Sex Before Marriage?


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
alright, you have a point. Religion is actually very important to me....and i understand if its not to u....but thats what i had to say, and i don't think i can get much true than that

and the bible is a lot more than just words on a paper...


New member
Jul 13, 2007
Yo sex is sex, lets all just agree to disagree, were getting all bent out of shape over the choices that others make, if you choose to have sex before marriage thats great, if you choose to wait thats also great. End of discussion, done.


New member
Jul 13, 2007
You dont get it, thats just it theres ALWAYS going to be conflict, so agree to disagree and do what suits you best, instead of arguing if this is right you should be educating people on things like STD's Condoms and consequences of sex


The King Of Bandits
As long as people dont take everything that everyone else says personal, then maybe sharing ideas and views might be a good thing.

Personally I think that people take this topic way to personal. It's a lot like religion in the sense that people need to let others feel the way they feel instead of trying to force their ways on them. If a couple wants to have before they get married thats ok, and if people want to have sex without even dating thats fine to. It is totally up to those people.

Now one thing that is not ok is the get in, get off, get out theory. Guys going out with women just so they can have sex with them then never talk to them again. Thats retarded. Life isn't about how much sex you have, or how many women you sleep with. Life is what you make it though, and i guess if some guys choose to not settle down with one girl and have a nice happy life then oh well, i can't do anything about it.

Lastly i'm not gonna be sexist here, there are girls out there who do the same thing as the guys i mentioned before, once again if they don't want to settle down with one guy and be happy, then oh well, thats their decision and i can't do anything about it.

By the way if anyone takes any of this personal, or tells me that i'm wrong, well that just means that your way of thinking is different then mine. It doesn't give you the right to tell me i am wrong though. and if you take it personal, your just an idiot. This is not directed towards anyone, it is just a statement which i have made on my views, so : p


New member
Jun 7, 2006
Edmonton, Alberta.
I have had sex before marriage plenty of times. The fact of the matter is, I am not married, not engaged, already have a daughter and a second kid coming with another girl, and it's nothing too bad. The fact is, marriage is just something based on committment and money. Usually people who get married both have careers and stuff, and for it to last they have to be good peoples. I am a good peoples and I must say, sex before marriage is all good, I will maybe one day get married, but having a kid and a girlfriend and a truck is more then enough for me. Plus I am a legend, I must be the only man in history to receieve a hand job while I was driving my truck in the middle of the city. Do people who get married do that? Don't think so.

Marriage is nothing but a cover up for we are educated, middle-class or higher people who are all perfect goody ****, marriage is something I don't believe in.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
I have had sex before marriage plenty of times. The fact of the matter is, I am not married, not engaged, already have a daughter and a second kid coming with another girl, and it's nothing too bad. The fact is, marriage is just something based on committment and money. Usually people who get married both have careers and stuff, and for it to last they have to be good peoples. I am a good peoples and I must say, sex before marriage is all good, I will maybe one day get married, but having a kid and a girlfriend and a truck is more then enough for me. Plus I am a legend, I must be the only man in history to receieve a hand job while I was driving my truck in the middle of the city. Do people who get married do that? Don't think so.

Marriage is nothing but a cover up for we are educated, middle-class or higher people who are all perfect goody ****, marriage is something I don't believe in.
mabye.. but married people mabye have manners.. they do thing in private not in the open..

Personally having sex before marriage seems fair enough to me.. I mean.. what is marriage? a piece of paper in a church or place that 2 people sign saying im married... I don't see that as marriage.. seems like christians.. and I have nothing against them, but seem like they make some BS rule that you have to be married..

I think it would be good to be married and have a family etc.. and sex etc.. because it just makes it more formal.. but I don't think a piece of paper = a marriage.. nor should it stop people from having sex..

Though I think sleeping around with a lot of people is just messed up.. I can see someone doing it with someone and realizing at some point that it isn't working anf moving on.. but sleeping with a new person monthly.. yearly.. is just weird.. especially at a older age.. at a younger age it's like meh.. im gonna enjoy it.. but when ur older and u need to become a family person.. things change...


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
You're entitled to your opinion. Personally, i would feel dirty getting a child before i was married. Especially if i ended up marrying a woman other than the one who gave birth to my son/daughter. Then the unability to support them and leaving the load on their mother. I know many people are tempted to do such things, and many people can't control themselves.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
You're entitled to your opinion. Personally, i would feel dirty getting a child before i was married. Especially if i ended up marrying a woman other than the one who gave birth to my son/daughter. Then the unability to support them and leaving the load on their mother. I know many people are tempted to do such things, and many people can't control themselves.
I agree with you.. 100% on your statement.. I think the same way.. I'd rather have a kid with someone I'm married too.. or atleast someone I plan to marry.. it just seems less stressful knowing you have a kid elsewhere.. and someone else has to raise it, when your supposed to be responsible.


The King Of Bandits
I for one don't want a child at my age, senior in high school + child = Very Bad.

But i don't oppose sex before marriage either. Tis peoples choice, and like Terra said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on weather they choose to have sex or not.

and as for that religious rule on sex before marriage, which is what i think mostly relates to this, if you believe a religion which tells you that you are not allowed to have sex before marriage (which i think most of them do : /) then by all means thats fine.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
In the end, everyone will have different views and opinions. This is one of those things that you're either for or against, and nothing can change that. Honestly, i feel its wrong. But hey thats just me. I doubt anything anybody says or does can change your opinions. Some people decide its ok, go out and do it, and find out they made a mistake. Others know what they did was wrong and try to convince themselves that there's nothing wrong with it, by doing it more and more. Others do it and get addicted to it. You ever heard the expression blinded by love? Well this is blinded by sex. They cant see how really wrong it is until they do have a child.

The Banana

New member
Jul 14, 2007
Harvey Ceders
well, i dont know about completely blinded by sex...i mean yes there is a point when people do it so much that they become addicted to the climax of sex, but to say that they are blinded by it, i think, is a little much. some of my good frineds are..."socialites" lets say. they go to 18+ clubs, go find a girl, and the as the story goes. even though i dont think they are obbsessed by sex, they still do it too often, which is scary. but in what aspect, exactly, are they blinded? is it blinded in relation to looks, personality, or the legitamacy of a relationship?