Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto stood there for a moment looking ridiculous in his actions on Kouta. His hand dropped to see that he was nice guy. Yeah right. He kept thinking about what he said to him and he stood by at even if he was wrong. Something would have to embarrass him to make him come to his senses. "Wheres Sasuke when you need him?" whispered Naruto under his breath. He looked up and the guy and apologized, "Hey, my names Naruto Uzumaki and i'm going to be the next Hokage in my village! Believe it!" said Naruto in his comfortable tone of voice.

At that moment it seemed his eyes were distracted by another figure walking into the village. This one had an even more mysterious look on him and his headband was being covered by his bangs. "Not another one!" said Naruto staring at him from while he stood next to Kouta. "Hey you! the freak with no forehead, who are you!?" cried Naruto pointing again trying to look cool.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
As soon as Kaze heard freak he sprang to action, grabbing his kunai and apearing infront of the blonde haired kid, a kunai at his neck and a needle at his stomache. Kaze shook his head and realized he was just imagining things and he noticed Tripod infront of him, "Hello tripod."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: We are back at the campsite and Catsu and Rouge just entered a few post ago. Hope thats good enough b/c you'll actually have to go back and read the rest omg! XD j/k

Naruto stood shaking a little as Kaze, what Tripod called him, blindsided him so easily. He could move just like a sound ninja with no sound at all. Naruto looked up at his forhead and his bangs covered his headband, it had the sound symbol symbol from what he could see. Who is this fast. He wasn't really all that scared just caught off guard from how fast he was in general. "Thats cool, your almost as fast as me and Sasuke." said Naruto still shaking a bit. "So who are you anyway, Kaze was it? Well im Naruto Uzumaki so believe im not going to loose to you." said Naruto smiling as a log appeared in the place of his body. He was sitting in the tree besides Hinata looking down at them. That was too close for comfort, man i've gotta watch this guy...or he'll kill me!


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze smiled a bit when she grabbed his hand, he felt something about her earlier. "Yea sure." The words, like a river, just flowed witha light voice showing his low age but not immaturity. He looked over the small village again and then over tripod, he found himself doing this more often than not and tryed to stop, but it seemed unthoughtful.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara walked around the camp, scanning the trees for enemy nin. He had to be alert and watchful because if he wasn't, it might cost him his life. He continued his work until he had checked the borders of the camp over twice. He was absolutley certain that there were no nin out there. He decided to go and check on everyone else. He looked around the camp and couldn't find anyone. This was when he started to question his locating skills and went back to scanning for enemy nin. ((XD))
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji's old pain was back. It was flowing through his body as the virus began to take over. They were attacking his nerves. Attacking his cells. Taking over his brain. Of course, Soji had lived with this virus most of his life. If it hadn't been for his particular skills with science he would have never discovered a relative cure for it. The cure was a powerful tool, but it doesn't last forever and eventually the virus comes back at full force.

The virus is a deadly agent that corrodes the brain cells. It doesn't destroy them at first. No, instead it gets inside of them. It gets control. Soji goes almost instantly insane with pain and rage. Maybe if he wasn't a Sanin this wouldn't be so bad, but he knew things most people had never heard nor would want to. After the virus has control of the brain long enough and pushed his body to the extreme, the brain cells explode, leaving one dead Soji and a huge eruption of chakra that could erase several mountainsides.

The only cure for the virus was a well known drink called sake. The alcohol in rice wine has a special propterty that attracts the virus. So, when sake is drunk and is eventually released into the brain, the virus will release the captured brain cells and begin to consume the alcohol. They will keep working at it until it is all gone. After that, they are left very... drunk you might say.

Soji leaned against a tree, wincing from pain. He pulled out a large bottom and poured some of its contents into his mouth. His cheeks swelled red from the powerfulness of the sake, but seconds later that receeded as the virus began to consume the alcohol. He stood up as the pain faded and muttered, "I really need to find Tri..."


New member
At that moment Tripod sinced something, Soji.... him why do I since that, it's not like he's using any attacks...I wonder.
"Sorry for this rudness but I have to check something, bye Kaze." Said Tripod as she walked off.

Tripod walk a little past the camp and saw Soji leaning up aganist the tree, The way he's leaning and the way he's sweating looks like he been in some resent pain.... plus I can see that sake bottle of his.
Tripod walked up to Soji, "Soji, are you okay?" Said Tripod with a smile.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Please pardon if this is out of character, but i have been wanting to try this for sometime now *points at Rouge* xD.

Naruto regained his composure while he was beside Hinata in the tree. He watched as Tripod went off in the forest to look for the sanin Soji. He had much suspicions about this Sound shinobi Kaze and wasn't going to get punked a second time by him. "Hey Hinata, i'll be right back, this guy asked for this when he blindsided me a few moments ago." whispered Naruto to Hinata putting his fingers together for the shadow replication jutsu.

Naruto ran down the tree and slid in front of Kaze, he was determined to see what he was made of. "You heard what i said to you earlier, im not going to loose to you, believe it." said Naruto standing valiantly a good distance away from Kaze. The wind was blowing and it seemed as though the sun was about ready to come out of the trees as it got lighter little by little. As it began to reflect on Naruto's face his eye widened and he rushed of Kaze. Lets see how your taijutsu is.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sighed as he recovered quickly. He aligned a smile onto his face as he looked up at Tripod. "I'm fine now. Just my condition again. The sake helps greatly." Soji shook the bottle of sake and then slid it into his cloak. He then looked back at Tripod curiously. "Where have you been? This little camp is in some level of chaos from what these eyes of mine can see. Just right now, Orochimaru's pet is getting jumped by the Nine-Tail." Soji saw just to the side of Tripod and in the distance a bit, a set of stars rushing at another set.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke had been at a nearby steam, thinking about his brother and how he should be finding him now. 'I must kill him, I don't care if it takes my own life, I will kill him for kill our parents. That's all i can do, for that's the way of life I've chosen, for I, am an avenger.' He snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard Naruto yelling at someone. He leaped through the trees toward the campsite. When he got there, he saw Naruto and his clones attacking a lone sound villager and sighed. "I see you're giving our guest the Uzamaki welcome, huh Naruto?" He jumped down and hit both naruto over the head, his face annoyed. "It's not nice to attack someone like that, numskull." He turned to the two, his face changed to serious, he addressed the sound villager. "i'm sorry, he gets like that sometimes." Then, after he gave him a once over "I don't know what you're doing here but you must work under Orochimaru." His eyes traveled to the place on his neck, 'that mark!' Sasuke's eyes widen. "Can I talk to you, in private please." Sasuke seemingly vanished, off into the direction off the stream he was at, not looking back to see if the guy followed him.


New member
Tripod looked back at Naruto and Kaze fight, "I guess Naruto want to test his streangth." Said Tripod as she sighed.
Tripod then looked at Soji, Its kinda strange I have been traveling around with Soji for some time no and I still don't know that much about him..... oh well.

Tripod then saw the Black haired boy knocked Naruto on the head. "Its over that fast." Said Tripod as she tilted her head.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze jumped to the side, and his fingers in teh shadow clone formation. "Shadow Clone Justsu." He said, making four clones instead of a million. All four grabbed medical needles and surrounded Naruto before he could execute his own justsu, with four needles in each hand, 32 needles were pointed at the kid's neck.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: xD you guys are going to die laughing.

Naruto didn't have enough time to execute his jutsu when Kaze enacted the jutsu before him. He was soon surrounded by his replications staring at needles in his face. His hands were together but not for the kage bushin no jutsu, his original move. "Transform!" cried Naruto as a cloud of smoke appeared in between him and the four Kaze's. "You boys wouldn't attack a lady now would you?" said Naruto in a sexy voice. Smoke surrounded his body as he took the form of a rather, er...developed female. "I call it my sexy jutsu." said Naruto winking at Kaze and his clones. I'm dead if this doesn't work.

Ooc: Yeah i went that far XD!