<div align='CENTER'><span style="color:Red">WARNING:
What you are about to see is the forced conflict between two living creatures, they fight to the death for the amusement of sadistic spider haters such as myself, approach the following videos with caution, viewer discretion is advised. </span></div>
<span style="color
arkOrchid">Welcome to spider fighting! A very underground entertainment that involves two spiders, a container of some sort, and a battle to the death between these eight legged fiends! Keep in mind that these are soulless creatures bent on killer instict, and are devoid of any sense of humanity! Enjoy.</span>
:right: <span style="color
The Aquafina Bottle Brawl: Camel Spiders!
:right: <span style="color
8 Legged Gladiators: Herbie VS Challanger!
:right: <span style="color:darkorchid">Featherweights:</span>
Water Glass Bash: Round one! (Aggrivation period)
Round two: Kiki And Wimblola!
Round three: The Stick of Freedom!
What you are about to see is the forced conflict between two living creatures, they fight to the death for the amusement of sadistic spider haters such as myself, approach the following videos with caution, viewer discretion is advised. </span></div>
<span style="color
:right: <span style="color
The Aquafina Bottle Brawl: Camel Spiders!
:right: <span style="color
8 Legged Gladiators: Herbie VS Challanger!
:right: <span style="color:darkorchid">Featherweights:</span>
Water Glass Bash: Round one! (Aggrivation period)
Round two: Kiki And Wimblola!
Round three: The Stick of Freedom!