Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji dusted off his hands lightly and explained, "People and animals are very much alike. People and summons are even more alike. It wasn't that hard as long as you knew the proper contract to bring them here. It actually took a lot less chakra than normal summons do." Soji picked up his orb. Somehow it had fallen out of his bag. He looked at it for a moment and then made sure it got back into his bag. Soji looked back at Tripod, pondernig her question. "I'm not really sure. We know the hidden village is that way, but apparently, they won't be very friendly with us if we try to enter. We have to establish something with them. Then again, this might just be another wild goose chase on your quest to get home, Tri."


New member
OOC: I think we're on the outskirts of the Hiden Villge.

"Maybe I can find something hidden deeper in that village, couse you know after the war maeny things went underground." Said Tripod as she began to think.
Okay the habitat around these parts of the contury are good for what mythical creatures...

"Libos, I bet the theres a hidden Libos Clan in that village, all we have to do is find the back door the Libos enter the village. If we can find the Libos we can maybe sneak into the village." Said Tripod with a smile.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji looked at her, frowning. "Libos? Of all the creatures, what are libos?" Soji reached into his bag and pulled out many scrolls. He kept searching and searching. No information on Libos was there. Finally, he found one old and crusty scroll. He read through it and found Libos under "mythological combatants". He frowned and said aloud, "These Libos were the ones who fought in the war. Why haven't they tried to go home yet?"


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Kouta stared into oblivion and started to pluck at the strings on his guitar. He had it standing on the ground while leaning on it. He knew a few mythical creatures, but not to much "A libos? Those things can be so pathetic. Why do we have to find one of those to get into the village? Can't we just find a tunnel somewhere? Or maybe we can transport are way through. With all the scrolls that he has, im sure we can find another way into that village." Hr kept plucking at the strings, only a bit faster now. What he was forming on the top of his guitar was a mystery to the other two.


New member
"Some Mythical creatures disited to stay here, or on the world they use to rule, just in humans want to start another war." Said Tripod as she looked up at Soji. "Or some are like me, and lost there way back to Avlear." Said Tripod as she looked down.
"Libo are kinda like wolves, I learned that they are branched off from the werewolves familes, but the only ones that turly knows are the Libos themselves." Said Tripod as she looked around.
"But enough of this, lets get going." Said Tripod as she began to walk down a rocky path.
"Lurkrv! (adventure)" Said Yoki as he wagged his tail.
I wonder how my borthers, Lanheart and Gyki, are doing?

Then Tripod stopped and looked back at Soji and Kouta, "Um... which way do we need to go and does anyone know where Luca is at?" Said Tripod with a ditzy smile,
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The King Of Bandits
Luca had totaly lost himself in his thoughts. When he awakened from his day dream, he was staring into aa pile of leaves, laying on the ground. He got up and pushed away the bush he had been laying under. He kept quit, hearing the sounds of tripod's voice nearby. He looked around frantically. Where was his team. Last he had remembered, he was loking at saskue, and tripod convinced him to go back. But when he turned around he had blacked out. For a second, he thought about yelling, then remembered they were in enemy territory. He would have to be quiet and wait for them. He walked slowly down the path, back to the area where he had tried to fight soji at. He sat on the ground, knowing eventualy his team would come back there most likely. He really was a failure as a team leader after all. He smiled thinking to himself" well, I guess if i fail as team leader in this mission, it would give me more time to spend with Rokura" He luaghed a little knowing it was a bad joke. Where had everyone went?

He began walking, deeper and deeper into the woods past the fake village they had attacked. The wind was so calming. it was so peaceful. Almost too peaceful. The smile that had been on his face now slid off of it, not knowing what was in store for him. He had been walking for quite a while now.

He lept up to the top of one of the tree's not noticing anything out of the ordinary." Naruto...Sasuke...Hinata...Gaara.." he whispered to himself, looking into the distance and not seeing anything but tree's for miles" ..Where are you guys..." he stood atop the tree, knowing something was wrong, but not being able to tell what it was.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
0 *sigh* nevermind, i would consider moving another characters matter even through a jutsu powerplaying, but whatever lol.

Naruto was down their fighting for his life. Yet out of nowhere, smoke appeared around him and Sasuke and they were beside Soji. "What the heck just happened!?" yell Naruto rather out of the loop. He looked up at Soji, "Hey me and Sasuke didn't ask for your help, we could have taken them on our own!" Naruto was pointing at the so called Sanin, he didn't even have faith in Naruto's own abilities, much less that of kyuubi's within him. He was still boiling.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Wow. I hate to ruin your post, but I got you out of the village two pages ago. Oh well, we can pretend this happened THEN I summoned you.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Kouta lifted his guitar and started playing some music now. He was forming his levitating water balls again, surrounding the area where they all were "Well, i hav no idea where to go at this point, but i think we'll find Luca soon. If i can remember how the tune goes, i think i can get him here..." He kept playing his guitar, forming more water balls now. He pointed his guitar up and yelled "Water tracker!" His water balls flew in one direction up in a tree. They managed to hit someone, and when kouta whatched the man fall out, it looked like Luca "Found him! And please don't ask me how i did that. It's to complicated for your mind." He said with a big grin as he poked Tripod on the head. She looked at him with her head tilted and yoki was just staring. Yoki was shaking a bit when he saw that move. He said something in Tripods language, but Jouta hadn't a clue what he said.

"You ok?" He said concernly "Just because i spray water doesn't mean you have to shake about it."

OOC: My wonderful ending to this post XD I had to do something here..
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Careful Cat-sama. What you just did there was Powerplaying. It might be out of character for Tripod to be impressed by you move. Also, you need to ask permission before using characters invented by someone else. Simple Role-Playing eticut. It's amounting for less and less these days... -_-'

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Daraku said:
OOC: Careful Cat-sama. What you just did there was Powerplaying. It might be out of character for Tripod to be impressed by you move. Also, you need to ask permission before using characters invented by someone else. Simple Role-Playing eticut. It's amounting for less and less these days... -_-'

Ooc: >_>? wait and summoning me and sasuke when we're inactive isn't? Sorry im still a little ticked about that. Its posted, yet like my post he can be non-existant -__-""

Naruto could hear Luca calling, his voice was echoing through the forest. Seems he was looking for the divided team. Who knows where the heck Gaara went, he always seemed to disappear and pass in and out. Much smoother than sasuke at that considering he was on kage level. "So what do you plan on doing about this village?" said Naruto to Soji as he was still steaming. To atleast be in on what he was thinking could compensate for that random summoning which ticked him off and confused him.


New member
Tripod walked up to Soji and stand next to him, "Alot is going on right now." Said Tripod with a smile.
"Soji, you wont be seeing that much of me no more, I did some thing that made the other very mad. So I'm just telling ya so you won't worry." Said Tripod in a low tone so that Soji can only hear.

Tripod snezed and her eye color changed to pink, "Okay, no more of white for a while, she needs to talk with her." Said Tripod in a cool voice. "Burgura?" Said Yoki as he looked at Tripod with worry. "Don't worry mom's okay." Said Tripod as she petted Yoki. Tripod looked up at Soji, "So, are we going to get Luca?" Said Tripod as she tilted her head.


The King Of Bandits
Luca's voice faded into the forest now. Yes it was stupid to be yelling while deep in enemy territory, but he felt the urgency of the situation and decided it would be the quickest way to reform the team. He began leaping from tree to tree, searching for any sign of anyone. he burst out of the forest, landing on the ground and catching himself. The break in the tree's had cuaght him off guard for a moment. When looking up he noticed Tripod in front of him, here eyes diffrent from before. Naruto was near her, as was soji. Nothing seemed to be going right. Besides the fact they had found the mission, which had been their only objective, nothing was going as planned. He still was wondering why he had been placed in charge of the team, it all made no sense to him. There had to be a reason though." Oh.. i found you" He looked around, taking a count for his ninja. Naruto was the only one here" Where are the others Naruto? Gaara was with you last time i saw him, and Im still not sure on where hinata is." he pulled his bag over his shoulder, looking down at the boy, then back up to the others." Naruto, our mission is complete here. We need to be heading back to konoha. After all we found the village. So come on, we need to gather the others and return home as soon as possible, The 5th is awaiting our arrival."

Luca turned, facing away from the others" As for the rest of you, Do what you wish. After all your not my responsibilty. My team is most important to me right now. If you will excuse me, it was very nice meeting all of you. We had an interesting journy i think." He knelt down, placing his hands on the ground and preparing to jump back into the trees" Naruto, Make some replications to help us search, we will need all the help we can get. Stay close to me however." Luca leapt into the forest, leaving only a trail of leaves and dust in his wake. Right now all he wanted to do was find his team and head home.


New member
"But wait, wasn't that the fake Village?" Said Tripod as she looked at Luca.
"We didn't find the real New Village, didi we?" Asked Tripod as she tilted her head.
But before Luca answer her questions he left. "Well, I guess we should go back to Konha and see if we can find some more information." Said Tripod as she looked back at Soji.
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Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
OOC: Sorry, i got carried away with my own imagination here...
I'll try and whatch what i do next time ^^''

yondaime said:
Ooc: >_>? wait and summoning me and sasuke when we're inactive isn't? Sorry im still a little ticked about that. Its posted, yet like my post he can be non-existant -__-""

Exactly, you can't exactly nag at me for that when you did the same thing.
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