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  1. RPGirl

    Bye Message Found

    Uchiha Kaze will not be on the net for 2 week, he got in truble, but any ways BYE BYE BUU Kaz-kun, hoping to see you in 2 weeks...OH AND BRING ME A GIFT WHEN YOU GET BACK J/K, Miss ya Kaz-kun see ya in 2 weeks. -Traveling Fox
  2. RPGirl

    The Traveling Fox is Back

    NIHAO EVERYONE, this little Fox has been traveling alot, but she came back to were she is summoned most. Hope to see you guys around....BTW...I WAS JUST BLARGN' KIDDING ABOUT GETTING MARRIED XD I have alot more traveling before I settled down.....NAH, IF I settled down =3
  3. RPGirl

    Destiny Of Creation

    Story One day in High Rue High School, Some Students were transported to 3rd Earth. Itrs seems that Lilith The Mana Goddess of Creation is near completion, but all she needs is a Host body, the Students that were transported to 3rd Earth are to be the host body for Lilth, but it can only be...
  4. RPGirl

    Avlear Beings

    NAME: RPGirl AGE: 18,000(looks 18) SEX: Female RACE: unknown WEAPON: Poe Pole (can become any weapon) MAGIC: Mana magic and summons powers of dragons BIO: Free spirted, stobborn, foxxy, and all around clever girl APPERANCE:
  5. RPGirl

    Traveling Questions

    Okay, its like this. I ask Questions, and you guys post your answers to them. There are no right or wrong answers. Try to think of a good answer. He's my first Question: What is like to cry from the heart?
  6. RPGirl


    DNAngel -Story- The legend of the The Master Theif Dark was past down though sories and histroy. A homsome young man with dark wings called Dark the Phantem thief. The family Niwa, has a huge scerect, when a boy of the family turns 16 they will have Darks DNA in them, this will last until they...
  7. RPGirl

    Tales Of Avlear

    Story Avlear home to many of mythical creatures, the jewel of the quadretant. But there is something hidden deep with in the Avlear, the Tree of Mana. Bon-Bon an aftelfical half Demon, created by the Human Plant, she escape with there most prized experiment stuck on her head. She heard the only...
  8. RPGirl

    Full Metal Alchemist: Mana VS Scince

    -Story- There have always been one kind of alchemy know to mankind, but there is one other that was lost during the great Mana war. Not many know of it, only a hand full of poeple in the world's population Know about Mana Achlemy. But what is Mana Alchemey, and is it able to make it self known...
  9. RPGirl

    Spyro The Dragon: Spinda's Genaration

    Story After the age of Spyro, things in Acrcansen Land seem to a calm down, the dragon elders seem to have got there claw fulled with the tresure, the Dragon nuresuy has all the dragon eggs back And Spyro has settled down and grew up and had a family. He has to children, one is Spinda she about...
  10. RPGirl

    A Fox AVM

    Okay, I done my first AMV, its not all that good, because you can still shorta hear the adio of the clips, but don't worry the music covered it up good. Also the lips are not suppose to match up with the words of the song, there actions are. Well, any way tell me what you think of it and how I...
  11. RPGirl

    Fox Writing

    Chapter 3 All is one, one is all Why does mankind toll away knowing soon they will die? Is it because they want the whole world to know their death -RPGirl I have awoken to find myself in a room of darkness. I shutter in the cold darkness, thinking to myself; is the reason why people hate...
  12. RPGirl

    Furit Basket: Neo

    Story People are bron and people die. But yet we are all diffrent, speach, looks, thoughts but there is somethings we have incommen, life. These are random poeple, they are curse with the vengful spirits of the chinese Zodiac. If they are hugged by poeple from the oppostie gender or get weak...
  13. RPGirl

    Wanted: RPGirl (nex)

    Story Some time after the graet rift happen, The Dragon Elders choose to keep RPGirl cage, saying she's a threat to all living things. RPGirl is trying to fix the mess she made by going to the elemental dragon's for answers. But with bounty hunters on her tail it will be hard to find the truth...
  14. RPGirl

    Furries Tail: Freedom

    Story After the big Mana Tree scare, everything seemed to went back to normal. Alchemist made a race called Furries that were made to be slaves to every living being in the univser. On Curi-Curi Planet there is a young man, who is an orphen. He is now 18 and is out on his own. He goes to...
  15. RPGirl

    Furry Sisters

    Shinzoe Age: 17 Gender: Female Furry Type: Mix Weapon(s): Her fist and electricty Discription: As a Furry she has two forms, human and Furry. -Human: Green eyes, light purple freackles, Long lose drak purple hair, black spike chianed colour around neck, wears tight black T-shirt, long...
  16. RPGirl

    Quest For Avlear

    Story Avlear is home to Mythical Creatures and kingdom of the dragons, time moves slowly there when 1 year passes on Avlear, 1,000 or even 2,000 years pass on other planets. After the Great Rift, witched cause all the Mytical Creatures of 3rd Earth to live in Avlear, A war broke out over the...
  17. RPGirl

    Drawn by a girl

    Here are some of my drawings, they might not look to good but this is my first time trying out my scaner like this. I drew this one when I was in the 9th grade, I use to love whatching Hamtaro The next one I drew it when I was...
  18. RPGirl

    Final Fantasy: Infenaty

    Jouir Warrior Academy Rulez 1-No PPing or GM 2-No invincible or god like charaters 3- you can use summons 4- can only summon mana spirits Story RPGirl is hired to be one of the teachers of Jouir Warrior Academy, on her way there she got a quick word from her mother, Goddess Destainy, that 5...
  19. RPGirl

    Arc Angel of Alchemey

    The strom outside was terrable, the cracks of thunder and the flash of lighting was like Thor's work of rage. I nside one of the village home is our main charter Drac. "Wake up please, wake up!" Drac awaken only to find he's mother in a panic (he is only 9). "Mommy what's going on?" "The strom...
  20. RPGirl

    Full Moon Blitz

    Far of in anther galatixy, their is a planet that is the gem of the entire cosmos; Curi-Curi Planet. On that planet live a very speacial girl named Kawaiii, she has a big advenger in front of her. "Hello Kawaii wake up!" ":blink Oh, sorry Gi ... I just got wrapped up in my thoghts agian.." (Gi...