((This takes me back to my Naruto RP on another Forum, heh i want in on it

Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Village: Konoha, Village Hidden in The Leaves
Sexy Jutsu: Simple transformation jutsu but altered to suit Naruto's er...wild imagination when it comes to females. Mainly used to throw off his opponents of the male variety with an obvious distraction i'd rather not go to in depth with.
Herub Jutsu: Very similar to the Sexy jutsu only altered with a combination of a shadow clones making them real.
Kage Bushin no Jutsu: (shadow clones true name) Naruto replicates himself with solid clones into a nearly boundless number as affected with his nearly limitless chakra reserves. His hard headed actions reflect the attitude of his replications and this is most commonly used jutsu yet, its come to backfire on him now and again.
Kairo Rasengan: Taught by the legendary Sanin, Jiraiya, Naruto builds up chakra in his hands with intense force. When slammed into an opponent it can knock the wind out of them with no worries.
Transformation jutsu: As the name implys, the user can become what his opponent least expects.
Uzumaki Barrage: Special taijutsu Naruto picked up from watching Sasuke in the Chunin exams. His clones knock an opponent airborn similar to rock lee's manner of the starting blow for his primary lotus, the original is launched airborn while the flying enemy meets him head on with a foot to the face!
Uzumaki thousand arm assualt: Naruto replicates more or less a thousand replications of himself and they all diverge on one target with vast blows.
Nine-tailed fox demon: sixteen years ago a nine-tailed fox demon was sealed within Naruto's body making him responsible for carrying the burden of the demon. The fourth hokage Yodaime, was responsible for this act, but occassionally some of the demons chakra seeps out and the seal becomes visible enhancing Naruto's strength varying on its amount dispersed at one time.
Naruto woke up that morning yawning and scratching his head as he often always did. He walked over to the fridge and took out the milk, shaking it to see if something was inside. He sighed and made himself some breakfast figuring today would be at least a little more interesting than it normally is. Eating up, he got dress and tied the Konoha headband to his head while staring in the mirror. He smiled with a big grin across his face, "Time to kick some butt, believe it!" as he cried.
There was a knock at his door, Sasuke to be exact. He opened it after he said, something about a mission. "What do you want Sasuke." said Naruto in a stubborn voice as he poked his head out the door.
(a few more, i'm sure i missed alot)