Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Its Jiraiya xD, don't worry i got this one.

When Naruto saw the boss frog he immediatley knew who was near by. Following after Tripod and Gaara he came to the presence of the pervy sage himself. "Hey I remember you! Your that perverted Sage Jiraiya!" yelled Naruto pointing at the Sanin sitting on Boss. "Thats right, long time no see Naruto and might I say what a lovely young lady you have traveling with you." said Jiraiya looking Tripod up and down. "Still the same pervert as always." said Naruto sighing. Naruto remembered he had the summoning scroll for boss frog as well. He whiped out the scroll, knicked his finger and slid his hand across the opened scroll. Doing the neccessary handsigns he placed it oun the ground and smoke appeared as he was sitting on a boss frog of his own. A wide grin appeared across his face. "I see your still the same Naruto, so why are you here anyway? Your pretty far from Konoha." said Jiraiya with a curious intent. "Were looking for a secret village, believe it!" said Naruto smiling.


The King Of Bandits
ooc: sorry for not posting in so long... T_T been busy...really busy.

Luca spoke up from the tree he had been sitting on, waiting for the sun to rise. " Lets move out, best we move now then any other time. It is a time when the enemy either sleeps becuase they spent all night setting traps, or they are still waking up. We have the element of surprise.. for the moment" He kicked off the tree branch begining to jump from tree to tree, heading off towards the most likely location of this new found village. The thoughts of not getting any sleep last night still plagued his mind, but he was a shinobi, he could handle it. He was still adjusting to the lifestyle, none of the ninja under him even knew this was his first mission back from a long leave, it was something he didn't plan on telling them either. There was so much that he knew about Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata. He had even recieved a report on Gaara in the late hours last night. He felt like one of the outsiders who had been taging along. No one knew anything about him so it made it hard for them to find common ground with him, in the end making things complicated even more so.

His feet touched the next branch and he stopped, looking ahead. From here on out it would be nothing but avoiding traps and fighting. But no matter what, they had to find the village. Looking back he noticed a giant frog, a man sitting on top of it. He knew all too well who it was. He jumped back ,landing next to naruto" You shouldn't just tell people our objective like that naruto" A smile broke his face" It might endanger the mission." He looked up, smiling at the sannin, thinking about how many times he had met him in the past. All the good times he used to have had been covered up by his pain, It was nice to think of them again..
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New member
Tripod looked at Naruto and Jarya, "Um, he's a pervert?!" Said Tripod with a worry exprestion.
Jarya looked at Tripod with a smile and then appear right next to her, "Now, now that's just a name." Said Jarya as he reached out and rubbed Tripod's butt.

"AHH!" Screamed Tripod as she punched Jarya. Jarya went flying right into tboss frog with a loud bam. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Said Tripod as she looked over to Jarya
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto began to laugh histerically as he watch Jiraiya fly through the trees. "Thats what you get for being a pervert!" said Naruto histerically. He was sitting on boss who looked up at him, "Yeah your one to talk kid, remember that time you..." boss was interrupted by Naruto yelled. "Hey thats just between you and me!" said Naruto looking down at Boss covering his mouth. He sighed as Luca then told him that it was reckless of him to tell Jiraiya the mission objective. "Sorry Luca sensei, i know him and i got caught up in the moment, he is a sanin if you didn't know." said Naruto scratching his head as he and boss raced over to go get Jiraiya.


New member
Tripod looked over at Jarya, "I hope he's okay." Said Tripod with worry.
"She punch harder than Tsunade!." Yelled Jarya as he came out of his daze.

Jarya looked over at Naruto, "What are you and the lovely Tripod doing out here." Said Jarya. "Oh, she's your girlfriend and you're taking her out n a walk!" Said Jarya as he pointed at Naruto. Tripod face turn red, "I..I think I should go back over to Soji." Said Tripod as she rushed away.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze awoke to see Sasuke standing above him, and without moments' notice hit him ot the ground and ran off in the direction of moving chakra, the others' chakra. He soon reached the place were they were stopped and saw toads everywere, he knew who it was, who didn't, one of the legendary sennin, Jariaya, the toad sage.

He saw Tripod and he knew it was them, he pushed off the ground and landed on a tree branch obove her, "Whats going on Tripod?" he asked in a calm way, he was very confident in himself.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto clocked Jiraiya once upside his head, "Hey we just met, besides she is older than me!" said Naruto in a brash tone. He was pretty riled up as he was excited too, helping Jiraiya up, he dispelled his summon and boss vanished. Naruto put the scroll back in his backpack and walked over out into the clearing. The stood over by Luca sensei and Gaara as Tripod walked off. "So you said you were seeking a hidden village? Tsunade mentioned this to me a while ago." said Jiraiya speaking in a normal tone. "Turns out their is a whole new breed of ninja over there, with jutsu no one has ever seen before with the exception of common ones." Naruto didn't really take in the info too clearly so he just nodded as Luca would absorb it, likewise would Gaara.

"I have been seeing alot of activity in this area as well, i send out boss here to spy on the enemy territory, so far we have only been finding camps and not the actual village itself yet. They connect in a pattern so the village is extremly close, i can send boss to guide you to the most recent camp site, the village should be very close." said Jiraiya offering his help. Naruto was grinning as he understood the last part and was ready, "Well what are we waitng for! Lets find this village and kick some ninja butt!" he yelled pretty loud. Jiraiya nodded, Same old Naruto, too much like Yondaime than he knows. "Hope thats alright with you?" said Jiraiya to Luca.


New member
Tripod looked up in the tree and saw Kaze, "Oh, hi Kaze." Said Tripod with a smile.
A leaf fell from the tree, "Um, have you met Jarya?" Said Tripod as she kept an eye on Kaze.
The leaf landed on Tripod's nose, "Uh-on...I..I'm...Ah,ah,ah." Said Tripod before she snezzed. Tripod Eye change to pink, "Well, I'm done talking bye." Said Tripod in a cold voice as she walked over to Soji.
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Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata hid behind Luca for fear of a groping. She knew this sanins reputaion of being a lecher and writer of icha icha. She stood behind Luca because she was sure that he wouldnt let Jiraiya touch her. But she still had respect for the legendary Toad Sanin he was of coarse one of the most respected person in Konoha. "H-hey Naruto-kun, is this the same J-jiraiya that t-trained you for three years?" she asked behind Luca.
She was also miffed about the Narutos girlfriend comment but she tried not to show it.
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The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed deeply, realizing that there were probably other reinforcements in the area looking for the village as well. Had The Hokage not trusted him enough to know he would find it on his own with his team? To him this was a sign that said she had no faith in him and his team." That sounds like a plan to me old friend" He looked north , seeing the sky bright and shining now. It was a good day so far, he hoped in the back of his mind it would stay that way. Looking up at Jariaya he yawned. He was grateful to him for not exposing his absent past of the shinobi life to the others. It put him at ease that someone understood what did not need to be said. Looking around at the group he accidently dropped his mask. Obviously it had not been tight enough. He quickly turned away from the others and picked up his mask, pulling it on before he turned back around, noticing Hinata behind him. Obviously she was all to familiar with the sannins reputation. But that had not bee nthe thing that cuaght his ear. He had read nothing on three years of training in Naruto's file. It must have been an under the table ordeal. But for a kid his age to be training with Jariaya was odd. As a matter of fact anyone training with Jariaya was odd.

Luca had remembered the old days when Jariaya had trained him for a few months. But the training sessions were cut short when Luca left the shinobi life to be with Her. Now returning had to be quite the surprise for Jariaya. To see Luca back as a shinobi had to be an weird, seeing as how everyone was under the impression that he had left the life for good. But to put someone just coming back from the outside life on such an important mission was odd. The hokage had either saw something in him, or had just gotten the first shinobi that came to mind who wasnt working. He was betting more on the second answer then the first." Alright, everyone ready?" he checked his gear and turned back to The giant frog boss" alright, were ready Lets go"


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Hearing Naruto talk about this "village" gave Kaze a headache, but Naruto was right about someting, they do have justsus never heard of, he thought as he looked at his hand a weird scar there, but he knew what it was from.

((dude im having a massive rp breakdown))


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood watching the other Sanin camly. He had never met the Frog Sage before. His red eyes scanned over him. He didn't seem that impressive. Still, look at Soji. Soji was anything but impressive looking. He looked over as Tripod approached. He put his arm around her and smiled down. "Hello, Gray. Nice day to be out of the old noggin isn't it?" Soji then looked back at the Frog Sage. If all went well, the old man wouldn't recognize Soji for what he really was.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
OOC: Well, since i was gone, and didn't get the chance to post, i will put this up here until the next person posts to se where we are. All i know is is that im with Tripod, Naruto, and Luca.


New member
Tripod looked at Soji and then looked away, "I really didn't want to come out here, Black forced me and white was just too tired." Said Tripod as she looked down trying not to let no one see her eyes.

Gray can some times be moody, this is when she gets really unperdictabale, this is what Black and White mean when they said, 'Gray is in one of her moods' Always when Gray is like this, Black or whte would come out, but White was tired and Black had to fix the wall around the heart.

Tripod heard a lighit clonk sound as if something fell to the grond, Tripod turn to see it was a mask, it turns out it was Luca's. Tripod saw Luca's face. He has such sad eyes...I wonder. Tripod just srug it off, "Well, I going, bye." Said Tripod in a cold voice. As she continue to walk down the path, with or without the others.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sighed as he turned to follow Tripod. This could have been a good show. He looked up at the moody Tripod from behind. His red eyes scanned the back of her head as though expecting it to open up and reveal the answer to his questions. It didn't so he dropped his gaze to the ground. Soji wasn't really sure why he was following Tripod anymore. She didn't need him at all. Often times, he felt as though he was the one who was dragging her down. With a vengeful force he glanced at a rock and it shattered to peices. He closed his eyes in shame. Emotions were not something he was good with. When he was part of Akatsuki with Orochimaru, Soji had done many evil deeds and gotten very good pay for it. It was still a wonder to him why he left Akatsuki for such a low lifestyle. He was hardly more than a beggar now. Some great way for a legendary Sanin to end up. Something's got to change. Nobody here trusts me anyways. I doubt even Tripod does. That's it then. I've made up my mind. I'm leaving soon...

OOC: On the subject of Akatsuki, I was reminded of Gamer_Pirate's claim that no character was invincible. This turns out to be wrong if you read the manga into Set II. There is a member of Akatsuki named Hidan who is infact, immortal. His style of killing is to connect himself with his opponent and then inflict lethal damage to himself. This kills his opponent, but since he can't die it won't kill him. Also, Asuma cut off Hidan's head (with help from Shikamaru), yet Hidan survived it, only loosing control of his body until his head was put back.


New member
Tripod was very deep in thought, the more she think, the more railed up she got. She began to clench her fists trying to forget the thoughts but she couldn't. Her Poe Hammer appeared in her right fist. "Bigger" Wisppbered Tripod as she still walked. The Hammer grew 10x it normal size.
Tripod quickly disappear and reappear somewhere in the forest, "HHHRRROOOAAHHHH!!!!"Yelled Tripod as she slammed her Hammer into a tree. The tree crashed down while the whole forest shook. The Poe Hammer disappear from her hand. Tripod then disappear and then reappear right back on the path along with Soji. Tripod just closed her eyes and kept walking right besided Soji.

Tripod began to think about what her and the others were talking about in her mind last night, Maybe I should tell him....
Tripod looked over at Soji as if she was about to say something, No he got a lot on his mind I shouldn't tell him...I'll just wait until he ask...
Tripod looked down as not to show her eyes to anyone, and continue to walk beside Soji.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji heard Tripod in front of him. She muttered something and left. He sighed and kept walking as though nothing had happened when the forrest suddenly shook. Tripod gets angry easily these days. Maybe it's me... Soji felt her reappear near him. Thoughts were buzzing around her, but he ignored them. He reached his hands behind his head and pulled over the jet black cloak. It hid his face and since his eyes were closed, nothing could be seen of him. He walked at a steady pace for a moment and was suddenly gone with a strange sigh and a wake of dirt. Soji's speed was unmatched. His willowy body allowed him to split the air as if he had no friction against it. Rays of light buzzed past him. They were sluggishly working their way towards objects on the earth. Some were bouncing off. Everything lost its color as Soji's own eyes moved far too fast for the rays of light to reach his eyes, telling him what color things were. With this speed, no eyes could follow him, much less another creature. His speed increased another notch with the application of the Feather Foot Technique. He felt several trees collapse in on themselves as he passed and slowed down quickly. There was no need to destroy the forrest by creating too strong of a gravity towards himself.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: is that a sign of leaving the RP?

Sasuke was sent back by the punch that Kaze delivered to him, but the second he touched ground he was back up, to see Kaze going in another direction. He followed to find the group around the Frog Sage Jariaya. 'So everyone left to talk to that perv huh? Well I guess I'll just stay outta this one. He watched Jariaya lay waste to the ladies of the group, not even having to go near Hinata. 'Maybe I've been calling the wrong person loser.' He thought with a sweatdrop. As he looked around, he saw Kaze, and appeared near him. He kept his distance, so to be prepared for another attack. "I asked you something, it's common curtesy to at least acknowledge it with an answer." He was serious, if he didn't get an answer the easy way, he'll just have to force the answer out of him.


New member
Tripod felt Soji present left from her side, Oh, I must have chased him off, I didn't mean too......
Tripod knew that Soji's speed was far greater than hers no matter how much waights training she did. But Tripod was willing to give it a try. Tripod took off her boots, I should move quicker now...

Tripod looked in the direstion Soji ran, Tripod began to run she slowly began to pick up pace as she ran, she pasted the trees that Soji distroy. She stop when she saw Soji. But Tripod was moving to fast to stop in time so she bumped into Soji. Tripod fell back, "Sorry, Soji... didn't mean that to happen." Said Tripod as she looked up at Soji.