World Of Warcraft (WoW) Official Thread

What type of gameplay do you prefer in WoW?

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New member
Jan 4, 2010
Seeing as we didn't have one yet I have decided to post it. :D
PvP or PvE? Maybe both?
What's your favorite class?
Favorite Expansion?


The King Of Bandits
Maaan I don't get to play WoW enough these days. I have everything all the way up through cataclysm (got a year subscription for Christmas), but i can't play much because my home connection sucks.

I prefer PvE only because i love questing with my bros. Maybe throwing in a little roleplay action, and just in general having fun with it. I also love PvP, but that's only when i don't have any friends on. Mostly because i like playing with random people, not people i know (probably because i am the worst rogue EVER). The more important question to be asking in the official World of Warcraft thread is "Alliance or horde?".

I'll be honest, i'm horde. Level 40 Blood Elf rogue at the moment. This is only because the alliance consists mostly of races that seem like zealots for their cause (in my own opinion), while the horde is made up of people who are just war mongers and don't try to cover it up xD. All in all i don't have a real preference. Just played Horde first. : )