Dimitri put his hand on his face where he was bleeding. "Who.......are.....YOU!" he said back to Styx. "Well......you have forgotten." replied Styx. "Let me give you a hint. I was born as an undead baby. The Overlord wanted to kill me when i was about 10. No children below the age of 13 were allowed in his kingdom. My mother used her powers to make me mortal. A group of Alchemist found me, and raised me. Only to kill me when i struck 21, sending me back into the life of immortality. And here is your big hint. I was born next to
The River Styx." Dimitri's eyes widened. "Its.....its you...." he said in disbelief. "Yes." said Styx. He punched him one more time. "I'm back and i want only one thing from you. The location of Lilith and the last 6 notes." Dimitri looked down. "I also am using Professor Patrick for something." That made Dimitri look up. "Professor Patrick?" asked Dimitri. "I thought he was dead. if not, then he will be! He tried to kill all the Alchemists!" Styx smiled. "Yes and now i believe he is aiming for the host bodies of Lilith." Styx said. "That jerk!" replied Dimitri. "No.....this is good. Trust me." replied Styx. "With them out of the way, we can claim Lilith for our own!" "So you are saying we team up against the hosts?" asked Dimitri. Styx smiled again. "Precisely" he said. "But first, i think we should see it he hid any of the alchemist notes in my lab. He probably was too dumb to realize we could enter it at any time." "Right!" said the professor. "Follow me." He took Styx to the library. He looked for a certain book called
Book of the Dead. Once he found it, the wall split into two. They ran down the stairs and went to the corner of the secret lab. Styx didn't even bother to look around. THey climbed into the teleportation pod and teleported to another lab.
Styx looked up at the new lab. The place brought him back memories. He ran up to the door and busted it down. Then, he saw something that made his heart cry. he nearly forgot about her when he died. On the table next to the couch, there was a picture:
http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m119/SillyXoXJilly/Anime/Anime girls/3bd2b50f.jpg . Styx went over to it and picked it up. She was his girlfriend ever since he became a human. Her name was Tessa. For 11 years they were together. Then he died. He was then lost in a flash back of a time they were together. Besides the picture, she always had a smile on. Dimitri, on the other hand, was looking around intently to find an Alchemist Note lying around. "Are you going to help me or what?" he said to Styx. But Styx didn't answer. "Styx?" he asked. "Huh? Wha? Yea....yea sure, whatever." he said as he put the picture down and helped Dimitri.