Here's a dream I had last night... I've been having violent dreams the past 2 nights... no clue why.
My high school was in place of the drugstore downtown. and there was a huge school shooting.
This was the second time the shooter did a school shooting. I guess he escaped from wherever he was being held somehow, to go to the school to shoot people... and see his girlfriend?!

Once he shot some people and met up with his girlfriend, they hid in the "school" somewhere. And the school was weird.... it was made of a few buildings, one WAS the drugstore. so the drugstore was part of the school, I guess... really near, anyway.
I think there were multiple shooters, actually. kinda like this guy had his own gang. So... I climbed up on a building and found a gun there, so I could protect myself... I think it was an ak-47.

I don't think I ever had to fire the gun though, and if I remember correctly, I gave it to someone else that was going to look for the guy that started this & his girlfriend. (I may have test fired the gun once or twice, but I don't know for sure)
After I gave the gun away (not sure if I had another gun or not, I might have), I decided to try to escape the school area. and I'm not sure why I was back in high school... but maybe I was just stopping to pick something up from the drugstore.
After I left the school area I started wandering around town...
While I was walking away from the school area, I noticed there were no police cars, cause the police station is only 2 blocks away from that area. and for some reason, the campus was like a maze. but... after I left, I walked up the hill a few blocks, then turned right and walked a few more blocks until I saw what I thought was the roof of a pizza hut... a mystery Pizza Hut in my own town that I didn't know about?!
(there used to be a pizza hut downtown IRL, but it's now the new Mexican restaurant, went there that day too...)
I got closer and closer, planning to get some pizza.... until I found out it wasn't a mysterious Pizza Hut, but a mysterious, huge (closed) refreshment stand in a mysterious park that I didn't know about. the kind of park with a baseball field and picnic tables.
A girl was there by the Pizza Hut stand. I asked her what was going on, and she told me she just finished closing the refreshment stand after a baseball game or something. I thought she was kinda cute, but I kept walking. I ran into some guy that asked me if I wanted to work at the park. I talked to him a bit and he took my name and phone number telling me he'd call soon....
After that I don't remember much... I started walking back to the school and realized that it was about 4 pm.... but when I got there, something happened... the guy either got killed, escaped, or was captured. Oh and at some point in the dream, I was looking at sunglasses in the drugstore. That's about it.