New profile posts

LMAO!!! raid my house :p fine do it u can have cookies too.. I kinda have laid off the cookies eating now.. gettin 2 fat! :p
OMGoodness, yes I was here this morning, wasn't I? I was half asleep though haha. But now that I'm awake I can... raid your house for cookies yayyy!!
BOOOOOOOOOOOOO I see you :D OMG 4am here and ur on.. guess its 4pm there :p
oh.. LOL jeez too many msgs but if you know other people that don't know about GP like IBS etc.. please do let them know it's up and they can log into their account still.

oh btw make sure you change your email address for your account so we can reach you at a new one if needed! :p
I guess by stolen life it means you never see that person around :p they just play WoW non stop... blood shot eyes LOL scary... it's like they become artharus himself!
make sure WoW doesn't steal your life like it did my cousins... I saw him after 2 yrs haha he finally moved on
your name reminds me of the book I read long ago.. "Who was that masked man anyway!" :p
LOl oh man I haven't logged into in awhile... I need to make a new account? Are you playing WoW or SC2 these days?
Hey can you msg Sonia to come by.. I don't see her on msn anymore unless she comes on a different time or different user name?