Organization XIII: The Under Order

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
((GAH!! not again -.-))

Zanxai looked around as Shinzoe had vanished. He didn't feel her presence in the castle, or the world, for that matter. He heard Xigbar's announcement and shrugged it off. He opened a portal and walked through to the halls of melodies. He saw XX there already. "Rayex? You have any idea why we were called here by Xigbar?" He asked quietly. This was getting to be a pain for him to go through, but he just decided to wait.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((Nuuu!!! Not again!!! T-T you shall be missed RP-chan!!!))

Rayex felt so much weaker than even the novice level members. Great, my powers shorted out, i wont be able to use them for a while. Still i cant let that stop me no matter what. As other members began to come in through the doors a portal appeared and Rayex could see from the corner of his eye came Zanxai. Yet, something else disappeared from the castle as well as the neoshadow and other possible heartless. Xigbar had been standing up on the ledge looking down upon all of the gathered underorder.

Responding to Zanxai's question Rayex could only wonder. "Truthfully haven't the slightest idea. I just hope its not another waste of time with something we already know." said Rayex with an uncertain sigh. "Their eventually going to weed us out..." Rayex stopped speaking when Xigbar came in plain sight. "Ok all you kids, your probably wondering why i summoned you here? Well, i got an order from the bossman and we have a bit of a situation that couldn't have come at a worse time. With six of our strongest gone to tend to some business, we have been wide open to attacks from our rivaling organization." said Xigbar long winded. "Rivaling Org? Weird...?" whispered Rayex under his breath.

"If you havent noticed already, multi colored cloaked figures have been appearing through all parts of the castle and the dark city recently. If you have had any encounters, best you share it with your fellow members asap. Basically, they call themselves the Celestial Keyblade Syndicate. Sounds cool doesnt it? Think again, they wont hesitate to eliminate those who reside in the dark or lack a heart. Their goal is to eliminate the heartless and wipe out the Organization, their ruthless, but none of them possess power nearly to that of the keyblade master Sora or the King. Be on your guards boys and girls, you'll wind up dead if you don't be careful. Dismissed." said Xigbar with a twisted look on his face.

"Did somebody call the Celestial Keyblade Syndicate?" echoed a voice across the hall. Sitting on the steel beams high above the hall multi colored portals opened and the corresponding figures appeared. One green, one lavender, one red, one cerulean, another black, one yellow, one indigo, another violet, one brown, one sky blue, another white, one silver, one golden, and the final had a combination of all the colors. Laughs began to burst from all of them staring down at the incomplete orgainization rookies. "This is the most pathetic lot of them yet Xigbar? Your beginning to wear down on expectations." spoke the spectral cloaked assailant. One by one keyblades emerged in all of their hands and it was so loud it echoed across the hall. "You Guy again!" said Xigbar swiping both hands and the sharpshooters appeared like flashes of light in his hands. He fired wildly at the lot of them telling the younger ones to run. "Fool, you should know by now thats not going to work on us!" they pointed their keyblades to allign with their leaders, beams shot out from them and created a barrier that reflected Xigbars shots easy.

Incredible!!! These guys brag, but they can back it up....we might die here and now. Rayex's eyes were fixated on them all, he was beginning to think he'd be useless in fighting these guys. "Hey,Zanxai was it? You ready to own these guys?" said Rayex with a reassuring smile to a fellow member.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Saito looked and realized he was suddenly teleported to a random room.
" What the hell is going on!" He looked and there was a bunch of people in random colors looking around and one in particular with every color of the rainbow. " What the F*ck is up with the power rangers and the hippie?" He looked at them and summoned his Buster to his hand. " Ehhhh..... strange ones..... Keyblades........ Damn my memories of existence!" He stared at the group. Without hesitation, Neoshadows began to flood the floor. " No... not again...... " He looked at the ground. For some odd reason they were talking to him, he could hear their voices. " They have strong hearts....... the heartless want their powers." Saito put his hand over his face and began to think to himself, he was trying hard to remember random things that had no meaning to him. " Kingdom Hearts?"


New member
Rexrand came just in time for Xigbar's speech. Wouldn't miss it for the world... He thought sarcasticly.

Xigbar explained that a enemy Organization, called 'The Celestial Keyblade Syndicate' and that they were determined to destroy Organization XIII, it's underorder AND the Heartless. Rexrand suddenly remebered the Cloaked guy that had appeared downstairs, in the Nobody Chamber. He has to be from the Syndicate!

After Xigbar's was finished, Rexrand was just about to 'Share his information' with the others. He was, after all, Ordered to do so, But was interrupted by the presence of the very Organization Xigbar had told them about!

Rexrand was just about to use Star's Blessing at the Syndicate when Xigbar ordered them to run.

"No way! I'm fighting!" Rexrand shouted to Xigbar and pulled back his hood and started to fire star-beams at the Syndicate, but they were just like Xigbar's shots, reflected. Rexrand had to dodge his own shots, which was very irritating. "Nyah!" He shouted as a starbeam nearly hit him.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Xanzai was not phased by the new enemies presence. He just swipe his hands as the familier sound of his blade materializing was heard. He looked up as both Xigbars shots and number XXI's attack backfired on them. He didn't move as the attacks landed all around him, not touching him. He looked from one Keyblader to another as Rayex, as his nature, asked if he was ready to own these guys. Xanzai actually smiled at this, feeling ****yness was contagious.

"Well, if you're ready, then why are we waiting?"

He jumped up, as they stopped their reflected attack, and as he drew closer he drew out his wings quickly and flew up enough to be above them, then drew in his wings before anyone saw more than a blur. He looked down as they all pointed their keyblades towards him, and he wanted just that to happen. As they fired he waved his blades and a mirrior like suface appeared all around him. As the beams from their keyblades hit he chuckled.

"Not as Strong as Sora, then this won't take long."

he swiped his sword again, reflect doing it's damage as the attacks went back toward their masters. They all jumped from their perches and down to the others. Xanzai dived down after them, not wanting to miss the fun.


New member
Rexrand gave up trying to shoot them and started levitating with gravity. The reflect spell stopped as one of the underorders attacked the syndicate, and they had to deal with him instead.
Rexrand took the opportunity to fire some beams at them before going into close combat with them, flying towards them with staff in hand.

(The shortness... it burns.. XD)

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex smiled, his fellow members became active though some did run. "Its useless to run, we may not have hearts, but it doesnt stop us." said Rayex regaining his full blown ****iness. It was how he controlled his power, his keyblades appeared in his hands. "The day begins with the dawning of the sun and sweeps away into the dusk." said Rayex with a lit smile. He held both keyblades upward and thought of his techinique, Curega! His body emitted a green aura and recovered the rest of his strength. "Xanzai, leave the Lavender and Green cloaked to me, i need to pay them back for having the pleasure of meeting me." said Rayex gripping left keyblade like a dagger and the other like a blade.

An feed of photons resinating from his weapons and onto the upper half of his body. He got into his After Cross stance, moving with aid from his illusionary he could create what appeared to be a replications of himself. Xanzai had done the ground work of dispersal which tied into what he wanted. With a smirk, the room warped and the only one unphased by the warp and also being the origin was Rayex. He had appeared to have frozen the others in time, but in truth it twas him whom had been accelerated faster than the naked eye could detect. His eyes fixated on the green and lavender cloaked miscreants and he moved with bootless speed and emerged infront of the two as he cancelled his technique. His keyblades clashed furiously with theirs and they pushed each other back landing on the ground. "heh, give it up rookie. A nobody like you whom was fortunate to have a such a marvel." spoke the lavender cloak assailant. The green keyblader was silent and the heart unlocker emerged in his hand. They soon appeared beside each other one by one as Rayex stood his guard. "Introductions are indeed in order., but i don't have the patience, 4 of you shall stay to enlighten them." spoke the head vanishing along with the 9 remaining.

"Im guessing this was only the tip of the iceburg, you guys probably only took your rookies out just like us. Your no real threat." said Rayex staring at the ones left. The brown cloak, indigo, green, and yellow all stared. Keyblades emerged in their hands, one by one they spoke introducing themselves.

Brown Cloak- Azion
Indigo Cloak- Rokigo
Yellow Cloak- Kurikan
Green Cloak- ......... im supposed to be scared.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Xanzailooked as one of them spoke and nine disappeared, leaving four left. He landed on the ground next to Rayex as the four introduced themselves. Rayex seemed to be as ****y as ever, is power back to full as he had seen a flash hitting the lavender and green ones back. He looked at the ones that were standing and just turned to talk to Rayex, as if uninterested.

"Rayex, do you see a challenge here? All I see are some victims lefts. Maybe we should fight barehanded to make it easier for them."

He knew that this would weed out which one of them were egotistic, and then they would show an opening for him to finish them. He turned his back on them completely, but still has his gaurd fully up, ready to take them out.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex took Xanzai's proposal into consideration, he exhaled the air he held in and thrusted his arms back. Just as his keyblades appeared, they vanished into different spawns of their origin. "Good point, mano a mano never hurts. I need to work on my weaponless combat anyway." said Rayex placing one leg in front of him. "Ok so theirs four of them and four of us left, take your pick guys." Rayex's head turned to the enimga in green whom had the most intriguing keyblade. Thats weird, Riku was the last to use that if im not mistaken, he must have a loose link.

The sound of them remaining four twirling their keyblades in their hands echoed across the hall. Getting into stance, Rayex moved his hand to the front and crossed left leg to meet with his left arm. Standing in form, one of the enemies keyblades scraped against the ground and Rayex's reflex kicked in as the rushed forward towards the green hooded assailant. Like lightning, he held the heart unlocker to an arc position to block the incoming attack. "Fast arent you...still..." using the after image he emerged behind the hooded enigma and delivered a swift blow across his neck and he flew off the the floor from the halls and dropped into the pit. Rayex ran and jumped off the ledge and leapt after him, "heh, like falling from the floors up. I wonder whats at the bottom" whispered Rayex as he continued to dive after his foe.


New member
As Rayex Leaped at one of the cloaked keylbaders, Rexrand took it as a sign to engage.

Rexrand swung his staff at the one with the brown cloak. The keyblader blocked it fast enough. The two of them clashed into eachother like a fierce dance. Rexrand suddenly jumped out of the battle and started shooting beams at the brown cloaked keyblader. The Keyblader got hit by the first one, but blocked the rest, and jumped after Rexrand.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Zanxai sensed an attack coming. He looked just to see a keyblader running towards him. It was the Lavander one, seems he was the one with a bad temper. He saw a look of anger on the man's face as he charged. Zanxai just turned and took an obvious defensive stance. The keyblader didn't see this til it was too late. At the last second, he swung down at Zanxai. Instead of blocking, he simply moved slightly to the side and slammed his sword down over the unlocker, keeping it still.

'Let go..of my..BLADE!'

He pulled back his fist as the blader tried to pull it free. He looked up just as fist connected with jaw. The lavander weilder fell back, and Zanxai ran after him in charge. He recovered quickly and jumped high into the air, Zanxai following him up. The blade smiled as he thought he was out of reach.

'Too bad, looks like you can't make it.'

Zanxai didn't speak, but just smiled as well as his wings burst from his back. The cloaked figure once again was suprised as Zanxai came up to him and hit him again. Zanxai continud to fight with his hand, his blade only used for blocking. The other was pissed as they battled through the air, and that was just how Zanxai wanted it to be.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: I have been out for a while guys, sorry xD.

Rayex continued to fall gliding after his foe whom covered in green drew his weapon. The sound of fist clashing with steel echoed down the vast casm in which the fell. Rayex was caught off guard for just a brief second and the green hooded fool broke through his defense and sliced him once across the chest. He concluded by grabbing his cloak and hurling Rayex further down the the massive pit until he hit something hard which was apparently the bottom. "Ahhhh!!! So much for thinking i'd fall forever." Rayex yelled as he hit. His eyes opened as he tried to regain his sense of self, he could only stare as he was left in the dark. The light form the hall of melodies had faded, "Where the hell am I?" said Rayex.

His eyes shifted to see the syndicate's green cloaked assailant staring at him in disappointment. "Such a ****y fool as this made the under order...pitiful..." said The Green Enigma. Rayex's eyes shot a daggers concealed behind the confides of his cloak. Within his time in the under order, he had not once revealed his face, there was no reason to do so. "Heh, to judge what you don't know, your making me in to an all talk to backup kinda guy. Thats a common mistake with tie-die cloaked bumbs such as yourself." said Rayex with an insolent attitude. The green cloaked assailant held heart unlocker high and stabbed it directly into the pitch black ground, it was as though he was ripping the darkness and giving it form. Turning the key, it unlocked like a door and darkness flooded from it, "You'll know why im ranked in the elite division, they needed at least two to stay for false pretenses, im sure the winged one will find it most accomodating to fight our master of matter." spoke the green enigma. A Behemoth arouse from the floor and bolts of light in the dark variety surfaced around it.

Note to self, break his keyblade in two...if i can.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Zanxai lands on one pillar and disappates his wings. The other one lands across from him. Zanxai is still as calm as when the battle started. The other was in a pissed mood. Zanxai just looked on as he uselessly huffed and puffed, angereed by his inabilty to beat Anzai.

'You think you have this won, don't you? Well, timie to think again.'

the cloaked figure stabs his key into the pillar. Nothing happens for moment, then the ground under Zanxai starts to morph, and disappear. He jums off of it just as it turns to seemingly dust. The dust reforms next to the keywielder and he stabs it with his key. The object morphs into a monter of sorts, with the heartless symbols placed on it.

"Oh boy" Zanxai thought. "I gotta break that."
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"I'm sure you have guessed by now that we are the ones that bring the heartless too the castle. Though we despise them, our hearts are far too strong to succumb to the darkness they seek. Pass this word to your superiors, the heartless allign themselves with whoever is the strongest and by the looks of it you fools are weak..." the green cloaked keyblader was going on with his big talk while the horn of the behemoth began to sparkle until multiple beams of light went off all at the same time. Rayex avoided just bearly and made a swift dash back one more towards the behemoth. They sure are making them big these things.

Leaping airborn over the behemoth's horn and onto its head summoning one keyblade he delivered a series of slices across its horn that were time frozen after each blow. Eighteen slashes give or take a few were all excecuted on the behemoth's horn. Jumping off it head and landing with one knee and his right arm arc'd outward his attacks released and a mass explosion on the behemoth's head spread and it fell to the ground still moving. Rayex turned and whipped his keyblade to knock the heart unlocker keyblade out of the ground causing the behemoth to vanish with no further darkness to sustain itself.

"Looks like your not as tough as you think, your control has its own limitations i see. Now, the next one is going to be your head!" Rayex cried summoning his second keyblade as the rushed the fellow in green. He stood and dematerialized his keyblade watching Rayex come closer. "We will meet again soon you fool, you better not die..." he vanished in a green portal through his cloak he had a satisfied look. Rayex ended up slicing nothing but the darkside of his portal before it vanished completely. "Damn, he slipped through my fingers!" Rayex said punching the floor. His eyes soon turned to face upward contemplating how to get back up to assist the others.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Zanxai was not having a good time fighting this monster. As he attacked it, it's boody just phased through his sword and dmaterialized into the air, then reformedd in an advantage spot and sent him running again. The cloaked man was havinng a good time watching this.

'What's wrong Nobody? Can't seem to fight this enemy?'

Zanxai knew he didn't have muc time til this thing got him, and he'd had enough. He slash the enemy, and he watched the dematerial line. He saw the particles and smiled. He spun his entire body, dark winds picking up, sucking in the matter. His sword basically sliced like the wind, destroying the monser in the torrent. It fell back into place in the organization pillars. He landed across from the keyblader who smiled.

'Good work, next time it wo't be so easy'

Zanxai wasn't going to let there be a next time, so he flung himself at te weilder. but he didn't get the chance for the guy disappeared. Zanxai just grimanced and jumped down, tire of this.
((will finish later))
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex continued to stare upward, but couldn't find a wall to climb. It was nothing but darkness down in the pit, but he could hear the sound of a battle still going on. His opponent unfortunately fled which was a glimmer of cowardice. "When i find way up, someone is going down." Rayex said summoning path of dusk to his palm. It slowly became distorted and broken down to its raw content of mostly light with a bit dark within. The light illuminated the pit and conveyed many switches that controlled the platform that sustained the hall of melodies itself.

Curious at the clockwork like machinary Rayex pulled a massive lever and power flowed upward illuminating the hall of melodies platform. "Crap, what did i do know!?" Rayex yelled watching the as the flow stopped and a light at the very top modified the field seperating it into two main stages. At this rate, it could randomly alter at anytime, when Xigbar reported them all to gather it seemed that he was controlling it by will, but now just about anything can trigger a change. Looking around the base level some more Rayex found a ladder, finally something of use. He climbed it slowly watching as the light once again shot up the long platform to change the field a second time.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn

Zanxai looked around as the field changed. "WTF is this?" he jumped to a wall to escape, only to have it turn into a cieling and almost send him falling. He reached up and stabbed his sword into the panel so he could straighten things out. He looked around for the other two still fighting. As he did he felt that this battle was only gonna be over for a little while.