Destiny Of Creation


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx and Dimitri entered Dimitri's lab and sat on the couch. Styx had a lot of things running through his mind right now. As Dimitri went to the bathroom to try to wash the dried blood from his face, Styx sat and thought about what had happened to him at his house. He remembered Tessa and The Overlord paid him a visit. 055 and 066 ((who had stayed in Dimitri's lab all this time)) had been making tea and then went and took a seat next to Styx. Then, out of no where, a girl ran through the door and closed it quickly behind her. She then turned to see Styx on the couch with the two ladies. " really hope i'm not interupting something," said the girl. "But i just wanted to know if Professor Dimitri was in?" Styx stood up quickly. "Tessa?" he said. The girl took a step back. "How do you know my name and who are you?" she asked. "Its.....its me....Styx" said Styx. The girl then got very angry and punched Styx in the face. "How dare you!" she screamed. "I loved Styx and he died. Now you are trying to win me over by saying that somehow he rose from the dead?" "No....its really me..." replied Styx. Tessa then punched Styx again. "Prove it!" she said. Styx looked straight into her eyes and said, "I use to call you Tes and you use to call me X." "Big deal" she replied. "A lot of people know that." "Fine then, you ask me a question" said Styx. Tessa thought for a second and said, "When did Styx first say he loved me?" Styx smiled as he answered, "The second we met. It was right here. I was sitting next to former Alchemist, Professor Arwin D. Wright. You ran in quickly like you did just now. I took one look at ou and fell in love." Tessa just stared blankly at him. " is you......." she said. She ran into his arms and cried. "Your back," she said. He looked at her and wiped her tears away. She smiled and hugged him again. "Ok, status report. What is going on and why are you here?" she asked him. "The Overlord sent me to get rid of Lilith and the host bodies. I don't stay here long, just until my mission is accomplished." he answered. "Well you know i'm behind your back one hundred percent." she said. At that moment, professor Dimitri came back out of the bathroom and saw Tessa hugging Styx. "Well it looks like you two remember each other." he said. "Yes and he has filled me in. So we want to find Lilith right?" replied Tessa. Styx answered her question. "But to do that we need to find the Alchemist Notes. Do you happen to remember the location of an of them?" "No" she said. "But we can look." "Right" said the professor. He ran ino his office and went on the computer. Styx gave Tessa a kiss and followed.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
Niniel frowned slightly when Professor Patrick asked Fox-Chan to take a walk outside. It was strange; after all they were in danger. Why would he ask her to leave the house alone? It was really dangerous to be outside in the woods, what if something happened to her?

She pondered if she should follow her yet she had the feeling that Pat had something to say and he probably didn’t want Fox-Chan to hear; that was the only explanation.

Niniel, sighed in relief when Shu followed Fox-Chan, at least if something happened they would help each other. She bit her lower lip, gazing briefly at Zodriac, she was still pretty unsure about him, but she would worry about it later. She waited patiently for Professor Patrick to speak but when silence went for far too long she took a deep breath and decided to question him.

“Professor is there... anything else we should know?”


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
((i just remembered i have to be 077 too many ppl! Styx, Dimitri, Tessa, and 044, 055, and 066 XD))

077 stared at the person walking in. She knew this person was up to no good. Either way, he could help her and Styx with what they needed. "Umm.....professor..." she said. "Shouldn't the children know where at least to start looking for the Alchemist Notes? I'm sure you have a lead or something."


New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((hahaha, Good!! I was also forgetting about poor 077, lol))

Niniel's features softened a bit. She was relieved, for a moment there she thought that professor Pat, would unleash some darker secret but, on second thought their situation couldn't get any worse, they were lost in a different world and their lives were in danger. And the only thing that could help them go home were some lost notes of an Alchemist.

She was snapped out from her thoughts by the unexpected voice of 077. She had almost forgotten about her. And once again her words surprised her; sure enough she was an experiment created to serve but the fact remained that 077 seemed too eager to help them.

Niniel shook her head and tried to focus on the issue, the truth was that she also wanted that question answered so she looked at professor Pat and hoped that he knew where they could start looking for those notes.

Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Zodriak gets up and walks outside without talking to anyone he need some air because he was trying to figure out about when he would have to leave and he wanted to know a bit more about that one girl.

Zodriak opens door and jumps into tree and start to jump from tree to tree as he tries to find that one girl who left.


New member
Fox-Chan was messing around with her new Weapon. "Okay, I think this thing can bring life to what I draw." Siad Fox-chan as she drew a curcial. The Curcal she drew became a red ball and began to bounce all over the place.

"GAH!" Yelled Fox-Chan as she ducked out of the way. Mews was zig zaging trying to get out of the way of the red ball, Fox-Chan created.


New member
Mews got infront of Shu's reach, "Oh, I don't think you can hold this." Said Fox-Chan as she looked at Mews. The Gel called Mews looked at Fox-Chan as hummed a tune, "Ah, okay. If anyone esle holds this Brush it will wighe 1 tons...Wow." Siad Fox-Chan as she looked at her brush.
Fox-Chan put her Brush away in her back pokect and let Mews rest on her Shoulders, "Sorry Shu." Siad Fox-chan as she shruged.
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New member
Feb 13, 2007
In my filed of paper flowers
((I'm sure everyone agrees that you are very welcome here ^^.))

Niniel watched the stranger leaving and she gazed briefly through the room. Professor Pat was still sipping his tea while 077 was busy with her tasks. She sighed, apparently she wouldn't get any more answers for her questions there. Pat had already told them everything he knew, or so he said.

She stood there, lost in thought for a brief second, playing distractedly with her daggers. They needed to do something and quickly, they needed to get out of that world. She should be useful in a way, after all she had demonic blood running in her veins. What would her ancestors say if they saw her there, weak, prisoner in a world and not even being able enough to use her stupid powers.

The sound of something breaking woke her up and she jumped slightly, looking around startled. 077 was gathering the pieces of a cup that she had dropped. Niniel bit her lip as she took a decision, she walked to the door and looked back at the threshold.

"Er... well... I'm going to join the others, we need to start quickly if we want to find those notes." she waved briefly and left the house.

Outside the air was as heavy as before, making it difficult for her to breathe and Niniel looked around at the woods, trying to figure out where the others had gone. Well she had no other option but to find them so she started walking in a random direction, they shouldn't be far.

But, when after a few minutes of walking she didn't find them, she started to worry, what if something had happened to them? But then all rational thoughts abandoned her mind as she perceived a presence nearby and whatever it was, it wasn't good. The woods had gone completely silent, there wasn't a single sound except for her accelarated breathing.

Niniel, didn't look around, she did the first thing that crossed her head... she start running. She could hear, sounds of steps right behind her and she fought the urge to scream. She just ran as fast as she could, feeling her face and hands being scratched by the bushes. It was so close, she thought in despair before tripping and falling flat on the floor. It took her a short while to hear the voices...

She looked up only to see Fox-Chan and Shu staring at her in astonishment.

"It... there... there was something in the woods" she yelled, trying to catch her breath. "I swear there was..." but when she looked back, there was nothing, no one there. The woods seemed quiet and peaceful and she just gazed at them, unable to speak and feeling utterly and completely stupid.

Neo Amon

God of Rage
Feb 12, 2007
In your soul
Zodriak hops into big tree and sits on branch and looks at sky thinking about his life and what is he doing here. Zodriak questions this he starts to feel a dark half was trying to come out he manages to supress it drak influence but Zodriak knows he can only stop it for short time before he lose to it.

Zodriak falls out of tree and onto girl he meet at entrance of cabin by accident cause of his lose of control of his body thanks to dark half.


New member
Apr 30, 2006
Sunset Horizons
Styx and Tessa walked into the office and found Prof. Dimitri on his computer typing something in. After a few seconds, a document opened up. He read it silently to himself. "It says here that the only real Alchemist Notes that are needed to find Lilith are the last three. It seem Pat had drawn a map on them leading from his home to Lilith. The journey, it says, is about 3 days so it can't be anywhere within the 3 mile radius of his house." said the professor. "But does it say anything about the location of the notes?" asked Tessa. Dimitri scrolled down a bit and said, "It says something about the '7th Passageway'. I'm not exactly sure what that is." "I might have heard that before," said Styx, "But i'm not entirely sure. What does it say about the location of the last 3?" " says that Professor Patrick had hid them in an......unknown location, but many believe it to be underground, somewhere in the diamond fields." said Dimitri. "Diamond fields?" asked Styx, "Thats not too far from here" "Yes but we need to have the other notes first" said Tessa, "Here let me read." She took the mouse and started to read. "Well it says more about the actual creation of Lilith, some features, and the parts of Mana that weren't included, one being her temper, which she didn't have much of. But then it goes into this, foriegn language almost. I can't make heads or tales of it, its so confusing!" "So we need to find out more about those bizzare characters. Dimitri, search more on this stuff" said Styx. Dimitri started typing something in.

Meanwhile, a man had been passing through the woods near a certain professors house. The man was blind but saw by detecting what was around him. He felt a presence, he felt the presence start to run, so he chased it. Then, he heard it fall. He quickly got out of view because he felt two more presences. Then he heard her voice, it was a girl, and a guy, but there was one more with them, and this one, he senced, was very, very powerful.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Rukiu was walking through the forest. He was suppose to meet up with professor Pat at his cabin, but with many detours and other opsticles he was just recently getting close to it.. He was walking down the forest path when he suddenly saw a girl siting by the side of the road. He was about to ask for directions when a guy fell from the trees ontop of her. H eran over and pulled her from out underneath him.

"Excuse me miss, are you ok? You aren't hurt aren't you." His tail twitched, sensing an evil presences from the boy. He wasn't inclined to be judgemental, but he kept his gaurd up, just in case.


New member
Fox-Chan gave a Daydreamer's Smile and giggled, "Yes, I'm okay. 'm alot tougher than I look." Siad Fox-Chan looked at this new person. Mews Floted over and sat on Fox-chan head, alittle relife that Fox-chan wasn't hurt.
"Um, thank you for helping me up, um...Who are you?" Asked Fox-Chan as she tilted her head.

As Fox-chan tilted her head Mews rolled off her head and onto her Shoulder, "Sorry Mews." Giggled Fox-chan as she looked over at her Gel.

Meanwhile back at Pat's House, "That girl.... the one with the Gel...I've seen her before, but it was a long time ago, Damn this memory of mine. I can't wait to be back in my real form...but I guess I have to wait for Lilit5h before I can get back to my ture Form." Siad Pat to himself as he looked at he's cup of tea with a glare. The Cup broke in half.