

One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
"We are like fragments in the wind, blowing around until we find a resting place."

We know not of what we are or where we came from, and with that I shall not know where I go either. With each passing second, I feel my life is being stripped away from me piece by piece. Maybe I am growing to the point where I just feel empty inside. Knowing no matter what I do, I will always be that one person in the back. Yes, I know what you are probably thinking right about now and that is....."what is he talking abou?" So, I shall explain it in detail. I am leaving Gamerz-Place.

Yes, that is right. I know most of you either don't care or are maybe even joyous. On a side note, I know most of you despise me in one way or another. IT does not matter. I know what I am and why I am that way. Maybe it is not obvious for you, but now I should make it clear. I hardly do anything for myself. I do things for other people and always look into the future. Meh. It may not look that way, but I do. Sure, I do point out obvious stuff due to the fact that is what it is suppose to happen.

As I promised, I will get that final shoutbox update I said in the idea thread. It will be probably by the end of the week. Besides that, well, I was thinking of giving you ten new members in my place. It may happen, or it may not.

So, I bid thou a final farewell. May you have an excellent journey in creating this forum to its upmost potential.



The King Of Bandits
aww man.... now i wont have anyone to tell me when im doing things wrong or tell me when i dont know something i do. Jk man, seriously its gonna be a lot more dull here without you. wish you wouldn't have left but i guess some things cant be avoided eh? farewell, you would have made a fine staff addition, have a safe life and i hope you find somewhere they will be fortunate enough to have you.


Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
S_V is leaving...*sigh* How will we finish our RP battle if you vanish into the night like batman. You were cool to talk too and an excellent RP'er by my eyes, you always are an inventive thinker when it comes to countering or bypassing things. Hope you do something fufilling with your lif and change it into something worthwhile as time would bring. Hope your futures a bright one and look back if you remember us here at GP ;)



One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
I guess I have changed my mind once again. I am not sure what it is, but I guess I can't just leave. Oh, well. Meh. I will probably be less active than before, but that is no big suprise. If my offerings still stand that I had been asked to do before I left, I will gladly take them.

Sorry for the mishap once again. Curse my troubled mind.
