Why can't I get a gf? god darn it
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 16, 2006 #1,141 Why can't I get a gf? god darn it
Jing The King Of Bandits May 14, 2006 1,041 4 0 35 Sitting atop the admin building...looking out over www.tumblr.com Zenny 156 Points 0 Sep 16, 2006 #1,142 why cant he get a gf? i just dont get it !
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 16, 2006 #1,143 that's not funny.....
Jing The King Of Bandits May 14, 2006 1,041 4 0 35 Sitting atop the admin building...looking out over www.tumblr.com Zenny 156 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,144 ((i didnt say it was. i was siding with you)) why does everyone always take what i say in a wrong context
((i didnt say it was. i was siding with you)) why does everyone always take what i say in a wrong context
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,145 Why does it always seem in the wrong context?
Jing The King Of Bandits May 14, 2006 1,041 4 0 35 Sitting atop the admin building...looking out over www.tumblr.com Zenny 156 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,146 why do i seem like an asshole to people?
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,147 Why does he think he is an asshole?
Jing The King Of Bandits May 14, 2006 1,041 4 0 35 Sitting atop the admin building...looking out over www.tumblr.com Zenny 156 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,148 *blank*
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,149 *nothing to say*
Jing The King Of Bandits May 14, 2006 1,041 4 0 35 Sitting atop the admin building...looking out over www.tumblr.com Zenny 156 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,150 why are some people so shallow....
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,151 Agrees and wonders the same thing
Crimson New member Jul 17, 2006 1,221 0 0 34 New York www.dragonblk17.livejournal.com Zenny 150 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,152 :laugh My God, Sam and Dean Winchester have to be the most awesome brothers ever.
Kissui Tensai New member Aug 13, 2006 541 2 0 34 I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D. myspace.com Zenny 101 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,153 jumping from a trampoline to a 5 ft pool isnt the best idea >_<;
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,154 I love the OC!
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,155 I wish I had went to X-fest
Kissui Tensai New member Aug 13, 2006 541 2 0 34 I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D. myspace.com Zenny 101 Points 0 Sep 17, 2006 #1,156 Wow, its true that waiting to the last minute to do anything sucks D=
RPGirl New member May 29, 2006 1,265 1 0 Where ever I can sell my fairy tales crossplayn.smackjeeves.com Zenny 100 Points 0 Sep 18, 2006 #1,157 Is it some thing we all agree or is it just a mear fantasy?
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 18, 2006 #1,158 When do I need to get of and go to school?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Sep 18, 2006 #1,159 Im so hungry
Awaiting Icarus New member May 16, 2006 814 2 0 34 In the skies far away from you all. www.blender.org Zenny 103 Points 0 Sep 18, 2006 #1,160 I hate school