RIP Uncle Stan


New member
Feb 2, 2006
I woke up this morning to find out that my great uncle (Mom's side. Grandfather's brother) had died from cancer. We all knew he was going to die soon because he started hospice about a month ago, but we didn't know when. I guess it's good in a way because now his suffering is over.

I barely knew him, but maybe that's the problem. If you know the person, then it makes you feel really bad because you lost someone close. If you weren't very close to someone when they die, you feel bad about that. He lived in Texas and I live in PA though... so it was kinda hard for me to talk to him. He had an e-mail address though, so I feel bad about not talking to him over the internet. I think maybe we talked through e-mail one time a few years ago, but we didn't e-mail each other after that. :( I was looking forward to him visiting PA sometime in the next few years, but I knew that I would never see him again after we found out he had cancer. The last time I saw him was the summer after I finished 9th grade.

He gave me a nice watch for graduation. I don't know if it was cheap or expensive, but it's nice and I like it (which is what matters.) I'm going to try to keep the watch working for as long as possible.

I know everyone dies eventually, but I just thought he deserved a topic....

RIP Stanley Guy


New member
Feb 7, 2006
Yeah bro, sorry bout that. I got my beliefs and you got yours, but the fact remains, he's in a better place now, mang. You think he's in heaven, and that's good, and regardless of my opinion on that, if he had cancer, I can relate, I know what a bad death that is >_< it took my grandpa on my moms side and my grandpa on my dads side. He's in a better place because the suffering is over bro o_o just remember that...and dog you should definitely keep the watch o_o; shit like that isn't somethin you buy in a store, that's got somethin behind it. that's more than a watch. That's an important thing in your life. Keep that close to ya..And keep your head up, too. Dont let shit get you down.


sorry for your loss , i hope they get the cure for cancer