READ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
Ok Sephiroth and I are absolutely dead serious about this change and excuses won't work because it needs to be done desperately....This idea will reduce the number of forums and make everything tidier for new members and current members too look at. Its easy to navigate BUT will take a little work. Sephiroth and myself had just spent the past few hours deciding what can be done with the forums and we this is what we have decided.

1: Right now the forums are in total disarry and basically looks disgusting with threads everywhere and no specific category's. My proposal is that we create new sub-forums were things will be better for everyone.

Eg. These names don't have to be used and feel free to change the names of the forums and subforums but i must say this has to be top poster here i feel as though i should have some influence as to how the forum should be.

Updates and Announcements
The Website/Moderating Team
Suggestions and Questions
Introductions and Departures

Forum: General Gaming
Sub forums: - PSX / PS2
- Xbox / PC
- Nintendo

Final Fantasy
- Retro Final fantasy (FF1-6)
- PSX Final fantasy (FF7-9)
- PS2 Final fantasy (10-12)

(In this forum things like Advent Children and FF11 will be put in the bottom section underneath these sub forums....also including FF: Chronicles and Tactics.)

Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts 1
- Kingdom Hearts 2
- Kingdom Hearts 3 theory *spiolers*

(With this again all basic general chat or crap can also go beneath these sub-forums)

Resident Evil (Exactly like above forums you may add sub forums too if you think its necesary)
- PSX Resident Evil
- PS2 Resident Evil (These are up to you guys)

Member Awards (This is a name change)
With this we should delete the voting forum as its become totally useless and we all know who has won so thats all we need to know...Also i talked to Sephiroth about creating a small button with the indivdual awards for the people who won and he agree'd)

The Jukebox (Nothing really to change here its all pretty good. I like the name too ;) )

The Bigscreen (Again this forum is absolutely perfect, theres nothing to change here at all just like the above ;) )

The Dugout ( Again nothing much to really change except for a little order of the sports people are talking on. Its not necesary but i think it will look good)

Otaku Talk (Thisis name change for the anime and manga section)
this area is pretty small so there is no need for any sub forums unless activity increases then a possible Manga sub forum can be decided on.

7th heaven or Rumpus Room (Another name change from the lounge because its a fairly boring name and we could use a little spice....also the serious talk sub forums will be removed and replaced as its own small forum)

Fanclub (I don't think much should be changed here except we need more posts in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol)

Roundtable (This is the serious talk forum which is moved from the lounge which will allow easier access and create a little more order)

Creation College (A name change for the gallery)
- Phantastic Fotos (You don't need to really change this name or the letters like I did lol it was just for fun)
- Creations (In this area you will be able to post avatars or banners which you've created so your able to show it off to people)
- Misc Images (if you find something funny or random post it in here...also banners which you may have found)

RP Registration (This is absolutely usless IMO, we can already sign up and register for RP in the forum itself and most of the time we already do it inside the role-play itself. I think we should delete this so we can cut back on spaces.)

Role-Play Forum will stay the same theres no need for change

Crazy Quizes (New name for the Quiz corner)
- PSX / PS2 quizes (obviously things like final fantasy or other PS titles will be quized here
- Xbox / PC (Again Xbox and PC title quizes here)
- Nintendo (need I say anymore?)

RPG Inferno (No name changed as its easy and nothing needed really)
- RPG Coloseum (In here ask for challenges, talk about people who are a good fight or monsters which are the same. Pretty much any battle related talk in here)
- RPG Assistance / Suggestions (Ask questions or add suggestions which can benefit the RPG or other people in playing)

Clan Central
- Subforums will consist of all the clans around or pretty much just leave as it is.

Delete the custom weapon thread as its a bit trashy and not needed it. OR we can move it as a sub forum into the RPG Inferno forum.

Ultimacia's Castle (Now this is TOTALLY useless. I do realise that they throw out different things in here but does it matter at all? I say we chuck this thing into the dump itself. It will also save space ;) )

The Catacombs R.I.P (This will be a name change for the dump)
Obviously all deleted threads in here just like what we changes just a name change if you want.

Ok that is pretty mcuh all the ideas for re-arraging the forum. I don't want to here any crap about not enough members or it takes to much time....I don't care....i'll do it myself if i have to just make me admin for a day, Seph is also willing to help out a lot with this. I have put time into this because I beleive that members are not coming due to the arrangement of the threads. I hgope this will be able to bring a lot more members soon and in the future. Obviously none of these changes have to be made but come on people something needs to be done and fast!! If your not interested in any of names i've come up with thats fine as well the changes are more important than any of that.

NOW onto ideas that i've though of lol...I just keep goin.

1: For the RPG i'm not to sure whats up with this but I think maybe 11 Gil for every post would be a good idea. I have seen Gil isn't hard to come by that badl but its a little more insentive.

2: Give about 4 exp for every post. You don't have to give that much but again its more insentive and people who don't have much time for RPG will be able to basically play it while their posting. Win win situation.

3: Create a tag for the members who have won awards. Like I said Sephiroth will be happy to do this for the winners so they can flash of what there best at ;) lol

4: GET A V.I.P forum. Its not necesity but its fun to do. Again more insentive to post, follow rules, contribute to the forum and also hopefully getting more members.

5: Contests like we had before are fun. making a lock and key contest was a pretty damn good idea of Harry's before and I think we should host another one again. I can also create quizes on various topics for people to win Gil, weapons or points or even a V.I.P membership if you decide to do it.

6: Lets make use of our Clans. I do realise that other Clans have more members than others so I say for a Clan War we get the clans to choose their best 4 members to participate and again win various items, Gil or whatever lol.

7: Sephiroth told me that he is able to obtain free skins for the forum if your intrested from extremepixels. I think a new skin with more colour or at least interesting colours might be a hook line and sinker for new members. PM Seph if you wanna find out more.

Thats pretty much it from me for suggestions, I did spend a while thinking of this stuff along with Sephiroth and it took me a while to write up so i'd appreciate it a lot if it was put to good use. Thank you guys i'm out ;)
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Sephiroth X

New member
Jan 12, 2006
I do agree with this, not only because i thought of half of it. I do think this forum really needs to stop and take a long hard look at itself, and shape up. I do believe if this happends many people would find it more convienent, and would post more because of how convientent it is, and also tell other people about it.

I can help in anyway possible, I have connections for freebies ;). I know a few people, and I am experienced with forums. Being realistic with these suggestions. they will not change the forums statictics straight away, just remember it is a waiting game. Just look at Square forums. Please consider what me and Cloud are saying...

Thank you!


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
This is pretty much the enthusiasm i'm looking for with this project. I have noticed that even the admins have been slightly inactive (lol i'm one to talk aren't I =/) But if you guys actually want to do this it will make you guys more active in the forum and get you interested in it more again. It also gives to opertunity for the admins to create a forum that they would like to talk about such as Sephy wanting a CS forum. I'll say it again lol...I really do hope this will be a go ahead cuz even though we are still only starting out it doesn't mean we should have the best top quality forum out there!!


New member
Jan 12, 2006
good ideas you guy, and ya i think so of the stuff on the main page can be moved around and rearanged. can i move that stuff, i'll go and check


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
Thanks man. It really needs to be done. Not necesarily straight away and you can do it over a few days. the only problem will be moving all the threads into the right category's lol. Its so worth it though.

Sephiroth X

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Yep... Finally some imput.. I'm really glad about this.. A day working on a forum isn't alot in the long run.. seeing as you can make a profit.


Prince Kadaj
Apr 17, 2006
Cloud said:
This is pretty much the enthusiasm i'm looking for with this project. I have noticed that even the admins have been slightly inactive (lol i'm one to talk aren't I =/) But if you guys actually want to do this it will make you guys more active in the forum and get you interested in it more again. It also gives to opertunity for the admins to create a forum that they would like to talk about such as Sephy wanting a CS forum. I'll say it again lol...I really do hope this will be a go ahead cuz even though we are still only starting out it doesn't mean we should have the best top quality forum out there!!

I agree with you about admin's being unactive and I think you guys should add another admin who is helpful, active and respectful.


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
To be honest in my beleif that we already have enough staff to take care of this job easily. I would vote for Roxas because he is experienced and a really cool guy. Also if you guys go check the forum leaders now it currently ays there is no admins.....weird whats going on?


Mar 9, 2006
United States, Colorado.
It is odd that that is going on...I have no idea.. We do need another Admin or Two...just to help keep this place far as moving all the forums and threads go for it.


Prince Kadaj
Apr 17, 2006
No there is but someone just deleted it from forum leaders, btw I saw KITE as an admin LMAO!!!!!! but this site is ****ing gay if they dont pick a better admin.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Kadaj said:
I agree with you about admin's being unactive and I think you guys should add another admin who is helpful, active and respectful.

*cough* =P

Anyways, overall, this is what my thoughts are involving your new "idea."

Ok, first, this is basically name changes all the way down to what YOU see fit. I mean, I see no other changes besides one or two sub-forums and a "KH and FF" section. =/ So, in turn, it proves useless in my eyes. I mean, you say it it more organized, but from what I see, it is the same style. The only thing I agree with you on is the creation section. Everything else is just a simple name change. =/

If you really want to make this forum more organized, try creating a spam section for the games. I stated this in another post, but it proves to be a great thing to have. Also, you may want to open up the debate section with political, major issues, and maybe somewhere along the lines of personal issues. The writing may have you place stories, poems, and maybe some song compsing section.

The V.I.P. section I agree with you on though. This is needed in turn. =P



New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
So you think Kite could start to put this plan into action? I'll check if he is admin and if so i'll PM him lol.

Lol Stryfe seriously read my whole post before you talk about what you have no Idea on (also check out the forum dude there are ****ing bull**** random forums like Battle ground which can easily just be a plain thread or a sub forum.). I also added sub-forum to the FF section so people actually know what the there going to be talking about....and who said anything about people not being aloud to spam in the FF section? I never set any strict rules no bleh. Also if you read carefully again I did choose new names which this place is in dire need of but i also stated that they didn't have to change and could be left or the admins can be decided themselves.

Its not like this has be done exactly to plan but it does need to be more organised.
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