Organization XIII: The Under Order

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: >_> if you want to use the boss man, ask next time -_-. Just two problems.

1. Xemnas gives individual missions and team missions to under order members.
2. Ask if you want to use Xemnas first, i already have missions set in stone for you guys.

Lastly, don't do KH:FM <_< the actual Xemnas does that xD!

IC: Watching XXI get pissed off from Rayex's attempt to scan his thoughts was amusing. Over the intercom boomed Xemnas voice summoning Zanxai to his chambers. "Heh, the other show off, wonder what his mission is?" said Rayex walking for the door. As it slid open he looked down the hall, empty as always. His room mate left, which was to be expected. Rayex sighed as a few minutes went by and his back was against the wall. The intercom went off again and this time Rayex's name appeared in his words. "Number XXV and XX report to my office." said Xemnas as it faded. "Number XXV? That guy that kicked Xemnas ass? Interesting..." said Rayex as his head turned to the door and he stepped out. His hood was up of course, he walked past Rayex and gave him a faint look of interest.

A portal emerged in front of him and he stepped through it effortlessly. Rayex smirked and then followed behind him, they both stood in Xemnas presence. "Your probably wondering why i summoned you both. Well of all of the under order admissions the both of you survived the trials of the top 5. I was impressed with how i came to be defeated by XXV." said Xemnas. Rayex's eyes shot a stare at XXV. Who the hell are you? "Now, you two will commence with the following mission. I need the two of you to pay my old teacher a visit, his location isn't definite, but its on the outskirts of TWTNW. Contact me when the two of you find some trace of him. Dismissed."

"Yes lord Xemnas." spoke both in unison.

Rayex and the unknown vanished into seperate portals and appeared to scarse areas of the dark city. "Tracking some guy, we don't even know what the hell he looks like!" yelled Rayex punching a window. "You shouldn't be so reckless." said number XXV. "Shut up, whats your name anyway?" said Rayex. "Courtousey says, you should give yours first." said XXV. "Fine, its Rayex, don't forget it!" said Rayex ****ily. "Heh, names Matx and you might want to duck." said Matx. "Duck?" Rayex turned and he was slapped into a buidling by a darkside. "Such an amatuer." said Matx taking out his ice crested blade and scaling the darkside's fist and severed it at the shoulder.

Rayex's head popped up and he began to rub it, "Lucky shot." said Rayex getting to his feet. As his body moved to become a flash, both legs of the darkside were severed and it dropped to the ground. Slowly fading into darkness the two of them looked at the other and resentment was still there. "Lets go Rayex or whatever you call yourself." said Matx walking off. "Grr, i swear if you don't stop that i'll!!" "You'll what!" said Matx stopping and shooting Rayex a serious look. "Don't worry about it, you'll least expect it anyway." said Rayex then following behind Matx.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Name: Saito (Last name lost with his heart)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank: XIX
Title: Dark Abyss
Weapon: Buster Sword
Personality: Cool and Collective, likes to work alone. Strategic

Bio: His past is unknown to him and others that might of known have been lost with time. He is now on a path to figure out why he is still around with out reasons to exist. He has mysteriously ended up infront of a giant building on a world that should not exist.

Beserk: Strength and speed increases and size become more buff.
Cureja: The highest form of Cure. Few have the magic to compensate.
Dark Firaga: A giant attack of dark fire.
Haste: Increases speed
Fire Raid: Throws his weapon, locking on, while inflamed in fire.
Dark Aura: Bolts of darkness.
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
IC: Saito walked upon a gate infront of a massive hideout. " You got to be kidding me. First I appear randomly to a place that shouldn't exist and then this..." Looking to his suprise he watches as the gate opens before him. Voices are existent in the air. " Who are you and what are you doing here.." the voice was rather deep. Saito looked around holding the hand of his sword close. There was nobody around. " So your the new one we sensed around this place." A man appeared with long blue hair and a "X" on his face stood powerfully. " You have no heart. You are nobody and have no where to go." The man with the blue hair acted like he new everything, yet Saito new he was right. " What exactly do you want?" The man laughed again with his black robe shaking. " It is your lucky day. If I had a heart, I would smile but we need Nobodies to join us." Appearing in the mans hands, a large sword with star shaped symbol on the top. " I will prove your worth..." As soon as Saito could think the man rush him with a quick swipe. He looked to realize a white robe that wasn't there before was on him already torn. " I see how you move. It's is very similar to mine. Passive, yet obvious." A red aura surrounded Saito after he said his words. He was under his beserk ability now and he was affected so quickly by it. The two clashed at eachother at bursting speeds as if they weren't touching the ground. " Impressive, young swordsman. I didn't expect less. Your magic is visible from miles away." Saito was stuck in a clash with a man that powers were still not revealed to him. " Stop going easy on me!" They both jumped back and striked at each other randomly. Saito ran up one of the walls of the gates and flipped onto the man with blue hair. He easily dodged it and went for another attack. " Your predictable. You act resentlessly and with no thought to it. I must be angering you."

Saito stood think what to do. The man was starting to piss him off yet they acted so much the same. He could help but think if this is how everybody feels around him. " What is your name, blue haired man?" the man stared back at him and silently spoke. " Saix, if you must know. I don't need a name from you. It's rather pointless at this time." This battle was going nowhere and they both new it. " I will finish this now. Kid you have your flaws." Saix attacked and disappeared, ripping into Saito's back. " A cheap blow..." He quickly got out of the way from futher damage. Saix looked around and a flurry of Dark Aura flew at him hitting him full on. " What...." Sano rushed back in and took advantage of his helpless body. He slashed on his back leaving a gash. " Nice... move..." Saix turned around and threw Saito's buster to the ground. " Now it's over." Out of thin air a man with grey air appeared. " Superior?" Saix stood back, showing respect to the man. " This kid. How strong is he, Saix." He stood back talking to the random man. " This one is possible stronger than the others.... He still is yet to be tested." The man looked and tells Saito to follow him. Futher he walked into the fortress.
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New member
"Yes, it can make ones heart beat fast." Said Shinzoe as she looked at her hand. Luxord smiled and looked at his hand, "Hmm, I wonder...." Said Luxord as he placed a card down.
"Eh?" Said Shinzoe as she placed a card down, "Do you think if somewith a heart would be tempteated by the darkness?" Said Luxord as he took the cards laid down. Shinzoe's ears twiched, "Well, I guess it depends on the kind of persdon you are..." Said Shinzoe as she place a card down.
"I don't think so, weather you're are so called 'good' or 'bad', some one with a heart is always going to be pulled by the darkness." Said Luxord as he smiled and put down a card.

Oh Man, is he talking about me?

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Nah, but i do have missions for you guys, you'll have one extra one xD.

The two continued to walk until they reached an alley with no other place to go. "Damn, dead what?" said Rayex staring at Matx. "We scaled the whole city and still no signs of this teacher." Matx turned to the wall and a portal formed in front of him, it was much bigger than a normal portal. "Lets go." said Matx as he stepped through it. This guy doesnt even tell me what the heck he's planning...figures. Rayex sighed and followed behind him as the portal then vanished after him. An in between world seemed to be where they were for the moment.

"Where are we?" said Rayex looking around, the place had the nobody symbol flying around in multiple propartions. Matx was searching and his eyes became fixated on a figure in red. "Are you the teacher of our lord Xemnas?" said Matx boldly. "I know not what you speak of boy, I go by Darkness in Zero, but call me DiZ for short. What business do you have with me?" said DiZ. "We seek to find our master's teacher, are you him? That all we want to know." said Rayex. "I can see you didn't heed my warning the first time, its a shame, but i can't let you leave." said DiZ as his body digitized into data. "What'd he do that!?" yelled Rayex. Then almost spontaneously, artificial heartless that had yet to be identified began to disperse onto the wide field. "Just great, but hell i was getting bored." said Rayex. "Likewise." said Matx drawing his blade. The heartless all leaped in the air at one time and rained down on XX and XXV.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: ok, but I had somethings planned :p

Zanxai looked to see himself now within the Hallow Baston Chapel. He was suprised that he had been here not but a few days ago. He kept his hood on, for no one could see his face during this time. he looked forward just as Sora walked into the door. he knew exactly what to do as he put out his presence across the room. Sora looked up from talking with Donald and Goofy to look directly at his. he only stayed silent and back up through the dark portal left by Melificent.

Zanxai looked around the room and smiled. "This will be a good place to fight him. The other one cannot see us here." He didn't know how he knew this, but he then felt Xemnas' voice in his head. 'This cloak is more than just a disguise. It is infused with some of my power. Meld it with your own to fight Sora.' Zanxai felt the effects as his body went transparent. Sora ran through the portal, and right pass him unknowingly.

"Guess I should make myself know." Zanxai walked in front of Sora, going right through him, reappearing as he did. Sora held the obvious reaction, but regained his form. zanxai felt a power in his mind and then he was connected to Sora's. "So, you are the keywielder I've heard much about." Sora, being use to voices talking to him, knew who it beloged to. 'Who are you?' Zanxai ignored the question and continued. "I wonder if the others were as...strong hearted as yourself."

Sora drew the weapon of leagend, the keyblade, and held his stance. 'What's that suppose to mean?' Zanxai had to smile at this, for he learned of these things even before he was a nobody. He pulled his hand back while speaking. "Foolish child, you know so little." he thrusted his hand forward, hurling a dark blast at Sora. Sora, suprised, blocked it with his keyblade at the last second, ad reflected it towards the ceiling, were it made a skylight. Zanxai got into a stange battle stance unlike his own, figuring it was apart of the powers he has borrowed. Sora charged at him and he spun, an energy sword coming from his hand. he sliced at Spra, who rolled out of the way at the last second. THey faced eachother, and Zanxai laughed deeply. "So, is this all the new keywielder has to offer." This hit Sora hard and he lunged forward, which was just what Zanxai wanted.


New member
Shinzoe and Luxord was in a deep game of poker. "I bet 500 munney" Said Shinzoe. "I bet 1,000 Munney." Said Luxord. Shinzoe won the hand. "My my you are a lucky one aren't you." Said Luxord as he placed three cards on the table.
Shinzoe looked at the cards, "Know this luck will only get you so far." Said Luxord as he looked at Shinzoe. "Well, I just have to believe in my self." Said Shinzoe as she picke up one of the cards. Shinzoe looked at the cards, it was the Hearts. Shinzoe's eyes widden. "Keep talking like that and poeple will wonder if you have a heart." Said Luxord as he waved his hand.

Shinzoe disappear in a vortex of cards, she reappeared back in the room. The hearts card still in her hand. Shinzoe flopped onto her bed and slipped the card in her pokect.
My heart is racing


New member
Rexrand was bored. He went through the corridors, turning right or left at some points, but mostly just walking straight ahead. He found many deadends, corridors just leading into rooms that noone seemed to care about, since they were all empty. They should use space like this for something...

After he'd went around for a while, he decided to go back to the room and check if that dork to roommate had left yet.
He was just about to turn around a corner when 2 underorders went pass him. They didn't spot him, but Rexrand froze, waiting for them to get out of sight. After they left the area, Rexrand continued to the room.

When he got to the room it was empty, as he had hoped. He went inside and went straight into the black hole of his.

"Now... what to do? Ahh, yes. A small arena."

He summoned his staff and held up into the air, just like last time. Suddenly, a arena at the size of a football stadium appeared a few feet away from Rexrand. It was also below him, so he just glided down to it and landed softly on the white surface of the arena. Unlike everything else in the room, it wasn't black.

"And now... Where do i find Opponents?" Rexrand said to himself, "Aww, I guess I have to go and fetch some... Wonder if they'll let me leave this fortress?"

Rexrand came to the conclusion that there were nothing more to do here, so he went back to the dorm.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: XD i feel like Jet Li in Hero!!!

As they heartless all sprung at one time like an endless abyss of darkness that covered this area of nothingness. "I got this Matx, stand back." said Rayex boldy as he stepped forward. He held out one hand and began to materialize a massive source of energy. His keyblades unlike any others were unstable and imperfect so they were never completly sold even with the appearance. Transfering daybreak into his imperfect particles of light, he enhance the electrons in the matter and converted his keyblades into photons!

They appeared like a white a black high fluxuations of energy similar to that of Xemnas signature blades. Rayex then began to take in the darkness and light in combinations with the properties of his imperfect keys. "Now you'll know why they call me The Risen One!" shouted as he launched both keys into the center of the heartless. "Breakblade!" Both keys exploded with a mass of photons flooding the wide room with a mass explosion of Dawn and Dusk. The room fell silent and changed in correspondence with that of the explosion. The heartless fled and only DiZ remained, standing unflinching. "Thats quite some power you possess...for a nobody." said DiZ as he laughed.

"You talk down to me as if i'm a child, so i maintained some of my former self's attitude, so what. Just because the main difference between you and I is that you have a heart and I..." interrupted by a beat from his chest once again. DiZ stared and became intrigued, "A fool you are young Risen One, shame your on the wrong side." said DiZ continuing to laugh as he digitized his body and left them in the white and black room. "That guy...he knew something we didn't." said Matx covering his face. "Question for you, why are you hiding Matx? The Glacial Magician they call you." said Rayex with a sharp eye. "Stay in your place and leave me be." said Matx turning and walking through the portal back to the dark city.

"Idiot...leaving me to do this by myself!" yelled Rayex as he then sighed. From the corner of his eye he caught glimpse of a figure clapping wearing a Lavender Cloak. "Good show Risen One, good show. Though i doubt it would be the same against me." said the Lavender Figure. "Who are you, are you anything like that guy in green?" said Rayex shooting him a suspicious stare from beneath his concealed face. "Now, now do i look like i was born yesterday? I'll tell you this much..." without so much as even another word, a crimson keyblade appeared in his hand with an intricate design. "Another Keyblade!!??" shouted Rayex in confusion. "Thats right, good to see your not slow." said the Lavender cloaked unknown. "Just know we plan to destroy you over the process of one year, so try not to break away anytime soon. Later, Risen One." He then vanished in a white portal much like the green cloaked one from earlier.

"Interesting...I wonder how many of them are there...Crap i forgot about Matx!" said Rayex realizing this as he then looked back and rush through the portal and it closed behind him. Matx had already made it to memory skyscrapper as Rayex became distracted. He soon found him and they returned aboard the Nobody fortress, immediately reporting in. Matx went on about Darkness in Zero aka DiZ, and how he had artificial heartless at his disposal. Rayex sighed as they were dismissed and also taking a stroll to their dormatory. Entering his own as Matx did his, XXI was inside yet again bored. No point in trying to start a conversation with my room mate, a scan through his thoughts earlier showed he could careless about idle chit-chat. He sat on the end of his bed and then stared over at XXI, hopefully he would grow irritated, then again thats rather stupid, but he did it anyaway.

Ooc: xD i love doing that.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Zanxai was now impressed with how far Sora had advanced over such a short time. He was not only keeping pace with him, but almost making him want to use his real powers. He kept that feeling under his hood as he attled Sora. Just as Sora seemed to have the upper hand, Zanxai started his vanishing act again. Sora, very mad about this, started to call out.

'What, are you running away now?'

Zanxai reappeared in behind him, clapping. Sora knew that he was beign funny and prepare to charge again. Zanxai put a hand up to stall his advance. "Don't bother, this was but a test child, and you passed. Be glad you get to keep your heart, for now. Still, you do need some work."

Sora just tried to attack him again, but he was already through a disappearing portal by the time Sora got within swing range. Zanxai appeared back in Xemnas lair to see the man gazing at the mon again. Before he uttered a word, Xemnas spoke.

'So, how was he?'

"A good fighter, he will be something great one day soon."

'I see, he's excellent for our plans. You did well, now, you may return to your dorm, or view the castle more. You mission is done for now.' Xemnas snapped his finger, and the organizationrobe around him disappeared, giving him back his under order robes. "Yes, Leader." Zanxai said before leaving in a portal to his dorm. Once there, he fell onto his bed, breathing heavily a bit. "Damn Sora, I had trouble fighting him without using my powers. His sword skills are amazing, I'm beat."


New member
Rexrand saw XX entering the room. Oh, no... -.-
XX took a seat on the end of his own bed and started to stare at Rexrand. Rexrand decided to break the silence... and the staring.

"So... where you've been?" He asked. Not really caring, he'd probably just been snooping around the fortress or something like that.

It was all they ever did around here. Rexrand hadn't been given any missions yet, so there wasn't really much to do. Although, the place was kinda cool...

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex turned to see that XXI asked him a question, Thats a little out of character? Meh, whatever. Rayex sighed and then spoke, "Well, i was sent on a seemingly pointless mission by our leader. Something about finding his old teacher, yet we found some guy who calls himself DiZ." Rayex stopped and took a moment to think. "Yet thats not the weird part...after my partner for the mission left some other guy in a lavender cloak appeared. Get this, he said their was a group bent on destroying the that means we're on their list." Rayex hoped this information would sink into his room mates head.

A few minutes went by and a voice echoed on the intercom. "Will XXI and XVII report to my chambers, reguarding your first assignments. That is all." said Xemnas as his voice then faded. "Looks like you got your wish, by the way whats your name?" said Rayex as he began to lay back on his bed waiting a response.


New member
Shinzoe's ears puriked up as she heard her number called. "Okay, just let me do a quick something." Said Shinzoe as she closed her eyes. When Shinzoe open her eyes again they had an icy clod look to them. "Okay, I can do this." Said Shinzoe as she exited the room and headed for Xemnas's Chambers.

ooc: Sorry for the short TT.TT

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Zanxai looked over as Shinzoe opened her eyes. He was curious as their icy look and the feeling behind them. He disregarded it as she left the room. He closed his eyes trying to get some rest. Though without a heart, he still didn't have unlimited energy. 'Though I have to admit, that was quite fun.' THat was his last thought as he slowly but surely fell asleep.


New member
Rexrand has gotten his first mission. Finally...

"Looks like you got your wish, by the way whats your name?" XX said.

"Looks like it indeed." He said and headed for the door. Before leaving, he stopped and looked at XX from under his hood. "The name's Rexrand... if you have to know," he said with a grin and went through the door.

Now... Xemnas Chamber...

He walked around the corridors he explored earlier and found the Chamber he looked for: Xemnas' chamber.
When he entered, he saw Xemnas sitting on a high chair, wearing the black coat, and had the hood over his face. Formalities...

Rexrand walked into the middle of the room, Xemnas' chair right in front of him, and then Rexrand waited for the other one to show up. Xemnas seemed to wait too, since he didn't address Rexrand for the moment.


New member
Shinzoe has gotten to the door of Xemans, chambers. Why am I so worry, I put my heart in its dorment state. So I don't have to worry about, them finding out about me still having a heart.

Luxord words popped into her head, He does have a point my luck won't last long, I just got to hurry, that's all.
Shinzoe walked into Xemans chambers, Rexrand was already there. It looks like they were waiting on Shinzoe. Shinzoe stood next to Rexrand and waited for what Xemans has to tell them about there misson.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Xemnas had folded his hands together and his eyes were closed. The presence of two had entered as expected. "You came as expected, now for your assignment." said Xemnas as he was gaining his composure. He sighed and began to speak as today has been long and rather tiring. "We have a situation thats of utmost importance, the chamber that holds the nobodies has been breached. I need one XXI to venture down their and destroy the heartless responsible, though someone managed to get in and summon it. Thats where you come in XVII, their was a spotted cloaked assailant in a cerulean cloak that summoned the heartless carrying teal colored keyblade. I can't go in depth at the moment of whom this threat is, but its urgent that you stop these threats immeadiately! Dismissed." said Xemnas.

Rayex was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling, he yawned as he stared at the ceiling vacantly. He slowly faded off into a light sleep resting his head on the pillow. All over his body retained some pained from earlier, My body aches all around, curega His body turned green for a moment as it illuminated the room and it faded. His achings had been reduced and he could sleep easy. He began to dream about these figures wearing multi-colored cloaks and what exactly was their purpose. If Saix was aware, then Xemnas must be swamped in the idea, especially since 6 of the top 13 are gone on a mission to retrieve something. So many threats, and to think they were apart of such a dangerous syndacite.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
ooc: I have been busy so i might as well post...
IC: Saito woke up ontop of the huge fortress. Staring at him was a giant heart.
What happened.... last i remember I was with that guy with the deep voice but the rest is a blur. He finally got up looking at what the place was made of. Many different floors and such were below. He saw the floors with balconies attached to them. As he walked carefully through each part of the floor he was in a room with a lot of nicknames and plates on top. Some were cracked and showed that only 6 were left unbroken. Reading one it said Luner Diviner.
" Who would that be." There was many of them and they all seemed to have nicknames on each." Saito turned around to the sounds of steps. It was a man in a black robe. " So you have found this room. 6 of us have already been taken out. Now you find out why we need replacements." The man pointed at Saito, urging him to follow. They passed by halls on each and he led him to a large entrance. " This is the superiors chamber. Enter...." The man fade away into darkness and vanished. " I might as well see what is going on here." Saito went up to the door and opened it to see a 2 people standing there with the man he remembered before his haze of memories. " Wait a minute. Why was I knocked out!!!"