Search results

  1. Nitz

    $4,800 Cell phone bill for teen texting

    How the hell do you rack it up that much? Buy a freaking texting package.. it's what? 20 bucks per a month at the MOST! :2guns:
  2. Nitz

    Arrested for being honest

    Apparently it's illegal to "find" someone's property.... :cuss:
  3. Nitz

    Music 8 year old girl singing naughty songs

    Okay... before anyone goes.. WHOA..WHOA.. Nitz LOL.. I was on youtube searching for the new Lady Gaga song.. LoveGame.. I don't like the lyrics, but the beat is catchy as hell! Anyways.. I was looking for the official video and notice a movie with some lil girl.. and my 1st thought was.. oh...
  4. Nitz

    Debate Cellphone jamming principal forced to retreat at high school

    Is this awesome or what? :p :cry:
  5. Nitz

    Debate No dating, thanks, just sex

    New Zealand... my next stop for my vacation trip :p :2guns::love:
  6. Nitz

    News Cops Say Man Used Video Game Store To Molest Victims

    this is just sick..... :evil::dead:
  7. Nitz

    Obama passing new law to allow searching of all PC

  8. Nitz

    Warcraft III WoW Whore Has 36 Accounts

    In what is perhaps the most shining example of obsession and geekiness I have ever seen, a fella by the name of Bradster has 36 World of WarCraft accounts that he plays on 11 computers simultaneously. He mainly seems to be doing it because he doesn’t like to rely on so many other people to get a...
  9. Nitz

    News Man mistakes woman for a monkey

    LMAO.. I found it a bit funny.. the fact that he thought she was a monkey... this is why we don't need guns :p Although.. why the hell was the neighbor in the other neighbors yard? She could've asked him or at least revealed herself, so he knows it's a human/neighbor not some random monkey...
  10. Nitz

    News Bill Gates wealthiest person again

    Man.. that's a lot of cash... I wonder what the hell you'd do with it all?
  11. Nitz

    Music Feds Demand Prison for Guns N' Roses Uploader

    BS!!!! RIAA trying to scared people out there.... Thank god Canada is safe for music downloading... but this sucks!! :censored:
  12. Nitz

    Movies Watchmen

    Has anyone seen it yet? I missed the free review screening. The trailer looks awesome, but I hear people said it sucked major nuts! :censored: Anyone check it out yet or planning to? I might check it out on the net soon :p I heard it's better to rent it, than paying to watch it at the theatre...
  13. Nitz

    How much is one trillion dollars?

    With all the talk of banker bailouts, Wall Street bailouts, industry bailouts. I think it's about time we put all of this in perspective. America is throwing its future out the window with the innumerable federal debt it's racking up paying for these ridiculous bailouts. Here is the breakdown of...
  14. Nitz

    Debate Kids think Auschwitz Is a Type of Beer

    LMAO... beer? looks like history isn't taught well these days... or maybe people just don't care? :cuss::pimp::evil::bomb:
  15. Nitz

    Get Free Internet With Google

    haha.. funny stuff!! :D How TiSP Works Check it out! :2guns::biggrin: *oops.. forgot to wash my hands!!!!
  16. Nitz

    News Caught on Tape: Cops attack 15 year old in Seattle jail cell

    wow... btw there is a video here: Caught On Tape: Cop Attacks Teen In Cell - CBS News
  17. Nitz

    News North Korea vows to start a war with USA

    what do you think is going to happen??? :censored:
  18. Nitz

    If you were Admin of GP...

    If you were admin of GP, what would you do? :wacko
  19. Nitz

    Music Fat Albert Soundtrack

    anyone got the songs from the Fat Albert movie soundtrack? I know.. old skool :p I tried searching, but so far nothing cool. I found a stream, so I'll see if I can download it from the stream. :wink:
  20. Nitz


    Anyone here been home schooled? or want to be home schooled? I kinda wish I was home schooled, but at the same time.. it probably would be less fun. I mean.. no recess, lunches.. fights haha :2guns::banghead: