My CAR!!!! ITS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Well not sure if it sucks for others but in Canada especially BC don't drive unless your willing to get stressed. I swear to discuss a fair price with a insurance agent is a pain in the ass.

I'm getting **** for my car back and the damn insurance company here sucks that the probelm. We have a damn ICBC company which has monopoly here so others can't run a insurance biz. So now if anyone wants to drive you have to go through them or you can't drive which sucks a lot.

Anyways I had a sort of small fight with the agent then we were alright and talked normal but it was pissing there technically giving me sort of enough for the car but my 2 grand repair bills they say is my problem. Even though I placed brand new parts used only 3-4 months they won't cut me any slack for them.

that practically means there buying my car off me cheap and can sell the brand new parts for them seleves..... I am thinking of signing a dispute form and/or going to court.