Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Bon-Bon was now rushing to the ship with the water and giant leaf in her mouth. The fullmoon gazed down above her, telling her to hurry. But as Bon-Bon got closer to the ship what Gyki said still ring in her head.
Bon-Bon got to the ship, "There, and just in time... the moon is out and full." Said Bon-Bon as she placed her item with the rest near the ship. Bon-Bon was getting ready to do the fix until, a moogle popped up.
"Moogi, what are you doing here?" Said Bon-Bon with a shock.
"I'm living my dreams of a mail moogle!" Said Moogi as he reached into his pocket.
"Um...Moogi i'm sorta bissy right now." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at her ship.
"Mail for you!" Said Moogi as he gave Bon-Bon a letter.
"Who could of..... It's from....Lanheart..... he mailed me back" Said Bon-Bon as she took the mail.
"Another deed another Kupo Nut!" Said Moogi as he disapper.
"I can't worry about this now I need to fix this thing!" Siad Bon-Bon as she put the letter away. "IF THERE'S ANY ONE INSIDE THE SHIP, YOU BETTER GET OUT BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO DO SOME ALCHEMY!!" Yelled Bon-Bon to anyone in the ship.

OOC: What world should we go to next?


The King Of Bandits
Luca was awokened from his slumber, every nerve in his body tingleing from shock. Someone had yelled something outside. aA slight higher tone in the voice said to him that it was a female."..could it be a trap?" He crept closer to the doorway to the exit of the ship, the darkness of the night still soaking up all of the sky, leaving the clear midnight stars strewn across it. On the ground outside Luca spotted a familiar friend, Bon Bon. He raced outside quickly, his soft small paws crinkleing the dry grass under them, leaving lion cub tracks from the ship all the way over to where bon bon was at." Bon Bon!" Luca screamed as he lept on top of her" I'm so glad your here.." He cuaght himself to make it sound like he had not been scared at all"..becuase i needed help defending the ship if anything happened" He jumped off of her and sat down on the ground, wondering where the others were at."..but.. where is everyone else?" Luca's face lite up, hoping to hear they would be leaving soon and they would all be together again. If only this girl was able to get the ship repaired. Luca stopped to think about how much he really knew about Bon Bon.

He knew virtualy nothing about her. she was just some random girl who appeared in twilight town shortley before their home had been destroyed. he also knew that she had been the one who saved his life when he was weak. If not for her he would be dead probably by now. He began thinking about his other friends as well. Takeshi had always been there to help him train and even though Luca and him had always seemed like rivals and been so competitive towards each other, they were friends still. Then jas. Luca had never really know much about jas. She had kind of just been there. Luca thought of them as friends but couldn't think of what she actualy did for him. He finaly came to the conclusion that she was the one who completed the tripod of friendship that him, takeshi and jas had. also she had always been around, even when takeshi wasn't sometimes. Luca really was thankful for that part, specialy the times when he had been all alone and only jas was there to talk to.

Luca snapped back to reality, pulling himself out of his trance and gazing up at Bon Bon" what were you going to do anyways..?"


New member
"Whoa!" Said Bon-Bon being startled by Luca. "I'm glad you got out I'm about to fix the ship...... wait, were you scared in there?" Said Bon-Bon with a big catty grin. "Well, I need your help Luca. While I'm fixxing the ship I can't be bother, living me wide open for attacks. I need you to garud me while I do this.... can you help me?" Said Bon-Bon to Luca as she walked up to the ship.
Bon-Bon placed her paws in the items she and her friends gather.
"Deamon Seed 30%" Said Bon-Bon as a surge of energy, from the jewel on her forhead, went though her body into the ground.
A light from the moon, beamed down on to the wracked ship, the items slowly meled togather with the ship. Bon-Bon waved her paws threading together the ship, with each wave of her paws the ship begain to look new.
Suddenly while the ship was slowly being repear Heartless apper near Bon-Bon.
"Luca, I could really need some help right now!" Said Bon-Bon as she concentrated on the reparing of the ship.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji rushed forward and prepared his own spell. He came up behind Bon-Bon and placed his paws around her forehead, over her Demon Seed. He closed his eyes and focused on transfering every negative emotion she felt to him. He even began to draw out some of the Demon Seed's effects, lowing it's percentage of development. This was a double-edged sword though. As Soji drew out the development of the Demon Seed, his body began to change also. Slowly, black lines began to cross his body and his blue eyes turned red. In almost slow motion, his teeth melted and became sharper. He didn't leave his animal form, but he came extremely close. Especially as a long, sharp horn began to grow from just above the Heart of Twilight. He winced slightly in pain as he absorbed negativity from Bon-Bon. But something had to replace that lost energy, and so Soji gave up large amounts of his power. The more to complete this alchemy...


New member
Bon-Bon had her eyes closed, hey the deamon seed.... i feels lighter...
The Heratless charged at Bon-Bon and Soji.
Bon-Bon open her eyes, "STAY BACK!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as a blasted of energy wipped out the group of Heartless.
The is now glowing with mana energy, "It's almost done" Said Bon-Bon as she noticed Soji, "Soji, its too much for you!"
Bon-Bon quickly stop the alchemy, but the ship is now complete of its repares. Bon-Bon's legs felt like jello as she slowly began to black out, "I call this new ship....Gummi..." Said Bon-Bon as she collapsed out of using too much energy.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled as he stared down at her. She did well. He placed another paw on her forehead and transfered much of his energy into her, nearly all of it. He only retained the energy he knew she couldn't use, which would be his natural demon energies. He picked her up gently with his mouth and carried her onto the newly finished ship. He opened her door using a special technique with his eyes and carried her to her bed. Again, he manipulated the room with his eyes so it would fill with snow, exactly the way it was when he entered the ship. He nuzzled her face with his nose and then left the room, sealing it behind him. Stalking quietly, he snuck out of the ship and set off at a fast pace away from it. It was now that he would be forced to leave Bon-Bon and the others. He had to train if he ever wanted to protect his friends from the fight ahead...


New member
"Wha...what happen." Said Bon-Bon as she slowly awaken, " How did get in to the ship!" Said Bon-Bon as she jumpped up, "ow" Bon-Bon now relised it was Soji that helped her... his sent was evry where. "Oh, some one ran the 07 porgram." Said Bon-Bon as she looked up at the snow.
"The letter i got from Lanherat!" Said Bon-Bon as she began to slowly remeber.
Bon-Bon quicly puul out the letter and opened it.
As she read it the smile she had on her face slowly turn into sadness, tears began to flow from her eyes.
Bon-Bon shook off the tears, "I....I...can't..." Said Bon-Bon as she slowly dropped the letter, "....DAMN..DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMNIT!!!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she pound her paw into her bed.
Bon-Bon jumpped off her bed and placed the letter in her desk, "Fine, I wont have trubble with freezing my herat any more, SSS stop program 07." Said Bon-Bon as she walked out of her room.
Her room changed back to normal, on the letter it said this:


I'm sick of playing warroirs in that little world, it is now time for me to take hold of my destiny.
I need to become stronger, i don't care how.... even if I have to sell my soul.. i will become stronger.

PS. I am also sick of playing this love game with you, stop try to find me. I never wanted to be found. Didn't you learn that when I almost killed you at the plant....good bye and the next time we meet you'll be my pet Kuybii.

On this letter was tear stanes but not from Bon-Bon, but from Lanheart.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Can we come in the ship now?' said Jas iretatedley,siting on the ground out-side the ship.She got up and started walking into the ship.'Huh? What's that?' she said as she herd Bon-Bon. She ran to Bon-Bon's room and right past the letter. 'Bon-Bon? Is that you?'. She saw Bon-Bon walk out of the room.Sup with her?

Jas walked through the ship and to her room.'uhh, I think ill just lay down on my bed...' She said as she trotted over to her bed. She jumped up on her bed and tryed to go to sleep, but she couldent. She cept thinking of the mettle plate thingy near her heart and the dream she had.'I think i'll go get some fresh air' She said as she jumed of her bed and out of the ship.

Jas was running out of the area to Pride Rock. When she said she needed fresh air, it was only a cover-up for her to go see if her dream was true. Then she stoped.'Am i having a dream or am I realy seeing this lion on pride rock?' She said, walking up to the lion.'Hello, I'm Simba' said the lion.'Umm...'Jas started looking around herself, watching out for anyone that come's to push her of Pride Rock.'uhh, I'm Jas. I found the mettle my fater told you to give me. So it's realy no use trying to give me it or show me were it is or stuff li.. hey!'the next thing she new was that she was falling, falling of Pride Rock about to hit the ground...

Jas was laying on the ground, very hurt too.She had her eye's closed and she herd attaking from Pride Rock.'RAARRWWW'she herd from a lion she dident know the voice to as some green stuff went around her and went into her extreamley fast wich healed her. 'Huh? What was that' She mutterd to herself. She looked up and saw a pich black lion falling from Pride Rock. She wanted to know why a lion was falling of the big rock. The lion hit the ground, and she new who it was. It had red eye's and she rememberd the boy she helped ascape.'Yob! Why are you following me?' she said with her paw's on each other, claw's out.'I keep changing' said the boy.'I have realy alway's been changing, I was good at the cellar and was bad at the dark room, I was good in the ship and bad here.' He said, with an evil grin. Jas got her paw and scrached the boy's face and throught.'I'm not going to help you any more!' said Jas as she ran back to the ship and jumped on her bed.

'Why cant I have a nomal life?'she said to herself as she layed on her bed and went to sleep.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi lashed out at the Hyenna who attacked him, hitting it in the shin. He was in the middle of the forest. There were trees all around him and he couldn't see the path, so he decided to fight. The Hyenna swiped a paw at him, but it was deflected with ease by the keyblade. Takeshi waited for a chance to attack, dodging and battin away any attempts to harm him.

Then the oppurtunity came. The Hyenna was tiring, and there were pauses in his attacks now. Takeshi noticed this and prepared to strike. He waited until after the Hyenna's next attack, the rolled behind him and gashed it's back legs then rolled back to the front and met the animals neck with a quick slash from his keyblade.


New member
Bon-Bon didn't noticed Jas as she walked out of the room, she was too cought up in her thoughts.
Bon0Bon soon relized that see walked herself outside, "Where's Soji?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around. Bon-Bon was worried about Soji sinced he grabed onto her jewel. "Well, knowing him he'll show up soon and I'll might have to heal him." Said Bon-Bon in a joking maner.
Bon-Bon was tring to cheer herself up, but it didn't work. Bon-Bon looked up into the sky and stared at the full moon.
Why..... why is he so determed to get power?....... he nevered loved me... all those memories were fake.... it nevered happed.
Bon-Bon was wrapped up in her thoughts agian, she jumps on top of the ship that was bacsking in the glow of the full moon.
Bon-Bon just looked up into the moon and just sang a sarrowful tune. As Bon-Bon sang snow began to fall.
Well I'm not suprise..... I am songstress of a sanow village


The King Of Bandits
Luca picked himself up off the dry ground at last, the nights sky still hanging over head as it had so many other nights in twilight town. No matter what he had done he had always seemed to be in the way, or useless. No matter how much he trained, no matter how nice he was, he oculdn't do anything. When the heartless had appeared near bo bon he had been frozen with fear, being in his current form he was not able to do much anyways. he had been scared. The viger and courage he had shown while defending his home was gone for some reason. He was diffrent. Being stuck in the form of a lion cub didn't help things either.He thought he was doing a good job of hiding his fear from the others, always making up some excuse or another to make up for his mistake. His thoughts were stuck on the subject and his body was growing weak, after all he didnt have the endurance of an older lion so there was only so much he could do. Another cool breeze swept through the opening in the jungle where the hsip had crashed, Making every nerve in Lucas body jump. He closed his eyes and began to walk slowly onto the ship, ignoring anyone who might try to talk to him and shuting his door, closing the lock after it shut. he climbed onto his bed and curled up, thinking about everything that was wrong." ..there all gone..were all alone.. i dont want to die alone.." Luca stopped a tear that had formed on his face and shook it off..

"...Thats why im not going to die..i know that we are awll gonna be ok..we are gonna get the guy behind this.."

In spite of all that had happened in the moment, all the hardships they have had so far already, all the things he had neglected to do for his friends..and letting everyone down at home, Luca had managed to find a certain strength in himself. Suddenly he had become stronger. The young luca who had only moments ago been so afraid of everything was now gone, leaving only the raw emotion of a mentaly destroyed man. He looked down at his keyblade which lie on the ground in his room"..Oathkeeper.." he whispered under his breath"..I will keep my oath...i promise.."Luca closed his eyes and smiled for the first time in days... able to be at ease with himself, knowing with his abilities, he would defend his friends to his dying breath, and in the end would sacrifice his very being in order to save them.

Closing his eyes, luca fell back asleep, curling up tight and falling asleep in almost seconds...A smile on his face.


New member
"Welp, that's that's" Said Bon-Bon trying to whip herself out of her funk.
The snow that was falling had soon stop as did Bon-Bon singing. Suddenlly Bon-Bon noticed something out the corner of her eye. It was one single heartless, but it seemed it haven't noticed Bon-Bon yet, "I bet if i can fallow it, it can take me to the key hole of this world." Wisppered Bon-Bon as she jumped off the ship.
Bon-Bon gentlly landed in the shadows behinded the Heartless.
Bon-Bon tails swifty move right to left as she quitely fallowed the Heartless.
It seems to be heading for Pride Rock....

ooc: Don't we need to find the keyhole of this world so we can lock it, safe from the heratless?


The King Of Bandits
ooc: oh yeah.. XD

Lucas ears perked up as he spotted a single heartless outside the ship. there was something odd about it. Luca looked glanced out his east window to see bon bon following yet another heartless that was all alone"...i'm sure she will be fine..i'll investigate this one while she follows that one" Luca bounded out of the ship and broke into a run, scaring the heartless, making it break into a run, heading straight for pride rock..only heading a diffrent path in the jungle" Damit..i'm gonna have to follow him" He quickened his steps, going even faster then before in order to keep up with the heartless. His pelt rustled in the wind as it sped past him, his paws leaving deep imprints on the ground from where he had been putting so much power into each step. The heartless showed no sign of letting up as it exited the thicket of trees and gained speed while it stepped onto the open plains. "...damit..if i dont speed up im going to lose it!" By this time they had reached the inner part of the plains, heartless poping up everywhere around luca, one coming up after he killed another. He kept up his speed and stayed with the heartless, pouncing on through every new Heartless that popped up and getting closer to what appeared to be the destination.


New member
Bon-Bon quickly moved from one shadow to another fallowing the heartless, soon the Heartless stop. Both Bon-Bon ahd the Heartless was behinde Pride Rock, Come on show me the keyhole....
Just then the Heartless began to disapper, "No wait!" Said Bon-Bon as she ran from the shadows were she hid.
But by time she could catch up the Heartless was already gone. "Crap!" Said Bon-Bon as she looked around for the keyhole.
Sunddenlly a swarm of Heartless apper, "This was a trap!" Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out her keyblade.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
Takeshi headed back to the ship at the sound of battle. When he got there he saw the heartless everywhere, and Luca and Bon-bon standing in the middle. He came up from behind the heartless, using his keyblade to take out most of the ones in his way.

He reached the middle of the area, where Luca and Bon-bon were, and helped to defend the ship. "What are we supposed to dom the keep coming from everywhere?!"

OOC:the keyhole, hmm i wonder where it could be?


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas woke up to find everyone gone. 'Oh no...Theve been taken!' She said,as she got of her bed and streached. 'Ok, calm down... You can alway's find your friends Jas' She told herself. Jas ran from the ship and looked around her, she saw a group of heartless, then anouther group of heartless and then there were heartless all around her. 'Ok, how am I ment to hold two keyblades?'she said to heaself, then the keyblades were both in her mouth just... They were merged. 'Huh? I had two keyblades! Oh, wattever!'. Jas attaked 5 heartless in one time and killed them, but the attake she used with the keyblade was different from eny one she ever saw... She threw the keyblade and it divided into two! 'Wow, cool!' Jas kept slashing at the heartless until about 25 heartless grabed her and then she blacked out...

'Were... were am I?' Jas got up, she was still in the lion king world... but there were animals and wild life there and... something bright on the ground near a water hole. 'What am I seeing?' she asked herself. Then she saw what happend. All these heartless came to the world and destroid it. Then, she was suddenley out of that day dream and back in the real world... Heartless heading towords her. 'I think I found the key hole..' she said,thinking of the water hole and were she was and...'OH NO!' she yelled 'The key hole might be under the ship! The heartless proberbley knew we were going to land there!' said Jas as she started diging under the ship to find the key hole. Then she found herself under the ship. 'It's pretty cosey in here' she said as she looked for the key hole. She herd something barging in the hole she dug... She just made a trap for herself. 'Keyblade's! Hit the heartless on atto mode!' she said as the keyblades were hitting the heartless them selfs. 'Time to find the keyhole' she said as she crawled around.


New member
"Whoa, how did I get back to the ship?" Said Bon-Bon as she foght off some Heartless. She noticed Jas digging under the ship, "What is s-?" Said Bon-Bon be for she sinced somthing, "The keyhole.....WHAT YOU MEAN TO TELL ME WE LANDED ON IT!" Yelled Bon-Bon with anger.
The Heartless were swarming in, Bon-Bon killed many, but twice as more came back, "That's it i'm getting board!" Said Bon-Bon as she put some disstance away from the Heartless. "Frozen Heart!" Siad Bon-Bon as she ponited her keyblade at all the Heartless.
Another cool waved went though her body, just like back at Twilight Town, but more powerful. A shock wave of pure cold blastted out of Bon-Bon's body freezing every Heartless there. "Take that!" Said Bon-Bon as she held her Keyblade.
Just then more Heartless apper, but they didn't attack the gourp, they murjed into one giant Heartless. Why do I have a short temper.....


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself in front of the ship, standing with his keyblade in his mouth" Bon bon, go get the ship ready for take off." Luca looked back and winked at her" It's my turn to defend you guys now..." He dashed quickly at the huge heartless which had formed near the ship, barely evading the giant fist slamminginto the ground beside him while he ran up closer to the being.thoughts raced through his mind. Was he actualy going to do this? what if he couldn't defeat it? Suddenly Luca felt a rumble beside him and jumped onto the giant arm that had slammed into the ground. Quickly he bolted up the arm towards the head of the creature" long as im fighting for my close people... i can't lose" Luca felt as if he slowed down for a moment and was moving in slowy motion. He raced around the back side of the nexk of the heartless , draging his keyblade beside him, cutting the giant heartless before jumping off and landing on his feet perfectly then looking back at bon bon." ..what are you waiting on! get on the ship!" Quickly, as if out of nowhere he felt his entire body being thrown through the air. As he crashed into the side of the ship he was unable to catch himself and hit the ground hard, leaving an imprint of his small fury body."..I'm not giving up that easy" He whispered to himself, jumping off the ground and racing towards the beast again. This time he jumped past the arm of the heartless, puting a clean slice on it and watching the dark ooze pour out of it before almost being hit again.

Everything that luca had tuaght himself, all the training and countless hours of practicing were falling into place. maybe all the pain and exhuastion he had endured were paying off finaly."..I will not be defeated.." He began by slicing again on the arm of the creature and being knocked back to the ship again. " a creature..." He climbed to his feet and regained himself before preparing for his next attack"..whos only goal in it's life.." Luca found himself racing towards the creature again, his bac kbleeding from when he had been thrown into the ship multiple times."...Is to destroy mine..." Luca was running full speed and felt a tiny burst of energy while he screamed, jumping into the creatures face and preparing to attack"..I wont have it! Die!" He rammed his keyblade into the creatures face and collapsed as it fell to the ground. He had used up most of the energy he was able to use while in lion cub form and was becoming exhuasted quickly now. He smiled and began to walk back to the ship which appeared to be beging luanche sequences or something.

" I wont let anyone hurt my friends..not you...not anyone.." Suddenly hundreds of more heartless popped up, forming two giant heartless this time. Luca smiled and readied his key blade" Bring it on.."Luca felt his body being thrown against the ship and being smashes by the other heartless. He was now bleeding from his mouth, both his back legs and his back.. He smiled again. Barely able to stand up off the ground and stay balanced"..I already said it once..I wont let anyone hurt my friends..Not you..." He readied his keyblade, barely able to move"...NOT ANYONE!!!"


New member
Luca don't die on me...Bon-Bon rushed into the ship, "SSS, prepare for take off, at speeds of 'LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!'" Said Bon-Bon as press the buttons on the central deck.
"Yes, Ma'm" Said the computer as the engine started up.
"Don't take off until I say." Said Bon-Bon
"Yes, Ma'm" Said the computer.
Bon-Bon rushed back outside to see that there are two giant Heartless, Jas was still under the ship trying to get at the keyhole.
Wait, sinced I did alchemy at that spot the keyhole might by in the ship.
"JAS, TRY LOOKING FOR THE KEYHOLE IN THE SHIP!!"Yelled Bon-Bon, trying to let Jas hear what she saying over the sound of the engines.
"Don't worry Luca I'm coming!" Said Bon-Bon as she charged at the two heartless with her keyblade.
Where's Takeshi and Soji?

Radical Dreamer

Gothic Heartless
Apr 22, 2006
In the shadows
"Stupid kids and there games," says Heero on his way to work. "****, I'm late again." "Where the hell have you been," said Mr.Kurada. Heero stands there silently, again in his sad lonlines as the night soon aproaches. Again no customers where is everyboody ****. The cops rushed abruptly." What the ****," said Heero. " Your under arest for massacre of Unit 7-B." The head cop grabbing Heero's arm nearly beraking it. Quickly grabbing his short Karayan knife Heero slashed off the cop's head."Get him," said the cop without even having the slightest remorse for the captain. Heero now having the most sinaccle grin on his face pulled out his broad sword. " Let me make a bloody horrowshow out of these veck," quoted Heero. "shut the hell up." At that very moment not even realizing Heero killed all the bloody cops. "Don't I know you," said the cop . "Your Father was Jin Relana?" "Yes?" Hehhe. "You Son of a *****," said Heero with a sedestic look on his horrorshow of a face. It was then Heero pulled out his father's Britva and then Heero's vendetta was almost finished. Then Heero pulled out a cancer and started smoking. "Bloody Vesch," our naive friend qouted. "Well guess the military will be after me now." As a great man once quoted " If I die today so be it, If the world ends let it rain blood and tears. I shall face it with a horrorshow of a laugh." Damn I rembered I will now have fresh competition since some Keybladers are becoming military dogs. "Let it be." Maybe I should ask Takeshi what to do. I heard well with my telekinetic abilities Takeshi is also a keyblader. I guess by now the heartless have attacked those poor kids thought Heero. "Well now I guess I have to kill them when this is all over. I feel horrible that they were drawn into this horrorshow of a war." Damn........What the hell I feel weak......... It was then Heero was taken by the militia. "What the ****.........What the Hell is goin on." " Your the one the government wanted the "experiment" HAhaha," said this keyblader. "Your one of the God Bladers?!" "Correct."
"Let's end this charade and finish this!," said Heero. The mysterious key bearer brought a majestic Keyblade. At this point the battle began! Starting with Heero jumping and dodging all of the bearers attacks. "Goddamn bloody veck." "By the way my good friend shall call me the "Yearner" HaHa." It was then Heero brought his blade and started to take the offensive. The environmet was bleak cold and enwrapped in darkness except for those two. The battle was like an endless Waltz as if they knew each other's movements.
Heero knew he couldn't win sadly. "Dammit..." Yearner threw the key bade into Heero killing him.
"Get up Child." "Get UP!" Heero had entered a state of mind of which he had to make a choice. A voice shouted,"Choose your keyblade my child." "**** YOU. I am my own Swordsman I hated all Keybladers since I was born and when I die I do not want to be judged by your laws. " "So be it"
"I am ready for you Yearner," cried out Heero. He then pulled out two broadswords. "Let my supreme power reigneth on thou." Yearner started attacking but Heero evaded his attacks with ease. Heero created a double mirage around Yearner thus confusing him. Yearner tried slashing through all the mirages. From the darkness Heero came out puttin the sword across Yearner's neck. "Have you ever danced with the devil? Now you have." Yearner then died.

The one to th left is his
-Heero's new weapons
Right, now what do I do. The only thing I can possibly do actually is cast teleport. So be it if I must, "Teleport!"
Where am I? Why do I feel like this? Who is behind all of this? Can this be a grand dream? Is this how I shall begin my journey? In the darkness? In my light? My hate? " Wrong child."
"Stop putting me in this state!!" "Wrong this s the end of time; Well at least your end of time" "Yeah right" "Don't fool yourself child; I am the cancer of this place. Your not dead your magic just ****ed up sadly."
"What the hell" " You shall train with me for a few years" the man said with a smirk like voice. "My name is Magus , so how are you?" "I'm pissed and you?" said Heero in a sarcastic way. " The workout consists of 10 years worth work in a short time of 2 human days The time has passed."Thank you Magus for the power of ninjutsu and the magic summoning abilities." "Child I have taght you nothing compared to your true powers, sadly you must leave to continue your life."
"I have a question were you the voice that talked to me then?" "No he you will soon meet good day Hahha." In that moment Heero had fallen in Nature's "Heart."
" So your the friend Magus talked about?!" "What of it?" Even though Heero knew that this woman was nature's fruit one of the Dream Blader's. "Stop with this procrastination let's end this" "Question why do thou hate Keybladers?" " You were hired to kill me not talk" " Quick to the point I see! Let's Dance FOOL!" Heero jumped to evade her attack and throwing a shuriken without thinking cutting only vines trees and some of the surroundings. "Missed child oh and call me "Lust"
"Did I really miss my target?" said Heero with a quizzical sound. Heero quickly doged all of the attacks with out fault. The only problem was the moisture and the heat. Let me end this now. Without hesitation Heero called out,"nrub" and the terain quickly burned down. "What?!" "You see I know alot about your style that Keyblade in particular is powered by the environment and now it is useless." With that Heero pulled out his gun and shooting it to the heart burning up the in organs at a medium speed."Die slowly and remember me; Good Day!" With that Heero disappeared.
(Missing Piece)
"Where the hell am I?" "The end of time you were nearly dead." "that man you fought used the image of myself to fool you" "I know" "What!" I knew the moves that Magus uses but he never would own a pathetic keyblade. But that man was not the Dreamer for he would only use the conjurer in his fighting. Who was he? I can only imagine the extent that he can do with the keyblade. "That was well the man was my son."
"Your kidding right?" "No" I couldn't or I wouldn't say anything more. I could see the hurt in his dark cold eyes. "I wish for you to continue your journey boy if thy must kill him you must. For destiny may have to be with a lost but in this life it shall be my lost. Good Day" I didn't want to say or do anything but I must leave. "Teleport"
"You have come back my son?" "Shut the **** up now! and don't insult your father like that; now tell me who sent you?" "I also share a goal in killing all the keybladers. You know I can kill you. I listened to your thoughts in our previous encounter. Let it be die!""Death will kill you," frantically screamed Heero. He then pulled out his two enhanced Broadswords. "Dual Dance? eh....Let it be!" The swords clashed clingind to the bearers as everything grew bleaker and darker.
What's happening my body feels weaker ah...damn.....I think I am going to faint......
Why is this kid slowing down? "What's your name by the way," Heero said trying hard to put up his guard."It's Hikaru" "Well go to hell Hikaru," said Heero knocking one of the blades out of his hand leaving himself open.Hikaru stabbed Heero falling silently to the floor.
"Birth By Sleep Ironic that's how he began....."
OOC-This is my whole story til now