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  1. Nitz

    Forum Game Would you ________ for a million dollars?

    Would you punch out paris hilton for $1,000,000 ? Say yes or no, then ask another questions, and keep going on and on and on and on. :biggrin::wink:;\:p:kiss:
  2. Nitz


    Anyone play this game still? :p ;\ :pimp: I remember i loved it back in the day :D
  3. Nitz

    21 Reasons How Happy Life With Out A GirlFriend

    A good list for what?? :redface: :rolleyes: :00 :wink:
  4. Nitz

    The Surrogate Father I mean Photographer

    LOL 2 hilarious!!! :D :rolleyes:
  5. Nitz

    Tiger and Baby

    and a glass between them :cry: :dead:
  6. Nitz

    How do you keep yourself fit?

    How do you keep fit? By running? working out in gym, swimming or something else? :?
  7. Nitz

    Movies Name the Celebrity you hate the most

    The celebrity I hate the most is Paris Hilton and I think I don't need to give the reasons for that at all :D :toilet: :evil :clown: :pimp:
  8. Nitz

    9 reasons to drink more coffee

    Starbucks here I come!!! :biggrin::angel:
  9. Nitz

    Difference between girls aged: 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58 & 68

    LOL :ban:
  10. Nitz

    Difference between boys and girls while using ATM

    Boys: 1. Drive to the bank, park and go to the Cash Dispenser. 2. Insert card 3. Dial code and desired amount 4. Take the cash, the card and the slip Girls: 1. Drive to the bank 2. Engine stalled 3. Check make-up in the mirror 4. Apply perfume 5. Manually check haircut 6. Park the car - failure...
  11. Nitz

    This is why GamerzPlace is slow

  12. Nitz

    Forum Game Never Ending Sentence

    We start now: The
  13. Nitz

    Forum Game Luke I am you_____

    Luke I am your sister's brother's 2nd wives uncles grandmothers son's neices's daughters son in laws brother!! :biggrin:
  14. Nitz

    Movies Super Mario Bros. (Movie)

    How many of you have seen this fine film? It wasn't given the best rating by critics but it's definitely up there as one of the best Video Game movies. :2guns::banghead: :biggrin:
  15. Nitz

    TV Criss Angel- Mindfreak Coin Trick

    This is a pretty cool magic trick. Too bad its fake. This guy Criss Angel is crazy! His show comes on A & E :00 :pimp:
  16. Nitz

    Wii What's your favorite Nintendo title?

    Just for the heck of it, I've decided to make a topic so you can list your favorite Nintendo game of all time. Everyone's is going to be different, so when you do state your game, please give a reason as to why it's your favorite. One rule, though. It can't be a game made by Xbox or...
  17. Nitz

    Wii Is Wii worth it? Wii 2 is coming out

    I am considering purchasing a Wii but I'm wondering if it's worth all the money. I just heard that Wii 2 is supposed to come out in 2010 or 2011. Spending $250 on a Wii plus the hundreds I would spend for the games (like Rock Band, Guitar Hero, and Wii Fit) seems like a gigantic waste of money...
  18. Nitz

    Wii Favorite and worst games

    My favorite is The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Super Mario Galaxy Super Smash Bros. Brawl Mario Kart Worst: Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008
  19. Nitz

    SNES Is it even possible SNES in a Toaster

    0fsbYJNMf-Q LOL.. this is crazy!!!
  20. Nitz

    Debate The most racist country in the world

    so wut do you all think? ;\