn while the flying enemy meets him head on with a foot to the face!

Uzumaki thousand arm assualt: Naruto replicates more or less a thousand replications of himself and they all diverge on one target with vast blows.

Nine-tailed fox demon: sixteen years ago a nine-tailed fox demon was sealed within Naruto's body making him responsible for carrying the burden of the demon. The fourth hokage Yodaime, was responsible for this act, but occassionally some of the demons chakra seeps out and the seal becomes visible enhancing Naruto's strength varying on its amount dispersed at one time.

Naruto woke up that morning yawning and scratching his head as he often always did. He walked over to the fridge and took out the milk, shaking it to see if something was inside. He sighed and made himself some breakfast figuring today would be at least a little more interesting than it normally is. Eating up, he got dress and tied the Konoha headband to his head while staring in the mirror. He smiled with a big grin across his face, "Time to kick some butt, believe it!" as he cried.

There was a knock at his door, Sasuke to be exact. He opened it after he said, something about a mission. "What do you want Sasuke." said Naruto in a stubborn voice as he poked his head out the door.

(a few more, i'm sure i missed alot)
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji released her from his Bandage Capture and set her down. He placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "Do not worry about it, Tri." He looked up towards the main gate. "We are getting close. Look. The blue jay is still sitting on top of the gate. I believe we are meant to go there." He pointed to the gate and below it he saw a boy standing there. He frowned for a moment and pointed at the boy saying, "What do you make of him, Tri? Do you think that is the one who has the information we want? If so, we should capture him immediately. Of course, I'll follow anything you say."


The King Of Bandits
A quick breeze blew rain up in Luca's face, soaking his entire body. He looked down at his watch and sighed" Naruto, Sasuke where are you guys!" He tossed his bag in a little corner behind the door of the front gate, looking over at Hinata" Have you seen Naruto today? They were suppose to be here a half hour ago almost." The suspense was almost killing him, having to wait on two little punks who couldn't get to their assigned mission on time. Were they really the favored ones in the class? Their actions of simply being late cuased Luca to think other wise. Luca scuttled out from under his hiding spot, admiring the sky. There was no end in site for the rain." Hurry up you slackers" he whispered under his breath, angered at the fact he had to wait on them, but still laid back as usual. he propped his back up against the wall and sighed again, ignoring the tiny rain drops beating on his shoulder every second longer he stood in the rain.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke sighed as the usual Naruto attitude came into play. 'Why am i always paired with thtis idiot. Well, I can't say he isn't helpful at times.'"Naruto, the Hokage has us on a mission with Hinata and a newcomer, Luca. We know all about Hinata and this new guy, Luca, has said to be good." He looked into Naruto's house, which was almost not one at all. 'How can he live like this, guess I had it lucky, being part of a clan. Naruto's been alone since birth.' He looked turned out the door and started to walk to the meeting place, seeing the others already there. "Well are you coming or not?" Hurry up!" and then quietly but loud enough for Naruto to hear. "What a loser."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji felt the rain begin and he took off his cloak, putting it around Tripod instead. He couldn't let her catch a cold or she would be sneezing constantly and he knew what that would be like. Instead, Soji watched with Tripod next to him as more ninja arrived. It was obvious they were assembling for something. And, assembling under the blue jay of good fortune meant that they must have something to do with Tripod's mission. Also, there was the fact that there were already three nin, but they seemed to be waiting for more. This was a large group. Awkward though, most ninja teams were only three, even on dangerous missions. He pondered this for a moment and then breathed, "But what if this mission was more than dangerous? What if this mission was supposed to be very secret?" Then Soji saw a blonde-haired youth emerge from a house, yelling some retort at a member of the party under the gate. I was a fool. These can't be higher than genin with their power levels and attitude. And that one, he must be their Jounin master. Soji almost let his hopes down. Almost. That is until he noticed something strange about the group...


The King Of Bandits
Luca lifted his eyes from his mission briefings for just long enough to notice a younger boy walking towards the front gate, his dark hair gave him away" Uchiha Sasuke im going to assume" He smiled crossing off the box next to his name." Now just one more.." he sighed" Uzumaki Naruto.." He looked back down at his mission briefings, sensing the presences of someone watching them. There were so many people around however, it owuld be impossible to tell which one he was feeling. Out of the corner of his eye he cuaght a glimpse of two rogue figures,sitting atop the roof of a building. He picked up his bag, the rain still pouring all around them, and stepped outside of the gate" ..Does anyone know where this Naruto character is?" he put his mission breifings in front of his face again with a big sigh. Why had he been chosen to lead these three? What was so important about this village anyway? Millions of questions ran through his mind each one with a question to follow it up. All he knew was this was no ordinary mission. There was just something diffrent about it. Why would they be sending their most favored nin out to find some hidden village somewhere that was probably abandon or non-existant.

There was a little let down in the rain and Luca crammed his mission briefings in the bag, waiting for the last team member to arrive. Still being watched obviously.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto scruched his face and fire burned in his eyes as he stared as Sasuke running off the meeting spot. "Hey wait up Sasuke!" he cried. He closed it door and locked it shut, then rushing down the path after his teamate. Passing the Ramen shop, it only made him hungry just gazing at it. He finally reached the gate that lead to the outskirts of Konoha. Many faces he recognized, along with one he rarely show attention. He stood with his hands over his head, pretty much out of it. Whats the mission anyway? I know, i'll act like i know what it is.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji was watching from the roof. His partner to the right of him seemed unresponsive and nonexistant under the great folds of his cloak that were far too big for her. At least she'll stay warm in there... Soji stared down at the group assembling. For maybe five seconds the one he assumed to the be leader put something up to his face. Soji quickly made the symbol of the rooster and muttered, "Henji!" His eyes dialated and swirled red. Instantly he was seeing the man up close as though he were standing right in front of him. That wasn't all he could see. He was seeing right through the paper. His mind took a picture of what was on the side the man was reading and then it slowly flipped it around, making it easier to read. Soji looked it over once and turned to Tripod and said, "We've got it."