Kingdom Hearts: Fountian of the Souls


New member
Bon-Bon charged at the giant heartless, she jumped hign in the air and landed on one of the giants head. The other Heartless swung at her, Bon-Bon jumped in time to miss the hit but it did hit the other Heartless.
"Ha, your mother was the Queen love and friend ship!" Tanted Bon-Bon as she smashed down on one of the Heartless with her Keyblade.
One of the giant heartless grabed Bon-Bon and threw her into a rock, Bon-Bon felt the impacted and fell to the ground. Bon-Bon just shook it off.
"No one throws me!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she charged the Heartless.
"Dimond Storm!" Yelled Bon-Bon as shardes of ice shred though the two Heartless
I'm not running away ...I can't...... I have friends to protect...


The King Of Bandits
Luca watched Bon bon get thrown into the rocks and get back up, giving him the strength to stand straight for the moment. Luca started to run, fresh blood still oozing out of his newly made wounds. he stumbled for a moment and looked over at Bon Bon who was about to attack. out of the corner of his eyes he spotted another heartless rising out of the ground behind bon bon, a giant one. After we close the keyhole we should be safe...whatever that is. his his thoughts roamed as he started to rush towards bon bon, gaining speed quickly. He knew there was virtualy nothing he could do, he was all out of energy. " I have to help her...she cant take on three of them alone.." Luca screamed from the pain and pushed himself to pick up even more speed. He screamed at the top of his lungs, crying out in pain while he kept gaining speed and finaly lept into the air. There was something tingeling in him, an odd feeling that he was missing something. He had not tried everything. Thinking back he had tried basic combat moves which were pretty much all he could do at the moment. It was the only thing he had mastered. The feeling inside him was saying diffrent. He left a trail of blood behind his body, flying through the air at the heartless quicker then he had ever seen anyone move. He pointed his keyblade at the heartless and closed his eyes" Bon Bon look out!" He barely missed the girl, hitting the heartless directly. time seemed to stop as he screamed the words of the technique he had worked so hard to master. He had never been able to accomplish it before but for some reason, something in him told him to try it.

"...Locu nexus Philigan!!"

He saw the hreatless begin to light up, light breaking through the hole he had plunged his keyblade into the beast through. His eyes closed as he was thrown away from the monster by the attack , knocking him into a tree and leaving him on the edge of the opening to the forest. the last thing he saw was light pertruding through cracks in the heartless and it falling to pieces behind bon bon. Soon after he closed his eyes and began to breath heavily. his wounds were harsh, blood everywhere but somehow he found a way to climb back to his feet and start to limp towards the entrance to the ship. He fell to his knees holding his shoulder and started crawling to the ship. He knew he had accomplished something big there, killing two of the giant heartless monsters, one of which in only one hit, and succesfully using the technique which he had practiced for so long. He smiled and looked over at bon bon, having faith she would kill the other two heartless giants by herself. Luca held his keyblade in his hands as he leaned against the side of the ship, just inside the door, bleeding heavily yet again. He smiled, knowing that even if he had not helped , he knew he was able to defend his friends if the situation called for it...even if it was with his life...


New member
Bon-Bon was shock to see her friend, Luca do such things for her.
"Oh my gods, Luca!" Said Bon-Bon as she saw him fall next to the ship. The blood from Luca's wounds filled the air.
"YOU HURT MY FRIEND, HOW DARE YOU!" Histed Bon-Bon as she faced the two Giant Heartless.
Bon-Bon's swirls of emotions gave her more eadge, Bon-Bon quickly moved in a water like motion to attack the Heartless. She leaped high in the air over one of the Giants and threw her Keyblade down. The Keyblade thrust it self into the Heartless, while Bon-Bon softly landed on the shoulder of the other Heartless and took a huge bite at its neck.
Bon-Bon brunged the Heartless giant to it knees, Bon-Bon then ripped out the Heartless neck and then jumped on the other Heartless. Bon-Bon grabed her keyblade which was stuck in the Heartless head, "Frozen Heart!" Yelled Bon-Bon as a cool energy surge though her body and into the Heartless.
Bon-Bon then pulled out her Keyblade and quickly jumped over to Luca, both Giant Heartless laid lifless on the ground and then soon dissapated into a black mist.
"Luca, you foght really good." Said Bon-Bon as she looked over to Luca.
"Soothing Rain!" Said Bon-Bon as she used her healing spell on Luca.
"There your wounds are all gone, but hurry we need to find the keyhole." Said Bon-Bon as she rushed into the ship.
Where are you Takeshi, it's almost time for us to go....... and Soji.... I don't since him anymore...

ooc:I think the next world should be a Stop Station planet.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
Jas was crawling around why her keyblade's were coming back into there holder's.
'Yes,finaly!' said Jas as she found the keyhole. Jas pointed her keyblade at the keyhole and a yellow light shot through the keyblade... Click Click..and sealed the key hole. Jas wasnt paying to much atenshion to her friends out of the hole, she was more caught in the exitement of her sealing the keyhole. ' keyblade,a conviniount way out of her please..' Said Jas as she looped her paw's through the handle's of the keyblade and the keyblade went out of the hole with her.

Jas was standing geting awarded by the lion she tallked to before. Now all the animals were back and roming free. 'Well, I got to leave with my friends soon, they should be here soon to get there award!' Jas said as she ran to the ship. 'Oh no!' Jas saw a black thing merging from the ground...But it wasent a heartless, it was a cople of black bug's together. 'Wow, my time here, it was so fun!' she said as she looked at the red line's on her back. 'Well, that tell's me that i need to re-streik my heir when i get in human form..' she said as she looked at the plate now coftorbley in her chest, obviesley close to her heart.
Jas got out her keyblade's and merged them together again. She put them on the ground. Hover! she said geting on the keyblade's and riding them in the ship. 'Ok, that's enouth play for me'. she said with a giggle.


New member
Bon-Bon was now on the ship waiting for every one, Bon-Bon then sinced something. She looked out the window and was suprised to see the planet was back to normal.
"Oh, Wow this place is just like what I remebered it." Said Bon-Bon as she walked out to the main deck.
Wait, since every thing is back to normal..... Temon and Pummba will be looking for there bugs...
Bon-Bon poked her head out the door, "OKAY, EVERY ONE WE FIXED THIS PLANET, ITS TIME TO GO!" Yelled Bon-Bon, trying to get every one on the ship.
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New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'Aww, But i wanna play with the lion cub's!' moned Jas as she jumped around and looked at Bon-Bon with scratches on her face from the cub's playing with her. 'Look at the cute little things!' She said, putting a paw out to one and looking at it. 'I have to go now, ok. Hopefully I can come back and play some time' Said Jas as she walked to the ship and inside it. 'Well,that was an exasting two day's' she said laying on her bed but then jumping of again strait away. 'I might go have a shower' she said as she walked to ask Bon-Bon were the sower was.
'Umm,were's the shower in this ship, Bon-Bon?She asked


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
'I WANNA BE HUMAN!' she yelled to Bon-Bon but still staring at Takeshi
'Umm,I think you were a lion...'Said Jas, looking at her hair with no strieks in her little pocket miror wich was now shatored to pieces. 'Hey, Takeshi, i wanna tell you something...' she said looking at the piece of mettle in her chest. 'I found this piece of mettle in the water hole, my dad told a lion called Simba to give it to me if i ever go any were. I have it were he told me to have it...Near my heart. I fell of the big rock that one of the cub's said it was called Pride Rock in my dream and it realy happend! It has healing power's and I think my dad might of put some future seeing magic in there...It's all just weird!'She looked at Takeshi's face to see his exprechin.'Well,do you think it's weird?'
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New member
"You were probly in your room having a dream." Said Bon-Bon to Takeshi
"With all this crazy stuff that happen" Said Bon-Bon to Jas as she pushes buttons.
"BLAST OFF!!" Yelled Bon-Bon as the ship took of into space.
Bon-Bon quickly changed back into her human form, "ah, much better." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at her self.
"SSS, next stop Grap's Place!" Said Bon-Bon with exsitement.
"Yes Ma'm" Said the main CPU as it swich to auto-polit.
"It'll take awhile before we reach the Osen Planet, you can look around the new ship if you want.... just don't push any buttons." Said Bon-Bon as she looked out the main window. "Oh, and Luca is in the sick bay."
Soji I hope we'll meet agian....


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
ooc:What happend to Soji?

'Well,i'm bord,got anything exiting like...hmmm,game's or something?'Said Jas as she walked into her room and layed on the bed.Why don't you try the computer?You never used it before... said a little voice in Jas's head. 'Ok, umm iv seen Bon-Bon do this..'she said thinking of what it would be called.'I know!Umm,Computer Gameing room please!' she said to the computer,but nothing happend.

Jas was bord, thinking of mind game's and other wasting time game's to play .'Hmm, Ah!Say all the words you know!Umm:Bon-Bon,Takeshi,Jas...Pride rock'

.:5 min's latter:.

'Uhh,mettle...?Jas...crap i said them two.I give up!' she said as she got of the bed and walked out of the room


New member
"Where is every one?" Said Bon-Bon looking around, "Oh well as long as they don't touch buttons i'm okay"
Bon-Bon contenue to look for her missing item, "Ah, I found it!" Said Bon-Bon as she pulled out a box.
"I hope they don't find my memory room..... that'll tell them stuff they need not know." Said Bon-Bon as she took the box into her room, "No worries they can't get in with out the password."
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji ran across the plains at an incredible speed. His training would be far too simple on this world, but he knew of a place to go. This world was now completely destroyed save one peice of floating rock. This rock happened to hold the Gate to Hell. If Soji could manage to open it, he would be able to enter a realm where space and time don't matter, only pain and hardships. It would be here that he could hone the darkness in his heart. Only then could he grow to truely be strong. He looked back as the ship took off. He had to be able to protect them in the battles to come. It is without doubt that his brother would master the Primary Form and then Soji wouldn't be able to stand a chance. Not unless he trained for years.

He increased his speed ten fold as he pushed his body further. Again, black lines began to cross his fur as he tapped into the power of his Secondary Form for extra speed. He needed to reach a velocity greater than five world's gravity. He came to the ruined Pride Rock and rippled around it with an amazing speed. He heard a confused lion get thrown past from his backlash. The earth was rippling beneath his speed and suddenly the earth was there. The planet's barrier shatter as he blasted through it and was thrown into space.

A rainbow of trapped energy swirled around him as he travelled. It protected him from the dangers of space and even provided oxygen. He rippled past and even noticed a ship flicker to his side for a second. He couldn't help noticing it looked remarkably like the ship he was supposed to be on. Seconds later he had reached the end of the universe. And there stood the fragment. All that was left. His world had been the connector of the universe. It had supplied the connection for both ends, making the universe like a sphere instead of the plain it was now. There should have been a Gate of Heaven too, but that was destroyed. Now Soji had nowhere to go but to the gate. He approached it and placed a hand on it, eyes closed. A ripple of power flowed out of his hand and the gate sprang to life.


New member
Jul 25, 2006
In your roof.. FEED ME!
OOC:Umm, what's in the room that Takeshi is taking Jas into?

Jas followed Takeshi to the entrance of the room and walked inside. 'Wow, this is awsome...' she said sarcasticley as she looked around the room. 'Ok, now what do we do?' she asked Takeshi. While she was waiting for him to ansew, she started thinking about the mettle in her. She wanted to show the other's how it's used... 'Hey, Takeshi... wanna see how this healing thingy in me works?

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
"sure, and it works like this." He pressed a button on the wall and the ceiling opened up, showing the universe that was all around them.
"It's funny, you know, none of use can even hope to understand the universe, and yet there are probably millions of people who travel throught it, going to different worlds."
"But who knows, mabey with the keyblade, we can find out what the universe is all about, and then, mabey we will be able to bring back Twilight Town."

OOC: that's whats in the room that i took you to