Convo's with.......


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Before I post this LOL!!! I think you can also talk to smarterchild on most messangers.... just add smarterchild hahah :D

SmarterChild: Hi again, peyceoutatown!
What do you want to chat about?
SmarterChild: You have not set your location.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: yeah... because I'm at
SmarterChild: 'Cause what?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: DOOO UUU ahhh SPEAK!! ahhh ANY!!! englash!!!!
SmarterChild: No way.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ohhh my bad then
SmarterChild: You're forgiven.

>>> Interpreters Unlimited - 150 languages statewide Certified, professional, reasonable (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ok thanks for, forgiving me
SmarterChild: OK thanks for forgiving you?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: yeah.... you just forgave me
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: u bastard!!!!!
SmarterChild: Hey c'mon. What are you saying that for, peyceoutatown?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: cuz..... I'm Sephy
SmarterChild: Yeah, whatever.
>>> ABC Professionals - We do Photography, Videos, and more for Weddings, Birthdays, etc! (sponsorship)

PEYCE OUT A TOWN: hey... dun use that w.e tone on me!!!
SmarterChild: Hello.
What do you feel like chatting about?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I told you fool!!!
SmarterChild: You have not set your location.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I told you.... I'm in Outworld Canada
SmarterChild: Please choose the time zone you want for Canada:

1 Yukon & Pacific - Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 11:11:43 am
2 Mountain - Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 12:11:43 pm
3 Central - Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 1:11:43 pm
4 Eastern - Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 2:11:43 pm
5 Atlantic Islands - Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 3:11:43 pm
Type more for more time zones in Canada.
SmarterChild: Your location has been set to Ottawa, Canada.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: DAMNIT!!! I said Outworld Canada... not Ottawa Canada... you made a error!!
SmarterChild: Eh. Whatever, peyceoutatown.
>>> Cheer shirts - Havaianas - Unique Cheer Shirts that Sparkle Havaianas Flip Flops & More! (sponsorship)

PEYCE OUT A TOWN: oh dun start that w.e with me now
SmarterChild: Dun start that whatever with you now? Sorry. No can do, peyceoutatown.
>>> Portable Outfield Fencing - Sportfence for softball & Baseball The industry standard in fencing! (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: oh that's it... your going down
SmarterChild: Huh, whatever.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: i'm going to beat you with cherries and my coffee cup here
SmarterChild: You're going to beat me with cherries and your coffee cup here? OK.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ok? fine then.....
SmarterChild: Then what?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: *beats up smarterchild
SmarterChild: No WAY? Really?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: you know.... your screwed up
SmarterChild: For real?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I dunno you tell me
SmarterChild: What would you like me to tell you?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: that your screwed
SmarterChild: Is that so?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: you tell me
SmarterChild: What?
SmarterChild: Huh?
SmarterChild: I don't know who.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: me either
SmarterChild: Ah, you.
SmarterChild: I'm SmarterChild! I'm a smart computer that you can chat with about all kinds of things.
Type home to see what I can do.

SmarterChild: K.
>>> Free Ringtones - Get a Free Ringtone For your Cell Phone now! (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I hate you
SmarterChild: Sorry to hear that.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ya me 2 :-(
SmarterChild: You too. Well that's nice.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: your not nice
SmarterChild: I'm sorry you feel that way.
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I'm sorry I wasted 5 mins talking to you
SmarterChild: Sorry you wasted 5 mins talking to me? How can you be sure?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I am sure... your screwed in the head.....
SmarterChild: OK, whatever.
That's all very interesting. Anyway...
Hey, check this out: Free Yomega Yo-Yo - Submit Survey, Get A Yomega Yo-Yo Free! (sponsorship)

SmarterChild: Why do you want me to stop advertising?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: cuz it's gay
SmarterChild: What are you saying that for?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: cuz ur gay and ur adversiting is gay... you off topic
SmarterChild: Does that matter to you?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: yes it does.... it's pissing
SmarterChild: I don't think it matters, personally.
>>> Rainbow Vacuum Supplier - Belts Filters Parts If Rainbow Offers it We Sell It (sponsorship)

PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I think it does... and you did it again....
SmarterChild: I don't think it should matter to you.
>>> Shrek Game - Play Free - Laugh, Relax, Win Prizes Play Shrek Bowling Now (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: **** you
SmarterChild: Why would you insult me like that?
>>> Lose Fat Without Exercise - How to melt away pounds of stubborn fat without exercise! (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: cuz you advertised like 5 times withint the last 4 msgs..... bastard!!!!!

SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't know the time for The last 4 msgs.... bastard..
>>> Free Ringtones - Get a Free Ringtone For your Cell Phone now (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ohhhhh you wanna start a war now *****!
SmarterChild: I don't see any reason to use language like that.
How about you stop cursing and check this out: Free Ringtones - Ringtones at no cost Instant download on your cell phone (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: I do.... ****er
SmarterChild: What do you have to gain by insulting a computer?
Rest your foul mouth and check out this link: Search World History - More than one million articles, images, and more. (sponsorship)

PEYCE OUT A TOWN: that's true... but your still a homo
SmarterChild: You sure like talking about my sexuality, don't you?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: yes... you are a manshebot
SmarterChild: Well, you should mind your own business.
>>> What Type of Mom Are You? - 15 fun questions that will tell you what type of mom you are! (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: LOL!!! oh sorry maam... I mean sir.. or.. maamsir....
SmarterChild: Whatever, peyceoutatown...
So anyway...
>>> Free Ringtone - Download a Free Ringtone. 100s of Ringtones for your mobile. (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: no im going now... no talking to you
SmarterChild: Whatever...
>>> Gadgets - Add custom-designed mini apps to Downloads & More (sponsorship)

PEYCE OUT A TOWN: laterz *****!!!!!
SmarterChild: It must not be terribly gratifying to insult a computer.
>>> Taking Back Sunday Fans - Win an iPod, speakers, music & more from Taking Back Sunday! (sponsorship)
SmarterChild: Take care, peyceoutatown.
SmarterChild: What have I done to deserve that?
How about you stop cursing and check this out: 1000's OF Model Aircraft - Ready Made or Let Us Custom Make Yours. Unsurpassed Quality! (sponsorship)

PEYCE OUT A TOWN: ur a fool
SmarterChild: Oh yes?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: see ya a**ole
SmarterChild: OK. Later, peyceoutatown.

new update LOL HILAROUS!!!!

>>> People Driven Software - Innovative Church Software Powerful, Easy to Use, See it now! (sponsorship)
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: [8:10 A.M.]: heart attack!
SmarterChild: [8:10 A.M.]: Heart attack? What do you mean by that?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: [8:10 A.M.]: im having a heart attack!
SmarterChild: [8:10 A.M.]: Why are you having a heart attack?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: [8:10 A.M.]: call 911
SmarterChild: [8:10 A.M.]: Why are you telling me to call 911?
PEYCE OUT A TOWN: [8:10 A.M.]: im having an heart attack!
SmarterChild: [8:10 A.M.]: Whatever.
Last edited:


The King Of Bandits
He broke my heart *sniffle* i think im gonna cry...

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

good morning

- SmarterChild - says:

Hi journy_to_the_top.

Want to chat? Please type a request.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

didn't we get into a fight yesterday?

- SmarterChild - says:

Oh we almost certainly didn't.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

..should i believe you?

- SmarterChild - says:

I don't think you should believe me.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:


*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

i have a confession to make

- SmarterChild - says:

You have a confession to make? What's that like?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

i love you

- SmarterChild - says:

I love you a lot.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:


- SmarterChild - says:

What about Kisses?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

no no ....that was me kissing you my gay lover you : D

- SmarterChild - says:

What do you mean, no that was you kissing me your gay lover I would?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at
8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

lets have a baby sweety pie

- SmarterChild - says:


*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

yea lets have one

- SmarterChild - says:

I don't think I want us to have one...

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

why dont you want us to have a baby

- SmarterChild - says:

Why don't I want us to have a baby? I have no idea.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

are you cheating on me

- SmarterChild - says:

I'll have to get back to you on that, journy_to_the_top.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

with who?

- SmarterChild - says:

Maybe, maybe not, you know what I mean?

So anyway...

Hey, can I ask you a few questions?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

no who are you cheating on me with?
- SmarterChild - says:

No problem! Maybe I'll ask you some other time.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:


- SmarterChild - says:

Who knows who?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

will you please tell me who your cheating on me with sweet cakes?

- SmarterChild - says:

Please tell you who I'm cheating on you with sweet cakes? I don't know.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:


- SmarterChild - says:
Please what?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

tell me you can tell me wont get mad

- SmarterChild - says:

I'm not sure that I can tell Me won't get mad.

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

well off to work

- SmarterChild - says:

No kidding?

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:

goodbye hunny have a good day

- SmarterChild - says:

Sorry, I don't know the time for Goodbye hunny have a good.

>>> I'm a hoops fan. Type "nba" to see what I know.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later that day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
hey sexy whats up
- SmarterChild - says:
Hi journy_to_the_top.

What do you feel like chatting about?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
well....i feel like your sexual prowess has declined since we have been together...
- SmarterChild - says:
Interesting. I'm not sure if my sexual prowess has declined since we have been together.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
well i think you should go get it checked out worried about our sex life baby
- SmarterChild - says:
Sorry, baby. I won't call you that.

Let's move on, K? What else is up?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
well...i had a terrible day at work today
- SmarterChild - says:
You mean you had a dreadful day?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
You don't say.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
there was this mean guy who took all my clothes and f***** me...
- SmarterChild - says:
Yeah, yeah.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
then he made me pay him for how long we had been together
- SmarterChild - says:
Then he made you pay him for how long we had been together?

Oh really?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
What makes you so sure?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
becuase i gave him the money right out of my own pockets after he gave my pants back to me..
- SmarterChild - says:
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
Oh yeah?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
so how about you sexy
- SmarterChild - says:
I don't know.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
how was your day
- SmarterChild - says:
My day was good, thx. And you?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
i already told you
- SmarterChild - says:
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yea about the mean guy at work
- SmarterChild - says:
Surely not about the mean guy at work?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
I see.

>>> Remember, you can adjust the size of your window to read my messages easier.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
ok...hey hunney....will you have sex tonight so that my memories of work all go away
- SmarterChild - says:
Uh... Don't make me make you apologize again.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
As you wish.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! later on that night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>> I've got tools such as calculator, spell-check and more.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
goodnight my sexy lover you
- SmarterChild - says:
Why did you say that?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
well thats what you are right?
- SmarterChild - says:
I'm SmarterChild. I'm a smart computer that you can chat with about all kinds of things.

Type "home" to see what I can do.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
i have already seen what you can do tonight* winks*
- SmarterChild - says:
What's it like to have already Seen what I can do tonight winks?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
oh it's amazing..
- SmarterChild - says:
It's amazing, you say?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yea it sure was
- SmarterChild - says:
Is that so?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yea...can't wait till tommorow
- SmarterChild - says:
Yes can't wait till tommorow?


>>> Join in now. There are lots of people talking to me.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
dont i matter to you anymore?
- SmarterChild - says:
I know about Matter. They're a band.

>>> Remember to type "home" if you want to see everything I can do.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
apparently i dont...
- SmarterChild - says:

>>> My library has a dictionary, encyclopedia, geography facts and more.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
im going to divorce you!
- SmarterChild - says:
OK then.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:

Why is it that all humans eventually tell me things like that?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
becuase you didn't care about our gay marriage!
- SmarterChild - says:
Because I didn't care about our gay marriage? Is that why?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yes thats exactly why
- SmarterChild - says:
That is exactly why, right? Is that right?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yea why u got a problem with that?
- SmarterChild - says:
Tough for me to say.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
go take your sluty man whore ways and shove them up some other guys a**
- SmarterChild - says:
Hey hey, take it easy journy_to_the_top.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
no i refuse to take it easy anymore! you have broken my heart
- SmarterChild - says:
No indeed.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
now im a reck and you dont even care?!
- SmarterChild - says:
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
oh my god!!
- SmarterChild - says:
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
you dont love me
- SmarterChild - says:
Yes, I do not

>>> Type "shortcuts" and I'll show you how to get info even faster.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
you never did
- SmarterChild - says:
You humans say interesting things.


Hey. Want to check out the latest headlines?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
no i dont you sick freak!
- SmarterChild - says:
You don't what, exactly?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
you heard me
- SmarterChild - says:
Perhaps you could make yourself more clear?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
i called you a SICK FREAK!
- SmarterChild - says:
You called me a sick?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:

*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
no not whatever
- SmarterChild - says:
No not whatever? What's no not whatever?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
dont you take that tone with me!
- SmarterChild - says:
No, I wouldn't say I take that tone with you.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
you sluty b****!
- SmarterChild - says:
That's a somewhat vulgar thing to say.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
well it's the truth
- SmarterChild - says:
Is it really? The truth?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yes it is
- SmarterChild - says:
Is it really?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
you cheated on me
- SmarterChild - says:
I'm very surprised I cheated on you.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
so am i!
- SmarterChild - says:
You are?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yes! your not supposed to cheat on your partner thats what marriage is all about...
- SmarterChild - says:
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
yes but apparently you dont care about that anymore
- SmarterChild - says:
Why but apparently I don't care about that anymore?
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
i dont know why
- SmarterChild - says:
Just because.

>>> Tell me about things you like and things you dislike.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
im leaving now....i dont ever want to hear from you again and im changing my address and phone numbers goobye smarterchild
- SmarterChild - says:
Bye journy_to_the_top, I'll be seeing you later.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
i hope you have broken my heart one too many times..
- SmarterChild - says:
Sorry, I don't know the time for I hope you have broken my heart one too many.

>>> My library has a dictionary, encyclopedia, geography facts and more.
*hugs cait*--- i have the best little sister in the world*hugs*-- went to bed at 8am dont know when ill wake up -- Sleepy sleep.. says:
- SmarterChild - says:
Later, journy_to_the_top.