lol yeah but in the winter when it gets harsh cold the hair keeps your body warmer and if your swimming less water goes on your eyes cause your hair absorbs a lot
LOL its like johnny hurry up man we gotta go you see johnny *shakes head like crazy for 3 secs* I'm ready lets go party! Usually it takes me longer now that I have longer hair when it was short it was get gel throw a whole crap on your head push hair up and your done!
Nah we don't really care about our hair. I know I really don't. Although it is sort of annoying when it grows into some sort of afro but I find it to be as simple as getting it cut, its the last thing I worry about.
my hair its gone well not all of it just got a hair cut lol and say bye bye to my mustache lol i gotta take some damn pics for some documents and no mustache allowed! lol
I hate it too I'm just really lazy to shave whats the point? It's not like im going to the mall or anywhere or even to impress anyone. I just go out for a bit for friends or w.e chill at there place and thats it lol. In a week or so I'm going to be doing some major things so then its time to look good haha.
I love my hair. Right now it's about 4 inches long, growing it out, though. It's brown. It is like . . . dark brown, light brown, gold brown all together. It is silky, thick, and lush. If I were another man, I'd go gay for my hair.