Well something like that
;....but not like that..>_>; ive confused myself..and now I dont know what i'm saying. XD lol
i kno u-F-or3v3r.L.0st said:whoa...it's been a month i havent been on here >.< so yea im back! most of you dont know me...which is sad. lol anyways! so i dont think i wont be on alot since summer is coming up and i have lots to do for my sweet 15th b-day. which is on august 5th. my b-day is actually is on august the 3rd but the par-tay is on the 5th.
I have to come... its my friends b-day-F-or3v3r.L.0st said:really now? lol yay! i guess? lol and nitz, of course you're invited!you want to come of course..lol