Mental Abuse? Harrassment? I Think So

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
I'm going to share with you all a story of what happened to me back on Thursday night. This is tough to have to post, but still something I am willing to share with you all anyway.

So Thursday night, I go to my league bowling. There are only 3 or 4 sessions left before the end of the season ends till next October, and what happens? I'll tell you.

So it's practice, I'm feeling good about myself since I'm hitting the middle and getting a strike about 7/10 times I shoot the ball, the other 3 times I usually leave 1 or 2 pins up.

So then this guy approaches me, a guy who I have known for about 5 years now. He was the janitor at a former school that I went to for a year and a half. He is also the best bowler there by far, with an average of about 214, mine is a mere 179, still about 7th best overall though.

So as I said, I was practicing, nailing a strike nearly every shot. Then he comes up to me, totally unexpected and shouts "hey! the hell do you think you're doing, kid?" I look all shocked at him, because I am and say "what did I do?" He then says "I talked to Freddy about you last week, and he said that you better be keeping the ****ing ball down or you're gonna bust something and have to pay a lotta ****in money." Fred is the owner by the way, and I've actually grown quite close to his son who is an awesome guy.

Now, I'm thinking to myself what the **** is this guy's problem? All I was doing was shooting and maybe the ball was a little high, but hey I been shooting like that all year and just now he tells me that I'm shooting the ball too high and gotta alter my shot.

So, all night I was forced to alter my shot, I did terrible reeling in games of 132-134 and one game where I barely broke 160. Still way under my average.

But the worst part of that night was the fact that there's this draw, where they draw your ticket and you go up, shoot the ball. If you get a strike you get a huge jackpot of real money. The pot was $315 and my ticket was drawn.

I turned around, saw him staring at me with that look, like he was thinking, go ahead Jamie, loft the ball you'll be using that money you win to re-furnish the bowling alley.

So I get all stressed, end up doing my altered shot, and get it in the gutter, thus blowing a chance at $315. I needed that $315 and since I'm told by the summer I'm getting kicked out of the house, and getting welfare, I coulda really used that money.

I did some thinking after, why did he do that to me? What was his problem? Well I personally say that he's jealous that I'm probably just as good of a bowler as him now, possibly better. And he is going to do everything he can to **** me up more then I already am. Not being in school, not having any chance at life, not having any chance to get a job due to being completely shy, clueless, and anti-social in the real world.

Or could it be because he's a pedophile? Coming up to some innocent 18-year old kid who uses that 1 night a week as a chance to actually go out and socialize and hang out with his only 1 friend in the real world.

Rick you old bastard, you should be ashamed of yourself. I may not even return to bowling, using going bowling as my only source for a social life, athletic competition, and a way of getting extra money. I hope you rot in hell and that Satan sticks his fork so far up your ass that your hips get disjointed out of your body to the point where you're stuck in a wheelchair while burning in hell and suffering till you feel so bitter that it can never end and that you get burned undead in the fiery pits of hell!

I'm also strongly considering making a case out of this and pursuing charging him for harrassment and possibly even suing him, and demanding him to pay for all my lost money I woulda won had he not harrassed me into altering my shot technique but am unsure if I can make a case of it.

Meh that's my story. Feel free to comment, also give me advice onto handle this if you want to as well.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
lol that blows man... but I dunno if you will be able to file a case. He technically didn't touch you, mabye sort of verbally abused you..... but nothing else. I think he was trying to use some psycolgy on you LOL tried to confused you...... people like that know if they can put a idea or stress into your head, then they can screw around with you...... Sorry about losing the cash man..... that coulda helped a lot 300 bucks ain't bad.... get me some new stuff.

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Yeah man, that would be almost a month's welfare check for me. Since I will no doubt he out of my parent's house by September unless by some prayer I end up somehow allowed back in school or get that job I applied for in which I had to write that test for, which I know I did terrible on anyway.

But yeah, the thing is the guy was so nice to me for a long time, and just now he comes and tries to **** with me? If I didn't have a bad history with the pigs and a bad history with jail, etc you can bet your ass I woulda punched him the **** out and probably left him a bloody mess that night.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
well.... if your out of ur house that means no PC? where da hell you gonna stay? Can you even get a place for 300 on rent? Damn.... here you need atleast 1 grand for a small basement for rent....... that's monthly tooo

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Only if you're in the city.
You can get a small 1 room place for maybe $175 if I'm really lucky, per month that is. Meaning I'd have to use half my check for rent, probably $30 or so for the computer/telephone, and pray that electricity, hydro, heat are included in the package.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
damn still 175 is cheap compared to here... even a crappy place here is around 400-500 bucks. Usaull Hydro/electric depend. If your renting a place urself the bill comes to you.... if your renting with say an upstairs person then usually you work it out with them. Net/phone is gonna be prolly 80 bucks monthly? I know cable here is like 24 - 40 bucks depending on what speed and phone well basic is close to 30 bucks I think. If you have to get a PC..... damn..... All I know is I've had welfare people live in my basement once and its really hard to pay for everything..... rent/food/net/pc/etc.....

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Well, I've decided to go bowling tomorrow, if any more unnecessary harrassment occurs, I will make a case of this between me and him.

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Got harrassed again, by some old hags though this time. I didn't even take it seriously at all.

The Miz

New member
Jan 12, 2006
Just threatening to tell the owner and manager that I'm lofting the ball and not following the "bowling" rules. Quite funny.