Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


New member
Tripod stood up, "Okay, I got what I want. I guess its time for me to lay low." Said Tripod to herself.
Tripod quickly looked around, "Heh, man I love starting chaos." Said Tripod with a weaked smile. Tripod looked aback and saw Kouta.
"Oh, its you what do you want.... and Sasuke I can hear your breathing." Said Tripod as her red eyes glared at Kouta.

There was a breeze that blew Tripod's hair over her face, the hair tickled her nose, " ah ah" Said Tripod before she sneezed. Tripod's eye color change to a cool pink. "Dangit, Black" Said Tripod as she filp back her hair and looked around.
Tripod then looked back at Kouta, "Look, whatever I did I'm sorry and Suaske I'm sorry to you too." Said Tripod in a cold voice.
"Well, I'm done talking, bye." Said Tripod as she began to walk away.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Kouta finally made it up to the spot where Tripod was, and when he got there, he could sense that three was one other to. She kep asking him why he was following her, and his face turned red for a sec "Well..." then thats when she sneezed. When she did, her eyes became pink. She had a more colder voice now, and didn't seem in the mood for any companions at the moment.

"Oh...well, i just wanted to group up with someone, and when you guys said that i could come with you back in the woods, it sort of made me feel like there were actually people who didn't dis-like me. But, if thats how you feel, then i guess i was wrong." He just smiled and started to walk back the other way. He kept tinking to himself of what he was gonna do now. He wasn't to sure on where to go really...


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
He turned around with red cheeks and wide eye's. He smiled with excitement "Really? Haha, thank you so much!" he said with a cheerful sound in is voice. He could still feel the othger, but it didn't matter. Kouta was just happy that comeone actually accepted him, but now he was gonna have to do everything he could to help this girl out, and he barely knew her. For all he knew, she was just a plain out thief of a ninja. Kouta was getting a little curious, but decided not to ask "So, where exactly are we going?"


New member
Tripod looked at Kouta, "Well, right now I'm using this Town as a rest stop. well I should say not anymore thanks to Black's little actting out." Said Tripod as she scrached her head.
"Well, I'm...we should find a place to rest. So I can read this book." Said Tripod as she began to walk. "If you want to you can follow me." Said Tripod as she looked back at Kuota.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke, knowing he was found out, jumped up and around to the other side of them. He looked at Tripod, who seemed to have changed her attitude, and then at Kouta.

"What is it that you stole? If you give me a good enough reason to, I'll let you hide out at my house, if not, I might have to stop you. No offense, but I'm don't exactly trust either of you completely yet."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
ooc: =/ Naruto was inside the office, I think you pissed off Tsunade o.o!!!

Everything happened all so fast, that mysterious shinobi named Tripod came out of the blue and shook Tsunade's office with a violent swing. The woman herself already had enough tension and Tripod served to make it worse by stealing a book and making her angry. "YOU, COME BACK HERE NOW!!" shout Tsunade furiously as he she took off her jacket and leaped through the dust after the miscreant. Naruto was on the floor left in a daze after what just happened, his head soon popped up and he got rather pissed as well.

"Gah!! What the hell just happened, that girl she stole something and used me as a distraction! Never again you hear!" cried Naruto as his chakra was building. "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!" Naruto replicated nine clones of himself and chased after the girl along with Tsunade. Upon reaching them, Tripod was accompanied by Kouta, whom they had met yesterday. "Hey i bet he is working with her, theives!" yelled Naruto and his clones. Sasuke was already their, Naruto wondered what the show off had said to them. Grrr, Sasuke! Why are you everywhere i go! Tsunade was tapping her foot in impatience about to shatter the third hokage's head if the three of them didn't speak up now!


New member
Tripod looked around at every one, the women who was taping her foot seem to scare Tripod a little. "Dangit, Black why do you have to be such a pain." Said Tripod to herself.

Tripod quickly looked around, "Okay, I know I caused alot of chaos, and I'm sorry for it. But I'm not giving up this book, I need it for some thing very important..... that's all I can say." Said Tripod as she glanced at Yoki who was resting on Tripod's shoulder this hole time, just hidden in her hair.
"Smoke Screen." Whisppered Tripod to Yoki.

"AGITI!" Said Yoki as he jumpped out and spewed Smoke everywhere. The smoke created a viel so which Tripod made her escape, she quickly grabed Yoki and Kuota and fled. With a quick leap she made it to the roof top a house in town and then with another quick leap she made it over the village gate and in the woods. Tripod placed Kuota and Yoki down and then fell to her knees shortly after, "Bugra?" Said Yoki with worry as laid in Tripod's lap.
"I used up to much energy when I was making my escape." Said Tripod as she looked to see if they were followed.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Nice move, but you can't hide from my eyes."

Sasuke had jumped into the air just as his sharingan saw the little dragon billowing out the smoke. he followed the three out of the village. He was now poised in a tree, upsidedown actually. He jumped down and landed in front of them, blocking their way out.

"Now you've done it, if Tsunade is mad enough, she could send our top ninja after you to kill you, including myself. So I ask again, what are you doing with that book? If you just give me a good reason, I can clear up your problem with Tsunade and the village, it'd be advised to do so."

Sasuke thought of all the ninja who, if in the same perdicament, would take her out imediately. Neji, who could've easily caught her just as fast as he did, wouldn't have given her a choice. He still was ready for anything she did, the sharigan watching her every move.


New member
Yoki stood in front of Tripod growling, "Down Yoki, Mama will be okay." Said Tripod as she looked at Susake. Yoki backed off and sit right next to Tripod. "You're a very persetant Ninja, let just say this book could answer alot of questions for me and leave it at that. I cannot speak any more on this subject. Eather way this book I have shouldn't even be here." Said Tripod as she looked up at Susake with a cold glare.

"So, is that enough infomation for you. I have my my hidden past and you have yours." Said Tripod as she looked at Susake neck where she once saw the curse seal.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke's face turned from a confeident gaze to a glare, the Sharingan enhancing the effects greatly. He almost exploded at her when he remembered that he shouldn't do anything that would put him closer in reach to Orochimaru. he calmed down and thought of the situation. then he looked up at her, his eyes normal.

"Fine, have it your way, for now. You can hide out at my house til I can clear this up with Tsunade. You better not do anything that would put you in ill favor again for awhile, or it could get you killed. Now follow me, I'll take you there and show you where you can stay."

He walked to the side, not going directly into the village, but into a forest path towards his familes clan house, which was more of a mansion. The top could be seen from the Hokage palace as they got to the main gate.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Back?

IC: Soji had been hiding for a while. His thoughts were clearer now. The whole while he had hidden out at the old Uchiha place. He had heard about the area from Itach when he was in Akatsuki. It was the perfect hideout. Itachi, himself, sometimes used it. The place was so big and it was rarely explored. Soji had taken the time for some research. He learned about Itachi's special eyes and even a little about his own. He glared down at the spirit writing for hours and hours, decifering its meaning with his blind eyes. Then, not far into the fourth day, he felt something or someone coming. Two someones to be exact. Then he thought again. There were three. Two humanoids and what appeared to be a dragon.

His eyes glanced around the area, instantly catching onto the signatures of the strangers. Both of the signatures seemed familiar, one more-so than the other, but he hid himself better. He made several symbols and called silently, "Nijū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu!" Instantly, a great illusion was thrown upon the whole Uchiha Sector, trapping the newcomers in it. Even if they did see him, they wouldn't be able to escape from the sector because of the illusion. They would only continue to run forever.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
As they came up to the manor, Sasuke though he felt a presence inside. He slowed but the presence wasn't there, so he shrugged it off as nothing. THey got to the front door and inside was a person's dream. The opening room was as big as a normal house itself. Sasuke just walked through it like it was nothing, and it was to him.

"THe bedrooms are upstairs, the bathrooms down the hall to the left. If you need anything, the servants will help you."


New member
"Wow, you have servents." Said Tripod in a dull voice as she entered the manition. Tripod felt a surrtant present that was fermiler to her. Soji?
Tripod shook her head and continue to walk into the mantion, Yoki was asleeep on her shoulder, Tripod lifted him up and hold him in her arms. "I just we should rest." Said Tripod as she looked at the stairs.

Tripod clambed the staircase to the bedrooms. She laid Yoki on to a bed and sat down beside him. Tripod pulled out the book she taken and flip though the pages with a smile.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke, not really interested in staying here for much longer, for it brought back to many memories, returned to the village. He went to the Hokage palace again to find Tsunade back in her office with a stern look on her face.

'Sasuke, what was that all about? I saw that you followed her to wherever, what happened?'

"Seems that that book she took from the store belongs to her village, or wherever she's from. Also, there's something strange about her."

'How so?'

"She seems to have varying personalities, each one can be told from the color of her eyes."

'Explain this more to me...'


New member
Tripod was looking throgh the book, "I can't believe it, I found something of my brother. I wonder where his at, I hope I can find a clue in here." Said Tripod as she began to read a page.

Gyki, he's been up to strange things lately.
He's been leaving to go deep within the Drak Forest. I wonder, did he find the Drak Mana Shrine said to be hidden here in the Dark Forest somewhere.
My Little sister, Tripod she seems to be a strong Trigater, but her powers seem to be hidden, she needs something to bring the power out, or else it will cuz trubble for her later on.
Latly, my my older brother Gyki seem to be practicing some of the dark arts, when I confronted him about this all he said was, 'I'm going to awaken our dearset little sisters powers' I asked him what if it hurts her, her just said ' Well that one less kid for Faher to worry about.
I'm am worried for my sister, I hope she'll be okay.

Tripod closed the book, she was quite. "Th...this was written before Gyki used me in his experment. Thank you Lanheart, I'm glad you try to save me." Said Tripod as she looked at the book.
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
'I see...well, you will be responsible for any actions her, or her other personalities, take in this village, understand?'

"Yes, Lady Hokage."

Sasuke had just odged a major bullet and had saved Tripod from being a target of the leaf village. Though he had also taken on a burden of keeping her under control, it was a small price to pay. He left the Hokage palace and looked around to see if anyone was near to see him. He had remembered Naruto being there earlier but he wasn't sure at the moment. He walked to down the street when he remembered he had left Lee back at his house. He jumped over the buildings til he was back at Rock Lee's house, where the former Taijutsu master was praticing.

(gotta go, classes changing)


New member
Tripod was getting a little bored just sitting and reading the book, Tripod slipped the book into her pokekt. Yoki woked up and looked up at Tripod, "Ah, Yoki, you're awake!" Said Tripod with a smiled. Tripod looked around the room, Hmmm, I wonder what esle is around here....

Tripod got up and walked out the room, Yoki followed. Tripod dicited to explore the manition.