Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


New member
Tripod snapped out of her daydream, "Oh, so sorry Soji, but Black was yelling that you cheatted." Said Tripod as hugged Soji's cloak closer to herself, the rain that was falling seeem to soth Tripod. "Soji, aren't you cold without your cloak, you should have it back." Said Tripod as she looked up at Soji. Tripod was very greatful about the cloak, she really doesn't want to catch a cold, snezzing that much really cofuses her.

Tripod then looked down at all the gathering Ninjas at the gate, "I have a feeling that they're going to that village and I have a feeling that you found out too." Said Tripod as she looked over to Soji, "We should follow them." Said Tripod as she jumpped to another roof top closer to the Village gate.
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Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara entered the village and noticed a young ninja sitting under an awning, eating ramen. Suddenly she looked to her side, jumped up and ran away.

"Hmmm," Gaara said. He walked through the village, covered with a hooded cloak, so as not to be recognized, looking for clues that might lead him to his destination.

"If I am going to find this vilage," he mumbled," I am going to need some help." Gaara heard a footstep behind him. He turned around and pulled out a shuriken as he moved. Gaara deducted the nin had to atleast be of Jounin level like him.

"No lower levels could have moved fast enough to dodge that attack." When he got turned completely around, he saw who the nin was. It was the Hokage.

"So Gaara, searching for the Hidden Village are you? Can't do it alone though can you? Well it just so happens I have a team headed out on a mission to find the village. You interested?" the Hokage asked.

Gaara thought about it.

"I accept."

"Good. Give them this to prove I sent you." The Hokage hand Gaara a scroll that was addorned with the Hokages signature.

"But why would you-," Gaara started to ask and then noticed the Hokage was gone.

"One last thing," said his voice through the darkness,"You are working with Luca, Sasuke, Hinata, and Naruto.
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke looked back as Naruto came up to him, then forward at their leader. "So you're heading this venture huh? i see you know me, and Hinata as well. Since you know about this mission more than any of us, then lets hear the story of it." He folded hs arms and leaned against the village gate, waiting for what this vhidden village was about.


The King Of Bandits
He picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder, gazing out down the road and into the distance for a minute, thinking about the rain. In the sky it seemed to not be stopping. Dark clouds seeming to stretch on into enternity." first off" he said in a low voice just loud enough for the three of them to hear" I would just like to point out that none of you probably know me. It's probably better if we keep it that way. However i know all about you, ranging from your stats to your abilities. So lets get one thing straight, on this mission descretion is of the most importance. More so then any other mission. already however i have spotted two people at least who are watching us. So dont do anything drastic. " He shoved the briefing for the mission he had been holding into his bag, pointing down the road" we need to be out of this country by night. We will be heading south towards the coast. Our primary objective is to find out as much as we can about an unknown village that has recently been the talk of the kage's " Luca decided to cut it short at the moment, he just wanted to get moving." I will explain the rest when we rest, after we are safely out of the country and alone."

Luca was almost hesitant to leave, thinking that he should wait for the two that had been watching them to make a move. He closed his eyes and smiled, letting out a deep breath" My name is Luca Sarasu. of course seeing as how i am the one in charge of keeping you all alive here, then obviously im a jounin. I know that you all know nothing about me, so i will give you each 1 question to ask one question for the entire mission. So think about it well and only ask after you have thought about it deeply and know if that is really what you want to know." Luca looked down the road, thinking about the trip ahead, begining to walk down the path out of the village. " come along now, we must be out of the country by night fall."
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New member
Tripod was hiding in the shadows of the roof top, she herd the boy with the bag talking about the hidden village. I was right they do have something to do with the village...

Then Tripod herd him say something about noticing her and Soji, Good, he spotted us, I wanted him to......
Tripod then looked back over to Soji and gave him a wave to come here.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto nodded and his fist shot violently up into the air. "Yeah! Its about time we left this place again!" said Naruto in a rather excited voice. He ran out a little faster following behind Luca. Noting that he could only ask one question, the mission was his main objective. He sighed as he was relieved to see another mission of great importance much like the one he had in the past. Yodaime.... He pondered his thoughts on the fourth Hokage looking upon his as the greatest of the Hokage's. "I'm going to be Hokage of his village one day, so believe it!" said Naruto with a big grin across his face.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji walked over to Tripod casually, standing next to her and staring down at the children. He smirked as he watched them and analyzed them. He knew the blonde one. Naruto Uzimaki. Resengane user and the Kyuubi's host. But, they were joined by someone he knew even better. Sabaku no Gaara... The one-tail's host. This one would be far more in touch with his demon. The seal over him was flawwed. Soji knew from experience. He had been there when it was forced on the woman. He had helped. The idea was perfect. Using multiple people to produce the Dead Demon Seal to prevent the user from actually dying. But, it seemed it was a flawwed idea. Without the sacrifice of a full life to Death, the demon was sealed improperly.

Soji watched them join up and move out. He turned slightly to Tripod and spoke, "We should follow them, but are you sure it's wise to be intentionally reckless? The one has already spotted us as you wanted but what if he causes trouble?"


New member
Tripod turn to Soji, "I really don't think he'll cause trouble, when he was sitting next to me at the Ramen shop, he spoke and he spoke with soft words." Said Tripod looking back down at the group of Ninjas.

Tripod was balncing herself on the eadge of the roof top, but she didn't stop to think that the eadge was slippery due to the rain. Tripod slipped and fell off the roof, "OH DEAR!!" Yelled Tripod as she fell. Tripod did some filps and landed safly right in front of the group of Ninjas her and Soji was wacthing.
"Oh my." Sighed Tripod as she looked up at them.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked down at her then put his face in his hand. Why me...? He lept down from the roof, landing next to her at speeds that their eyes couldn't track. He stood frowning next to Tripod in fake anger. "How many times do I have to tell you, student? Do not go playing around like that! I don't care if you did want to wish the older ninjas goodbye! Can't you see that they don't care?" Soji lifted Tripod up, without looking at the others and lept into a tree. Once they were carefully hidden, he placed a simple Genjutsu up so they wouldn't be able to be seen or heard by the others. He set Tripod down on a branch gently and muttered, "What was that about, Tri? You know we've got to be careful. We're in a village."


New member
"Sorry," Whisppered Tripod. "It's just the eadge was slippery from the rain and I didn't really thought, that would happen." Whisppered Tripod as she turned her head. As soon as Tripod turned her head her nose gotr tickled by a leaf next to her. "I...I...ah,ah," Said Tripod before she snezzed.
Tripod eye color changed to pink.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sighed softly. "Hello, Gray. How are you?" He looked back at the ninja on the ground, unsure if his rouse had worked or not. He knew he didn't have to worry about Gray Tripod being as reckless as Black was so he didn't. Besides, Gray was a little sensitive so he wouldn't feel very good if he forced her to go back inside. "It's ok." He said lightly. "You know the risks, just be more careful. We're not safe yet. We might be able to take down those weaklings down there, but we can' arouse the whole village."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto looked around baffled as he thought he heard something. He was always the last person to know anything and they left him in the dark about alot of things. He saw that Gaara had taken suspicion and followed next to him wondering what he was staring at. Naruto was never the best at seeing through genjutsu, he at least attempted to understand. "What are you staring at, that was just a teacher and student." said Naruto nonchallantly. Naruto could take them even if they decided to attack, besides they had Luca with them, he was always over confident in his thinking.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara, not wanting to wait for someone else to tell him what to do, took off after the ninja. He knew he had to trap the Jounin first.

"Where are they?" Gaara said as he waited. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone sneeze.

"No doubt the clumsy one," Gaara said as a smile came across his face.

"It seems the Jounin put up a Genjutsu so as to disguise themselves. To bad. He might have lasted had it not been for the clusmy girl." Gaara raised both hands and preformed two jutsu's at once. "SHI KIN ZU," he said,"RAI KU DOS!"

The Jounin was caught off gaurd and was contraind by millions of straps of sand. Before the girl realized what was going on, she was hit by a ball of sand and knocked from the tree to the ground and the covered by a blanket of sand. Gaara turned to Naruto.

"Now lets find out who they really are."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji appeared in front of the boy suddenly. The boy's sand didn't even react. Some form of chakra in Soji's hand also swirled around the boy's gourd, trapping the sand inside. Soji picked the boy up calmly and lifted him by the scruff of the neck. He looked back at the sand the boy had used on him and watched a log sink away into it. "Watch it boy." He said as he slammed the boy into the wall of the building again. Soji made a hand symbol and the wall stretched out like liquid across Gaara's body, trapping him. "And it seems you made a bit of a mistake." Said Soji with a devilish grin. "I'm a Sannin." With that Soji produced a ball of swirling blue chakra. He held it up to Gaara's face and said slyly. "I think you all know what technique this is and what it can do. You will let us leave without harm or one of you will die until we can."

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
This was a weird day for Hinata. On one had she was on a mission with her beloved Naruto-kun...on the other hand, no one barely noticed her... she could read it in thier eyes that they only spared her a passing glance. Just because Neji read her actions and she didn't say anything dosen't mean she couldn't read people eaither. She just found that to impolite to call people out like that. She just likes to read people, never judging, never compareing, just seeing who you are.

Then there was the matter of her Jounin sensei... he has to be trust worthy..otherwise Tsuande would never put him on the important mission. She wondered what she would ask her teacher, not something to personal because that was rude, and Hyuugas are anything but rude especailly Hinata. And she guessed she will see his abilities on the road...hmm she would have to think on that, but the mission is the important thing right now...speaking of mission...

Hinata sweat droped

"I-s-sn't that a l-little quick t-to the trigger G-gaara-san? I m-mean they were only o-observing us, I d-didnt feel a-any killing i-intent from them w-when i first s-sensed them...right N-naruto-kun? " she blushed, trying to get her crush to contribute.

OOC:A LITTLE FAST GUYS!? I have school and then homework, I'm only able to get on at 5:00 eastern o_O;

hinata sweat droped

"umm a little quick to the trigger gaara?"
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