lol yeah maybe ya should of Jack ass!!
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O Zenny 100 Points 0 Jul 27, 2006 #22 lol stfu man or i'ma slap you with my apple core.....which i ate so don't make me tell you how i'll do it ><
lol stfu man or i'ma slap you with my apple core.....which i ate so don't make me tell you how i'll do it ><
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O Zenny 100 Points 0 Jul 27, 2006 #24 lol ahaha I can't beleive there is an active topic on apple favourite.
Crimson New member Jul 17, 2006 1,221 0 0 34 New York Zenny 150 Points 0 Jul 27, 2006 #25 What do apple core's taste like, anyways? Just apple?
Cloud New member Jan 12, 2006 6,244 0 0 The Forum o.O Zenny 100 Points 0 Jul 28, 2006 #26 They taste exactly like apple but a bit sweeter. Its not that bad its just the stereotype people have put on it lol.
They taste exactly like apple but a bit sweeter. Its not that bad its just the stereotype people have put on it lol.
Crimson New member Jul 17, 2006 1,221 0 0 34 New York Zenny 150 Points 0 Jul 28, 2006 #27 Crud, I want some now. :laugh I tried to eat it yesterday, but my teeth wouldn't let me chomp down on it.
Crud, I want some now. :laugh I tried to eat it yesterday, but my teeth wouldn't let me chomp down on it.
Radical Dreamer Gothic Heartless Apr 22, 2006 432 0 0 35 In the shadows Zenny 151 Points 0 Jul 29, 2006 #28 riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight