Destiny Of Creation


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Shu looked at Niniel. "If you wish to do good here, breath slowly. As for the professor here, It might be ok for you, but being new to this lack or air, small trips would be best." Shu began to walk with the Professor.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Niniel looked from Prof. Pat to Shu and tried to force a smile, it had been a long time since she had had gotten along with other people and she found it hard to accept that they were actually trying to be nice. Her wary nature made her always act cautious around humans.

“Well, thanks Professor… I think… I think I can make it.” she said trying to catch her breath and hoping that the lab was near.

“Breathe slowly…” she murmured, trying to follow Shu’s advice, she could do that.


New member
Prof. Pat shurged his Shoulders and walked up the hill. At the hill top a Small house can be seen. It looked like one of those houses that are hidden deep within a forest. "Theres my Lab, we have to hurry and help your Friend's Gel." Said Prof. Pat as he walked over to the house.

As soon as Prof. Pat got a yard from the door, the door flug open with a squel of a young Women, "AYA, Prof. Where have you been?!" Yelled the girl. Prof. Pat blushed and smiled nouvorsly, "AH...077, how are you, we have guess." Siad Prof. Pat as he looked down at Fox-Chan. 077 looked at Fox-Chan and then at Shu and Niniel, "Hmm, okay come in. That one in your arms looks bad." Siad 077 as she walked into the house. Prof. Pat entered the house.

((Okay, 077 looks like this --> ))


New member
Jul 5, 2006
((077 is awesome! I approve of this whorish looking maid....))

Shu walked inside and stared at 077. "I love this house..." He muttered while walking into a room.

((sorry for shortness.))


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((LOL, cheers for the best))

Niniel followed the others into the house and she couldn’t help a smile when she saw Prof. Pat and 077 together. She sounded pretty nice, just like the professor and the whole house looked so comfortable. The whole situation was making her all the more confused and it made her wonder where they were. If she didn’t know better she would think she was dreaming. Niniel looked around at all those different people and suddenly the main question formed in her head. What were they doing there?


New member
"Okay, I'm sure you guys are wondering why you are here well..." Sighed Prof. Pat as 077 let go of him. Porf.Pat walked over to Fox-Chan, she was still holding Mews close in her hands.
Prof. Pat drew a symbol in the air and it began to glow on to Mews. The symbol faded away as Mews arua grew strong again. Fox-Chan eye shot open as she quickly sat up, "Yup, just as I thought, It was the Gel that needed healing." Siad Prof. Pat as he stepped back alittle.

Fox-chan quickly looked around and then down at Mews, who was yawning. "Mews! You're okay!" Siad Fox-Chan as she hugged Mews. "077, why don't you go fix some tea, I'm gonna have a talk with our guest." Siad Prof.Pat as he looked back at 077. "Aye, Prof." Siad 077 as she bowed and walked inot the other room.
Fox-Chan looked at everyone in the room, "Hey, whats going on?" Asked Fox-chan as Mews sat on her shoulder. "Well, all I can say is, Welcome to 3rd Earth." Siad Prof. Pat.


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Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((sorry i missed my cue))

Styx arrived at a big building after about an hour. He read the sign and it was approved as the right school. He tossed the bike behind him and walked to the entrance. He thrust his sword deep into the ground and said, "Death". His sword started to glow very brightly. He jumped up and slammed the sword into the heart of the school. The school started to split and burn. Students were crying and dying. Styx walked among the flames, laughing as he saw the kids frantically screaming and running. He thrust his sword up and slammed it down again. This time, the school started to collapse and fall apart. But not before Styx spotted something. in room B-7, he found something. A portal. "Damn" he said to himself. "They got away!" He quickly ran into the portal as the school and everything 100 miles from the school blew up and all in the area died.

On the other side, he fell and landed in the 3rd earth. He knew exactly where it was because The Overlord sent him there many times to deal with some things. Lilith would be here, so he knew the students were near. He then felt something. Someone approaching. He thrust his sword into the ground and said, "Time of the Dead". Instantly, everything froze. Nothing was moving. He started to move. As he got over a hill, he saw a house. Outside it were 4 people, another whore who didn't really look that human, and Mews. He needed to know if these were the chosen ones. He thrust his sword into the ground and whispered, "Appearance of the Dead." Instantly, Styx became invisible. Then, time started to move again. "That one in your arms looks bad" he heard the whore say. He quickly rushed inside before them all. He ran to the very back of the house. He entered a library. He looked quickly to find what he was looking for. And then he found it. A big black book labeled "Book of the Dead". He pulled it and then ever so silently, the wall split and he entered as the walls closed. He found something he was looking for for a long time. Prof. Patrick S. Lilith. And now not only was he in his house, he was in his secret lab. Styx started walking down the stairs. He got down and saw a few other whore maids, but these had a malfunction, or so he thought, considering they weren't up with Pat. He then saw a computer. He quickly got on it. It asked for a password. Now, Styx had known Mr. Lilith for a long time. So he thought...what password would a man like Pat think of? ((probably whore XD)) And so then, he typed in the name of someone else he use to know. Cronos, the titan. As he heard the ping, he knew it worked. He was in. He looked around and saw something. A folder labeled "Lilith's Completion" He clicked on it and a text document opened up. It said: "Lilith, a decendant from myself, is near her completion. And as The Overlord does so try and stop it, he cannot. There are three children, who will be needed. Their names are Fox-chan, Shu, and Niniel." Below that, there were three pictures and Styx recognized them as the people from outside. He saw all he needed. He closed the document and just as he was about to leave, something caught his eye. A folder labeled "077 Malfunctions". He opened it and it showed the three whores that he saw on the table behind him. He read and it said that they had not been the wife a man dreams of, but a wife loves to kill. Eccellent, thought Styx. He quietly thrust the sword through all three whores and whispered, "The Dead's Arise". The whores started to move and then lights started to flash. Styx was pretty happy that there weren't any cameras down here and the room was sound proof so no one could here inside it, because it got pretty loud! "Hello master" said the whores. "We want to kill" "Then let us kill then, shall we?" said Styx as the whores cheered. For they all wanted revenge, even Styx, on one person. Patrick S. Lilith.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((Wow, I loved your post. That was amazing))

“3rd Earth?” murmured Niniel in utter confusion, barely aware of what was happening around her. She could hear 077 walking around the house getting the tea ready but her thoughts were very far away.

Well obviously they had been taken into another place, maybe some other dimension or another world, but the fact remained that she had never heard about 3rd earth before which proved how much she needed yet to learn. She was sure her ancestors should know about it and she should know as well if she would listen to her family’s teachings.

Niniel gazed at Shu and Fox-Chan but apparently they were also lost in confusion. She took a deep breath and finally mustered the courage to talk.

“When you say… 3rd earth you mean… another world? But…” she faced Professor Pat determined to find out as much as she could “… but why is this happening? I mean we came here through a portal but why now, why in our school?” Niniel took another deep breath and waited patiently for an answer. She had a bad feeling about this; she suspected that somehow their safety wouldn’t last long. And the fact that she could still sense a Dark presence near them was not making her feel any better.


New member
Prof. Pat Smiled, "Don't worry, your bodies sould get use to the attmostphrer soon." Siad Prof. Pat as 077 came in with a tray of tea. "Come sit, I have lot to teach you." Siad Pat as he sat down in the Couch next to Fox-Chan. There was a table infront of them and infront of the Table was another Couch, "For starters, you should thank that this girl's Gel for takening you guys here." Siad Pat as he juster towards Fox-Chan.
Mews ears purked up, "Of coure to all of you it just looks like a light, but anyways... Yes, 3rd Earth is another world, that is bless with Mana." Siad Pat as 077 places the tea cups infront of everyone.

"You were broight here because...well, I guess I should just start from the beganing." Siad Pat as he shrugged.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx looked at the 3 experiments standing in front of him. "Alright" he said. "Prof. Patrick Lilith is right upstairs. You know why you want to kill him?" "He shut us off" the whores said in union. "Right." said Styx. "But not just yet. There is still much we need to know from him. Like for instance, where is he hiding Lilith. He dies, but not yet. You will have your revenge, just wait." "Yes master." they said. Styx looked at the whores in front of him. They looked exactly like the whore maid upstairs. He could easily pass one of them off as her. They needed information. Styx then got an idea. He thrust his sword into the ground and said, "Time and Placement of the Dead." Time instantly froze. The "Placement of the Dead" Underworld magic is used for teleportation. He teleported up to where 077 was, grabbed her while she was still frozen, and brought her back. Time was still frozen as he thrust his sword deep into her heart, killing her off. He then told one of the other 077s, "Now, you shall pretend to be her, find out anything you can, just do not show you are evil. According to the file, some of them can sense dark beings. They might not be able to sense you since you are a creation, not exactly a creature." With a nod from the fake 077, he teleported her back up to the kitchen and unfroze time. 077 looked around and saw the teapot whistling. She knew everything that the real 077 did, and was exactly the same, except she was evil. She poured the tea into the cups and brought them outside. "The tea is ready!" she said with the kindest voice you would ever here. She passed out everyone's tea and sat down in a chair. Then she listened to hear the conversation.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Niniel sat on the couch in silence as she heard Professor Pat speaking. She was eager to make more questions but she didn’t want to interrupt him. It was only then, when the professor told them that a gel had brought them to 3rd earth that she noticed the floating light near Fox-Chang, how could she had missed it. Well, it didn’t really matter in that moment.

She was so interested in what professor Patrick had to say that she was startled when 077 put a cup in front of her. Niniel smiled briefly and grabbed her cup sipping distractedly as she listened intently to what the Professor was saying. She had never been so curious in her life but the fact was that she was sure that the story she was about to listen would change their lives drastically.


New member
Jul 5, 2006
Shu reluctantly took the cup. Deep down, he thought there was something wierd about 077, but saying anything to the professor might pset him. Shu felt it best to sit back and listen to Pats story. He didn't let his guard down though.


New member
Prof. Pat took his cup and sipped the tea, "Ah, great choice of tea 077." Siad Pat as he smiled at 077. "But, let me contine you, in this world there are people called Alchemist. But sadly they have died out, only few is left. But before they died out, they creatied something...something amazing." Siad Pat as he sipped his tea and placed it back down.
"This thing they created, has something to deal with you guys, but you must find the Alchmist notes to know what it is...Heh, you might even find a way home." Siad Pat as he smiled at everyone.

Prof. Pat looked over at Fox-Chan, she was holding Mews close to her. "I should tell you something about Gels." Siad Pat to Fox-chan. Pat wanted everyone to know, "Gels are creaters that are the closet to Mana Gods, they are so powerful that they can rewrite Reatilty, but your Gel can't fully use that power cause its still a baby. I think that a Mana God must have been working though your Gel to make him transport you here." Siad Pat as he looked at Mews.

Mews tilted his head as if he was trying to my since of everything, "But I must also warn you, You and your Gel are contected. If one of you gets hurts the other will also feel the pain. But also, if one of you dies so does the other." Siad Pat to Fox-Chan as he looked at Fox-Chan.
Fox-Chan's eyes widen with this information, "Wh-what...r-really?....You don't need to worry, me and Mews will always have each others back." Siad Fox-Chan as she hugged Mews.

Prof. Pat laughed as then looked at the others, "Any questions?" Siad Pat.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
077 listened intently at the information. Luckily for Styx, she had an amazing memory capacity. She could recite exactly what the professor said back to Styx. "Professor," she said. "Don't you think that you should mention what exactly they are here for, and where they might find her?" She was using this only to obtain the information that Styx needed.

Styx, meanwhile, stayed in the lab basement. The professor was a very smart man. However, he failed to remember that he wasn't the only alchemist who created Lilith and knew how to enter the secret lab. Another alchemist could easily enter it. The reason that was bad was because there was a 077 cam that showed you what 077 saw. The speakers let you hear what she heard. Another thing that Prof. Pat forgot, was that he needed to take out the cams and microphones from the three previous 077 that didn't function correctly. This meant that Styx could decide which one he wanted to eavesdrop on, he could even pick the dead one. This meant that Styx had been listening in the entire time. He was especially fond of what he heard about the Gel. He could use that to his advantage. If one dies, so does the other. And it would be a lot easier to just grab a Gel than it is to grab the girl. The other two were still a problem, though. He needed them out of the way. He started to think...but then something came in his mind that scared even him.....Maybe The Overlord will have to get involved in this... That sent a chill down his back, so he decided to get rid of that terrible thought. Instead, he just looked up at the screen and listened.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Niniel put her cup of tea down as she tried to gather all the information she had just learned. Fox-Chan’s Gel had brought them to that world because apparently a Mana God wanted them there. But why, and what was that they needed to find?

She bit her lip thoughtfully; obviously they were in danger as long as they stayed in that world so their priority was to find a way to go home. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she jumped slightly on her sit when 077 talked loudly next to her. Niniel studied the experiment for a brief second, she found it kind of weird that 077 had asked exactly what she wanted to know but then her features softened right after. What harm could come from an experiment created to serve Professor Pat, the person that was trying to help them.

“yes, professor, could you please be a little more specific, because…” she didn’t finish her sentence. The feeling that there was a dark force nearby grew stronger and she looked at the others extremity concerned. Someone wanted to harm them and she couldn’t help but think that the Gel would be the first target. If they got the small creature Fox-Chan would be in great danger so she decided to keep an eye on Mews, just in case.


New member
Pat stood up and sighed, "I afred that I do not know why you are broguht here and what's going on... all I know is that you must find those Alchemist Note, they are scarted though out 3rd Earth......" Siad Pat as he walked over to a window and looked out of it, "Maybe with those notes, you can find the way out of this world." Siad Pat as he looked back at everyone.

Fox-Chan was deep in thought after she heard those words from the Professor. Th-This world...I..I feel as though I've been in it before....Man, my head hurts everytime I try to think back... Mews looked up at Fox-chan as hovered up to eye level. Fox-Chan snapped out of her trail of thought and smiled. She peted Mews as she giggled. Prof. Pat looked at Fox-Chan and smiled.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx slammed his hand down on the table. "Damn" he said. "He's not cracking." Styx thought about what was written on the computer. He thought about what Prof. Pat had said. STyx walked over to the computer and looked for something. And he found it. He laughed as he opened up the folder labeled "Alchemist Notes". The document in it had all the notes right there, along with where they were in the 3rd world. "That idiot" siad Styx to himself. THen Styx realized that he shouldn't just go ahead and kill them. He decided he should just sit and enjoy the show.

Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Name- Zodriak

Age- 10000

Race- Half human half vampire

Appearnce- Zodriak wears a black over coat and hood that covers his head but he has been said to have blue eyes with red tint to them.

Weapon- Books

Bio- Zodriak is the son of a great warrior. He grew up willing to follow his father’s steps. At the age of 8 he had learned to wield any weapon and he was already a promising warrior.

But when he turned 12 his father died in his arms, murdered by a dark creature. Before dying he trusted his son a secret that would change his life forever. Zodriak found out that his mother was a vampire like the creature who had killed his father.

Zodriak heard the last words of his father before he gave his last breath and swore revenge over his dead body. He swore that he would find and destroy his father’s murderer and sealed his promise with his own blood.

Personality: Zodriak is a noble warrior that fights for any cause that he considers worthy of him. Yet he is moved by revenge and will do anything to accomplish what he considers to be his mission in life, to revenge his father’s death. And he will kill anyone who comes between him and his task. He hates his Vampiric blood and tries to fight that side of him but he can't quite control his instincts.

Abilities- Zodriak has the ability to make weapons from books, he can also turn into a bat and fly any where, his most dangerous ability is to blend into and control shadows.

Powers- Blood Shield, Blood Haze, Blood Rage