The dream topic


New member
Feb 2, 2006

Okay, I had a weird dream that I'll post.

I was on some kind of secret mission with Major Kusanagi (from Ghost In The Shell). I don't remember exactly, but I think we had to take a secret item to someone and this other group was trying to kill us and take the item before we could do that. Eventually, the Major was ambushed and killed, while I escaped from the ambushing enemies. I saw the major's ghost in some basketball place that we had set for a meeting. She was glad to see that I survived, but sadly she was dead. (It was never completely clear if she died or escaped and took herself off the mission. I'll just go with her dying for this type up) However, she told me some stuff about what I needed to do to complete the mission. And I managed to successfully do so. After than, I met up with her (whether she was dead or alive), and we were celebrating. And I found out that I was going to be given a higher rank (to replace her, or something)

Later, I was walking down a hill with my mom and brother. We looked down and saw three gas stations... Gulf, Amoco, and DP (which was like BP with a name change. Same green sign and stuff). DP wanted like... $2.49/gal for gas, but Gulf only wanted 40 cents a gallon! I don't know why we needed a galon of gas... maybe the car ran out of gas or something? It would explain why we were walking. So anyway, I went down and filled a container with gasoline... only I overfilled it by a little bit. So it ended up being 52 cents cause I went over a gallon. Then, I went somewhere else with the two of them (to some kind of cellar) and my dad showed up randomly. I looked over at the wall and saw packets of ketchup on a shelf-ledge on the wall. The packets of ketchup were about 15 years old and there were only a few because the others had been used up a long time ago. :weird:

Very weird dreams I have. :weird: