World Record Thread

Curious George

New member
Feb 7, 2006
The Bill of 1337!

Th3 B1ll 0f R1ghts

C0ngr3ss 0f th3 Un1t3d St4t3s b3gun 4nd h3ld 4t th3 C1ty 0f N3w Y0rk, 0n W3dn3sd4y th3 f0urth 0f M4rch, 0n3 th0us4nd s3v3n hundr3d 4nd 31ghty n1n3.

TH3 C0nv3nt10ns 0f 4 numb3r 0f th3 St4t3s, h4v1ng 4t th3 t1m3 0f th31r 4d0pt1ng th3 C0nst1tut10n, 3xpr3ss3d 4 d3s1r3, 1n 0rd3r t0 pr3v3nt m1sc0nstruct10n 0r 4bus3 0f 1ts p0w3rs, th4t furth3r d3cl4r4t0ry 4nd r3str1ct1v3 cl4us3s sh0uld b3 4dd3d: 4nd 4s 3xt3nd1ng th3 gr0und 0f publ1c c0nf1d3nc3 1n th3 G0v3rnm3nt, w1ll b3st 3nsur3 th3 b3n3f1c3nt 3nds 0f 1ts 1nst1tut10n.

R3S0LV3D by th3 S3n4t3 4nd H0us3 0f R3pr3s3nt4t1v3s 0f th3 Un1t3d St4t3s 0f 4m3r1c4, 1n C0ngr3ss 4ss3mbl3d, tw0 th1rds 0f b0th H0us3s c0ncurr1ng, th4t th3 f0ll0w1ng 4rt1cl3s b3 pr0p0s3d t0 th3 L3g1sl4tur3s 0f th3 s3v3r4l St4t3s, 4s 4m3ndm3nts t0 th3 C0nst1tut10n 0f th3 Un1t3d St4t3s, 4ll, 0r 4ny 0f wh1ch 4rt1cl3s, wh3n r4t1f13d by thr33 f0urths 0f th3 s41d L3g1sl4tur3s, t0 b3 v4l1d t0 4ll 1nt3nts 4nd purp0s3s, 4s p4rt 0f th3 s41d C0nst1tut10n; v1z.

4RT1CL3S 1n 4dd1t10n t0, 4nd 4m3ndm3nt 0f th3 C0nst1tut10n 0f th3 Un1t3d St4t3s 0f 4m3r1c4, pr0p0s3d by C0ngr3ss, 4nd r4t1f13d by th3 L3g1sl4tur3s 0f th3 s3v3r4l St4t3s, pursu4nt t0 th3 f1fth 4rt1cl3 0f th3 0r1g1n4l C0nst1tut10n.

4m3ndm3nt 1 - C0ngr3ss sh4ll m4k3 n0 l4w r3sp3ct1ng 4n 3st4bl1shm3nt 0f r3l1g10n, 0r pr0h1b1t1ng th3 fr33 3x3rc1s3 th3r30f; 0r 4br1dg1ng th3 fr33d0m 0f sp33ch, 0r 0f th3 pr3ss; 0r th3 r1ght 0f th3 p30pl3 p34c34bly t0 4ss3mbl3, 4nd t0 p3t1t10n th3 G0v3rnm3nt f0r 4 r3dr3ss 0f gr13v4nc3s.

G0v3rnm3nt c4n n31th3r 1mp0s3 4 st4t3 r3l1g10n up0n y0u n0r pun1sh y0u f0r 3x3rc1s1ng th3 r3l1g10n 0f y0ur ch01c3. Y0u m4y 3xpr3ss y0ur 0p1n10ns, wr1t3 4nd publ1sh wh4t y0u w1sh, g4th3r p34c3fully w1th 0th3rs, 4nd f0rm4lly 4sk g0v3rnm3nt t0 c0rr3ct 1njust1c3s.

4m3ndm3nt 11 - 4 w3ll r3gul4t3d M1l1t14, b31ng n3c3ss4ry t0 th3 s3cur1ty 0f 4 fr33 St4t3, th3 r1ght 0f th3 p30pl3 t0 k33p 4nd b34r 4rms, sh4ll n0t b3 1nfr1ng3d.

1nd1v1du4ls ("th3 p30pl3") h4v3 th3 r1ght t0 0wn 4nd us3 w34p0ns w1th0ut 1nt3rf3r3nc3 fr0m th3 g0v3rnm3nt.

4m3ndm3nt 111 - N0 S0ld13r sh4ll, 1n t1m3 0f p34c3 b3 qu4rt3r3d 1n 4ny h0us3, w1th0ut th3 c0ns3nt 0f th3 0wn3r, n0r 1n t1m3 0f w4r, but 1n 4 m4nn3r t0 b3 pr3scr1b3d by l4w.

Th3 g0v3rnm3nt c4nn0t f0rc3 y0u t0 h0us3 1ts 4g3nts.

4m3ndm3nt 1V - Th3 r1ght 0f th3 p30pl3 t0 b3 s3cur3 1n th31r p3rs0ns, h0us3s, p4p3rs, 4nd 3ff3cts, 4g41nst unr34s0n4bl3 s34rch3s 4nd s31zur3s, sh4ll n0t b3 v10l4t3d, 4nd n0 W4rr4nts sh4ll 1ssu3, but up0n pr0b4bl3 c4us3, supp0rt3d by 04th 0r 4ff1rm4t10n, 4nd p4rt1cul4rly d3scr1b1ng th3 pl4c3 t0 b3 s34rch3d, 4nd th3 p3rs0ns 0r th1ngs t0 b3 s31z3d.

Y0u m4y n0t b3 4rr3st3d 0r "d3t41n3d" 4rb1tr4r1ly. N0 4g3ncy 0f g0v3rnm3nt m4y 1nsp3ct 0r s31z3 y0ur pr0p3rty 0r p0ss3ss10ns w1th0ut f1rst 0bt41n1ng 4 w4rr4nt. T0 0bt41n 4 w4rr4nt, th3y must sh0w sp3c1f1c c4us3 f0r th3 s34rch 0r s31zur3 4nd sw34r und3r 04th th4t th3y 4r3 t3ll1ng th3 truth 4b0ut th3s3 r34s0ns. Furth3rm0r3, th3 w4rr4nt 1ts3lf must st4t3 sp3c1f1c4lly 4nd 1n d3t41l th3 pl4c3, th1ngs, 0r p30pl3 1t c0v3rs. W4rr4nts th4t 4r3 t00 g3n3r4l 0r v4gu3 4r3 n0t v4l1d; s34rch3s 0r s31zur3s th4t 3xc33d th3 t3rms 0f th3 w4rr4nt 4r3 n0t v4l1d.

4m3ndm3nt V - N0 p3rs0n sh4ll b3 h3ld t0 4nsw3r f0r 4 c4p1t4l, 0r 0th3rw1s3 1nf4m0us cr1m3, unl3ss 0n 4 pr3s3ntm3nt 0r 1nd1ctm3nt 0f 4 Gr4nd Jury, 3xc3pt 1n c4s3s 4r1s1ng 1n th3 l4nd 0r n4v4l f0rc3s, 0r 1n th3 M1l1t14, wh3n 1n 4ctu4l s3rv1c3 1n t1m3 0f W4r 0r publ1c d4ng3r; n0r sh4ll 4ny p3rs0n b3 subj3ct f0r th3 s4m3 0ff3nc3 t0 b3 tw1c3 put 1n j30p4rdy 0f l1f3 0r l1mb; n0r sh4ll b3 c0mp3ll3d 1n 4ny cr1m1n4l c4s3 t0 b3 4 w1tn3ss 4g41nst h1ms3lf, n0r b3 d3pr1v3d 0f l1f3, l1b3rty, 0r pr0p3rty, w1th0ut du3 pr0c3ss 0f l4w; n0r sh4ll pr1v4t3 pr0p3rty b3 t4k3n f0r publ1c us3, w1th0ut just c0mp3ns4t10n.

N0 0n3 0uts1d3 th3 m1l1t4ry m4y b3 tr13d f0r 4 s3r10us cr1m3 w1th0ut f1rst b31ng 1nd1ct3d by 4 gr4nd jury (0f c1t1z3ns). 0nc3 f0und n0t gu1lty, 4 p3rs0n m4y n0t b3 tr13d 4g41n f0r th3 s4m3 d33d. Y0u c4n't b3 f0rc3d t0 b3 4 w1tn3ss 0r pr0v1d3 3v1d3nc3 4g41nst y0urs3lf 1n 4 cr1m1n4l c4s3. Y0u c4n't b3 s3nt t0 pr1s0n 0r h4v3 y0ur 4ss3ts s31z3d w1th0ut du3 pr0c3ss. Th3 g0v3rnm3nt c4n't t4k3 y0ur pr0p3rty w1th0ut p4y1ng m4rk3t v4lu3 f0r 1t.

4m3ndm3nt V1 - 1n 4ll cr1m1n4l pr0s3cut10ns, th3 4ccus3d sh4ll 3nj0y th3 r1ght t0 4 sp33dy 4nd publ1c tr14l, by 4n 1mp4rt14l jury 0f th3 St4t3 4nd d1str1ct wh3r31n th3 cr1m3 sh4ll h4v3 b33n c0mm1tt3d, wh1ch d1str1ct sh4ll h4v3 b33n pr3v10usly 4sc3rt41n3d by l4w, 4nd t0 b3 1nf0rm3d 0f th3 n4tur3 4nd c4us3 0f th3 4ccus4t10n; t0 b3 c0nfr0nt3d w1th th3 w1tn3ss3s 4g41nst h1m; t0 h4v3 c0mpuls0ry pr0c3ss f0r 0bt41n1ng w1tn3ss3s 1n h1s f4v0r, 4nd t0 h4v3 th3 4ss1st4nc3 0f C0uns3l f0r h1s d3f3nc3.

Tr14ls c4nn0t b3 unr34s0n4bly p0stp0n3d 0r h3ld 1n s3cr3t. 1n 4ny cr1m1n4l c4s3 4g41nst y0u, y0u h4v3 4 r1ght t0 publ1c tr14l by 4 jury 0f unb14s3d c1t1z3ns (thus 3nsur1ng th4t th3 st4t3 c4n't us3 4 "p4rty-l1n3" judg3 t0 r41lr04d y0u). Th3 tr14l must b3 h3ld 1n th3 st4t3 0r r3g10n wh3r3 th3 cr1m3 w4s c0mm1tt3d. Y0u c4nn0t b3 h3ld w1th0ut ch4rg3s. Y0u c4nn0t b3 h3ld 0n ch4rg3s th4t 4r3 k3pt s3cr3t fr0m y0u. Y0u h4v3 4 r1ght t0 kn0w wh0 1s m4k1ng 4ccus4t10ns 4g41nst y0u 4nd t0 c0nfr0nt th0s3 w1tn3ss3s 1n c0urt. Y0u h4v3 th3 r1ght t0 subp03n4 w1tn3ss3s t0 t3st1fy 1n y0ur f4v0r 4nd 4 r1ght t0 th3 s3rv1c3s 0f 4n 4tt0rn3y.

4m3ndm3nt V11 - 1n su1ts 4t c0mm0n l4w, wh3r3 th3 v4lu3 1n c0ntr0v3rsy sh4ll 3xc33d tw3nty d0ll4rs, th3 r1ght 0f tr14l by jury sh4ll b3 pr3s3rv3d, 4nd n0 f4ct tr13d by 4 jury, sh4ll b3 0th3rw1s3 r33x4m1n3d 1n 4ny C0urt 0f th3 Un1t3d St4t3s, th4n 4cc0rd1ng t0 th3 rul3s 0f th3 c0mm0n l4w.

Th3 r1ght t0 tr14l by jury 3xt3nds t0 c1v1l, 4s w3ll 4s cr1m1n4l, c4s3s. 0nc3 4 jury h4s m4d3 1ts d3c1s10n, n0 c0urt c4n 0v3rturn 0r 0th3rw1s3 ch4ng3 th4t d3c1s10n 3xc3pt v14 4cc3pt3d l3g4l pr0c3ss3s (f0r 1nst4nc3, gr4nt1ng 0f 4 n3w tr14l wh3n 4n 4pp34ls c0urt d3t3rm1n3s th4t y0ur r1ghts w3r3 v10l4t3d 1n th3 0r1g1n4l pr0c33d1ng).

4m3ndm3nt V111 - 3xc3ss1v3 b41l sh4ll n0t b3 r3qu1r3d, n0r 3xc3ss1v3 f1n3s 1mp0s3d, n0r cru3l 4nd unusu4l pun1shm3nts 1nfl1ct3d.

B41l, f1n3s, 4nd pun1shm3nts must 4ll f1t th3 cr1m3 4nd pun1shm3nts must n0t b3 d3s1gn3d f0r cru3lty.

4m3ndm3nt 1X - Th3 3num3r4t10n 1n th3 C0nst1tut10n, 0f c3rt41n r1ghts, sh4ll n0t b3 c0nstru3d t0 d3ny 0r d1sp4r4g3 0th3rs r3t41n3d by th3 p30pl3.

Y0u h4v3 m0r3 r1ghts th4n 4r3 sp3c1f1c4lly l1st3d 1n th3 B1ll 0f R1ghts.

4m3ndm3nt X - Th3 p0w3rs n0t d3l3g4t3d t0 th3 Un1t3d St4t3s by th3 C0nst1tut10n, n0r pr0h1b1t3d by 1t t0 th3 St4t3s, 4r3 r3s3rv3d t0 th3 St4t3s r3sp3ct1v3ly, 0r t0 th3 p30pl3.

Th3 U.S. f3d3r4l g0v3rnm3nt h4s 0nly th0s3 sp3c1f1c p0w3rs gr4nt3d t0 1t by th3 C0nst1tut10n. 4ll 0th3r p0w3rs b3l0ng 31th3r t0 th3 st4t3s 0r t0 1nd1v1du4ls.

Th3 N1nth 4nd T3nth 4m3ndm3nts, t4k3n t0g3th3r, m34n th4t th3 f3d3r4l g0v3rnm3nt h4s 0nly th3 4uth0r1ty gr4nt3d t0 1t, wh1l3 th3 p30pl3 4r3 pr3sum3d t0 h4v3 4ny r1ght 0r p0w3r n0t sp3c1f1c4lly f0rb1dd3n t0 th3m. Th3 B1ll 0f R1ghts 4s 4 wh0l3 1s d3d1c4t3d t0 d3scr1b1ng c3rt41n k3y r1ghts 0f th3 p30pl3 th4t th3 g0v3rnm3nt 1s c4t3g0r1c4lly f0rb1dd3n t0 r3m0v3, 4br1dg3, 0r 1nfr1ng3. Th3 B1ll 0f R1ghts cl34rly pl4c3s th3 p30pl3 1n ch4rg3 0f th31r 0wn l1v3s, 4nd th3 g0v3rnm3nt w1th1n str1ct l1m1ts - th3 v3ry 0pp0s1t3 0f th3 s1tu4t10n w3 h4v3 4ll0w3d t0 d3v3l0p t0d4y.


New member
Feb 8, 2006
Thats not leet this is!

7|-|3 |31|_|_ 0|= |219|-|75....1|\| 1337!

7|-|3 |31|_|_ 0|= |219|-|75
7|-|3 |O|234//\//\|3|_3 70 7|-|3 |31|_|_ 0|= |219|-|75

(0|\|9|2355 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735 |339(_)|\| 4|\||) |-|3|_|) 47 7|-|3 (17Y 0|= |\|3\\/\\/ Y0|2|<, 0|\| \\/\\/3|)|\|35|)4Y 7|-|3 |=0(_)|27|-| 0|= //\//\4|2(|-|, 0|\|3 7|-|0(_)54|\||) 53\/3|\| |-|(_)|\||)|23|) 4|\||) 319|-|7Y |\|1|\|3.

7|-|3 (0|\|\/3|\|710|\|5 0|= 4 |\|(_)//\//\|33|2 0|= 7|-|3 574735, |-|4\/1|\|9 47 7|-|3 71//\//\3 0|= 7|-|31|2 4|)0|O71|\|9 7|-|3 (0|\|5717(_)710|\|, 3><|O|23553|) 4 |)351|23, 1|\| 0|2|)3|2 70 |O|23\/3|\|7 //\//\15(0|\|57|2(_)(710|\| 0|2 4|3(_)53 0|= 175 |O0\\/\\/3|25, 7|-|47 |=(_)|27|-|3|2 |)3(|_4|2470|2Y 4|\||) |2357|21(71\/3 (|_4(_)535 5|-|0(_)|_|) |33 4|)|)3|): 4|\||) 45 3><73|\||)1|\|9 7|-|3 9|20(_)|\||) 0|= |O(_)|3|_1( (0|\||=1|)3|\|(3 1|\| 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7, \\/\\/1|_|_ |3357 3|\|5(_)|23 7|-|3 |33|\|3|=1(3|\|7 3|\||)5 0|= 175 1|\|5717(_)710|\|.

|2350|_\/3|) |3Y 7|-|3 53|\|473 4|\||) |-|0(_)53 0|= |23|O|2353|\|7471\/35 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735 0|= 4//\//\3|21(4, 1|\| (0|\|9|2355 4553//\//\|3|_3|), 7\\/\\/0 7|-|1|2|)5 0|= |307|-| |-|0(_)535 (0|\|((_)|2|21|\|9, 7|-|47 7|-|3 |=0|_|_0\\/\\/1|\|9 4|271(|_35 |33 |O|20|O053|) 70 7|-|3 |_3915|_47(_)|235 0|= 7|-|3 53\/3|24|_ 574735, 45 4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|75 70 7|-|3 (0|\|5717(_)710|\| 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735, 4|_|_, 0|2 4|\|Y 0|= \\/\\/|-|1(|-| 4|271(|_35, \\/\\/|-|3|\| |2471|=13|) |3Y 7|-||233 |=0(_)|27|-|5 0|= 7|-|3 541|) |_3915|_47(_)|235, 70 |33 \/4|_1|) 70 4|_|_ 1|\|73|\|75 4|\||) |O(_)|2|O0535, 45 |O4|27 0|= 7|-|3 541|) (0|\|5717(_)710|\|; \/12.

4|271(|_35 1|\| 4|)|)1710|\| 70, 4|\||) 4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 0|= 7|-|3 (0|\|5717(_)710|\| 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735 0|= 4//\//\3|21(4, |O|20|O053|) |3Y (0|\|9|2355, 4|\||) |2471|=13|) |3Y 7|-|3 |_3915|_47(_)|235 0|= 7|-|3 53\/3|24|_ 574735, |O(_)|25(_)4|\|7 70 7|-|3 |=1|=7|-| 4|271(|_3 0|= 7|-|3 0|2191|\|4|_ (0|\|5717(_)710|\|.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 1 - (0|\|9|2355 5|-|4|_|_ //\//\4|<3 |\|0 |_4\\/\\/ |235|O3(71|\|9 4|\| 3574|3|_15|-|//\//\3|\|7 0|= |23|_1910|\|, 0|2 |O|20|-|1|3171|\|9 7|-|3 |=|233 3><3|2(153 7|-|3|230|=; 0|2 4|3|21|)91|\|9 7|-|3 |=|233|)0//\//\ 0|= 5|O33(|-|, 0|2 0|= 7|-|3 |O|2355; 0|2 7|-|3 |219|-|7 0|= 7|-|3 |O30|O|_3 |O34(34|3|_Y 70 4553//\//\|3|_3, 4|\||) 70 |O371710|\| 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 |=0|2 4 |23|)|2355 0|= 9|213\/4|\|(35.

90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 (4|\| |\|317|-|3|2 1//\//\|O053 4 57473 |23|_1910|\| (_)|O0|\| Y0(_) |\|0|2 |O(_)|\|15|-| Y0(_) |=0|2 3><3|2(151|\|9 7|-|3 |23|_1910|\| 0|= Y0(_)|2 (|-|01(3. Y0(_) //\//\4Y 3><|O|2355 Y0(_)|2 0|O1|\|10|\|5, \\/\\/|2173 4|\||) |O(_)|3|_15|-| \\/\\/|-|47 Y0(_) \\/\\/15|-|, 947|-|3|2 |O34(3|=(_)|_|_Y \\/\\/17|-| 07|-|3|25, 4|\||) |=0|2//\//\4|_|_Y 45|< 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 70 (0|2|23(7 1|\|J(_)571(35.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 11 - 4 \\/\\/3|_|_ |239(_)|_473|) //\//\1|_1714, |331|\|9 |\|3(3554|2Y 70 7|-|3 53((_)|217Y 0|= 4 |=|233 57473, 7|-|3 |219|-|7 0|= 7|-|3 |O30|O|_3 70 |<33|O 4|\||) |334|2 4|2//\//\5, 5|-|4|_|_ |\|07 |33 1|\||=|21|\|93|).

1|\||)1\/1|)(_)4|_5 ("7|-|3 |O30|O|_3") |-|4\/3 7|-|3 |219|-|7 70 0\\/\\/|\| 4|\||) (_)53 \\/\\/34|O0|\|5 \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 1|\|73|2|=3|23|\|(3 |=|20//\//\ 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 111 - |\|0 50|_|)13|2 5|-|4|_|_, 1|\| 71//\//\3 0|= |O34(3 |33 Q(_)4|273|23|) 1|\| 4|\|Y |-|0(_)53, \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 7|-|3 (0|\|53|\|7 0|= 7|-|3 0\\/\\/|\|3|2, |\|0|2 1|\| 71//\//\3 0|= \\/\\/4|2, |3(_)7 1|\| 4 //\//\4|\||\|3|2 70 |33 |O|235(|21|33|) |3Y |_4\\/\\/.

7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 (4|\||\|07 |=0|2(3 Y0(_) 70 |-|0(_)53 175 493|\|75.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 1\/ - 7|-|3 |219|-|7 0|= 7|-|3 |O30|O|_3 70 |33 53((_)|23 1|\| 7|-|31|2 |O3|250|\|5, |-|0(_)535, |O4|O3|25, 4|\||) 3|=|=3(75, 4941|\|57 (_)|\||23450|\|4|3|_3 534|2(|-|35 4|\||) 5312(_)|235, 5|-|4|_|_ |\|07 |33 \/10|_473|), 4|\||) |\|0 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|75 5|-|4|_|_ 155(_)3, |3(_)7 (_)|O0|\| |O|20|34|3|_3 (4(_)53, 5(_)|O|O0|273|) |3Y 047|-| 0|2 4|=|=1|2//\//\4710|\|, 4|\||) |O4|271((_)|_4|2|_Y |)35(|21|31|\|9 7|-|3 |O|_4(3 70 |33 534|2(|-|3|), 4|\||) 7|-|3 |O3|250|\|5 0|2 7|-|1|\|95 70 |33 53123|).

Y0(_) //\//\4Y |\|07 |33 4|2|23573|) 0|2 "|)3741|\|3|)" 4|2|317|24|21|_Y. |\|0 493|\|(Y 0|= 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 //\//\4Y 1|\|5|O3(7 0|2 53123 Y0(_)|2 |O|20|O3|27Y 0|2 |O05535510|\|5 \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |=1|257 0|3741|\|1|\|9 4 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7. 70 0|3741|\| 4 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7, 7|-|3Y //\//\(_)57 5|-|0\\/\\/ 5|O3(1|=1( (4(_)53 |=0|2 7|-|3 534|2(|-| 0|2 5312(_)|23 4|\||) 5\\/\\/34|2 (_)|\||)3|2 047|-| 7|-|47 7|-|3Y 4|23 73|_|_1|\|9 7|-|3 7|2(_)7|-| 4|30(_)7 7|-|353 |23450|\|5. |=(_)|27|-|3|2//\//\0|23, 7|-|3 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7 1753|_|= //\//\(_)57 57473 5|O3(1|=1(4|_|_Y 4|\||) 1|\| |)3741|_ 7|-|3 |O|_4(3, 7|-|1|\|95, 0|2 |O30|O|_3 17 (0\/3|25. \\/\\/4|2|24|\|75 7|-|47 4|23 700 93|\|3|24|_ 0|2 \/49(_)3 4|23 |\|07 \/4|_1|); 534|2(|-|35 0|2 5312(_)|235 7|-|47 3><(33|) 7|-|3 73|2//\//\5 0|= 7|-|3 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7 4|23 |\|07 \/4|_1|).

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 \/ - |\|0 |O3|250|\| 5|-|4|_|_ |33 |-|3|_|) 70 4|\|5\\/\\/3|2 |=0|2 4 (4|O174|_, 0|2 07|-|3|2\\/\\/153 1|\||=4//\//\0(_)5 (|21//\//\3, (_)|\||_355 0|\| 4 |O|2353|\|7//\//\3|\|7 0|2 1|\||)1(7//\//\3|\|7 0|= 4 9|24|\||) J(_)|2Y, 3><(3|O7 1|\| (4535 4|2151|\|9 1|\| 7|-|3 |_4|\||) 0|2 |\|4\/4|_ |=0|2(35, 0|2 1|\| 7|-|3 //\//\1|_1714, \\/\\/|-|3|\| 1|\| 4(7(_)4|_ 53|2\/1(3 1|\| 71//\//\3 0|= \\/\\/4|2 0|2 |O(_)|3|_1( |)4|\|93|2; |\|0|2 5|-|4|_|_ 4|\|Y |O3|250|\| |33 5(_)|3J3(7 |=0|2 7|-|3 54//\//\3 0|=|=3|\|(3 70 |33 7\\/\\/1(3 |O(_)7 1|\| J30|O4|2|)Y 0|= |_1|=3 0|2 |_1//\//\|3; |\|0|2 5|-|4|_|_ |33 (0//\//\|O3|_|_3|) 1|\| 4|\|Y (|21//\//\1|\|4|_ (453 70 |33 4 \\/\\/17|\|355 4941|\|57 |-|1//\//\53|_|=, |\|0|2 |33 |)3|O|21\/3|) 0|= |_1|=3, |_1|33|27Y, 0|2 |O|20|O3|27Y, \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |)(_)3 |O|20(355 0|= |_4\\/\\/; |\|0|2 5|-|4|_|_ |O|21\/473 |O|20|O3|27Y |33 74|<3|\| |=0|2 |O(_)|3|_1( (_)53, \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 J(_)57 (0//\//\|O3|\|54710|\|.

|\|0 0|\|3 0(_)751|)3 7|-|3 //\//\1|_174|2Y //\//\4Y |33 7|213|) |=0|2 4 53|210(_)5 (|21//\//\3 \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |=1|257 |331|\|9 1|\||)1(73|) |3Y 4 9|24|\||) J(_)|2Y (0|= (17123|\|5). 0|\|(3 |=0(_)|\||) |\|07 9(_)1|_7Y, 4 |O3|250|\| //\//\4Y |\|07 |33 7|213|) 4941|\| |=0|2 7|-|3 54//\//\3 |)33|). Y0(_) (4|\|'7 |33 |=0|2(3|) 70 |33 4 \\/\\/17|\|355 0|2 |O|20\/1|)3 3\/1|)3|\|(3 4941|\|57 Y0(_)|253|_|= 1|\| 4 (|21//\//\1|\|4|_ (453. Y0(_) (4|\|'7 |33 53|\|7 70 |O|2150|\| 0|2 |-|4\/3 Y0(_)|2 455375 53123|) \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |)(_)3 |O|20(355. 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 (4|\|'7 74|<3 Y0(_)|2 |O|20|O3|27Y \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |O4Y1|\|9 //\//\4|2|<37 \/4|_(_)3 |=0|2 17.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 \/1 - 1|\| 4|_|_ (|21//\//\1|\|4|_ |O|2053((_)710|\|5, 7|-|3 4(((_)53|) 5|-|4|_|_ 3|\|J0Y 7|-|3 |219|-|7 70 4 5|O33|)Y 4|\||) |O(_)|3|_1( 7|214|_, |3Y 4|\| 1//\//\|O4|2714|_ J(_)|2Y 0|= 7|-|3 57473 4|\||) |)157|21(7 \\/\\/|-|3|231|\| 7|-|3 (|21//\//\3 5|-|4|_|_ |-|4\/3 |333|\| (0//\//\//\//\1773|), \\/\\/|-|1(|-| |)157|21(7 5|-|4|_|_ |-|4\/3 |333|\| |O|23\/10(_)5|_Y 45(3|2741|\|3|) |3Y |_4\\/\\/, 4|\||) 70 |33 1|\||=0|2//\//\3|) 0|= 7|-|3 |\|47(_)|23 4|\||) (4(_)53 0|= 7|-|3 4(((_)54710|\|; 70 |33 (0|\||=|20|\|73|) \\/\\/17|-| 7|-|3 \\/\\/17|\|35535 4941|\|57 |-|1//\//\; 70 |-|4\/3 (0//\//\|O(_)|_50|2Y |O|20(355 |=0|2 0|3741|\|1|\|9 \\/\\/17|\|35535 1|\| |-|15 |=4\/0|2, 4|\||) 70 |-|4\/3 7|-|3 4551574|\|(3 0|= (0(_)|\|53|_ |=0|2 |-|15 |)3|=3|\|(3.

Curious George

New member
Feb 7, 2006
<div class='quotetop'>(sethtodeath)</div><div class='quotemain'>Thats not leet this is!

7|-|3 |31|_|_ 0|= |219|-|75....1|\| 1337!

7|-|3 |31|_|_ 0|= |219|-|75
7|-|3 |O|234//\//\|3|_3 70 7|-|3 |31|_|_ 0|= |219|-|75

(0|\|9|2355 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735 |339(_)|\| 4|\||) |-|3|_|) 47 7|-|3 (17Y 0|= |\|3\\/\\/ Y0|2|<, 0|\| \\/\\/3|)|\|35|)4Y 7|-|3 |=0(_)|27|-| 0|= //\//\4|2(|-|, 0|\|3 7|-|0(_)54|\||) 53\/3|\| |-|(_)|\||)|23|) 4|\||) 319|-|7Y |\|1|\|3.

7|-|3 (0|\|\/3|\|710|\|5 0|= 4 |\|(_)//\//\|33|2 0|= 7|-|3 574735, |-|4\/1|\|9 47 7|-|3 71//\//\3 0|= 7|-|31|2 4|)0|O71|\|9 7|-|3 (0|\|5717(_)710|\|, 3><|O|23553|) 4 |)351|23, 1|\| 0|2|)3|2 70 |O|23\/3|\|7 //\//\15(0|\|57|2(_)(710|\| 0|2 4|3(_)53 0|= 175 |O0\\/\\/3|25, 7|-|47 |=(_)|27|-|3|2 |)3(|_4|2470|2Y 4|\||) |2357|21(71\/3 (|_4(_)535 5|-|0(_)|_|) |33 4|)|)3|): 4|\||) 45 3><73|\||)1|\|9 7|-|3 9|20(_)|\||) 0|= |O(_)|3|_1( (0|\||=1|)3|\|(3 1|\| 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7, \\/\\/1|_|_ |3357 3|\|5(_)|23 7|-|3 |33|\|3|=1(3|\|7 3|\||)5 0|= 175 1|\|5717(_)710|\|.

|2350|_\/3|) |3Y 7|-|3 53|\|473 4|\||) |-|0(_)53 0|= |23|O|2353|\|7471\/35 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735 0|= 4//\//\3|21(4, 1|\| (0|\|9|2355 4553//\//\|3|_3|), 7\\/\\/0 7|-|1|2|)5 0|= |307|-| |-|0(_)535 (0|\|((_)|2|21|\|9, 7|-|47 7|-|3 |=0|_|_0\\/\\/1|\|9 4|271(|_35 |33 |O|20|O053|) 70 7|-|3 |_3915|_47(_)|235 0|= 7|-|3 53\/3|24|_ 574735, 45 4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|75 70 7|-|3 (0|\|5717(_)710|\| 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735, 4|_|_, 0|2 4|\|Y 0|= \\/\\/|-|1(|-| 4|271(|_35, \\/\\/|-|3|\| |2471|=13|) |3Y 7|-||233 |=0(_)|27|-|5 0|= 7|-|3 541|) |_3915|_47(_)|235, 70 |33 \/4|_1|) 70 4|_|_ 1|\|73|\|75 4|\||) |O(_)|2|O0535, 45 |O4|27 0|= 7|-|3 541|) (0|\|5717(_)710|\|; \/12.

4|271(|_35 1|\| 4|)|)1710|\| 70, 4|\||) 4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 0|= 7|-|3 (0|\|5717(_)710|\| 0|= 7|-|3 (_)|\|173|) 574735 0|= 4//\//\3|21(4, |O|20|O053|) |3Y (0|\|9|2355, 4|\||) |2471|=13|) |3Y 7|-|3 |_3915|_47(_)|235 0|= 7|-|3 53\/3|24|_ 574735, |O(_)|25(_)4|\|7 70 7|-|3 |=1|=7|-| 4|271(|_3 0|= 7|-|3 0|2191|\|4|_ (0|\|5717(_)710|\|.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 1 - (0|\|9|2355 5|-|4|_|_ //\//\4|<3 |\|0 |_4\\/\\/ |235|O3(71|\|9 4|\| 3574|3|_15|-|//\//\3|\|7 0|= |23|_1910|\|, 0|2 |O|20|-|1|3171|\|9 7|-|3 |=|233 3><3|2(153 7|-|3|230|=; 0|2 4|3|21|)91|\|9 7|-|3 |=|233|)0//\//\ 0|= 5|O33(|-|, 0|2 0|= 7|-|3 |O|2355; 0|2 7|-|3 |219|-|7 0|= 7|-|3 |O30|O|_3 |O34(34|3|_Y 70 4553//\//\|3|_3, 4|\||) 70 |O371710|\| 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 |=0|2 4 |23|)|2355 0|= 9|213\/4|\|(35.

90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 (4|\| |\|317|-|3|2 1//\//\|O053 4 57473 |23|_1910|\| (_)|O0|\| Y0(_) |\|0|2 |O(_)|\|15|-| Y0(_) |=0|2 3><3|2(151|\|9 7|-|3 |23|_1910|\| 0|= Y0(_)|2 (|-|01(3. Y0(_) //\//\4Y 3><|O|2355 Y0(_)|2 0|O1|\|10|\|5, \\/\\/|2173 4|\||) |O(_)|3|_15|-| \\/\\/|-|47 Y0(_) \\/\\/15|-|, 947|-|3|2 |O34(3|=(_)|_|_Y \\/\\/17|-| 07|-|3|25, 4|\||) |=0|2//\//\4|_|_Y 45|< 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 70 (0|2|23(7 1|\|J(_)571(35.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 11 - 4 \\/\\/3|_|_ |239(_)|_473|) //\//\1|_1714, |331|\|9 |\|3(3554|2Y 70 7|-|3 53((_)|217Y 0|= 4 |=|233 57473, 7|-|3 |219|-|7 0|= 7|-|3 |O30|O|_3 70 |<33|O 4|\||) |334|2 4|2//\//\5, 5|-|4|_|_ |\|07 |33 1|\||=|21|\|93|).

1|\||)1\/1|)(_)4|_5 ("7|-|3 |O30|O|_3") |-|4\/3 7|-|3 |219|-|7 70 0\\/\\/|\| 4|\||) (_)53 \\/\\/34|O0|\|5 \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 1|\|73|2|=3|23|\|(3 |=|20//\//\ 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 111 - |\|0 50|_|)13|2 5|-|4|_|_, 1|\| 71//\//\3 0|= |O34(3 |33 Q(_)4|273|23|) 1|\| 4|\|Y |-|0(_)53, \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 7|-|3 (0|\|53|\|7 0|= 7|-|3 0\\/\\/|\|3|2, |\|0|2 1|\| 71//\//\3 0|= \\/\\/4|2, |3(_)7 1|\| 4 //\//\4|\||\|3|2 70 |33 |O|235(|21|33|) |3Y |_4\\/\\/.

7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 (4|\||\|07 |=0|2(3 Y0(_) 70 |-|0(_)53 175 493|\|75.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 1\/ - 7|-|3 |219|-|7 0|= 7|-|3 |O30|O|_3 70 |33 53((_)|23 1|\| 7|-|31|2 |O3|250|\|5, |-|0(_)535, |O4|O3|25, 4|\||) 3|=|=3(75, 4941|\|57 (_)|\||23450|\|4|3|_3 534|2(|-|35 4|\||) 5312(_)|235, 5|-|4|_|_ |\|07 |33 \/10|_473|), 4|\||) |\|0 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|75 5|-|4|_|_ 155(_)3, |3(_)7 (_)|O0|\| |O|20|34|3|_3 (4(_)53, 5(_)|O|O0|273|) |3Y 047|-| 0|2 4|=|=1|2//\//\4710|\|, 4|\||) |O4|271((_)|_4|2|_Y |)35(|21|31|\|9 7|-|3 |O|_4(3 70 |33 534|2(|-|3|), 4|\||) 7|-|3 |O3|250|\|5 0|2 7|-|1|\|95 70 |33 53123|).

Y0(_) //\//\4Y |\|07 |33 4|2|23573|) 0|2 "|)3741|\|3|)" 4|2|317|24|21|_Y. |\|0 493|\|(Y 0|= 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 //\//\4Y 1|\|5|O3(7 0|2 53123 Y0(_)|2 |O|20|O3|27Y 0|2 |O05535510|\|5 \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |=1|257 0|3741|\|1|\|9 4 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7. 70 0|3741|\| 4 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7, 7|-|3Y //\//\(_)57 5|-|0\\/\\/ 5|O3(1|=1( (4(_)53 |=0|2 7|-|3 534|2(|-| 0|2 5312(_)|23 4|\||) 5\\/\\/34|2 (_)|\||)3|2 047|-| 7|-|47 7|-|3Y 4|23 73|_|_1|\|9 7|-|3 7|2(_)7|-| 4|30(_)7 7|-|353 |23450|\|5. |=(_)|27|-|3|2//\//\0|23, 7|-|3 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7 1753|_|= //\//\(_)57 57473 5|O3(1|=1(4|_|_Y 4|\||) 1|\| |)3741|_ 7|-|3 |O|_4(3, 7|-|1|\|95, 0|2 |O30|O|_3 17 (0\/3|25. \\/\\/4|2|24|\|75 7|-|47 4|23 700 93|\|3|24|_ 0|2 \/49(_)3 4|23 |\|07 \/4|_1|); 534|2(|-|35 0|2 5312(_)|235 7|-|47 3><(33|) 7|-|3 73|2//\//\5 0|= 7|-|3 \\/\\/4|2|24|\|7 4|23 |\|07 \/4|_1|).

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 \/ - |\|0 |O3|250|\| 5|-|4|_|_ |33 |-|3|_|) 70 4|\|5\\/\\/3|2 |=0|2 4 (4|O174|_, 0|2 07|-|3|2\\/\\/153 1|\||=4//\//\0(_)5 (|21//\//\3, (_)|\||_355 0|\| 4 |O|2353|\|7//\//\3|\|7 0|2 1|\||)1(7//\//\3|\|7 0|= 4 9|24|\||) J(_)|2Y, 3><(3|O7 1|\| (4535 4|2151|\|9 1|\| 7|-|3 |_4|\||) 0|2 |\|4\/4|_ |=0|2(35, 0|2 1|\| 7|-|3 //\//\1|_1714, \\/\\/|-|3|\| 1|\| 4(7(_)4|_ 53|2\/1(3 1|\| 71//\//\3 0|= \\/\\/4|2 0|2 |O(_)|3|_1( |)4|\|93|2; |\|0|2 5|-|4|_|_ 4|\|Y |O3|250|\| |33 5(_)|3J3(7 |=0|2 7|-|3 54//\//\3 0|=|=3|\|(3 70 |33 7\\/\\/1(3 |O(_)7 1|\| J30|O4|2|)Y 0|= |_1|=3 0|2 |_1//\//\|3; |\|0|2 5|-|4|_|_ |33 (0//\//\|O3|_|_3|) 1|\| 4|\|Y (|21//\//\1|\|4|_ (453 70 |33 4 \\/\\/17|\|355 4941|\|57 |-|1//\//\53|_|=, |\|0|2 |33 |)3|O|21\/3|) 0|= |_1|=3, |_1|33|27Y, 0|2 |O|20|O3|27Y, \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |)(_)3 |O|20(355 0|= |_4\\/\\/; |\|0|2 5|-|4|_|_ |O|21\/473 |O|20|O3|27Y |33 74|<3|\| |=0|2 |O(_)|3|_1( (_)53, \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 J(_)57 (0//\//\|O3|\|54710|\|.

|\|0 0|\|3 0(_)751|)3 7|-|3 //\//\1|_174|2Y //\//\4Y |33 7|213|) |=0|2 4 53|210(_)5 (|21//\//\3 \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |=1|257 |331|\|9 1|\||)1(73|) |3Y 4 9|24|\||) J(_)|2Y (0|= (17123|\|5). 0|\|(3 |=0(_)|\||) |\|07 9(_)1|_7Y, 4 |O3|250|\| //\//\4Y |\|07 |33 7|213|) 4941|\| |=0|2 7|-|3 54//\//\3 |)33|). Y0(_) (4|\|'7 |33 |=0|2(3|) 70 |33 4 \\/\\/17|\|355 0|2 |O|20\/1|)3 3\/1|)3|\|(3 4941|\|57 Y0(_)|253|_|= 1|\| 4 (|21//\//\1|\|4|_ (453. Y0(_) (4|\|'7 |33 53|\|7 70 |O|2150|\| 0|2 |-|4\/3 Y0(_)|2 455375 53123|) \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |)(_)3 |O|20(355. 7|-|3 90\/3|2|\|//\//\3|\|7 (4|\|'7 74|<3 Y0(_)|2 |O|20|O3|27Y \\/\\/17|-|0(_)7 |O4Y1|\|9 //\//\4|2|<37 \/4|_(_)3 |=0|2 17.

4//\//\3|\||)//\//\3|\|7 \/1 - 1|\| 4|_|_ (|21//\//\1|\|4|_ |O|2053((_)710|\|5, 7|-|3 4(((_)53|) 5|-|4|_|_ 3|\|J0Y 7|-|3 |219|-|7 70 4 5|O33|)Y 4|\||) |O(_)|3|_1( 7|214|_, |3Y 4|\| 1//\//\|O4|2714|_ J(_)|2Y 0|= 7|-|3 57473 4|\||) |)157|21(7 \\/\\/|-|3|231|\| 7|-|3 (|21//\//\3 5|-|4|_|_ |-|4\/3 |333|\| (0//\//\//\//\1773|), \\/\\/|-|1(|-| |)157|21(7 5|-|4|_|_ |-|4\/3 |333|\| |O|23\/10(_)5|_Y 45(3|2741|\|3|) |3Y |_4\\/\\/, 4|\||) 70 |33 1|\||=0|2//\//\3|) 0|= 7|-|3 |\|47(_)|23 4|\||) (4(_)53 0|= 7|-|3 4(((_)54710|\|; 70 |33 (0|\||=|20|\|73|) \\/\\/17|-| 7|-|3 \\/\\/17|\|35535 4941|\|57 |-|1//\//\; 70 |-|4\/3 (0//\//\|O(_)|_50|2Y |O|20(355 |=0|2 0|3741|\|1|\|9 \\/\\/17|\|35535 1|\| |-|15 |=4\/0|2, 4|\||) 70 |-|4\/3 7|-|3 4551574|\|(3 0|= (0(_)|\|53|_ |=0|2 |-|15 |)3|=3|\|(3.</div>

thats uber 1337, when you use no letters AT ALL. normal 1337 is letters and numbers. so HA!

Curious George

New member
Feb 7, 2006
<div class='quotetop'>(Poop!!!)</div><div class='quotemain'>proxy?</div>

no. im telling you, i did not do that to rebelgamers. and who cares now anyway? all the members from there are here anyway...from what i know.