The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Shanagus woke up early to pack up for his journey, he quickly realized that something was odd. He had felt as if something was missing but he didn't know what. He was a mage and a very experienced one at that, born with magical powers and mastering it by the age of 8, he had knew just about any magic spell and mastered it that there was to think of.

Shanagus had looked around his shack, he had then noticed that his magical pendant that contained and archived all his magic powers and spells had been missing. He had it since birth, passed along by his fathers, who's forefathers had carried it along for generations.

Shanagus is 79 years old, and forced to go onto his journey now without his pendant. He still wields his ancient staff and magician cloak, but will have to start from scratch and hope to find some allies in his quest. It'll be a tough quest, but one that he feels that he must fulfill, even at his old age of 79.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
I woke up late this morning, and had to hurry up. I was going to the big city to learn some more about magic and swords. I hated traveling. So I woke up, got packed, and broke my fast with some nice buttered toast. I went bakc over everything I was taking, and realized I had forgot some stuff. Grabbing the junk, I headed out, and locked the door behind me.

I just walked out of town after spending some money on a lot of water to make my journey easier. Cars were to noisy. A few hours into my trek, I got tired of them, and moved on into th forest. The tall furs and oaks, maples and evergreens. It smelled wonderfull, too.

Starting a small fire from branches I collected from the surrounding area was nice and warm. I brought out of my sack the big irion bot, spit dog, and some half frozen beef. Cooking it so I could dry it out and use it on my journey took a lot longer than I thought it would. An hour later, it was done cooking, and I set it up to dry. I smoked it too with some nice oak wood.

Getting my sleeping bag, a bottle of water, and my pillow, I laid down upon the dirt and earth, and watched the stars until I fell asleep/


Are You Candy?
Jan 14, 2006
Houston, Texas
Name: Razel Draga

Age: Doesn't find it important, but if pressed, 19

Gender: Male

Race: Dragonian

Magic: Flare (LVL. 1)

Gravija (LVL. 1)

Special Abilities: Draconic Transformation (LVL. 3) - Changes Razel into a half-dragon, half-man creature at lower levels, full dragon at the highest, almost doubles or triples his max stats.

Blind Rage - Goes into an enraged fury and viciously attacks the enemy. Damage increases with character's strength.

Limits: Not Available

Weapons: Masamune - Found in a hidden cave in the wild where he lives. Said to be the sword of a legendary warrior. Most cherished posession.

Dragon-Soul - Self-made gunblade, imbued with dragon magic and fused with the soul of a dragonian ancestor, communicates via thought only to Razel.

Armor: Dragon-Wing Boots [Fire absorbant, adds to agility immensely, and adds ability to stealthily run along walls, sneak up on enemies, and sneak through buildings undetected]

Dragon Scale Armor [Covers the immediate chest and abdomen region, supplies great power to Shadow and Fire spells, hightens owner's abilities and senses threefold]

Dragon-Spine Spaulder [adds greatly to strength and Fire and Shadow spells, hightens owner's senses and abilities, absorbs Fire and Shadow attacks]

Dragon-Claw Gauntlets [Supllies owner with immense strength, skill, and accuracy, allows owner to handle temperatures that equal that of lava, Absorbs extreme amounts of Fire damage, hightens user's stealth abilities]

Cloak of Souls [gives the owner unsurpassed stealth skills, allowing them to wander wherever he or she pleases, unseen and unnoticed, absorbs great amounts of Shadow damage, hightens owner's vision in dark areas greatly]

DragonStone Earings [gives owner the ability to use Fire and Shadow elements with more power and accuracy]

Dragon-tooth Choker [gives the owner the ability to use Fire and Shadow elements with more accuracy and power, increases strength]

Description: 6'4, a deep tan from wandering around in the unforgiving wilds, 220 lbs, he's unknowingly related to the Dragonians, an ancient race of half-human, half-dragon people, able to transform into a demi-dragon, or dragon, to highten all capabilities, senses, and grows wings when he needs them, but prefers to not do so, uses stealth, power, his skill with his swords, and his intensified senses to come out of battles alive. Often wears black, red, and silver.

Bio: Razel is a loner, has been most of his life. He would rather fight alone, than let someone fight with him and risk their life in doing so. He grew as tough and solitary as he is from fighting alone against overpowhelming odds, and living alone in the dangerous wilds of the world. Often standing firm where most would turn and flee, his bravery is known throught his land, as well as his strength. Many kingdoms are in search of him for use in their military, which is the reason he hides away in forests and mountain caves, away from civilization.


New member
Jan 14, 2006


Sephiroth X

New member
Jan 12, 2006
I woke up early this morning, To the voice of my master Aysin, In my village of Medon, I got ready ate my Breakfast, Got my armour and my sword together eager for another day of training, I had noticed a note on my desk, I didn't have enough time to read it.

When I finished getting ready he made me get out of bed and travel 2 hours by caravan into the forest of Makuna Traveling the grumbling road that ahd survied the attack of the rival village(Akron) , I kept asking "where are you taking me, Where are you taking me" and he kept saying "we are going to see if you can learn, the art of the Paladin" I Knew what he was talking about, but I had been training with him the previous day, on the art of the Paladin.

1 hour later we stop for some rest, we walked into the forest to look for a river to refil are bottles which had been empty for the last 10 minutes, leaving us very thirsty. We had found water refiled are bottles, and were off.

I had fell asleep in the caravan. when I woke up my master was lying on the ground, the carvan in a mess, I walked over to Aysin and asked him "what had happened" , He haid replied "it was the Akron village" ,"what does the Akron have to do with this" I said. With his last breath he said "now my pupil you must travel this road to the town of Tentie, where you will meet a man name Master Crane, there you will find out why we were traveling there" I replied "Master, what do you mean" many minutes later he had passed on, I thought to my self i must travel to the village of tentie to find out what had happend, and to find out why he was really taking me taking me.

OCC: was that good? or did it make no sense?


New member
Jan 14, 2006
"You think you can defeat me you damn kid!" The old man yelled as he run towards George for another attack. George throws a dash towards the dagger with his sword, making the old man lose his dagger. "you're unarmed old man, let me be and go rethink your life. Don't make me hurt you" George tells the old man. "ok ok! ill leave you in peace!" the old man started to walk away but suddently turns back with a rusty knife at hand and attacks george. "YOU FOOL!" old man yelled. "sigh" George turns and slashes the old man across the chest. "I gave you a chance, im sorry it had to end this way" George said to the old man as he walked away.

OCC: yes seph man good start as well as the rest of the guys we are getting somewhere.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
OOC: Besides all your bad grammar, spelling, and typing, it made sense. It's our not are.

I awoke the next morning as the sun was just about to rise. You know, when there is light in the sky, but it's still dark blue, with stars all over. I took the beef out of the smoking box I had set up last night, and ate some of it to end my fast. Getting re equiped was tiring work, but it had to be done. I made sur I had every thing repacked before I set off.

Midmorning came and went, and I was still unviolated in my trek to the big city After that thought, I realized I had jinxed myself, and I knew something, be it a forest monster, or a bandit brigade, was going to attack me today. I just knew it. Unbuttoning the thin leather strap of my scabbard, I was ready, with my hand on my blade. I kept walking steady, though. Soon enough, I was attacked by a . . . . thing . . . I don't know any other way to explain it. It had many legs, many eyes, but it still look humanoid to me.

::*Battle Begins*::​

Drawing my sword, and channeling the forest's energy into magic, I began to cast my spell of Fire. I lunged at the forest beast, and stabbed it in it's right flank, jumping away with just a small scratch on my face. I said the last word of my spell, and it shot out of no where, and hit the beast in the belly, exploding on contact, and felling the foul beast. I lunged again, but this time, the thing shot out his arm and a concealed rock dagger spun, and pierced my sword-arm. I kept going, though, and cut off the beasts head. Putting my sword away, I seached the human-beast creature for anything of value. Nothing. Just a couple of sharpened rocks. As I took the dagger out of my arm, I quickly wraped some of the bandages I had brough around it, tightly. I could still use my arm, which beans no real damage was done. Thank you!

::*Battle Ends*::​

25 XP Gained - 175 XP to go until Level 2.


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
I peered from the bushes in shock of what I had just seen. He was a good fighter and most likey had alot of currency. The urge couldn't wait any longer as I jumped to attack the wounded man.
"Your a good fighter but you are injured, give what you own and no harm will come to you" I said.
"No! I may be hurt but you will not take what i have worked so hard to get!" The man replied.
"Fine have it yourway!" As i drawed the dagger from my back the man drew his sword smashing it away from me. I hit the ground in shock and didn't wish to stay any longer I picked up my weapon and flee'd to the nearest tree to hide.
"Hmm, definately stronger than thought" I whispered to myself.
"I shall be keeping my eye on him".

Johnny Mo

I wake in a cold sweat, i shudderd at what has happened to me... I look around as see that this dark cloud at my feet has spread and kill some of the surronding trees and grass. Nothing but dirt and trees which almost look mutilated, surround the creater, i bring only more destruction.

*I thought about what i could do to be reborn as gods holy servant, but as i think about it seems that its only that much more futile. I am a fallen angel become human death bringer. I know only pain and suffering, truely a punishment fit for a that of a userper of the thrown of the lord.*

I wander further into the forest turning whatever around me to rotting mishapen forms. My sword shethed at my side, hand on the hilt I venture forth into the unknown.

OCC: i thought about it and i reckon we need someon like a ref or "master" to dictates what we come accross and how we meet. otherwise we will prolly just end up telling stories in circles around each other.


New member
Jan 14, 2006
George has been walking for a few hours now finally reaching the forest. "Well I finally made it" George tought. Once inside the forest george hears some fallen leafs crumble as someone was comeing. George rapidly ready his sword and awaited what was comeing towards him.

OCC: Not really Johnny, but just either way I read your part and saw you were in a forest, and you probobly know in my part I have to cross a forest. So I figured it was the best opportunity for you and for me to meet. So ya I hear someone coming which its going to be you, and we take it from there. Time for you and I to meet.

Johnny Mo

I heard a noise, sounded like someone drawing their sword!?!?
I draw mine and take a slash in the direction of the noise, the trees part and crash onto the ground and there i see a young man.

I charge towards, slashing madly. He strikes right back at me, our swords bouncing of each other. We fight for hrs but we dont seem to be getting anywhere, neither of us have landed a sigle hit. Just befor he goes for another slash yell out "Stop, this seems pointless... we are evenly matched." i sheath my sword and yet he still keeps running. He goes for one final blow, and stops an inch from my neck. He says "I cant strike down an unarmed man and sheath's his sword.

OCC: hows that geo? take it from there


New member
Jan 14, 2006
*EXP from that 10 exp. 180 to level 2.*

"I cant strike down an unarmed man" George tells the man. "Why attack me? I wouldn't have attacked you randomly like you did to me" George questions the man standing. "Anyways I see you got great skills and can handle your self pretty well. My name its George I'm from a small town to the south of this forest and you are?" George asked the man.

OCC: here pretty much make conversation get to know each other and maybe allied and move along towards the rebel base to join or who knows what happends before that carry on.

Johnny Mo

"I am prometheius, I have no home no family I know only how to fight... u seem to have great potential, I will join u on your quest" I replied.
I notice the cloud around my feet growing again. "I sugest u move away young man, this aura that surounds me is pure pestilance, if u linger within it, u will be destroyed along with the suround forest.

OCC: kewl ill join ya frm now on so ill follow ur lead

Vincent Valentine

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Fire Hyrule Temple
Shadow then jump on his bike and drive too a town know as Chadacia.
Then I saw a Person I ran up too it and as was aprouching
I got cut a couple of times in the back.
Then the fight began!.....
I said "who the **** are you......."
The person cut me on the 4head
I said "**** you"
*runs up and pulls a sword out*
Comet 1.
Did 102 damage 48/200
13 damage 87/100
48 0/200
exp 200
Shadow Gained a level!
Level 2!!!!!!!!!

I said that it shadow took the sword
Shadow:sword aquired
I then Fainted in the middle on My Modder Bike.

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Shanagus then left his shack and started walking along in the endless nothingness to try and find a good place to start searching for his pendant.

He kept walking, he was hungry, thirsty, and was getting tired. He had been walking almost the entire day and had not yet found a lake, tree, animal, or anything.

Then before he was about to give up for the night, a large orange fiend attacked him and used a Fire spell. Shanagus then stood on his guard, the fiend had shot 3 consecutive balls of fire toward Shanagus.

Shanagus then focused his energy and casted a Blizzard spell directly at the fiend. The fiend then fell over and had died.

Shanagus then was hungry and decided that the fiend looked tasty and took out his fork and knife. He then knew that he needed to make a fire to cook the fiend and regain warmth throughout his body.

*Shanagus makes a fire using 2 rocks and 3 twigs that were lying nearly*

Then he started eating the fiend after cooking it. "Mmm. . .tasty" said Shanagus to himself as he chowed down the fiend. Shanagus had not eaten anything this good in ages it seemed. He was practically eating this fiend outta survival so it tasted great.

Shanagus then put out the fire, put his utensils back into his bag that he carried with him on his journey and continued.

Shanagus then heard a scream, he moved as quickly as his 79 year old body could toward the area of the scream. It sounded human too.

*Shanagus runs in the direction of the scream*


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
I continued to flee not knowing why. After a while I collapsed and landed near a hole were i took refuge from the searing heat. I tried to fall asleep but my throat closed up and started choking me, it had happened before but never this badly. I assumed from the lack of water and food over the past day. I gasped for more air but my throat wouldn't hold. I passed out till night time. The only thing I remembered were things laughing and torutring others around me. Each dream I had seemed to be clearer than the last. I couldn't take it anymore it was killing me slowly and painfully. A recent memory hit me harder than stone,....a man....robbery..? Why had I done it? They were my last thoughts as I slowly drifted into unconsciousness again.

OOC: I was thinking that I could be possesed by a sorceror of the empire using me to find out information behind a resistance forming...I don't want to be a bad guy and hopefully i'll end up joining you feelas ;)

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Stealing my way through this part of the jungle, I kept getting scratched by the trees and bushes, which was quite annoying. Getting out of the forest, finally, made me smile with happiness. Only 5 more leagues.

I heard the faint 'phsssss' of running water, and went to it. It was a clear blue lake, with plenty of fish swimming. I guessed that in a little while, people would be coming to swim here, or fish. So I hurriedly washed all my cuts and scrapes, bruises , and the two knife holes in me.


Hours later, walking upon the road in my dirty clothes made me look like some refugee from a destroyed villiage, which was fine. Attracting less attention was always favorable to a lot of it, in a world like this. I had heard people talking as they walked, talking about a huge monster. They called it an Eyeless, which made no sense to me. But I still had to find it, and slay it.

They said it was much, much stronger than anything any moral as ever seen.

Vincent Valentine

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Fire Hyrule Temple
Shadow Woke up in a Building and had a map on him saying too go too geniti
Then mailed a letter to
That said

*hello id like too meat you in a town and maybe make a alience or something alright man. Ill meat you in geniti! the town outside of the museum.. this is all i can say i will meat you there and explane everything alright then ok ill see you there

then I saw a worrior running closer and closer too me a i suddenly walk into HELLLL
Then suddenly I Started too fight
Then the foe said I have no time for this my name is Yalaca
Killing the Flame!
Yalaco:*haha take that!*
Yalaco:have it ill see you in hell!!!!!!!!!

Shadow aquired Limit:Killing The Flame
then Returned too the normal relm.
I then drove to the museum in getini and waited there!

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
OOC: Damn man . . . . can't you learn to spell, type, use grammar, and maybe even put them all together?


I decided to train some more before I went into the city, so I went back into the forest. Wondering around for a little while, I came upon a camp of bandits. I would take them all out, one by one, hopefully. Walking the peremitter around the camp, I found a guard who was to be my first victim.

::*Battle Begins*::​

The bandit guard heard one of my footfalls, and turned. Upon seeing me, he unsheathed his blade, and launched his first assualt on me. Instead of parrying, I dodged. Sword on sword made to much noise. The second I had dogded, I threw my arm sideways, catching his shirt, turning myself faster than he, and stuck my blade right through his throat, cutting off any cries he would have made.

Walking around the camp some more, being as quiet as I could, I came to another guard, and slit his throat before he knew I had come close. I took the sword he carried, as it was a fancy blade, and might give me a chance to make some cash in the city.

I continued my walk-around, and came upon two guards this time. Stoping short, close enough I could see them clearly, but far enough away to make any sounds they heard seem like natural sounds, I thought in a fury. If I cast two spells as fast as I can, and run before either hit, I can take them both out, but that will drain me way to much.

I'll have to cast one spell, hit one of the guards, run up, and kill the other one while he is still unaware. So I did it. I cast my spell of Fire, launched it at the guards closest to me, and ran up to the other gaurd, and gutted him too quickly for him to even feel pain. The other guard gave a cry. DAMNIT! I thought, I wasn't fast enough. He stabbed me in the arm as I cut his throat wide open, showering myself with his blood.

I ran into the camp, jumping from one bandit to another, recievings minor wounds as I went. The bandit leader watched in horrer as i was closing fast in on him. Right then, a sword pierced my gut, and I quickly used my Healing Hands spell, closing the wound. I was almost completely drained of energy. The other minor wounds had healed too, but I was still recieving thm just as fast.

7 minutes later, exactly, I kneeled, panting. I had wounds all over my body. I would die, soon. the bandit leader was the easiet to kill. I summoned all of my energy, and did my healing spell. I finished it, healing the bigger wounds over the small nics and cuts. I passed out.

After waking, I knew the no one had founds the corpses yet. They were undisturbed. Standing up to too much effort, so I just lay there, resting. I passed out again, but I don't know for how long. When I awoke this time, I could stand up, but my body was torn. I was in pain from head to toe, and I felt like dieing from lack of energy. I found a pouch on most of the bandits containing small amounts of money, a few swords, and a ring. A very fine, gold-banded, gem-studded ring. I slipped it on my middle finger.

::*Battle Ends*::​

+ 461XP


Level 3

Learned New Spell: Shadow Stalk - Allows me to move in shadows, making me virtually invisible.


New member
Jan 12, 2006
The Forum o.O
I woke up being dragged along the ground through a feild, my mouth and eyes were dry, I hadn't had water in a while. I opened my eyes but everything was blurred. I tilted my head back and saw two black shadows walking like nothing would stop them in their tracks. They were wearing black cloaks and weild a broadsword each. I closed my eyes again as the sun beat down on my face.
"....Water...." I muttered.
The men stopped and turned around, the one to the right knelt down and opened a sack. He pulled out a round object, and placed in my hand. it was a canteen. not thinking of the other mens need of water and drank greedily from it taking as much as I could. I finished the water and fell back on the ground with little releif.
"Uhhh...Thank you" I said. "Where are you taking me?"
"Hmph, maybe its worse than we expected, he seems to be diluded" One of the men said.
"The spell must be wearing off. All manipulating spells have a come down. If this is the case he musn't be feeling well at all. We should get him back quickly" The other man said.
They stood up and picked up the sack. They continued to walk forward.
"Please let me go" I mumured.
"Why would we let you go? Do you wish us to die!?" One of the men said with agitation in his voice.
Dead!? Why would someone kill two men for me? Spells? Get him back quickly? Where was I going? So many questions my head ached again.
"Let me go!" I said with the same agitation.
I drew my dagger from my back and cut the rope they used to drag me. The two men turned around.
"What are you doing?" They both said.
"I'm going do not follow me!!" I said.
We can't allow that. And where exactly are you going?" A man said.
They weren't going to let me leave, wearily I put up my dagger for a fight. I had little chance of winning against one let alone two. I charged to the first one.

::Battle Start::

I had a small burst of energy....adrenaline it wouldn't be easy these men would be having the same feeling. I charged to the man on the right he went to draw his sword but stopped it on the hilt with dagger not allowing hi to unsheath. I pulled the other dagger from my boot and closed my eyes and brought it to his chest with incredible speed. It hit, but not right. I felt and heard it hitting pure steel. I opened my eyes to see the other man had blocked it with his sword horizontally. I let go and stumbled back. the man I attacked drew his sowrd the first chance he had. He lunged at me bringing the sword down to my head. I stopped it by crossing my two daggers together. I pushed as hard as I could for a scisor action and threw my hands to the right almost disarming the man, putting him on the ground. A flash came from the top of him along with a little blood. The man had attacked over his partner striking me on the right shoulder. I dropped one of my daggers and fell to the ground kicking the other man in the stomach. He winced in pain like me but quickly recovered. He brought down his blade but I managed to roll out of the way. I swipped at his knee only cutting the material. Another stab came from nowhere cutting my leg. He ataccked again and again. I managed to dodge the first ataccak and block the other with my left arm. He kept pushing as hard as he could my arm couldn't take the pressure as I slowly buckled. A wave of drowsyness came over me but my arm did not flinch. I looked to the right and saw my other dagger. I pushed as hard as I could pushing the man backwards with enough time to get my dagger. I went to get up but was quickly pushed down the another sword attack, cutting the back of my right shoulder. I couldn't feel it, the pain had gone from my new wound and last one. I was wide awake, I used my legs and pushed the the ground standing up quicker than I ever have. The two men brought their swords from the left and right I stopped both and moved back, I lunged toward them trying to attack but failed. The anger inside me was intense. A huge gust of wind came from behind me the two men stood back as though knew what was happening. My daggers shone with a bueatiful light and joined together becoming larger, I didn't waste a second in I sprinted towards the two men, they tried to defend themselves but failed as I cut through the blades and their bodies. Blood sprayed all over the ground and I kept running only to fall to the ground and slip into unconsciousness again.

::Battle Over::

230 exp gained. level 2!
Limit Acquired: Titanium Edge.

OOC: I was thinking someone could find me laying on the feild and take me to some sort of refuge, not to sure if anyone wants to otherwise i'll wake up near someone in my next post.
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