


i finally found out how to work the fucking mcafee antivirus shit so it accepts cookies now.

Soooooo im back for good ( i hope )

Some Facts : Im now 15 so you can wish me a late happy birthday cause it was in november and i never had my computer then. I currently feel sick and have a bad cough. i still like graffiti but im not doing it anymore, dont cry jesse ill start legals in the summer. I got off with a reprimand for my `criminal damage` thing. that means that if i get into trouble with the police one more time before im 18 then my chances of getting a job are fucked. i have a nintendo wii and i think there good. ive just ate fish and chips for my tea and i have an xbox 360 with xbox live so if you nigglets want to play or talk with me then add me to your friends list, my name thing is Cambo91 or Cambo 91 i cant remember though so just add both but dont blame me if you start talking to a peado or something BTW i play saints row more than any other game on Live so please play with me so i can Own your bitch asses

<span style="font-size:36pt;line-height:100%">BIX NOOD!</span>


New member
Feb 2, 2006
Hey, welcome back!
I just had a really bad cold, so I know what that's like. Hopefully yours won't last as long as mine did, which is about two weeks. Damn, that was miserable.
And you got a Wii too? I just got one about 2 weeks ago. My dad was stocking potato chips at walmart in the middle of the night and was able to pick one up. And fortunately, he actually agreed to pay for it!
Oh, and happy late birthday! Mine is in a few weeks... and I'll be 21. :eyepop: