Organization XIII: The Under Order


New member
The Nobody chamber... Hmm... Rexrand thought for a minute after exiting The Superior's chamber, where XVI waited. He looked at her. She looked odd, compared to the rest of the underorder. She had long ears and a tail, and she looked like she waited for him to guide her.

"You don't know where it is? Fine, it's this way." He said and nodded in the opposite direction and walked past her.

They reached the chamber and walked inside. A giant Darkside swung his enormous hand at the both of them. Both Rexrand and XVI jumped aside. The floor cracked beneath them, and many Nobodies attacked the giant heartless.

"You!" Rexrand looked at XVI, "Find that guy, I'll take care of this... heartless!"
Rexrand shot rays of stars at the heartless' head and charged, his hood had fell back when he started running.


New member
Shinzoe nodded to Rexrand commanded, Shinzoe ran off. Okay, someone is down here I smell an unfermiar sent.... Shinzoe followed the sent to a massive carck, it looks like this is how so of the Heartless were coming in. Shinzoe ears twiched she heard someone coming. She quickly hide behind one of the debrie maked by the crack.

The person coming was that guy in the cerulean clok that Xeame told them about. Shinzoe was about to jump out and attack the guy until some heartless appeared in front of him. The cerulean cloked guy pulled out his teal colored Keyblade and distoried the Heartless. Wait, why is this guy distoring his own heartless....not unless, this guy's not even controling the heartless, he's tring to get rid of them....

The cerulean cloked guy quickly looked around, he ran into the crack made by the heartless. Shinzoe came out of her hiding spot, "Hmm, for a guy his sent smells girly." Said Shinzoe to herself. Shinzoe just shooked her head and followed the cerulean clok guy Into the crack cave, closely and silently. The cerulean cloked guy slayed many Heartless along the way as he walked deeper into Cracked Cave. Some Heartless tried to attack Shinzoe along the way but she froze them soild.

The cloked guy finaly made it to the deepest chamber of the cave, "What, its not here?" Said The cloked guy. Wait, this guys voice.....He's a she! "Who are you and what are you doing down here?" Said Shinzoe as she confronted the Cloked girl. The clocked girl quickly trun whiched caused her hood to fall off her head. The had very long black hair, dark brown eyes, and was wearing a black tank top with black sorts, she also had some black boots. The girl pulled out her keyblade and charged at Shinzoe.

Shinzoe blocked her attack with Forzen Heart, a keyblade of ice. Even though Shinzoe blocked the girl attack, her streanth pushed Shinzoe back, Wow, she's super strong! The girl eyes widen as she saw Shinzoe's keyblade. "My name is Tidus." Said The girl in a stern voice. "okay, why are you here?" Said Shinzoe as she kept her gaurd up. "I'm here to get rid of these Heartless, I might try and kill there boss." Said Tidus. Hey, is she talking about that huge heartless Rexard is fighting?

ooc: I think I might have gotten this girl's name mixed up with someone esle, if you know her ture name just tell me.
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Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
ooc: yo sorry if i went into KH2 i was in the impression you guys were at the very end of COM, my bad....
IC: Saito stared as the two strangers walked out of the room. From behind he grasped his hand of his buster. " Now, explain to me what's going on... Superior..." The Superior laughed at how rude Saito was. " You know you couldn't possible fathom the power I have. I would drop all the rude remarks." He snickered and at imense speed he held his saber to Saito's neck. " See what happens when you disrespect, it make you less aware." Saito swerved out with an assasin rush and try to get behind the man but he quickly evade. " Don't try to get smart with me Saito. Now would you like to join our cult of the nothing?" Staring, he took a minute to think about what the "Superior" said. " I have no other business right now. I guess my services belong to you." A glow shimmered and looking down Saito's wrapping on his clothes turned into a dark robe like the others. " How the hell did you do that!" The superior looked at him with a proud gleam.
" Now XIX, go ahead and look around the place. I yet still have to chose a task for you to uphold."

Saito left. He had gotten a number by the strange man and didn't understand what it meant. He began to figit with his hood. " I need to get use to this robe. It seems a little bit larger than the others. Like Saix...."
He made a quick turn and looked to see Neoshadows following him. " What's next, wizards and knights!!!"
He yelled sarcasticly but as soon as he said it the same respective heartless appeared. " What is going on?" Saix walked up and laughed. " The darkness calls to you. The abyss of this world suits you..."
Saito looked around at the things, by Saix's words, his summons. " This is impossible no way i can do this!" The heartless faded into the dark with those words. " You called them away.... confusing." Saix thought, obviously knowing Saito had no control over his heartless summonings. " I.... I need to think to myself for a little bit." Saito ran to a random hall and collected his thoughts...

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: -_- you guys, the cloaked figures have a major importance. They for one can't summon heartless, its by coeincidence the darkside appeared. Since they carry keyblades they must be whole, but...i'll leave it at that, but they aren't friends at all with the organization so don't so chummy with them. they'll turn and destroy you sometime soon. RPGirl, the cerulean cloaked assailant doesn't have a name yet, they will all be revealed at the same time, trust me theirs alot of them, more than 13 too.


Rayex rolled over and fell out of his bed hitting the floor face first. "AAHH damnit!" yelled Rayex picking himself up. He slowly picked himself off of the ground and rubbed his body. Was it even possible for a nobody to fee substantial pain if they didn't posses a being? His head slumped down as his face had yet to be seen since he never once removed his cloak. Its like a living hell in this place, some people have got issues i'd rather not discuss. Rayex stretched as then fixed his bed and then slipped on his shoes. He stared as his hands, "What did he mean by...Imperfect?" said Rayex silently as he stared at the mirror for a moment.

"Yare.....why do you haunt the vast stretches of my mind...." silently uttered Rayex. He turned away and then walked towards the door, it slid open and stepped outside. His head was down, his body was weakened from pushing himself, something inside him was unstable, he lacked something that the others didnt for some strang reason. Its not normal for a nobody to feel fatigue, yet he did, but not as much as a human would. So much to think about.....who the hell is that? Rayex stopped as he stared down the narrow hallway with his hood up. A figure wearing a transparent cloak like his was at the end of the hall way.

"Heh, must be new, guess i should welcome him." said Rayex with a faint breath. His body vibrated violently and he dashed towards the kid. His fist clenched and and it launched into the face of the new guy followed by a blinding kick capoerica style. Though his body unlike Rayex's was moving in slow motion making the fricition dangerous when it touched his cloak. His attack ended when the second kick landed, seeing as his screwed up body couldn't seem to keep up. My body gave in way too freakin early!


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Turning around he watched as a familiar person spin kicked for no reason infront of him. " Do I know you...." Flashes began to pulse through his mind and any hope of rekindling the memories of his form with a heart. " Keyblader...... Show me your keyblades....." He whispered and uneagerly he was saying words that he didn't even know what he was talking about. " Do I know you...." Saito whispered and continued his harsh thoughts. How can I remember something that happened in the memories of mine that no longer exist. He grabbed his head and darkness began to surround him. " My memories trouble me.... my existance.... of nothingness." He walked back, pain striking through him of not know his past. " Rayex........ who is he....." Again he sat getting random thoughts of the past. This words phased him, for he had no clue of their meaning.

More he thought, the more he enraged. This words were of complete uselessness if he didn't know what they meant. " Do you know what these words mean or are they hollow to you as well?" He stared at the boy, his conclusion was he might think he was going crazy. But that is what he thought of himself too at this point.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex was shaking at the fact this guy knew he possessed keyblades. "How the hell did you know that!?" screamed Rayex angrily. He could never completely form his keyblades, yet he felt the need to summon them. His face lie concealed behind his hood and his eye began to glow white with a flash. Looking this guy in his eyes he scanned through this thoughts. Shockingly enough, Rayex was amazed at what he had found. Its like he's empty.....nothings there...nothing at all, yet knows me in a sense. He left the stretches in his mind and he stood silent staring at the guy or XIX/19.

"Tell me who you are and why do you know my name." said Rayex with a determined gleam in his eye. He summoned to forms of aura in his hands of contrasting properties. Path of dusk in his left and Eternal Dawn in his right. He clenched them tightly as the darkness eminatted from this guy, he seemed to be confused. It still didnt explain how he knew about Rayex, he pointed his keyblade at him. "You wanna dance or fight? Choice is yours." said Rayex to XIX.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Saito mind surged with the words he heard. " How I know you.... I don't even know.... my chain of memories has been cut to pieces and my shackles are loose. My life is of nothing to this point. I'm just a hollow shell that wanders this world..." He stared at Rayex, obviously that was his name to act like this.
" Your keyblades... are incomplete.... explain this to me?" Holding his hand out, his buster materialized in front of him and he grabbed it quickly. He rose it and leaned it against his shoulder. " This weapon goes way back for me. This weapon was mine in the memories I am still not aware of. My powers are unbelievable, yet I don't know where it comes from." A dark blood red aura surround him like fire and burned brightly. " Why do you wish to fight me. There is no reason for someone of nothing to fight for things that don't exist..." Saito stood talking in riddles. Would his words get to Rayex?

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
: "What are talking about! Start making some sense, b/c pissing me off isn't helping your shell of an existence or whatever the hell you wanna calll it!" said Rayex in a maltone. "Your here and thats enough to show that you exist, so what if the feeling isn't complete. I have that sense all the time, like im not really here. To go into such deep thought over a basic concept of sustained being makes you nothing but a fool driven by his own confusion. Stop being such a self-righteous fool and get off you ass and think freely! Or do i have to beat it out of you!"

The question on whether to fight him, their seemed to be no point. He demeans his own being as incorrect, down fell his keyblades. "You don't even have blood...yet you feel a sense of malcontent and false emotions that trouble you. Speaking like an enimga doesn't make you different, your slowly being consumed by what you think is the past. Only one person can help your distorted mentality at this point, im not even sure she exist. Still it looks as though you could use the help, but that goes against my policy. Defeat me and i'll possibley tell you how and link your memories back together and sustain them." said Rayex. His back turned from this guy, from what he gathered from his mind, he went by Saito.

"Follow me to the arena, no sense destroying this hallway." said Rayex walking off down the long hallway to the stairwell. As he passed through the door, their was a mild rumbling, but he paid it no mind. Surely Saito would follow him as he climbed the stair higher and came through a door, a massive room with the nobody symbol in the middle of it. It looked like the meeting room only twice the size, the room was dark and the echoes of his footsteps could be heard. Rayex held a rupturing photon of dusk's faint light in his hand and expanded it shooting it up into the air. It expanded vastly and light up most of the general arena, he waited to see if Saito had followed him. [I[This guy.....he and I are the same.....yet so different....[/I]


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Walking through a stair way he noticed one thing. He heard the footsteps of someone else yet his were silent. Saito didn't understand what this meant. He jumped up the rest of the stair case and walked through the door to see Rayex standing there. " What is the meaning of this.... there is no reason to fight. Fighting is the cause of recklessness of the mind. This might be the reason for my memories disappearance. How would you hope to ever bring my memories back. I know the look in you eyes. You have uncanny abilities. I believe you tried to scan my mind. But you realize there is nothing there!" Saito looked at the area. " I don't have the need to fight you." Beserker nobodies appeared around him. " I have realized my emotions have given me the ability to summon odd entities." The nobodies charged into the air and began to rabidly strike at Rayex. They were a group of 5. " This are strong beings of nothing. You see they don't have a human form anymore. One that we don't lack, or is that why you don't show your face to me. Is your body like their's?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex felt an unsual calming, which was unlike him at all. Saito had approached as he expected, but to question him about himself. "Why do i exist...I'm here for only one thing, i've lost sight of it recently, but you've given me back my memory in a way. I exist to find this one person, if thats whats left of him so to speak as we are split. Sound familiar? Yet something went from with our seperation, my body unlike yours or these nobodies is different..." Rayex had a lazy eye look under his concealed face, his head looked up to take notice of the nobodies that came towards him. He had a sigh shrouded with sorrow as pressed forward making sure not to over do it. He slightly sped up and created a 4 after image trail behind him.

"These nobodies, their Saix's? Interesting." said Rayex with a smirk. He was beginning to regain his sense of self from this gloom filled enigma. He split and the after images went for the nobodies while Rayex used daybreak. As the images went through the nobodies at different times, Rayex appeared behind the false mirror tricks and followed up with a dual strike five consecutive times. The resulting ten exterminated the following ten of them. He turned to Saito and snapped his fingers as dusk came out of the ground and linked with his wavelength of thought. "Help jog Saito's memory? Thats an order." said Rayex as the dusk of about eight swam through the air at Saito.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Saito looked at the Dusks random attack. He stared at them with unacceptance.
" This.... is no problem." A quick flash from a slash with his buster all the Dusk fell in half and bursting into oblivion. " Nice one.... attacks should be more fluent though I learned that from the day I....." His memories were fading in and out of existence. " Why does this keep happening to me....." The robe began to move around like as if there was a draft but just the look of it, you knew it was emotional energy. " Why..... Why can't I remember!!!" The ground began to shake. Electricty surged around him. the room began to have a pool of darkness around them and NeoShadows rose. They all stared at Rayex...

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((Heartless and Nobodies. I could careless about your guys background, pick one to do at a certain point in time and just stick with it, for somebody whos supposabley smarter than me, yet you can't read the summoning rule. You'll be able to summon heartless when you have A FULL BLACK CLOAK but now its transparent and see through so thats hwo we know your underorder, kthnx kid.))

Is this guy the reason heartless appear in the castle? Rayex began to ponder this for a moment and rembersed himself in thought. The floor was spread with darkness only it didn't stop there. It was seeping through the floors to the lower levels of the castle. "Great you idiot, now the rest of the under order are going to have to cope with Neo Shadow appearing." said Rayex as his keyblades vanished. Why now of all times! His head lifted to see neo shadow stare at him with an erie glow of discontent so it seemed. The darkness by this time had covered nearly the entire room it was flooded with neo shadow.

"Your obviously wasting your own time with your existence. Just leave if its so irritating." said Rayex watching the neoshadow move closer. He sighed and and in a black poof he disappeared from the room. Moving through the darkness of the portal he had created he reappeared on a lower level and watched as the halls that were once a silver tint become black and flooded with darkness. "This jackass is going to bring this place down from the inside, i should tell the others to watch their backs." Rayex strolled down the hall and began to knock on each of the doors starting at XXV to XIII. Roxas walked out of his door with a slashed number. Larxene wasn't with him on account of her leaving with five others in the top 13. "Whats up newbie?" said Roxas scratching his eyes. They soon widened when Neo shadow appeared from the darkness in the hall way. "Need i say more." said Rayex turning and destroying a neoshadow with his bare hands. I dont have enough power to use my weapons.....damnit. They swarmed the halls and jumped who ever was fool enough to come out.


New member
The Darkside held his hand over his face, like he was in pain. Rexrand had just slashed him with his staff and was now floating in the air with the forces of gravity, waiting for the Darkside to recover.
Child's play... He thought and leaped at the Heartless once it removed his hand form his face, and struck it once again, piercing it this time.

Dusks were attacking the heartless's feet and was slowly, but surely, returning it to the darkness. The giant heartless went stiff, paralyzed from Rexrand's blow. Now greater parts of him was fading.

"Done." Rexrand said triumhply and landed safely on the ground and started to walk towards the door. Without warning, the darkside had leaped and landing his fist right on Rexrand. At first, the fist were just lying still, but then it was crumbled into dust by a vast light from Rexrand's Star attack. The darkside fell on his back and finally faded away for good. Rexrand waited until it had dissappeared completely before unsummoning his staff.

"Damn backstabbing piece of crap!" Rexrand swore and felt his back. It was sore, but he reckoned he'd managed. He saw a crack in the wall on the opposite side of the room and started to walk towards it in curiosity.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Saito stared around realizing somehow he had wrought this swarm of dark beingings. " I see how it is.... you guys respond to my emotions.... now I might as well you them against you!!!" He yelled and began to cut apart giant amounts of NeoShadow. He looked and the room was beginning to clear and all the heartless began to go throw a hall. " I wonder what is up with the hold up."
He ran through and began to make a path through slicing and dicing. He continued his walk through the plight of darkness and no matter how hard he tried they kept coming back. " What an inconvience." He looked around and threw his sword at them but the heartless went into 2D mode and shifted into the ground. " They are getting smart." Saito walked through watching the heartless below him as if they were stuck underneath, soon enough he saw a boy using his fists to fight these beingings and one with keyblades.
" You know what I'm tired of this." His sword went into the air and began to glow red and disappeared. With that the Neo shadow's lingered away and the room was bare of them. " Now Rayex...... who is this friend of yours." He looked around and realized how far he had gone. Amazing...


New member
Rexrand kept walking towards the crack in the wall. When he got to it, he felt the edges of the opening and looked into the darkness. He saw the figure of someone and went to meet it, assuming it was XVI.

"Did you find h--" He suddenly got struck in his chest. The Cerulian cloaked figure walked past him, dismissing his/hers keyblade. Rexrand summoned Dusks to stop this person. The dusks fell by the keyblade, one by one, and the cerulian cloaked figure kept walking and dissappeared into a dark portal.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Zanxai was in a deep dream. Flashes of his past came to him. He rolled around in his sleep, not knowing what the visions were. his last image was a giant pair of yellow glowing orbs in his face before he snapped his eyes open. He looked up just to see a neoshadow about to bring a claw down upon him. He grabbed it's wrist and in a second, a red sword was through the heartless body. He stood as it evaporated at his feet. several other neoshadows were in his room, and looking through the door, more were running throuhg the hall. He slashed through the ones who invaded his room and went through a portal to try and find the others. he appeared in the area where Shinzoe was.

"What's going on, there are heartless everywhere" he said as he fixed his hood upon his head.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
As they neoshadow in the hallway began to fade away Rayex felt a calming. He sighed as its not as though he could withstand the prolonging of their stay. "How the hell did you just do that?" said Rayex with a curious sense in mind. He wanted to know who it was the figure next to him was. "Oh, this is..." Rayex could finish his statement when he realized XIII walked down the hall flipping his hood upward over his face. "Roxas...yeah..." Rayex sighed again watching one of the strongest leave him speechless per say. "Anyway, your XIX right? Your room is next to mine only you have to share it with XVIII. Later man." said Rayex strolling down the opposite side of the hallway.

The castle appeared to have calmed down a bit, but some heartless were left. The younger members should be able to handle the rest, but its become a priority to stay alert. Holding out his hand once more, he attempted to summon his keyblades again, but to no success. Whats going on? I don't have any control...this only happens when...damnit... Rayex stopped and slammed his fist into wall while staring at the ground. A slight flicker from his eye then faded, it became its normal shade of blue, but his illusionary eye was useless. Rayex was beginning to loose his mind, left defenseless for a while. "Great...i'll be lucky if i dont get slammed with a mission like like this." whispered Rayex to himself.

He stared at the elevator for a moment and the intercom came on. Xigbar of all people was speaking, "Attention all new recruits or whatever. You are requested to gather in The Hall of Melodies for a special briefing. Uhh that is all." the intercom went off and the message was out. "I wonder what the message is? Might as well see what the big deal is." said Rayex opening a portal and leaving it open for those on the hall to use it.


New member
Rexrand just got up when he heard the message on the intercom, and he immediatly began to head for the Hall of Melodies. He looked back into the crack in the wall and thought about waiting for that bunny girl, since she apparantly didn't know the castle so much, but continued walking on anyway.

On the way to the Hall, he met an annoying amount of NeoShadows. Why are you guys still here? He thought and destroyed them with his staff.