I would sing Do w adiddy diddy dum diidy do!! (SONG) What would you do if McCain was president?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Nov 6, 2008 #81 I would sing Do w adiddy diddy dum diidy do!! (SONG) What would you do if McCain was president?
IBeatSephiroth New member Jul 25, 2006 693 4 0 28 In your roof.. FEED ME! Zenny 101 Points 0 Nov 6, 2008 #82 Assaisanate him, and make Sarah Palin president =3 What would you do if got an offer to go to space?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Nov 7, 2008 #83 I'd go, NASA rox!! What would you do if Palin was president?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Nov 9, 2008 #84 Make sure to be friends with her What would you do if the third world war started tomorrow?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Nov 10, 2008 #85 I'd be pissed, I'm on leave with my boyfriend. . .soon to be fiance. what would you do if santa clause did exist?
I'd be pissed, I'm on leave with my boyfriend. . .soon to be fiance. what would you do if santa clause did exist?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Nov 12, 2008 #86 Ask him why Im always getting so sucky presents. What would you do if you had one free wish?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Nov 13, 2008 #87 WRONG thread, kid. What would you do if the Obama girls did show up on Hannah Montana?
seddy New member Jun 23, 2008 307 4 0 43 pittsburgh www.facebook.com Zenny 100 Points 0 Nov 16, 2008 #88 would do what i do all the time.. not watch that show..lol what would you do for a klondike bar?
Daesy New member Jan 24, 2006 723 5 0 On a milk carton www.xanga.com Zenny 100 Points 0 Nov 16, 2008 #89 Kill my brother. (NAS Joke) What would you do if your only way to live was to kill your pet?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Nov 17, 2008 #90 I'd do it, my fish are lazy. What would you do if we had a WWIII?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Nov 19, 2008 #91 Make sure to meet my friends before. What would you do if I kissed you?
Nemesis New member Jan 25, 2006 106 0 0 Zenny 0 Points 0 Nov 20, 2008 #92 kiss you back i guess What would you do if the guy/girl of your dreams made a surprise visit?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Nov 24, 2008 #93 Faint? Get weak knees haha? What would you do with one million dollar?
Nemesis New member Jan 25, 2006 106 0 0 Zenny 0 Points 0 Nov 24, 2008 #94 Take a certain 2 people on a trip away =p What would you do if you were called up to your nations sporting team (which ever sport you love)
Take a certain 2 people on a trip away =p What would you do if you were called up to your nations sporting team (which ever sport you love)
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Dec 1, 2008 #95 I would be all like "COOL!" What would you do if the President asked you over for the holidays?
Hyuuga Neji New member Apr 19, 2006 912 0 0 31 over there <^v> z10.invisionfree.com Zenny 5 Points 0 Dec 1, 2008 #96 Say no cause i don't like obama and i don't want to meet him What would you do if you found the Golden Ticket and got to go to willy wanka's chocolate factory?
Say no cause i don't like obama and i don't want to meet him What would you do if you found the Golden Ticket and got to go to willy wanka's chocolate factory?
Sergeant Dreamer First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye May 22, 2006 343 0 0 38 CLASSIFIED Zenny 150 Points 0 Jan 5, 2009 #97 I wouldn't go, I don't like chocolate much. XD What would you do if a train ran over your car?
E.V. New member Jul 5, 2006 836 4 0 Miami z10.invisionfree.com Zenny 102 Points 0 Jan 5, 2009 #98 Probably take a picture, put a caption on it later, and wonder what my car was doing on a train track without me in it. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Probably take a picture, put a caption on it later, and wonder what my car was doing on a train track without me in it. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
The Legendary Saviour Captain Jan 12, 2006 2,194 5 0 34 Out and about Zenny 132 Points 0 Jun 10, 2009 #99 Not much...since I dont know what it is haha. What would you do if you never had to work again?
Aaura New member May 17, 2006 205 0 0 37 under the moon and stars Zenny 151 Points 0 Jun 10, 2009 #100 party hella, but would i have money>? what would you do if i came over?