Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Cat-sama said:
OOC: Sorry, i got carried away with my own imagination here...
I'll try and whatch what i do next time ^^''

Exactly, you can't exactly nag at me for that when you did the same thing.
OOC: Both of you can stop being stupid now. Summoning someone isn't the same as controlling them. I merely transported your character from one place to another. I did not make your character talk or look impressed with my abilities. I simply decided to put you with the rest of the group because you were gone and I knew you'd be exactly like Sasuke is now, confused as to where you are. So, I put you with the rest of the group. Either way you're going to b**** about it. Simple thing is, moving someone with a technique is not powerplaying. If that were the case, when I carried Hinata or Tripod could be considered powerplaying. The only difference is I moved you through a technique. I didn't control you character at all. According to your views of powerplaying, hurting another character while fighting could be considered powerplaying.

Soji looked down at Tripod, thinking for a moment and then nodded. "I agree. We could find out more information there... Though I don't think I will be much welcomed in Konoha... That village and I have a bit of a history. And no doubt this Fifth Hokage will recognize me as being associated with Orochimaru. Still, I will follow you Tripod." Soji bound up his belongings tightly and prepared himself for the travel back. In reality, he could have simply used the Flying Thunder God Technique, but this would have been dangerous for his body. The only human to ever have mastered this technique was the Fourth Hokage. Soji looked over Naruto. I'm sure this one could learn it too... With time...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji pondered this for a moment. "It depends, if we go with these guys, we'll take the road... If we seperate, we'll take the faster path..." Soji dug around in his bag, checking scrolls silently. There were several ways into Konoha without detection. One way led under the Hokage's building even. There were also several paths that were much shorter. This one would take them a couple of days. There was one on the map that showed a way that could only take a couple of hours.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
OOC: YEAH!! Lets actually start an RP up again!

Tripod must have been in a hard and deep daydream, because she never noticed kouta follow her. He chuckled as she kept walking around 'Wow, she is something isn't she? I guess im just invisible to most people. I mean, even Soji didn't notice me when i was just standing there.' He kept having these thought while whatching Tripod walk. Finally after awhile she stopped and finally snapped out of it. She seemed to have gotten lost...wait...that means that Kouta was...somewhat loat to. He laughed as she kept looking around, "You alright? You seemed a little lost." He kept laughing as he held his quitar to the ground. He was starting to wonder what he was going to do on his journey...
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New member
OOC: Sorry guys ^^;

Tripod quickly turn to Kouta, with her Poe Hammer in hand. "Why have you been following me?" Said Tripod as she glared at Kaouta with her pink eyes. Suddenly Tripod cought a sent, it was that Ramen Shack from the Hidden Leaf village.

The Poe Hammer in Tripod's hands disappear, Tripod jumpped into the nearst tree and followed the sent of Ramen.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: FINALLY, I can post something reasonable.

Sasuke, after snapping out of his daze, just followed the others back to Konoha. 'Well, this has been a waste of time.' Sasuke thought as they reached the ramen shop. He walked right by the shop and disappeared, reappearing at the Hokage's office.

"The mission was inconclusive, the village false. We did find however a new threat. Two new groups of ninja have attacked us. One had hexagon headband, the other was strangely blank."

'...and Luca?'

"He'll be in shortly with more detailed information, though I believe his will to be a ninja has weakened slightly. He might not wish to return to the feild soon."

'That's ok, if he wavers, I'll make one of you the next leader.'

"Ok, that's my end of the deal, now, about that information..."

'I see, well, this is all my intellegents has so far on your brother...'

Sasuke leaned in intently listening, afterwards leaving quickly. He reappeared in front of Lee's house, not by any choice, just coincidence. He went in, just to greet Lee, they hadn't seen eachother in a while. He found him, of course, outside trying to regain his fighting strength. Sasuke laughed as he walked over to him.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.

Naruto overheard the other speak of going back to konoha. He was relieved and his fist shot up into the air. "Yeah!! Lets go home already!" cried Naruto jumping across the trees. They traveled not really too far, but he couldn't help but think about the two different groups of shinobi at work here. Hexagon headbands, blank headbands, all to strange to think in depth. A full scale invasion on Konoha as declared by the Kage of the hidden village from Naruto's ears he heard him say.

As they arrived in Konoha Naruto was running when he came to the Ramen Shop. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked over as Tripod and Kouta were devouring ramen. However he was flat broke, plus couldn't afford to doddle. Man, you think they couldn't eat that anymore in my face! Naruto perservered and he ran to the fifth hokage's office. Running through the building and nearly breaking the door he noticed Sasuke was already there. "Hey Granny, i've got something to...Sasuke is already here!?" said Naruto stopping himself.


New member
Tripod had finish her bowl of ramen, "Ah, wow White was right it was good." Siad Tripod to her self. Tripod looked up in time to see Naruto running off. "Him that him, I guess." Said Tripod as she shugged.
Tripod gave the clerk his money and was off on her way, Yoki was resting his wings on Tripod's shoulder. Tripod looked over at Yoki from time to time to see how he was doing.
Some how Tripod got lost again and ended up in this dark Shop. It look like it sell mysical items, Tripod looked around seeing if she could find some Mystical Items that was real. Suddenly behind a glass case was a book with the name 'Lanheart' ingraved in it. "Big Brother?!" Said Tripod to her self.

"Um, Esuse me, how much is this book?" Said Tripod as she waved over the store clerk.
"Ah, that boo use to belong to a Mythical Creature that fought in the war." Said the clerk at he pulled out the book to show to Tripod.
"Well, yes I know that. But how much is it?" Said Tripod as she stared at the book.
The clerk smiled, "500,000,000!" Said the clerk with a evil smirk
"500,000,000?! WHAT IS THE PAGES MADE OUT OF GOLD?!"Yelled Tripod as her hopes of knowing her big brother fly out the window.
"No Money, No book." Said the clerk as he blew off some dust on the book into Tripod face.
Tripod sneezed and her eyes changed to a red color, "Fine, then I'll take this stinkn' book!" Said Tripod as she punched out the clerk and took the book.

The clerk can to as Tripod ran out of the store, "STOP THEF!!!" Yelled the clerk as he ran out side. Tripod ran away with the book in hand and made her escape by jumping from roof top to roof top heading for the Hogkage Place.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: I'm already gone yondaime, XD, but whatevers

'If I cannot do 200 pushups, it'll be 100 crunches then!!'

Sasuke watched as Lee was pushing himself to get back to what he was. He had been sadden when he heard, and he felt a bit of that as he watched, but he was also impressed with Lee's determination. Lee had become an example for all ninja to keep going, no matter what. Maybe Luca should be here as well.

"Well Lee, if you can't do those crunches, how about a walk through the town, to catch up with eachother?"


Sasuke got to the ground next to him, and began doing pushups himself. Lee looked at him.

"Hey, if you're back in fight form, then I'll have to keep up with you."


New member
Tripod was jumpping from roof to roof with the book in hand, she looked down and saw Susuke and he was talking to this guy in a green suit.
Tripod was going to stop by and chat but then.
"HEY, YOU STOP!" Said a voice from behind her.
Tripod looked back to see some ninjas tring to stop her.
"Bite me!" Yelled Tripod back at the ninjas and she sped up. She was still heading twards the Hogake Place.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Tsunade looked at Naruto like always. "Still the idiot i see, Sasuke is long gone." said Tsunade staring at Naruto. "So what else do you have on the mission Naruto?" Naruto then turned to Tsunade and walked to her desk and put his hands on her desk staring her in the eyes. "Well let me tell you what i know that Sasuke didn't!" said Naruto with a serious look. Tsunade's eyes widened when she heard Naruto say that. "Go on Naruto, i'm all ears." said Tsunade as he slouched down with her hands together waiting on Naruto to speak.

Well that village we were supposed to be looking for....we found it. Thats not all either, turns out their kage of the unknown village is in league with another village with hexagon headbands! They plan to attack Konoha in a few days! When we found out they attempted to kill us when they noticed i was spying on them." said Naruto now catching his breath. "This is grim, but thanks for what you knew Naruto, we'll take it from here." said Tsunade dismissing Naruto. "Whatever you say Granny Tsunade." said Naruto walking for the door.

Naruto was going to step out when he saw figures coming for the office. "What the heck is that!" cried Naruto staring as it got closer.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
"Geeze, i really gotta catch up to that girl. She's the only person i know who i can really follow to!." Kouta was trying his best to catch up to tripod. He was whatching as those ninja's were follwing her as well. I guess there trying to get there hands on that book. Well, i guess i could help her out, but she seems to b a little agitated with me...but still, i need someone to group up with.Kouta was starting to slow down now, only to grab his guitar, and then he began to speed up again.

Kouta began playing a tune on his guitar, and soon a giant ball flew right at two of the ninja's with a giant blue blast, freezing them both in an ice pillar "Hey, are you okay?" He asked solicitously "Were those the only two ninja's chasing you?"


New member
"There chasing me cause I took this book with out paying." Said Tripod as she looked over at Kouta. Tripod jumpped down from the roofs and onto the street, there she stop right in front of Naruto.
Tripod glared at him with her red eyes, then "Hey you stop what do you think you're doing?" Said Some Ninjas that came up to Tripod.

"Hey, your the one who stole that book!" Said One Ninja.
"Crap!" Said Tripod as her Poe Hammer appeared in her hand.
Tripod swung her Poe Hammer down on to the ground. The force was so hard that the earth under the Ninjas and Naruto was distoried. As the dust flew up it made a a veil to witch Tripod made her escape.

Tripod made a huge leap to the top of the Hokage Place, she then took off twoard the moutains that had 4 men carved on them. Tripod stopped right on the forhead of the 3rd Hokage. "Whew, all this over a book. Well it is from a mythical creature." Said Tripod as she slipped the book into one of her pokcets. Tripod then sit down to rest and recover some of her energy.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
The dust caused alot of cluster between many people, and everyone started running around frantically. Kouta managed to see Tripod jump up into the four head mountain of the hokage, and was a little shoocked "Whoa, that girl sure eats her vegetables..."

He began running towards the mountain, trying to get past all of the people. Soon, a few ninja's started to blck his path, and began surrounding him 'Hey you! Do you know who that girl is?' Kouta didn't know what to say. He sort of knew her, but then again he sorta of didn't either, so he replied "Why do you care? She's the one who stole the book...'' he replied with a tone in his voice. The ninja didn't care for it all, and were realy reckless. So as soon as they moved in towards kouta, he played a few string on his guitar, and immediatley a ginat pillar of ice was rising quickly, knocking the ninja's bakc, and giving a kouta a quick headstart to the hokage heads.
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
((XD you said RP instead of tripod))

Sasuke looked up as the girl, Tripod, jumped over head, with ninja forces following her. He looked as she seemed to notice him, but continue on as they the nin pursued her. He jumped up, apologizing to Lee, and chased after them. He noticed one of the ninja was the water villlage one that they met up with earlier. 'Why'd he follow us here' He wondered as they reached the Hokage palace. from the roof top, he watched as subsequently Tripod and the water villager escaped to the hokage mountains. With his saringan on, he was right behind them. He snuck up to them to see what it was they possed, and tried not to be seen.