I dunno but if he is.... im coming over with a glow stick and rave skillzFusion-X said:is it true that "Daft Punk (is playin at my house)"?
I dunno but if he is.... im coming over with a glow stick and rave skillzFusion-X said:is it true that "Daft Punk (is playin at my house)"?
I have no idea... mabye u should move to canada or americatrance_baby said:when is Staind coming to Australia?????
you should stay in roxas state and if you visit canada stay in my provincetrance_baby said:Haha no the band... i want aaron lewis
and i am coming to america in a couple of years for 6 months
which state should i stay in?
basically anything like vodka, whisky, crown royal, smirnoff, anything that is strongtrance_baby said:Lead singer of staind...... *sigh*
damn straight will bring a bottle of jimmy *woot woot*
what is your preference in drinks?
when is linkin park coming to aussie? you should ask when is BIG POPPA HARRY coming to aussie....The-Edge said:LMAO, im listening to them right now, and i live in australia.
When is Linkin Park coming to australia? lol
I hope it doesn't.... then how will I sit on my roof and watch the sunset with someone my special someone out there yet to be found.......?Aerith Gainsborough said:Will the sun ever explode? XD
yes sooner or later... mother nature will stop the rain and shine the great sun on you... then you will post back to me saying when will it rainDestinyFulfilled said:Will it ever stop raining...? -sighs-
Yes I do... otherwise that thread will be there foreverFusion-X said:you think i should start the next "coverage you can count on"?